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# Git cheat sheet
See also [fixing commits][fix-commit]
## Common commands
- add
- `git add foo.py`
- checkout
- `git checkout -b new-branch-name`
- `git checkout main`
- `git checkout old-branch-name`
- commit
- `git commit -m "topic: Commit message title."`
- `git commit --amend`: Modify the previous commit.
- config
- `git config --global core.editor nano`
- `git config --global core.symlinks true`
- diff
- `git diff`
- `git diff --cached`
- `git diff HEAD~2..`
- fetch
- `git fetch origin`
- `git fetch upstream`
- grep
- `git grep update_unread_counts`
- log
- `git log`
- pull
- `git pull --rebase`: **Use this**. Zulip uses a [rebase oriented workflow][git-overview].
- `git pull` (with no options): Will either create a merge commit
(which you don't want) or do the same thing as `git pull --rebase`,
depending on [whether you've configured Git properly][git-config-clone]
- push
- `git push origin +branch-name`
- rebase
- `git rebase -i HEAD~3`
- `git rebase -i main`
- `git rebase upstream/main`
- reflog
- `git reflog | head -10`
- remote
- `git remote -v`
- reset
- `git reset HEAD~2`
- rm
- `git rm oops.txt`
- show
- `git show HEAD`
- `git show HEAD~~~`
- `git show main`
- status
- `git status`
## Detailed cheat sheet
- add
- `git add foo.py`: add `foo.py` to the staging area
- `git add foo.py bar.py`: add `foo.py` AND `bar.py` to the staging area
- `git add -u`: Adds all tracked files to the staging area.
- checkout
- `git checkout -b new-branch-name`: create branch `new-branch-name` and switch to/check out that new branch
- `git checkout main`: switch to your `main` branch
- `git checkout old-branch-name`: switch to an existing branch `old-branch-name`
- commit
- `git commit -m "commit message"`: It is recommended to type a
multiline commit message, however.
- `git commit`: Opens your default text editor to write a commit message.
- `git commit --amend`: changing the last commit message. Read more [here][fix-commit]
- config
- `git config --global core.editor nano`: set core editor to `nano` (you can set this to `vim` or others)
- `git config --global core.symlinks true`: allow symbolic links
- diff
- `git diff`: display the changes you have made to all files
- `git diff --cached`: display the changes you have made to staged files
- `git diff HEAD~2..`: display the 2 most recent changes you have made to files
- fetch
- `git fetch origin`: fetch origin repository
- `git fetch upstream`: fetch upstream repository
- grep
- `git grep update_unread_counts web/src`: Search our JS for references to update_unread_counts.
- log
- `git log`: show commit logs
- `git log --oneline | head`: To quickly see the latest ten commits on a branch.
- pull
- `git pull --rebase`: rebase your changes on top of `main`.
- `git pull` (with no options): Will either create a merge commit
(which you don't want) or do the same thing as `git pull --rebase`,
depending on [whether you've configured Git properly][git-config-clone]
- push
- `git push origin branch-name`: push you commits to the origin repository _only if_ there are no conflicts.
Use this when collaborating with others to prevent overwriting their work.
- `git push origin +branch-name`: force push your commits to your origin repository.
- rebase
- `git rebase -i HEAD~3`: interactive rebasing current branch with first three items on HEAD
- `git rebase -i main`: interactive rebasing current branch with `main` branch
- `git rebase upstream/main`: rebasing current branch with `main` branch from upstream repository
- reflog
- `git reflog | head -10`: manage reference logs for the past 10 commits
- remote
- `git remote -v`: display your origin and upstream repositories
- reset
- `git reset HEAD~2`: reset two most recent commits
- rm
- `git rm oops.txt`: remove `oops.txt`
- show
- `git show HEAD`: display most recent commit
- `git show HEAD~~~`: display third most recent commit
- `git show main`: display most recent commit on `main`
- status
- `git status`: show the working tree status, unstaged and staged files
[fix-commit]: fixing-commits.md
[git-config-clone]: cloning.md#step-1b-clone-to-your-machine
[git-overview]: overview.md