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Run your favorite chatbot in Zulip!

  1. Install errbot and follow to instructions to set up a config.py.

  2. Check our our Errbot integration package for Zulip Clone this repository somewhere convenient.

  3. Install the requirements listed in errbot-backend-zulip/requirements.txt.

  4. Next, on your {{ settings_html|safe }}, create a bot for {{ integration_display_name }}. Make sure that you select Generic bot as the Bot type.

  5. Download your Zulip bot's zuliprc config file. You will need its content for the next step.

  6. Edit your ErrBot's config.py. Use the following template for a minimal configuration:

     import logging
     BACKEND = 'Zulip'
     BOT_EXTRA_BACKEND_DIR = r'<path/to/errbot-backend-zulip>'
     BOT_DATA_DIR = r'<path/to/your/errbot/data/directory>'
     BOT_EXTRA_PLUGIN_DIR = r'<path/to/your/errbot/plugin/directory>'
     BOT_LOG_FILE = r'<path/to/your/errbot/logfile.log>'
     BOT_LOG_LEVEL = logging.INFO
     BOT_IDENTITY = {  # Fill this with the corresponding values in your bot's `.zuliprc`
       'email': '<err-bot@your.zulip.server>',
       'key': '<abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456>',
       'site': '<http://your.zulip.server>'
     BOT_ADMINS = ('<your@email.address',)
     BOT_PREFIX = '<@**err-bot**>'  # Providing errbot's full name in Zulip lets it respond to @-mentions.

    Sections you need to edit are marked with <>.

  7. Start ErrBot.


Errbot message


  • Rooms in ErrBot are streams in Zulip.