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<div id="compose-content">
{{!-- scroll to bottom button is not part of compose but
helps us align it at various screens sizes with
minimal css and no JS. We keep it `position: absolute` to prevent
it changing compose box layout in any way. --}}
<div id="scroll-to-bottom-button-container" aria-hidden="true">
<div id="scroll-to-bottom-button-clickable-area" data-tooltip-template-id="scroll-to-bottom-button-tooltip-template">
<div id="scroll-to-bottom-button">
<i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i>
<template id="scroll-to-bottom-button-tooltip-template">
{{t 'Scroll to bottom' }}
{{tooltip_hotkey_hints "End"}}
<div id="compose_controls" class="new-style">
<div id="compose_buttons">
compose_box: Convert dynamic closed compose box tooltips to tippyjs. This commit converts the dynamic closed_compose_box tooltip to template-based tippy.js tooltips. The functions in the compose_closed_ui.js file are refactored to dynamically change the 'data-tooltip-template-id' attribute according to the situation. The title parameter is removed from the functions in compose_closed_ui.js so that we can change the tooltip within the caller functions themselves, according to the situation. Since there is no way to match the title in existing functions with different languages to change the tooltip attribute dynamically, it is better to change the tooltip attribute within the caller function according to the situation, rather than passing the title as a parameter. In the case of the reply button, we disable it when direct messages are not allowed. However, tippy.js tooltips do not appear in the case of disabled elements, so we have to use the container element around it to show the tooltip. This approach is used in the case of the reply button, where the span element wraps the button. We used to have two titles for the reply button: one is the usual 'Reply to selected message', and the other is for the disabled state. However, in the case of recent conversations, it makes more sense to have a new tooltip title: 'Reply to selected conversation'. To ensure that the tooltip content changes dynamically, it is required to destroy the tooltip instance and then reinitialize it every time. Fixes: #25096
2023-04-13 16:22:02 +02:00
<span class="new_message_button reply_button_container" data-tooltip-template-id="compose_reply_message_button_tooltip_template">
<button type="button" class="button small rounded compose_reply_button"
compose_box: Convert dynamic closed compose box tooltips to tippyjs. This commit converts the dynamic closed_compose_box tooltip to template-based tippy.js tooltips. The functions in the compose_closed_ui.js file are refactored to dynamically change the 'data-tooltip-template-id' attribute according to the situation. The title parameter is removed from the functions in compose_closed_ui.js so that we can change the tooltip within the caller functions themselves, according to the situation. Since there is no way to match the title in existing functions with different languages to change the tooltip attribute dynamically, it is better to change the tooltip attribute within the caller function according to the situation, rather than passing the title as a parameter. In the case of the reply button, we disable it when direct messages are not allowed. However, tippy.js tooltips do not appear in the case of disabled elements, so we have to use the container element around it to show the tooltip. This approach is used in the case of the reply button, where the span element wraps the button. We used to have two titles for the reply button: one is the usual 'Reply to selected message', and the other is for the disabled state. However, in the case of recent conversations, it makes more sense to have a new tooltip title: 'Reply to selected conversation'. To ensure that the tooltip content changes dynamically, it is required to destroy the tooltip instance and then reinitialize it every time. Fixes: #25096
2023-04-13 16:22:02 +02:00
<span class="compose_reply_button_label">{{t 'Compose message' }}</span>
compose_box: Convert dynamic closed compose box tooltips to tippyjs. This commit converts the dynamic closed_compose_box tooltip to template-based tippy.js tooltips. The functions in the compose_closed_ui.js file are refactored to dynamically change the 'data-tooltip-template-id' attribute according to the situation. The title parameter is removed from the functions in compose_closed_ui.js so that we can change the tooltip within the caller functions themselves, according to the situation. Since there is no way to match the title in existing functions with different languages to change the tooltip attribute dynamically, it is better to change the tooltip attribute within the caller function according to the situation, rather than passing the title as a parameter. In the case of the reply button, we disable it when direct messages are not allowed. However, tippy.js tooltips do not appear in the case of disabled elements, so we have to use the container element around it to show the tooltip. This approach is used in the case of the reply button, where the span element wraps the button. We used to have two titles for the reply button: one is the usual 'Reply to selected message', and the other is for the disabled state. However, in the case of recent conversations, it makes more sense to have a new tooltip title: 'Reply to selected conversation'. To ensure that the tooltip content changes dynamically, it is required to destroy the tooltip instance and then reinitialize it every time. Fixes: #25096
2023-04-13 16:22:02 +02:00
<template id="compose_reply_message_button_tooltip_template">
{{t 'Reply to selected message' }}
{{tooltip_hotkey_hints "R"}}
<template id="compose_reply_selected_topic_button_tooltip_template">
{{t 'Reply to selected conversation' }}
{{tooltip_hotkey_hints "R"}}
<template id="compose_reply_button_disabled_tooltip_template">
{{t 'You are not allowed to send direct messages in this organization.' }}
<span class="new_message_button mobile_button_container">
<button type="button" class="button small rounded compose_mobile_button"
<template id="left_bar_compose_mobile_button_tooltip_template">
{{t 'New message' }}
{{tooltip_hotkey_hints "C"}}
<span class="new_message_button stream_button_container">
<button type="button" class="button small rounded compose_stream_button"
compose_box: Convert dynamic closed compose box tooltips to tippyjs. This commit converts the dynamic closed_compose_box tooltip to template-based tippy.js tooltips. The functions in the compose_closed_ui.js file are refactored to dynamically change the 'data-tooltip-template-id' attribute according to the situation. The title parameter is removed from the functions in compose_closed_ui.js so that we can change the tooltip within the caller functions themselves, according to the situation. Since there is no way to match the title in existing functions with different languages to change the tooltip attribute dynamically, it is better to change the tooltip attribute within the caller function according to the situation, rather than passing the title as a parameter. In the case of the reply button, we disable it when direct messages are not allowed. However, tippy.js tooltips do not appear in the case of disabled elements, so we have to use the container element around it to show the tooltip. This approach is used in the case of the reply button, where the span element wraps the button. We used to have two titles for the reply button: one is the usual 'Reply to selected message', and the other is for the disabled state. However, in the case of recent conversations, it makes more sense to have a new tooltip title: 'Reply to selected conversation'. To ensure that the tooltip content changes dynamically, it is required to destroy the tooltip instance and then reinitialize it every time. Fixes: #25096
2023-04-13 16:22:02 +02:00
<span class="compose_stream_button_label">{{t 'New topic' }}</span>
compose_box: Convert dynamic closed compose box tooltips to tippyjs. This commit converts the dynamic closed_compose_box tooltip to template-based tippy.js tooltips. The functions in the compose_closed_ui.js file are refactored to dynamically change the 'data-tooltip-template-id' attribute according to the situation. The title parameter is removed from the functions in compose_closed_ui.js so that we can change the tooltip within the caller functions themselves, according to the situation. Since there is no way to match the title in existing functions with different languages to change the tooltip attribute dynamically, it is better to change the tooltip attribute within the caller function according to the situation, rather than passing the title as a parameter. In the case of the reply button, we disable it when direct messages are not allowed. However, tippy.js tooltips do not appear in the case of disabled elements, so we have to use the container element around it to show the tooltip. This approach is used in the case of the reply button, where the span element wraps the button. We used to have two titles for the reply button: one is the usual 'Reply to selected message', and the other is for the disabled state. However, in the case of recent conversations, it makes more sense to have a new tooltip title: 'Reply to selected conversation'. To ensure that the tooltip content changes dynamically, it is required to destroy the tooltip instance and then reinitialize it every time. Fixes: #25096
2023-04-13 16:22:02 +02:00
<template id="new_topic_message_button_tooltip_template">
{{t 'New topic' }}
{{tooltip_hotkey_hints "C"}}
<template id="new_stream_message_button_tooltip_template">
{{t 'New stream message' }}
{{tooltip_hotkey_hints "C"}}
{{#unless embedded }}
<span class="new_message_button private_button_container">
<button type="button" class="button small rounded compose_private_button"
<span class="compose_private_button_label">{{t 'New direct message' }}</span>
<template id="new_direct_message_button_tooltip_template">
{{t 'New direct message' }}
{{tooltip_hotkey_hints "X"}}
<div class="message_comp">
<div id="compose_banners" data-simplebar></div>
<div class="composition-area">
<form id="send_message_form" action="/json/messages" method="post">
<div class="compose_table">
<div id="compose_top">
<div id="compose_top_right" class="order-2">
<button type="button" class="expand_composebox_button fa fa-chevron-up" aria-label="{{t 'Expand compose' }}" data-tippy-content="{{t 'Expand compose' }}"></button>
<button type="button" class="collapse_composebox_button fa fa-chevron-down" aria-label="{{t 'Collapse compose' }}" data-tippy-content="{{t 'Collapse compose' }}"></button>
<button type="button" class="close fa fa-times" id='compose_close' data-tooltip-template-id="compose_close_tooltip_template"></button>
<template id="compose_close_tooltip_template">
{{t 'Cancel compose' }}
{{tooltip_hotkey_hints "Esc"}}
<template id="compose_close_and_save_tooltip_template">
{{t 'Cancel compose and save draft' }}
{{tooltip_hotkey_hints "Esc"}}
<div id="compose-stream-recipient" class="order-1">
<a role="button" class="narrow_to_compose_recipients zulip-icon zulip-icon-arrow-left-circle order-1" data-tooltip-template-id="narrow_to_compose_recipients_tooltip" tabindex="0">
<div id="compose_recipient_selection_dropdown" class="new-style">
<div class="stream_header_colorblock"></div>
{{> settings/dropdown_list_widget
list_placeholder=(t 'Filter streams')}}
<i class="fa fa-angle-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<input type="text" class="recipient_box" name="stream_message_recipient_topic" id="stream_message_recipient_topic" maxlength="{{ max_topic_length }}" value="" placeholder="{{t 'Topic' }}" autocomplete="off" tabindex="0" aria-label="{{t 'Topic' }}" />
<div id="compose-private-recipient" class="order-1">
<div class="to_text">
<span>{{t 'To' }}:</span>
<div class="right_part">
<div class="pm_recipient">
<a role="button" class="narrow_to_compose_recipients zulip-icon zulip-icon-arrow-left-circle order-1" data-tooltip-template-id="narrow_to_compose_recipients_tooltip" tabindex="0"></a>
<div class="pill-container" data-before="{{t 'You and' }}">
<div class="input" contenteditable="true" id="private_message_recipient" data-no-recipients-text="{{t 'Add one or more users' }}" data-some-recipients-text="{{t 'Add another user...' }}"></div>
<div class="messagebox-wrapper">
<div class="messagebox">
<textarea class="new_message_textarea" name="content" id='compose-textarea' placeholder="{{t 'Compose your message here' }}" tabindex="0" aria-label="{{t 'Compose your message here...' }}"></textarea>
<div class="scrolling_list preview_message_area" data-simplebar id="preview_message_area" style="display:none;">
<div class="markdown_preview_spinner"></div>
<div class="preview_content rendered_markdown"></div>
<div class="drag"></div>
<div id="below-compose-content">
<div class="compose_bottom_top_container">
<div class="compose_right_float_container order-3">
<button type="submit" id="compose-send-button" class="button small send_message compose-submit-button animated-purple-button">
<img class="loader" alt="" src="" />
<span>{{t 'Send' }}</span>
<button id="compose-schedule-confirm-button" class="button small compose-submit-button hide animated-purple-button" tabindex=0>
<img class="loader" alt="" src="" />
<span>{{t 'Schedule' }}</span>
<button class="animated-purple-button message-control-button" id="send_later" tabindex=0 type="button" data-tippy-content="{{t 'Send later' }}">
<i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i>
<template id="send-enter-tooltip-template">
{{t 'Send' }}
{{tooltip_hotkey_hints "Enter"}}
<template id="send-ctrl-enter-tooltip-template">
{{t 'Send' }}
{{tooltip_hotkey_hints "Ctrl" "Enter"}}
{{> compose_control_buttons }}
<div class="compose_bottom_bottom_container">
<span id="compose_limit_indicator"></span>
<div class="open_enter_sends_dialog">
<span class="enter_sends_true">
<z-shortcut></z-shortcut> to send
{{#*inline "z-shortcut"}}<kbd>Enter</kbd>{{/inline}}
<span class="enter_sends_false">
<z-shortcut></z-shortcut> to send
{{#*inline "z-shortcut"}}<kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>Enter</kbd>{{/inline}}
<i class="fa fa-caret-down" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<template id="add-global-time-tooltip">
<span>{{t "Add global time" }}</span><br/>
<span class="tooltip-inner-content italic">{{t "Everyone sees global times in their own time zone." }}</span>