mirror of https://github.com/zulip/zulip.git
977 lines
47 KiB
977 lines
47 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import re
import traceback
from zulint.printer import print_err, colors
from typing import cast, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Iterable
Rule = Dict[str, Any]
RuleList = List[Dict[str, Any]]
LineTup = Tuple[int, str, str, str]
# This basically requires a big DB migration:
# This is for backward compatibility.
# Other migration-related changes require extreme care.
# These use subject in the email sense, and will
# probably always be exempt:
# These are tied more to our API than our DB model.
# TRY TO FIX THESE! If you can't fix them, try to
# add comments here and/or in the file itself about
# why sweeping subject is tricky.
# This has lots of query data embedded, so it's hard
# to fix everything until we migrate the DB to "topic".
def get_line_info_from_file(fn: str) -> List[LineTup]:
line_tups = []
for i, line in enumerate(open(fn)):
line_newline_stripped = line.strip('\n')
line_fully_stripped = line_newline_stripped.strip()
if line_fully_stripped.endswith(' # nolint'):
tup = (i, line, line_newline_stripped, line_fully_stripped)
return line_tups
def get_rules_applying_to_fn(fn: str, rules: RuleList) -> RuleList:
rules_to_apply = []
for rule in rules:
excluded = False
for item in rule.get('exclude', set()):
if fn.startswith(item):
excluded = True
if excluded:
if rule.get("include_only"):
found = False
for item in rule.get("include_only", set()):
if item in fn:
found = True
if not found:
return rules_to_apply
def check_file_for_pattern(fn: str,
line_tups: List[LineTup],
identifier: str,
color: Optional[Iterable[str]],
rule: Rule) -> bool:
This function gets called ~40k times, once per file per regex.
Inside it's doing a regex check for every line in the file, so
it's important to do things like pre-compiling regexes.
We need to see it show up in profiles, and the function call
overhead will never be a bottleneck.
exclude_lines = {
line for
(exclude_fn, line) in rule.get('exclude_line', set())
if exclude_fn == fn
pattern = re.compile(rule['pattern'])
strip_rule = rule.get('strip') # type: Optional[str]
ok = True
for (i, line, line_newline_stripped, line_fully_stripped) in line_tups:
if line_fully_stripped in exclude_lines:
line_to_check = line_fully_stripped
if strip_rule is not None:
if strip_rule == '\n':
line_to_check = line_newline_stripped
raise Exception("Invalid strip rule")
if pattern.search(line_to_check):
if rule.get("exclude_pattern"):
if re.search(rule['exclude_pattern'], line_to_check):
print_err(identifier, color, '{} at {} line {}:'.format(
rule['description'], fn, i+1))
print_err(identifier, color, line)
ok = False
except Exception:
print("Exception with %s at %s line %s" % (rule['pattern'], fn, i+1))
if exclude_lines:
print('Please remove exclusions for file %s: %s' % (fn, exclude_lines))
return ok
def custom_check_file(fn: str,
identifier: str,
rules: RuleList,
color: Optional[Iterable[str]],
max_length: Optional[int]=None) -> bool:
failed = False
line_tups = get_line_info_from_file(fn=fn)
rules_to_apply = get_rules_applying_to_fn(fn=fn, rules=rules)
for rule in rules_to_apply:
ok = check_file_for_pattern(
if not ok:
failed = True
# TODO: Move the below into more of a framework.
firstline = None
lastLine = None
if line_tups:
firstline = line_tups[0][3] # line_fully_stripped for the first line.
lastLine = line_tups[-1][1]
if max_length is not None:
ok = check_file_for_long_lines(
if not ok:
failed = True
if firstline:
if os.path.splitext(fn)[1] and 'zerver/' in fn:
shebang_rules = [{'pattern': '^#!',
'description': "zerver library code shouldn't have a shebang line."}]
shebang_rules = [{'pattern': '#!/usr/bin/python',
'description': "Use `#!/usr/bin/env python3` instead of `#!/usr/bin/python`"},
{'pattern': '#!/usr/bin/env python$',
'description': "Use `#!/usr/bin/env python3` instead of `#!/usr/bin/env python`."}]
for rule in shebang_rules:
if re.search(rule['pattern'], firstline):
print_err(identifier, color,
'{} at {} line 1:'.format(rule['description'], fn))
print_err(identifier, color, firstline)
failed = True
if lastLine and ('\n' not in lastLine):
print("No newline at the end of file. Fix with `sed -i '$a\\' %s`" % (fn,))
failed = True
return failed
def check_file_for_long_lines(fn: str,
max_length: int,
line_tups: List[LineTup]) -> bool:
ok = True
for (i, line, line_newline_stripped, line_fully_stripped) in line_tups:
if isinstance(line, bytes):
line_length = len(line.decode("utf-8"))
line_length = len(line)
if (line_length > max_length and
'# type' not in line and 'test' not in fn and 'example' not in fn and
# Don't throw errors for markdown format URLs
not re.search(r"^\[[ A-Za-z0-9_:,&()-]*\]: http.*", line) and
# Don't throw errors for URLs in code comments
not re.search(r"[#].*http.*", line) and
not re.search(r"`\{\{ api_url \}\}[^`]+`", line) and
"# ignorelongline" not in line and 'migrations' not in fn):
print("Line too long (%s) at %s line %s: %s" % (len(line), fn, i+1, line_newline_stripped))
ok = False
return ok
def build_custom_checkers(by_lang):
# type: (Dict[str, List[str]]) -> Tuple[Callable[[], bool], Callable[[], bool]]
# By default, a rule applies to all files within the extension for which it is specified (e.g. all .py files)
# There are three operators we can use to manually include or exclude files from linting for a rule:
# 'exclude': 'set([<path>, ...])' - if <path> is a filename, excludes that file.
# if <path> is a directory, excludes all files directly below the directory <path>.
# 'exclude_line': 'set([(<path>, <line>), ...])' - excludes all lines matching <line> in the file <path> from linting.
# 'include_only': 'set([<path>, ...])' - includes only those files where <path> is a substring of the filepath.
trailing_whitespace_rule = {
'pattern': r'\s+$',
'strip': '\n',
'description': 'Fix trailing whitespace'
whitespace_rules = [
# This linter should be first since bash_rules depends on it.
{'pattern': 'http://zulip.readthedocs.io',
'description': 'Use HTTPS when linking to ReadTheDocs',
{'pattern': '\t',
'strip': '\n',
'exclude': set(['tools/travis/success-http-headers.txt']),
'description': 'Fix tab-based whitespace'},
] # type: RuleList
comma_whitespace_rule = [
{'pattern': ', {2,}[^#/ ]',
'exclude': set(['zerver/tests', 'frontend_tests/node_tests']),
'description': "Remove multiple whitespaces after ','",
'good_lines': ['foo(1, 2, 3)', 'foo = bar # some inline comment'],
'bad_lines': ['foo(1, 2, 3)', 'foo(1, 2, 3)']},
] # type: RuleList
markdown_whitespace_rules = list([rule for rule in whitespace_rules if rule['pattern'] != r'\s+$']) + [
# Two spaces trailing a line with other content is okay--it's a markdown line break.
# This rule finds one space trailing a non-space, three or more trailing spaces, and
# spaces on an empty line.
{'pattern': r'((?<!\s)\s$)|(\s\s\s+$)|(^\s+$)',
'strip': '\n',
'description': 'Fix trailing whitespace'},
{'pattern': '^#+[A-Za-z0-9]',
'strip': '\n',
'description': 'Missing space after # in heading',
'good_lines': ['### some heading', '# another heading'],
'bad_lines': ['###some heading', '#another heading']},
] # type: RuleList
js_rules = cast(RuleList, [
{'pattern': r'[^_]function\(',
'description': 'The keyword "function" should be followed by a space'},
{'pattern': r'.*blueslip.warning\(.*',
'description': 'The module blueslip has no function warning, try using blueslip.warn'},
{'pattern': '[)]{$',
'description': 'Missing space between ) and {'},
{'pattern': r'i18n\.t\([^)]+[^,\{\)]$',
'description': 'i18n string should not be a multiline string'},
{'pattern': r'''i18n\.t\(['"].+?['"]\s*\+''',
'description': 'Do not concatenate arguments within i18n.t()'},
{'pattern': r'i18n\.t\(.+\).*\+',
'description': 'Do not concatenate i18n strings'},
{'pattern': r'\+.*i18n\.t\(.+\)',
'description': 'Do not concatenate i18n strings'},
{'pattern': '[.]includes[(]',
'exclude': ['frontend_tests/'],
'description': '.includes() is incompatible with Internet Explorer. Use .indexOf() !== -1 instead.'},
{'pattern': '[.]html[(]',
'exclude_pattern': '[.]html[(]("|\'|templates|html|message.content|sub.rendered_description|i18n.t|rendered_|$|[)]|error_text|widget_elem|[$]error|[$][(]"<p>"[)])',
'exclude': ['static/js/portico', 'static/js/lightbox.js', 'static/js/ui_report.js',
'description': 'Setting HTML content with jQuery .html() can lead to XSS security bugs. Consider .text() or using rendered_foo as a variable name if content comes from handlebars and thus is already sanitized.'},
{'pattern': '["\']json/',
'description': 'Relative URL for JSON route not supported by i18n'},
# This rule is constructed with + to avoid triggering on itself
{'pattern': " =" + '[^ =>~"]',
'description': 'Missing whitespace after "="'},
{'pattern': '^[ ]*//[A-Za-z0-9]',
'description': 'Missing space after // in comment'},
{'pattern': 'if[(]',
'description': 'Missing space between if and ('},
{'pattern': 'else{$',
'description': 'Missing space between else and {'},
{'pattern': '^else {$',
'description': 'Write JS else statements on same line as }'},
{'pattern': '^else if',
'description': 'Write JS else statements on same line as }'},
{'pattern': r'const\s',
'exclude': set(['frontend_tests/zjsunit',
'description': 'Avoid ES6 constructs until we upgrade our pipeline.'},
{'pattern': 'console[.][a-z]',
'exclude': set(['static/js/blueslip.js',
'description': 'console.log and similar should not be used in webapp'},
{'pattern': r'''[.]text\(["'][a-zA-Z]''',
'description': 'Strings passed to $().text should be wrapped in i18n.t() for internationalization',
'exclude': set(['frontend_tests/node_tests/'])},
{'pattern': r'''compose_error\(["']''',
'description': 'Argument to compose_error should be a literal string enclosed '
'by i18n.t()'},
{'pattern': r'ui.report_success\(',
'description': 'Deprecated function, use ui_report.success.'},
{'pattern': r'''report.success\(["']''',
'description': 'Argument to report_success should be a literal string enclosed '
'by i18n.t()'},
{'pattern': r'ui.report_error\(',
'description': 'Deprecated function, use ui_report.error.'},
{'pattern': r'''report.error\(["']''',
'description': 'Argument to report_error should be a literal string enclosed '
'by i18n.t()'},
{'pattern': r'\$\(document\)\.ready\(',
'description': "`Use $(f) rather than `$(document).ready(f)`",
'good_lines': ['$(function () {foo();}'],
'bad_lines': ['$(document).ready(function () {foo();}']},
{'pattern': '[$][.](get|post|patch|delete|ajax)[(]',
'description': "Use channel module for AJAX calls",
'exclude': set([
# Internal modules can do direct network calls
# External modules that don't include channel.js
'good_lines': ['channel.get(...)'],
'bad_lines': ['$.get()', '$.post()', '$.ajax()']},
{'pattern': 'style ?=',
'description': "Avoid using the `style=` attribute; we prefer styling in CSS files",
'exclude': set([
'good_lines': ['#my-style {color: blue;}'],
'bad_lines': ['<p style="color: blue;">Foo</p>', 'style = "color: blue;"']},
]) + whitespace_rules + comma_whitespace_rule
python_rules = cast(RuleList, [
{'pattern': 'subject|SUBJECT',
'exclude_pattern': 'subject to the|email',
'description': 'avoid subject as a var',
'good_lines': ['topic_name'],
'bad_lines': ['subject="foo"', ' MAX_SUBJECT_LEN'],
'include_only': set([
{'pattern': '^(?!#)@login_required',
'description': '@login_required is unsupported; use @zulip_login_required',
'good_lines': ['@zulip_login_required', '# foo @login_required'],
'bad_lines': ['@login_required', ' @login_required']},
{'pattern': '^user_profile[.]save[(][)]',
'description': 'Always pass update_fields when saving user_profile objects',
'exclude_line': set([
('zerver/lib/actions.py', "user_profile.save() # Can't use update_fields because of how the foreign key works."),
'exclude': set(['zerver/tests', 'zerver/lib/create_user.py']),
'good_lines': ['user_profile.save(update_fields=["pointer"])'],
'bad_lines': ['user_profile.save()']},
{'pattern': r'^[^"]*"[^"]*"%\(',
'description': 'Missing space around "%"',
'good_lines': ['"%s" % ("foo")', '"%s" % (foo)'],
'bad_lines': ['"%s"%("foo")', '"%s"%(foo)']},
{'pattern': r"^[^']*'[^']*'%\(",
'description': 'Missing space around "%"',
'good_lines': ["'%s' % ('foo')", "'%s' % (foo)"],
'bad_lines': ["'%s'%('foo')", "'%s'%(foo)"]},
{'pattern': 'self: Any',
'description': 'you can omit Any annotation for self',
'good_lines': ['def foo (self):'],
'bad_lines': ['def foo(self: Any):']},
# This rule is constructed with + to avoid triggering on itself
{'pattern': " =" + '[^ =>~"]',
'description': 'Missing whitespace after "="',
'good_lines': ['a = b', '5 == 6'],
'bad_lines': ['a =b', 'asdf =42']},
{'pattern': r'":\w[^"]*$',
'description': 'Missing whitespace after ":"',
'good_lines': ['"foo": bar', '"some:string:with:colons"'],
'bad_lines': ['"foo":bar', '"foo":1']},
{'pattern': r"':\w[^']*$",
'description': 'Missing whitespace after ":"',
'good_lines': ["'foo': bar", "'some:string:with:colons'"],
'bad_lines': ["'foo':bar", "'foo':1"]},
{'pattern': r"^\s+#\w",
'strip': '\n',
'exclude': set(['tools/droplets/create.py']),
'description': 'Missing whitespace after "#"',
'good_lines': ['a = b # some operation', '1+2 # 3 is the result'],
'bad_lines': [' #some operation', ' #not valid!!!']},
{'pattern': "assertEquals[(]",
'description': 'Use assertEqual, not assertEquals (which is deprecated).',
'good_lines': ['assertEqual(1, 2)'],
'bad_lines': ['assertEquals(1, 2)']},
{'pattern': "== None",
'description': 'Use `is None` to check whether something is None',
'good_lines': ['if foo is None'],
'bad_lines': ['foo == None']},
{'pattern': "type:[(]",
'description': 'Missing whitespace after ":" in type annotation',
'good_lines': ['# type: (Any, Any)', 'colon:separated:string:containing:type:as:keyword'],
'bad_lines': ['# type:(Any, Any)']},
{'pattern': "type: ignore$",
'exclude': set(['tools/tests',
'description': '"type: ignore" should always end with "# type: ignore # explanation for why"',
'good_lines': ['foo = bar # type: ignore # explanation'],
'bad_lines': ['foo = bar # type: ignore']},
{'pattern': "# type [(]",
'description': 'Missing : after type in type annotation',
'good_lines': ['foo = 42 # type: int', '# type: (str, int) -> None'],
'bad_lines': ['# type (str, int) -> None']},
{'pattern': "#type",
'description': 'Missing whitespace after "#" in type annotation',
'good_lines': ['foo = 42 # type: int'],
'bad_lines': ['foo = 42 #type: int']},
{'pattern': r'\b(if|else|while)[(]',
'description': 'Put a space between statements like if, else, etc. and (.',
'good_lines': ['if (1 == 2):', 'while (foo == bar):'],
'bad_lines': ['if(1 == 2):', 'while(foo == bar):']},
{'pattern': ", [)]",
'description': 'Unnecessary whitespace between "," and ")"',
'good_lines': ['foo = (1, 2, 3,)', 'foo(bar, 42)'],
'bad_lines': ['foo = (1, 2, 3, )']},
{'pattern': "% [(]",
'description': 'Unnecessary whitespace between "%" and "("',
'good_lines': ['"foo %s bar" % ("baz",)'],
'bad_lines': ['"foo %s bar" % ("baz",)']},
# This next check could have false positives, but it seems pretty
# rare; if we find any, they can be added to the exclude list for
# this rule.
{'pattern': r''' % [a-zA-Z0-9_."']*\)?$''',
'exclude_line': set([
('tools/tests/test_template_parser.py', '{% foo'),
'description': 'Used % comprehension without a tuple',
'good_lines': ['"foo %s bar" % ("baz",)'],
'bad_lines': ['"foo %s bar" % "baz"']},
{'pattern': r'''.*%s.* % \([a-zA-Z0-9_."']*\)$''',
'description': 'Used % comprehension without a tuple',
'good_lines': ['"foo %s bar" % ("baz",)"'],
'bad_lines': ['"foo %s bar" % ("baz")']},
{'pattern': 'sudo',
'include_only': set(['scripts/']),
'exclude': set(['scripts/lib/setup_venv.py']),
'exclude_line': set([
('scripts/lib/zulip_tools.py', '# We need sudo here, since the path will be under /srv/ in the'),
('scripts/lib/zulip_tools.py', 'subprocess.check_call(["sudo", "/bin/bash", "-c",'),
('scripts/lib/zulip_tools.py', 'subprocess.check_call(["sudo", "rm", "-rf", directory])'),
'description': 'Most scripts are intended to run on systems without sudo.',
'good_lines': ['subprocess.check_call(["ls"])'],
'bad_lines': ['subprocess.check_call(["sudo", "ls"])']},
{'pattern': 'django.utils.translation',
'include_only': set(['test/']),
'description': 'Test strings should not be tagged for translation',
'good_lines': [''],
'bad_lines': ['django.utils.translation']},
{'pattern': 'userid',
'description': 'We prefer user_id over userid.',
'good_lines': ['id = alice.user_id'],
'bad_lines': ['id = alice.userid']},
{'pattern': r'json_success\({}\)',
'description': 'Use json_success() to return nothing',
'good_lines': ['return json_success()'],
'bad_lines': ['return json_success({})']},
{'pattern': r'\Wjson_error\(_\(?\w+\)',
'exclude': set(['zerver/tests']),
'description': 'Argument to json_error should be a literal string enclosed by _()',
'good_lines': ['return json_error(_("string"))'],
'bad_lines': ['return json_error(_variable)', 'return json_error(_(variable))']},
{'pattern': r'''\Wjson_error\(['"].+[),]$''',
'exclude': set(['zerver/tests']),
'exclude_line': set([
# We don't want this string tagged for translation.
('zerver/views/compatibility.py', 'return json_error("Client is too old")'),
'description': 'Argument to json_error should a literal string enclosed by _()'},
# To avoid JsonableError(_variable) and JsonableError(_(variable))
{'pattern': r'\WJsonableError\(_\(?\w.+\)',
'exclude': set(['zerver/tests']),
'description': 'Argument to JsonableError should be a literal string enclosed by _()'},
{'pattern': r'''\WJsonableError\(["'].+\)''',
'exclude': set(['zerver/tests']),
'description': 'Argument to JsonableError should be a literal string enclosed by _()'},
{'pattern': r'''([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)=REQ\(['"]\1['"]''',
'description': 'REQ\'s first argument already defaults to parameter name'},
{'pattern': r'self\.client\.(get|post|patch|put|delete)',
'description': \
'''Do not call self.client directly for put/patch/post/get.
See WRAPPER_COMMENT in test_helpers.py for details.
# Directly fetching Message objects in e.g. views code is often a security bug.
{'pattern': '[^r]Message.objects.get',
'exclude': set(["zerver/tests",
'description': 'Please use access_message() to fetch Message objects',
{'pattern': 'Stream.objects.get',
'include_only': set(["zerver/views/"]),
'description': 'Please use access_stream_by_*() to fetch Stream objects',
{'pattern': 'get_stream[(]',
'include_only': set(["zerver/views/", "zerver/lib/actions.py"]),
'exclude_line': set([
# This one in check_message is kinda terrible, since it's
# how most instances are written, but better to exclude something than nothing
('zerver/lib/actions.py', 'stream = get_stream(stream_name, realm)'),
('zerver/lib/actions.py', 'get_stream(admin_realm_signup_notifications_stream, admin_realm)'),
# Here we need get_stream to access streams you've since unsubscribed from.
('zerver/views/messages.py', 'stream = get_stream(operand, self.user_profile.realm)'),
# Use stream_id to exclude mutes.
('zerver/views/messages.py', 'stream_id = get_stream(stream_name, user_profile.realm).id'),
'description': 'Please use access_stream_by_*() to fetch Stream objects',
{'pattern': 'Stream.objects.filter',
'include_only': set(["zerver/views/"]),
'description': 'Please use access_stream_by_*() to fetch Stream objects',
{'pattern': '^from (zerver|analytics|confirmation)',
'include_only': set(["/migrations/"]),
'exclude': set([
'description': "Don't import models or other code in migrations; see docs/subsystems/schema-migrations.md",
{'pattern': 'datetime[.](now|utcnow)',
'include_only': set(["zerver/", "analytics/"]),
'description': "Don't use datetime in backend code.\n"
"See https://zulip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/contributing/code-style.html#naive-datetime-objects",
{'pattern': r'render_to_response\(',
'description': "Use render() instead of render_to_response().",
{'pattern': 'from os.path',
'description': "Don't use from when importing from the standard library",
{'pattern': 'import os.path',
'description': "Use import os instead of import os.path",
{'pattern': r'(logging|logger)\.warn\W',
'description': "Logger.warn is a deprecated alias for Logger.warning; Use 'warning' instead of 'warn'.",
'good_lines': ["logging.warning('I am a warning.')", "logger.warning('warning')"],
'bad_lines': ["logging.warn('I am a warning.')", "logger.warn('warning')"]},
{'pattern': r'\.pk',
'exclude_pattern': '[.]_meta[.]pk',
'description': "Use `id` instead of `pk`.",
'good_lines': ['if my_django_model.id == 42', 'self.user_profile._meta.pk'],
'bad_lines': ['if my_django_model.pk == 42']},
{'pattern': r'^[ ]*# type: \(',
'exclude': set([
# These directories, especially scripts/ and puppet/,
# have tools that need to run before a Zulip environment
# is provisioned; in some of those, the `typing` module
# might not be available yet, so care is required.
# Zerver files that we should just clean.
# thumbor is (currently) python2 only
'description': 'Comment-style function type annotation. Use Python3 style annotations instead.',
{'pattern': r' = models[.].*null=True.*\) # type: (?!Optional)',
'include_only': {"zerver/models.py"},
'description': 'Model variable with null=true not annotated as Optional.',
'good_lines': ['desc = models.TextField(null=True) # type: Optional[Text]',
'stream = models.ForeignKey(Stream, null=True, on_delete=CASCADE) # type: Optional[Stream]',
'desc = models.TextField() # type: Text',
'stream = models.ForeignKey(Stream, on_delete=CASCADE) # type: Stream'],
'bad_lines': ['desc = models.CharField(null=True) # type: Text',
'stream = models.ForeignKey(Stream, null=True, on_delete=CASCADE) # type: Stream'],
{'pattern': r' = models[.](?!NullBoolean).*\) # type: Optional', # Optional tag, except NullBoolean(Field)
'exclude_pattern': 'null=True',
'include_only': {"zerver/models.py"},
'description': 'Model variable annotated with Optional but variable does not have null=true.',
'good_lines': ['desc = models.TextField(null=True) # type: Optional[Text]',
'stream = models.ForeignKey(Stream, null=True, on_delete=CASCADE) # type: Optional[Stream]',
'desc = models.TextField() # type: Text',
'stream = models.ForeignKey(Stream, on_delete=CASCADE) # type: Stream'],
'bad_lines': ['desc = models.TextField() # type: Optional[Text]',
'stream = models.ForeignKey(Stream, on_delete=CASCADE) # type: Optional[Stream]'],
{'pattern': r'[\s([]Text([^\s\w]|$)',
'exclude': set([
# We are likely to want to keep these dirs Python 2+3 compatible,
# since the plan includes extracting them to a separate project eventually.
# TODO: Update our migrations from Text->str.
# thumbor is (currently) python2 only
'description': "Now that we're a Python 3 only codebase, we don't need to use typing.Text. Please use str instead.",
]) + whitespace_rules + comma_whitespace_rule
bash_rules = cast(RuleList, [
{'pattern': '#!.*sh [-xe]',
'description': 'Fix shebang line with proper call to /usr/bin/env for Bash path, change -x|-e switches'
' to set -x|set -e'},
{'pattern': 'sudo',
'description': 'Most scripts are intended to work on systems without sudo',
'include_only': set(['scripts/']),
'exclude': set([
]), },
]) + whitespace_rules[0:1]
css_rules = cast(RuleList, [
{'pattern': r'calc\([^+]+\+[^+]+\)',
'description': "Avoid using calc with '+' operator. See #8403 : in CSS.",
'good_lines': ["width: calc(20% - -14px);"],
'bad_lines': ["width: calc(20% + 14px);"]},
{'pattern': r'^[^:]*:\S[^:]*;$',
'description': "Missing whitespace after : in CSS",
'good_lines': ["background-color: white;", "text-size: 16px;"],
'bad_lines': ["background-color:white;", "text-size:16px;"]},
{'pattern': '[a-z]{',
'description': "Missing whitespace before '{' in CSS.",
'good_lines': ["input {", "body {"],
'bad_lines': ["input{", "body{"]},
{'pattern': 'https://',
'description': "Zulip CSS should have no dependencies on external resources",
'good_lines': ['background: url(/static/images/landing-page/pycon.jpg);'],
'bad_lines': ['background: url(https://example.com/image.png);']},
{'pattern': '^[ ][ ][a-zA-Z0-9]',
'description': "Incorrect 2-space indentation in CSS",
'strip': '\n',
'good_lines': [" color: white;", "color: white;"],
'bad_lines': [" color: white;"]},
{'pattern': r'{\w',
'description': "Missing whitespace after '{' in CSS (should be newline).",
'good_lines': ["{\n"],
'bad_lines': ["{color: LightGoldenRodYellow;"]},
{'pattern': ' thin[ ;]',
'description': "thin CSS attribute is under-specified, please use 1px.",
'good_lines': ["border-width: 1px;"],
'bad_lines': ["border-width: thin;", "border-width: thin solid black;"]},
{'pattern': ' medium[ ;]',
'description': "medium CSS attribute is under-specified, please use pixels.",
'good_lines': ["border-width: 3px;"],
'bad_lines': ["border-width: medium;", "border: medium solid black;"]},
{'pattern': ' thick[ ;]',
'description': "thick CSS attribute is under-specified, please use pixels.",
'good_lines': ["border-width: 5px;"],
'bad_lines': ["border-width: thick;", "border: thick solid black;"]},
]) + whitespace_rules + comma_whitespace_rule
prose_style_rules = cast(RuleList, [
{'pattern': r'[^\/\#\-"]([jJ]avascript)', # exclude usage in hrefs/divs
'description': "javascript should be spelled JavaScript"},
{'pattern': r'''[^\/\-\."'\_\=\>]([gG]ithub)[^\.\-\_"\<]''', # exclude usage in hrefs/divs
'description': "github should be spelled GitHub"},
{'pattern': '[oO]rganisation', # exclude usage in hrefs/divs
'description': "Organization is spelled with a z",
'exclude_line': [('docs/translating/french.md', '* organization - **organisation**')]},
{'pattern': '!!! warning',
'description': "!!! warning is invalid; it's spelled '!!! warn'"},
{'pattern': 'Terms of service',
'description': "The S in Terms of Service is capitalized"},
{'pattern': '[^-_]botserver(?!rc)|bot server',
'description': "Use Botserver instead of botserver or bot server."},
]) + comma_whitespace_rule
html_rules = whitespace_rules + prose_style_rules + [
{'pattern': r'placeholder="[^{#](?:(?!\.com).)+$',
'description': "`placeholder` value should be translatable.",
'exclude_line': [('templates/zerver/register.html', 'placeholder="acme"'),
('templates/zerver/register.html', 'placeholder="Acme or Aκμή"')],
'good_lines': ['<input class="stream-list-filter" type="text" placeholder="{{ _(\'Search streams\') }}" />'],
'bad_lines': ['<input placeholder="foo">']},
{'pattern': "placeholder='[^{]",
'description': "`placeholder` value should be translatable.",
'good_lines': ['<input class="stream-list-filter" type="text" placeholder="{{ _(\'Search streams\') }}" />'],
'bad_lines': ["<input placeholder='foo'>"]},
{'pattern': "aria-label='[^{]",
'description': "`aria-label` value should be translatable.",
'good_lines': ['<button type="button" class="close close-alert-word-status" aria-label="{{t \'Close\' }}">'],
'bad_lines': ["<button aria-label='foo'></button>"]},
{'pattern': 'aria-label="[^{]',
'description': "`aria-label` value should be translatable.",
'good_lines': ['<button type="button" class="close close-alert-word-status" aria-label="{{t \'Close\' }}">'],
'bad_lines': ['<button aria-label="foo"></button>']},
{'pattern': 'script src="http',
'description': "Don't directly load dependencies from CDNs. See docs/subsystems/front-end-build-process.md",
'exclude': set(["templates/corporate/billing.html", "templates/zerver/hello.html",
'good_lines': ["{{ render_bundle('landing-page') }}"],
'bad_lines': ['<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>']},
{'pattern': "title='[^{]",
'description': "`title` value should be translatable.",
'good_lines': ['<link rel="author" title="{{ _(\'About these documents\') }}" />'],
'bad_lines': ["<p title='foo'></p>"]},
{'pattern': r'title="[^{\:]',
'exclude_line': set([
'<td><img alt=":heart:" class="emoji" src="/static/generated/emoji/images/emoji/heart.png" title=":heart:" /></td>')
'exclude': set(["templates/zerver/emails"]),
'description': "`title` value should be translatable."},
{'pattern': r'''\Walt=["'][^{"']''',
'description': "alt argument should be enclosed by _() or it should be an empty string.",
'exclude': set(['static/templates/settings/display-settings.handlebars',
'good_lines': ['<img src="{{source_url}}" alt="{{ _(name) }}" />', '<img alg="" />'],
'bad_lines': ['<img alt="Foo Image" />']},
{'pattern': r'''\Walt=["']{{ ?["']''',
'description': "alt argument should be enclosed by _().",
'good_lines': ['<img src="{{source_url}}" alt="{{ _(name) }}" />'],
'bad_lines': ['<img alt="{{ " />']},
{'pattern': r'\bon\w+ ?=',
'description': "Don't use inline event handlers (onclick=, etc. attributes) in HTML. Instead,"
"attach a jQuery event handler ($('#foo').on('click', function () {...})) when "
"the DOM is ready (inside a $(function () {...}) block).",
'exclude': set(['templates/zerver/dev_login.html']),
'good_lines': ["($('#foo').on('click', function () {}"],
'bad_lines': ["<button id='foo' onclick='myFunction()'>Foo</button>", "<input onchange='myFunction()'>"]},
{'pattern': 'style ?=',
'description': "Avoid using the `style=` attribute; we prefer styling in CSS files",
'exclude_pattern': r'.*style ?=["' + "'" + '](display: ?none|background: {{|color: {{|background-color: {{).*',
'exclude': set([
# KaTeX output uses style attribute
# 5xx page doesn't have external CSS
# Group PMs color is dynamically calculated
# exclude_pattern above handles color, but have other issues:
# Old-style email templates need to use inline style
# attributes; it should be possible to clean these up
# when we convert these templates to use premailer.
# Email log templates; should clean up.
# Probably just needs to be changed to display: none so the exclude works
# Needs the width cleaned up; display: none is fine
# background image property is dynamically generated
# Inline styling for an svg; could be moved to CSS files?
# Miscellaneous violations to be cleaned up
'good_lines': ['#my-style {color: blue;}', 'style="display: none"', "style='display: none"],
'bad_lines': ['<p style="color: blue;">Foo</p>', 'style = "color: blue;"']},
] # type: RuleList
handlebars_rules = html_rules + [
{'pattern': "[<]script",
'description': "Do not use inline <script> tags here; put JavaScript in static/js instead."},
{'pattern': '{{ t ("|\')',
'description': 'There should be no spaces before the "t" in a translation tag.'},
{'pattern': r"{{t '.*' }}[\.\?!]",
'description': "Period should be part of the translatable string."},
{'pattern': r'{{t ".*" }}[\.\?!]',
'description': "Period should be part of the translatable string."},
{'pattern': r"{{/tr}}[\.\?!]",
'description': "Period should be part of the translatable string."},
{'pattern': '{{t ("|\') ',
'description': 'Translatable strings should not have leading spaces.'},
{'pattern': "{{t '[^']+ ' }}",
'description': 'Translatable strings should not have trailing spaces.'},
{'pattern': '{{t "[^"]+ " }}',
'description': 'Translatable strings should not have trailing spaces.'},
jinja2_rules = html_rules + [
{'pattern': r"{% endtrans %}[\.\?!]",
'description': "Period should be part of the translatable string."},
{'pattern': r"{{ _(.+) }}[\.\?!]",
'description': "Period should be part of the translatable string."},
json_rules = [
# Here, we don't use `whitespace_rules`, because the tab-based
# whitespace rule flags a lot of third-party JSON fixtures
# under zerver/webhooks that we want preserved verbatim. So
# we just include the trailing whitespace rule and a modified
# version of the tab-based whitespace rule (we can't just use
# exclude in whitespace_rules, since we only want to ignore
# JSON files with tab-based whitespace, not webhook code).
{'pattern': '\t',
'strip': '\n',
'exclude': set(['zerver/webhooks/']),
'description': 'Fix tab-based whitespace'},
{'pattern': r'":["\[\{]',
'exclude': set(['zerver/webhooks/', 'zerver/tests/fixtures/']),
'description': 'Require space after : in JSON'},
] # type: RuleList
markdown_rules = markdown_whitespace_rules + prose_style_rules + [
{'pattern': r'\[(?P<url>[^\]]+)\]\((?P=url)\)',
'description': 'Linkified markdown URLs should use cleaner <http://example.com> syntax.'},
{'pattern': 'https://zulip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/[a-zA-Z0-9]',
'exclude': ['docs/overview/contributing.md', 'docs/overview/readme.md', 'docs/README.md'],
'include_only': set(['docs/']),
'description': "Use relative links (../foo/bar.html) to other documents in docs/",
{'pattern': r'\][(][^#h]',
'include_only': set(['README.md', 'CONTRIBUTING.md']),
'description': "Use absolute links from docs served by GitHub",
help_markdown_rules = markdown_rules + [
{'pattern': '[a-z][.][A-Z]',
'description': "Likely missing space after end of sentence"},
{'pattern': r'\b[rR]ealm[s]?\b',
'good_lines': ['Organization', 'deactivate_realm', 'realm_filter'],
'bad_lines': ['Users are in a realm', 'Realm is the best model'],
'description': "Realms are referred to as Organizations in user-facing docs."},
txt_rules = whitespace_rules
def check_custom_checks_py():
# type: () -> bool
failed = False
color = next(colors)
for fn in by_lang['py']:
if 'custom_check.py' in fn:
if custom_check_file(fn, 'py', python_rules, color, max_length=110):
failed = True
return failed
def check_custom_checks_nonpy():
# type: () -> bool
failed = False
color = next(colors)
for fn in by_lang['js']:
if custom_check_file(fn, 'js', js_rules, color):
failed = True
color = next(colors)
for fn in by_lang['sh']:
if custom_check_file(fn, 'sh', bash_rules, color):
failed = True
color = next(colors)
for fn in by_lang['css']:
if custom_check_file(fn, 'css', css_rules, color):
failed = True
color = next(colors)
for fn in by_lang['handlebars']:
if custom_check_file(fn, 'handlebars', handlebars_rules, color):
failed = True
color = next(colors)
for fn in by_lang['html']:
if custom_check_file(fn, 'html', jinja2_rules, color):
failed = True
color = next(colors)
for fn in by_lang['json']:
if custom_check_file(fn, 'json', json_rules, color):
failed = True
color = next(colors)
markdown_docs_length_exclude = {
# Has some example Vagrant output that's very long
# Have wide output in code blocks
# Have curl commands with JSON that would be messy to wrap
# Has a very long configuration line
# Has some example code that could perhaps be wrapped
# This macro has a long indented URL
for fn in by_lang['md']:
max_length = None
if fn not in markdown_docs_length_exclude:
max_length = 120
rules = markdown_rules
if fn.startswith("templates/zerver/help"):
rules = help_markdown_rules
if custom_check_file(fn, 'md', rules, color, max_length=max_length):
failed = True
color = next(colors)
for fn in by_lang['txt'] + by_lang['text']:
if custom_check_file(fn, 'txt', txt_rules, color):
failed = True
color = next(colors)
for fn in by_lang['rst']:
if custom_check_file(fn, 'rst', txt_rules, color):
failed = True
color = next(colors)
for fn in by_lang['yaml']:
if custom_check_file(fn, 'yaml', txt_rules, color):
failed = True
return failed
return (check_custom_checks_py, check_custom_checks_nonpy)