
1791 lines
72 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import base64
import mock
import re
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple
from django.test import TestCase
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpRequest
from django.conf import settings
from zerver.forms import OurAuthenticationForm
from zerver.lib.actions import do_deactivate_realm, do_deactivate_user, \
do_reactivate_user, do_reactivate_realm
from zerver.lib.exceptions import JsonableError
from zerver.lib.initial_password import initial_password
from zerver.lib.test_helpers import (
from zerver.lib.test_classes import (
from zerver.lib.response import json_response, json_success
from zerver.lib.users import get_api_key
from zerver.lib.user_agent import parse_user_agent
from zerver.lib.request import \
REQ, has_request_variables, RequestVariableMissingError, \
RequestVariableConversionError, RequestConfusingParmsError
from zerver.decorator import (
authenticate_notify, cachify,
get_client_name, internal_notify_view, is_local_addr,
rate_limit, validate_api_key,
return_success_on_head_request, to_not_negative_int_or_none,
from zerver.lib.cache import ignore_unhashable_lru_cache, dict_to_items_tuple, items_tuple_to_dict
from zerver.lib.validator import (
check_string, check_dict, check_dict_only, check_bool, check_float, check_int, check_list, Validator,
check_variable_type, equals, check_none_or, check_url, check_short_string,
check_string_fixed_length, check_capped_string, check_color, to_non_negative_int,
from zerver.models import \
get_realm, get_user, UserProfile, Realm
import ujson
class DecoratorTestCase(TestCase):
def test_get_client_name(self) -> None:
class Request:
def __init__(self, GET: Dict[str, str], POST: Dict[str, str], META: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
self.GET = GET
self.POST = POST
self.META = META
req = Request(
self.assertEqual(get_client_name(req, is_browser_view=True), 'website')
self.assertEqual(get_client_name(req, is_browser_view=False), 'Unspecified')
req = Request(
META=dict(HTTP_USER_AGENT='Mozilla/bla bla bla'),
self.assertEqual(get_client_name(req, is_browser_view=True), 'website')
self.assertEqual(get_client_name(req, is_browser_view=False), 'Mozilla')
req = Request(
META=dict(HTTP_USER_AGENT='ZulipDesktop/bla bla bla'),
self.assertEqual(get_client_name(req, is_browser_view=True), 'ZulipDesktop')
self.assertEqual(get_client_name(req, is_browser_view=False), 'ZulipDesktop')
req = Request(
META=dict(HTTP_USER_AGENT='ZulipMobile/bla bla bla'),
self.assertEqual(get_client_name(req, is_browser_view=True), 'ZulipMobile')
self.assertEqual(get_client_name(req, is_browser_view=False), 'ZulipMobile')
req = Request(
GET=dict(client='fancy phone'),
self.assertEqual(get_client_name(req, is_browser_view=True), 'fancy phone')
self.assertEqual(get_client_name(req, is_browser_view=False), 'fancy phone')
def test_REQ_aliases(self) -> None:
def double(request: HttpRequest,
x: int=REQ(whence='number', aliases=['x', 'n'], converter=int)) -> int:
return x + x
class Request:
GET = {} # type: Dict[str, str]
POST = {} # type: Dict[str, str]
request = Request()
request.POST = dict(bogus='5555')
with self.assertRaises(RequestVariableMissingError):
request.POST = dict(number='3')
self.assertEqual(double(request), 6)
request.POST = dict(x='4')
self.assertEqual(double(request), 8)
request.POST = dict(n='5')
self.assertEqual(double(request), 10)
request.POST = dict(number='6', x='7')
with self.assertRaises(RequestConfusingParmsError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "Can't decide between 'number' and 'x' arguments")
def test_REQ_converter(self) -> None:
def my_converter(data: str) -> List[int]:
lst = ujson.loads(data)
if not isinstance(lst, list):
raise ValueError('not a list')
if 13 in lst:
raise JsonableError('13 is an unlucky number!')
return [int(elem) for elem in lst]
def get_total(request: HttpRequest, numbers: Iterable[int]=REQ(converter=my_converter)) -> int:
return sum(numbers)
class Request:
GET = {} # type: Dict[str, str]
POST = {} # type: Dict[str, str]
request = Request()
with self.assertRaises(RequestVariableMissingError):
request.POST['numbers'] = 'bad_value'
with self.assertRaises(RequestVariableConversionError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "Bad value for 'numbers': bad_value")
request.POST['numbers'] = ujson.dumps('{fun: unfun}')
with self.assertRaises(JsonableError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), 'Bad value for \'numbers\': "{fun: unfun}"')
request.POST['numbers'] = ujson.dumps([2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21])
with self.assertRaises(JsonableError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "13 is an unlucky number!")
request.POST['numbers'] = ujson.dumps([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
result = get_total(request)
self.assertEqual(result, 21)
def test_REQ_converter_and_validator_invalid(self) -> None:
with self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, "converter and validator are mutually exclusive"):
def get_total(request: HttpRequest,
numbers: Iterable[int]=REQ(validator=check_list(check_int),
converter=lambda x: [])) -> int:
return sum(numbers) # nocoverage -- isn't intended to be run
def test_REQ_validator(self) -> None:
def get_total(request: HttpRequest,
numbers: Iterable[int]=REQ(validator=check_list(check_int))) -> int:
return sum(numbers)
class Request:
GET = {} # type: Dict[str, str]
POST = {} # type: Dict[str, str]
request = Request()
with self.assertRaises(RequestVariableMissingError):
request.POST['numbers'] = 'bad_value'
with self.assertRaises(JsonableError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), 'Argument "numbers" is not valid JSON.')
request.POST['numbers'] = ujson.dumps([1, 2, "what?", 4, 5, 6])
with self.assertRaises(JsonableError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), 'numbers[2] is not an integer')
request.POST['numbers'] = ujson.dumps([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
result = get_total(request)
self.assertEqual(result, 21)
def test_REQ_str_validator(self) -> None:
def get_middle_characters(request: HttpRequest,
value: str=REQ(str_validator=check_string_fixed_length(5))) -> str:
return value[1:-1]
class Request:
GET = {} # type: Dict[str, str]
POST = {} # type: Dict[str, str]
request = Request()
with self.assertRaises(RequestVariableMissingError):
request.POST['value'] = 'long_value'
with self.assertRaises(JsonableError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), 'value has incorrect length 10; should be 5')
request.POST['value'] = 'valid'
result = get_middle_characters(request)
self.assertEqual(result, 'ali')
def test_REQ_argument_type(self) -> None:
def get_payload(request: HttpRequest,
payload: Dict[str, Any]=REQ(argument_type='body')) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return payload
class MockRequest:
body = {} # type: Any
request = MockRequest()
request.body = 'notjson'
with self.assertRaises(JsonableError) as cm:
self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), 'Malformed JSON')
request.body = '{"a": "b"}'
self.assertEqual(get_payload(request), {'a': 'b'})
# Test we properly handle an invalid argument_type.
with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
def test(request: HttpRequest,
payload: Any=REQ(argument_type="invalid")) -> None:
# Any is ok; exception should occur in decorator:
pass # nocoverage # this function isn't meant to be called
def test_api_key_only_webhook_view(self) -> None:
def my_webhook(request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile) -> str:
return user_profile.email
def my_webhook_raises_exception(request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile) -> None:
raise Exception("raised by webhook function")
webhook_bot_email = 'webhook-bot@zulip.com'
webhook_bot_realm = get_realm('zulip')
webhook_bot = get_user(webhook_bot_email, webhook_bot_realm)
webhook_bot_api_key = get_api_key(webhook_bot)
webhook_client_name = "ZulipClientNameWebhook"
request = HostRequestMock()
request.POST['api_key'] = 'not_existing_api_key'
with self.assertRaisesRegex(JsonableError, "Invalid API key"):
my_webhook(request) # type: ignore # mypy doesn't seem to apply the decorator
# Start a valid request here
request.POST['api_key'] = webhook_bot_api_key
with mock.patch('logging.warning') as mock_warning:
with self.assertRaisesRegex(JsonableError,
"Account is not associated with this subdomain"):
api_result = my_webhook(request) # type: ignore # mypy doesn't seem to apply the decorator
"User {} ({}) attempted to access API on wrong "
"subdomain ({})".format(webhook_bot_email, 'zulip', ''))
with mock.patch('logging.warning') as mock_warning:
with self.assertRaisesRegex(JsonableError,
"Account is not associated with this subdomain"):
request.host = "acme." + settings.EXTERNAL_HOST
api_result = my_webhook(request) # type: ignore # mypy doesn't seem to apply the decorator
"User {} ({}) attempted to access API on wrong "
"subdomain ({})".format(webhook_bot_email, 'zulip', 'acme'))
request.host = "zulip.testserver"
# Test when content_type is application/json and request.body
# is valid JSON; exception raised in the webhook function
# should be re-raised
with mock.patch('zerver.decorator.webhook_logger.exception') as mock_exception:
with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, "raised by webhook function"):
request.body = "{}"
request.content_type = 'application/json'
my_webhook_raises_exception(request) # type: ignore # mypy doesn't seem to apply the decorator
# Test when content_type is not application/json; exception raised
# in the webhook function should be re-raised
with mock.patch('zerver.decorator.webhook_logger.exception') as mock_exception:
with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, "raised by webhook function"):
request.body = "notjson"
request.content_type = 'text/plain'
my_webhook_raises_exception(request) # type: ignore # mypy doesn't seem to apply the decorator
# Test when content_type is application/json but request.body
# is not valid JSON; invalid JSON should be logged and the
# exception raised in the webhook function should be re-raised
with mock.patch('zerver.decorator.webhook_logger.exception') as mock_exception:
with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, "raised by webhook function"):
request.body = "invalidjson"
request.content_type = 'application/json'
request.META['HTTP_X_CUSTOM_HEADER'] = 'custom_value'
my_webhook_raises_exception(request) # type: ignore # mypy doesn't seem to apply the decorator
message = """
user: {email} ({realm})
client: {client_name}
URL: {path_info}
content_type: {content_type}
message = message.strip(' ')
custom_headers="HTTP_X_CUSTOM_HEADER: custom_value\n",
with self.settings(RATE_LIMITING=True):
with mock.patch('zerver.decorator.rate_limit_user') as rate_limit_mock:
api_result = my_webhook(request) # type: ignore # mypy doesn't seem to apply the decorator
# Verify rate limiting was attempted.
# Verify decorator set the magic _email field used by some of our back end logging.
self.assertEqual(request._email, webhook_bot_email)
# Verify the main purpose of the decorator, which is that it passed in the
# user_profile to my_webhook, allowing it return the correct
# email for the bot (despite the API caller only knowing the API key).
self.assertEqual(api_result, webhook_bot_email)
# Now deactivate the user
webhook_bot.is_active = False
with self.assertRaisesRegex(JsonableError, "Account is deactivated"):
my_webhook(request) # type: ignore # mypy doesn't seem to apply the decorator
# Reactive the user, but deactivate their realm.
webhook_bot.is_active = True
webhook_bot.realm.deactivated = True
with self.assertRaisesRegex(JsonableError, "This organization has been deactivated"):
my_webhook(request) # type: ignore # mypy doesn't seem to apply the decorator
class SkipRateLimitingTest(ZulipTestCase):
def test_authenticated_rest_api_view(self) -> None:
def my_rate_limited_view(request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile) -> str:
return json_success() # nocoverage # mock prevents this from being called
def my_unlimited_view(request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile) -> str:
return json_success()
request = HostRequestMock(host="zulip.testserver")
request.META['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = self.encode_credentials(self.example_email("hamlet"))
request.method = 'POST'
with mock.patch('zerver.decorator.rate_limit') as rate_limit_mock:
result = my_unlimited_view(request) # type: ignore # mypy doesn't seem to apply the decorator
with mock.patch('zerver.decorator.rate_limit') as rate_limit_mock:
result = my_rate_limited_view(request) # type: ignore # mypy doesn't seem to apply the decorator
# Don't assert json_success, since it'll be the rate_limit mock object
def test_authenticated_uploads_api_view(self) -> None:
def my_rate_limited_view(request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile) -> str:
return json_success() # nocoverage # mock prevents this from being called
def my_unlimited_view(request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile) -> str:
return json_success()
request = HostRequestMock(host="zulip.testserver")
request.method = 'POST'
request.POST['api_key'] = get_api_key(self.example_user("hamlet"))
with mock.patch('zerver.decorator.rate_limit') as rate_limit_mock:
result = my_unlimited_view(request) # type: ignore # mypy doesn't seem to apply the decorator
with mock.patch('zerver.decorator.rate_limit') as rate_limit_mock:
result = my_rate_limited_view(request) # type: ignore # mypy doesn't seem to apply the decorator
# Don't assert json_success, since it'll be the rate_limit mock object
def test_authenticated_json_view(self) -> None:
def my_view(request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile) -> str:
return json_success()
my_rate_limited_view = authenticated_json_view(my_view, skip_rate_limiting=False)
my_unlimited_view = authenticated_json_view(my_view, skip_rate_limiting=True)
request = HostRequestMock(host="zulip.testserver")
request.method = 'POST'
request.is_authenticated = True # type: ignore # HostRequestMock doesn't have is_authenticated
request.user = self.example_user("hamlet")
with mock.patch('zerver.decorator.rate_limit') as rate_limit_mock:
result = my_unlimited_view(request) # type: ignore # mypy doesn't seem to apply the decorator
with mock.patch('zerver.decorator.rate_limit') as rate_limit_mock:
result = my_rate_limited_view(request) # type: ignore # mypy doesn't seem to apply the decorator
# Don't assert json_success, since it'll be the rate_limit mock object
class DecoratorLoggingTestCase(ZulipTestCase):
def test_authenticated_rest_api_view_logging(self) -> None:
def my_webhook_raises_exception(request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile) -> None:
raise Exception("raised by webhook function")
webhook_bot_email = 'webhook-bot@zulip.com'
webhook_bot_realm = get_realm('zulip')
request = HostRequestMock()
request.META['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = self.encode_credentials(webhook_bot_email)
request.method = 'POST'
request.host = "zulip.testserver"
request.body = '{}'
request.POST['payload'] = '{}'
request.content_type = 'text/plain'
with mock.patch('zerver.decorator.webhook_logger.exception') as mock_exception:
with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, "raised by webhook function"):
my_webhook_raises_exception(request) # type: ignore # mypy doesn't seem to apply the decorator
message = """
user: {email} ({realm})
client: {client_name}
URL: {path_info}
content_type: {content_type}
message = message.strip(' ')
def test_authenticated_rest_api_view_with_non_webhook_view(self) -> None:
def non_webhook_view_raises_exception(request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile=None) -> None:
raise Exception("raised by a non-webhook view")
request = HostRequestMock()
request.META['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = self.encode_credentials("aaron@zulip.com")
request.method = 'POST'
request.host = "zulip.testserver"
request.body = '{}'
request.content_type = 'application/json'
with mock.patch('zerver.decorator.webhook_logger.exception') as mock_exception:
with self.assertRaisesRegex(Exception, "raised by a non-webhook view"):
def test_authenticated_rest_api_view_errors(self) -> None:
user_profile = self.example_user("hamlet")
api_key = get_api_key(user_profile)
credentials = "%s:%s" % (user_profile.email, api_key)
api_auth = 'Digest ' + base64.b64encode(credentials.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
result = self.client_post('/api/v1/external/zendesk', {},
self.assert_json_error(result, "This endpoint requires HTTP basic authentication.")
api_auth = 'Basic ' + base64.b64encode("foo".encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
result = self.client_post('/api/v1/external/zendesk', {},
self.assert_json_error(result, "Invalid authorization header for basic auth",
result = self.client_post('/api/v1/external/zendesk', {})
self.assert_json_error(result, "Missing authorization header for basic auth",
class RateLimitTestCase(TestCase):
def errors_disallowed(self) -> Any:
# Due to what is probably a hack in rate_limit(),
# some tests will give a false positive (or succeed
# for the wrong reason), unless we complain
# about logging errors. There might be a more elegant way
# make logging errors fail than what I'm doing here.
class TestLoggingErrorException(Exception):
return mock.patch('logging.error', side_effect=TestLoggingErrorException)
def test_internal_local_clients_skip_rate_limiting(self) -> None:
class Client:
name = 'internal'
class Request:
client = Client()
req = Request()
def f(req: Any) -> str:
return 'some value'
f = rate_limit()(f)
with self.settings(RATE_LIMITING=True):
with mock.patch('zerver.decorator.rate_limit_user') as rate_limit_mock:
with self.errors_disallowed():
self.assertEqual(f(req), 'some value')
def test_debug_clients_skip_rate_limiting(self) -> None:
class Client:
name = 'internal'
class Request:
client = Client()
req = Request()
def f(req: Any) -> str:
return 'some value'
f = rate_limit()(f)
with self.settings(RATE_LIMITING=True):
with mock.patch('zerver.decorator.rate_limit_user') as rate_limit_mock:
with self.errors_disallowed():
with self.settings(DEBUG_RATE_LIMITING=True):
self.assertEqual(f(req), 'some value')
def test_rate_limit_setting_of_false_bypasses_rate_limiting(self) -> None:
class Client:
name = 'external'
class Request:
client = Client()
user = 'stub' # any non-None value here exercises the correct code path
req = Request()
def f(req: Any) -> str:
return 'some value'
f = rate_limit()(f)
with self.settings(RATE_LIMITING=False):
with mock.patch('zerver.decorator.rate_limit_user') as rate_limit_mock:
with self.errors_disallowed():
self.assertEqual(f(req), 'some value')
def test_rate_limiting_happens_in_normal_case(self) -> None:
class Client:
name = 'external'
class Request:
client = Client()
user = 'stub' # any non-None value here exercises the correct code path
req = Request()
def f(req: Any) -> str:
return 'some value'
f = rate_limit()(f)
with self.settings(RATE_LIMITING=True):
with mock.patch('zerver.decorator.rate_limit_user') as rate_limit_mock:
with self.errors_disallowed():
self.assertEqual(f(req), 'some value')
class ValidatorTestCase(TestCase):
def test_check_string(self) -> None:
x = "hello" # type: Any
self.assertEqual(check_string('x', x), None)
x = 4
self.assertEqual(check_string('x', x), 'x is not a string')
def test_check_string_fixed_length(self) -> None:
x = "hello" # type: Any
self.assertEqual(check_string_fixed_length(5)('x', x), None)
x = 4
self.assertEqual(check_string_fixed_length(5)('x', x), 'x is not a string')
x = "helloz"
self.assertEqual(check_string_fixed_length(5)('x', x), 'x has incorrect length 6; should be 5')
x = "hi"
self.assertEqual(check_string_fixed_length(5)('x', x), 'x has incorrect length 2; should be 5')
def test_check_capped_string(self) -> None:
x = "hello" # type: Any
self.assertEqual(check_capped_string(5)('x', x), None)
x = 4
self.assertEqual(check_capped_string(5)('x', x), 'x is not a string')
x = "helloz"
self.assertEqual(check_capped_string(5)('x', x), 'x is too long (limit: 5 characters)')
x = "hi"
self.assertEqual(check_capped_string(5)('x', x), None)
def test_check_short_string(self) -> None:
x = "hello" # type: Any
self.assertEqual(check_short_string('x', x), None)
x = 'x' * 201
self.assertEqual(check_short_string('x', x), "x is too long (limit: 50 characters)")
x = 4
self.assertEqual(check_short_string('x', x), 'x is not a string')
def test_check_bool(self) -> None:
x = True # type: Any
self.assertEqual(check_bool('x', x), None)
x = 4
self.assertEqual(check_bool('x', x), 'x is not a boolean')
def test_check_int(self) -> None:
x = 5 # type: Any
self.assertEqual(check_int('x', x), None)
x = [{}]
self.assertEqual(check_int('x', x), 'x is not an integer')
def test_to_non_negative_int(self) -> None:
self.assertEqual(to_non_negative_int('5'), 5)
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'argument is negative'):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, re.escape('5 is too large (max 4)')):
self.assertEqual(to_non_negative_int('5', max_int_size=4))
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, re.escape('%s is too large (max %s)' % (2**32, 2**32-1))):
def test_check_to_not_negative_int_or_none(self) -> None:
self.assertEqual(to_not_negative_int_or_none('5'), 5)
self.assertEqual(to_not_negative_int_or_none(None), None)
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
def test_check_float(self) -> None:
x = 5.5 # type: Any
self.assertEqual(check_float('x', x), None)
x = 5
self.assertEqual(check_float('x', x), 'x is not a float')
x = [{}]
self.assertEqual(check_float('x', x), 'x is not a float')
def test_check_color(self) -> None:
x = ['#000099', '#80ffaa', '#80FFAA', '#abcd12', '#ffff00', '#ff0', '#f00'] # valid
y = ['000099', '#80f_aa', '#80fraa', '#abcd1234', 'blue'] # invalid
z = 5 # invalid
for hex_color in x:
error = check_color('color', hex_color)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
for hex_color in y:
error = check_color('color', hex_color)
self.assertEqual(error, 'color is not a valid hex color code')
error = check_color('color', z)
self.assertEqual(error, 'color is not a string')
def test_check_list(self) -> None:
x = 999 # type: Any
error = check_list(check_string)('x', x)
self.assertEqual(error, 'x is not a list')
x = ["hello", 5]
error = check_list(check_string)('x', x)
self.assertEqual(error, 'x[1] is not a string')
x = [["yo"], ["hello", "goodbye", 5]]
error = check_list(check_list(check_string))('x', x)
self.assertEqual(error, 'x[1][2] is not a string')
x = ["hello", "goodbye", "hello again"]
error = check_list(check_string, length=2)('x', x)
self.assertEqual(error, 'x should have exactly 2 items')
def test_check_dict(self) -> None:
keys = [
('names', check_list(check_string)),
('city', check_string),
] # type: List[Tuple[str, Validator]]
x = {
'names': ['alice', 'bob'],
'city': 'Boston',
} # type: Any
error = check_dict(keys)('x', x)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
x = 999
error = check_dict(keys)('x', x)
self.assertEqual(error, 'x is not a dict')
x = {}
error = check_dict(keys)('x', x)
self.assertEqual(error, 'names key is missing from x')
x = {
'names': ['alice', 'bob', {}]
error = check_dict(keys)('x', x)
self.assertEqual(error, 'x["names"][2] is not a string')
x = {
'names': ['alice', 'bob'],
'city': 5
error = check_dict(keys)('x', x)
self.assertEqual(error, 'x["city"] is not a string')
x = {
'names': ['alice', 'bob'],
'city': 'Boston'
error = check_dict(value_validator=check_string)('x', x)
self.assertEqual(error, 'x contains a value that is not a string')
x = {
'city': 'Boston'
error = check_dict(value_validator=check_string)('x', x)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
# test dict_only
x = {
'names': ['alice', 'bob'],
'city': 'Boston',
error = check_dict_only(keys)('x', x)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
x = {
'names': ['alice', 'bob'],
'city': 'Boston',
'state': 'Massachusetts',
error = check_dict_only(keys)('x', x)
self.assertEqual(error, 'Unexpected arguments: state')
# Test optional keys
optional_keys = [
('food', check_list(check_string)),
('year', check_int)
x = {
'names': ['alice', 'bob'],
'city': 'Boston',
'food': ['Lobster Spaghetti']
error = check_dict(keys)('x', x)
self.assertEqual(error, None) # since _allow_only_listed_keys is False
error = check_dict_only(keys)('x', x)
self.assertEqual(error, 'Unexpected arguments: food')
error = check_dict_only(keys, optional_keys)('x', x)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
x = {
'names': ['alice', 'bob'],
'city': 'Boston',
'food': 'Lobster Spaghetti'
error = check_dict_only(keys, optional_keys)('x', x)
self.assertEqual(error, 'x["food"] is not a list')
def test_encapsulation(self) -> None:
# There might be situations where we want deep
# validation, but the error message should be customized.
# This is an example.
def check_person(val: Any) -> Optional[str]:
error = check_dict([
('name', check_string),
('age', check_int),
])('_', val)
if error:
return 'This is not a valid person'
return None
person = {'name': 'King Lear', 'age': 42}
self.assertEqual(check_person(person), None)
nonperson = 'misconfigured data'
self.assertEqual(check_person(nonperson), 'This is not a valid person')
def test_check_variable_type(self) -> None:
x = 5 # type: Any
self.assertEqual(check_variable_type([check_string, check_int])('x', x), None)
x = 'x'
self.assertEqual(check_variable_type([check_string, check_int])('x', x), None)
x = [{}]
self.assertEqual(check_variable_type([check_string, check_int])('x', x), 'x is not an allowed_type')
def test_equals(self) -> None:
x = 5 # type: Any
self.assertEqual(equals(5)('x', x), None)
self.assertEqual(equals(6)('x', x), 'x != 6 (5 is wrong)')
def test_check_none_or(self) -> None:
x = 5 # type: Any
self.assertEqual(check_none_or(check_int)('x', x), None)
x = None
self.assertEqual(check_none_or(check_int)('x', x), None)
x = 'x'
self.assertEqual(check_none_or(check_int)('x', x), 'x is not an integer')
def test_check_url(self) -> None:
url = "" # type: Any
self.assertEqual(check_url('url', url), None)
url = "http://zulip-bots.example.com/"
self.assertEqual(check_url('url', url), None)
url = "http://127.0.0"
self.assertEqual(check_url('url', url), 'url is not a URL')
url = 99.3
self.assertEqual(check_url('url', url), 'url is not a string')
class DeactivatedRealmTest(ZulipTestCase):
def test_send_deactivated_realm(self) -> None:
rest_dispatch rejects requests in a deactivated realm, both /json and api
realm = get_realm("zulip")
result = self.client_post("/json/messages", {"type": "private",
"content": "Test message",
"client": "test suite",
"to": self.example_email("othello")})
self.assert_json_error_contains(result, "Not logged in", status_code=401)
# Even if a logged-in session was leaked, it still wouldn't work
realm.deactivated = False
realm.deactivated = True
result = self.client_post("/json/messages", {"type": "private",
"content": "Test message",
"client": "test suite",
"to": self.example_email("othello")})
self.assert_json_error_contains(result, "has been deactivated", status_code=400)
result = self.api_post(self.example_email("hamlet"),
"/api/v1/messages", {"type": "private",
"content": "Test message",
"client": "test suite",
"to": self.example_email("othello")})
self.assert_json_error_contains(result, "has been deactivated", status_code=401)
def test_fetch_api_key_deactivated_realm(self) -> None:
authenticated_json_view views fail in a deactivated realm
realm = get_realm("zulip")
user_profile = self.example_user('hamlet')
email = user_profile.email
test_password = "abcd1234"
realm.deactivated = True
result = self.client_post("/json/fetch_api_key", {"password": test_password})
self.assert_json_error_contains(result, "has been deactivated", status_code=400)
def test_webhook_deactivated_realm(self) -> None:
Using a webhook while in a deactivated realm fails
user_profile = self.example_user("hamlet")
api_key = get_api_key(user_profile)
url = "/api/v1/external/jira?api_key=%s&stream=jira_custom" % (api_key,)
data = self.webhook_fixture_data('jira', 'created_v2')
result = self.client_post(url, data,
self.assert_json_error_contains(result, "has been deactivated", status_code=400)
class LoginRequiredTest(ZulipTestCase):
def test_login_required(self) -> None:
Verifies the zulip_login_required decorator blocks deactivated users.
user_profile = self.example_user('hamlet')
email = user_profile.email
# Verify fails if logged-out
result = self.client_get('/accounts/accept_terms/')
self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 302)
# Verify succeeds once logged-in
result = self.client_get('/accounts/accept_terms/')
self.assert_in_response("I agree to the", result)
# Verify fails if user deactivated (with session still valid)
user_profile.is_active = False
result = self.client_get('/accounts/accept_terms/')
self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 302)
# Verify succeeds if user reactivated
result = self.client_get('/accounts/accept_terms/')
self.assert_in_response("I agree to the", result)
# Verify fails if realm deactivated
user_profile.realm.deactivated = True
result = self.client_get('/accounts/accept_terms/')
self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 302)
class FetchAPIKeyTest(ZulipTestCase):
def test_fetch_api_key_success(self) -> None:
email = self.example_email("cordelia")
result = self.client_post("/json/fetch_api_key", {"password": initial_password(email)})
def test_fetch_api_key_wrong_password(self) -> None:
email = self.example_email("cordelia")
result = self.client_post("/json/fetch_api_key", {"password": "wrong_password"})
self.assert_json_error_contains(result, "password is incorrect")
class InactiveUserTest(ZulipTestCase):
def test_send_deactivated_user(self) -> None:
rest_dispatch rejects requests from deactivated users, both /json and api
user_profile = self.example_user('hamlet')
email = user_profile.email
result = self.client_post("/json/messages", {"type": "private",
"content": "Test message",
"client": "test suite",
"to": self.example_email("othello")})
self.assert_json_error_contains(result, "Not logged in", status_code=401)
# Even if a logged-in session was leaked, it still wouldn't work
user_profile.is_active = False
result = self.client_post("/json/messages", {"type": "private",
"content": "Test message",
"client": "test suite",
"to": self.example_email("othello")})
self.assert_json_error_contains(result, "Account is deactivated", status_code=400)
result = self.api_post(self.example_email("hamlet"),
"/api/v1/messages", {"type": "private",
"content": "Test message",
"client": "test suite",
"to": self.example_email("othello")})
self.assert_json_error_contains(result, "Account is deactivated", status_code=401)
def test_fetch_api_key_deactivated_user(self) -> None:
authenticated_json_view views fail with a deactivated user
user_profile = self.example_user('hamlet')
email = user_profile.email
test_password = "abcd1234"
self.login(email, password=test_password)
user_profile.is_active = False
result = self.client_post("/json/fetch_api_key", {"password": test_password})
self.assert_json_error_contains(result, "Account is deactivated", status_code=400)
def test_login_deactivated_user(self) -> None:
logging in fails with an inactive user
user_profile = self.example_user('hamlet')
result = self.login_with_return(self.example_email("hamlet"))
"Your account is no longer active.",
def test_login_deactivated_mirror_dummy(self) -> None:
logging in fails with an inactive user
user_profile = self.example_user('hamlet')
user_profile.is_mirror_dummy = True
password = initial_password(user_profile.email)
request = mock.MagicMock()
request.get_host.return_value = 'zulip.testserver'
# Test a mirror-dummy active user.
form = OurAuthenticationForm(request,
data={'username': user_profile.email,
'password': password})
with self.settings(AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS=('zproject.backends.EmailAuthBackend',)):
# Test a mirror-dummy deactivated user.
form = OurAuthenticationForm(request,
data={'username': user_profile.email,
'password': password})
with self.settings(AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS=('zproject.backends.EmailAuthBackend',)):
self.assertIn("Please enter a correct email", str(form.errors))
# Test a non-mirror-dummy deactivated user.
user_profile.is_mirror_dummy = False
form = OurAuthenticationForm(request,
data={'username': user_profile.email,
'password': password})
with self.settings(AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS=('zproject.backends.EmailAuthBackend',)):
self.assertIn("Your account is no longer active", str(form.errors))
def test_webhook_deactivated_user(self) -> None:
Deactivated users can't use webhooks
user_profile = self.example_user('hamlet')
api_key = get_api_key(user_profile)
url = "/api/v1/external/jira?api_key=%s&stream=jira_custom" % (api_key,)
data = self.webhook_fixture_data('jira', 'created_v2')
result = self.client_post(url, data,
self.assert_json_error_contains(result, "Account is deactivated", status_code=400)
class TestIncomingWebhookBot(ZulipTestCase):
def setUp(self) -> None:
zulip_realm = get_realm('zulip')
self.webhook_bot = get_user('webhook-bot@zulip.com', zulip_realm)
def test_webhook_bot_permissions(self) -> None:
result = self.api_post("webhook-bot@zulip.com",
"/api/v1/messages", {"type": "private",
"content": "Test message",
"client": "test suite",
"to": self.example_email("othello")})
post_params = {"anchor": 1, "num_before": 1, "num_after": 1}
result = self.api_get("webhook-bot@zulip.com", "/api/v1/messages", dict(post_params))
self.assert_json_error(result, 'This API is not available to incoming webhook bots.',
class TestValidateApiKey(ZulipTestCase):
def setUp(self) -> None:
zulip_realm = get_realm('zulip')
self.webhook_bot = get_user('webhook-bot@zulip.com', zulip_realm)
self.default_bot = get_user('default-bot@zulip.com', zulip_realm)
def test_validate_api_key_if_profile_does_not_exist(self) -> None:
with self.assertRaises(JsonableError):
validate_api_key(HostRequestMock(), 'email@doesnotexist.com', 'api_key')
def test_validate_api_key_if_api_key_does_not_match_profile_api_key(self) -> None:
with self.assertRaises(JsonableError):
validate_api_key(HostRequestMock(), self.webhook_bot.email, 'not_32_length')
with self.assertRaises(JsonableError):
# We use default_bot's key but webhook_bot's email address to test
# the logic when an API key is passed and it doesn't belong to the
# user whose email address has been provided.
api_key = get_api_key(self.default_bot)
validate_api_key(HostRequestMock(), self.webhook_bot.email, api_key)
def test_validate_api_key_if_profile_is_not_active(self) -> None:
self._change_is_active_field(self.default_bot, False)
with self.assertRaises(JsonableError):
api_key = get_api_key(self.default_bot)
validate_api_key(HostRequestMock(), self.default_bot.email, api_key)
self._change_is_active_field(self.default_bot, True)
def test_validate_api_key_if_profile_is_incoming_webhook_and_is_webhook_is_unset(self) -> None:
with self.assertRaises(JsonableError):
api_key = get_api_key(self.webhook_bot)
validate_api_key(HostRequestMock(), self.webhook_bot.email, api_key)
def test_validate_api_key_if_profile_is_incoming_webhook_and_is_webhook_is_set(self) -> None:
api_key = get_api_key(self.webhook_bot)
profile = validate_api_key(HostRequestMock(host="zulip.testserver"),
self.webhook_bot.email, api_key,
self.assertEqual(profile.id, self.webhook_bot.id)
def test_validate_api_key_if_email_is_case_insensitive(self) -> None:
api_key = get_api_key(self.default_bot)
profile = validate_api_key(HostRequestMock(host="zulip.testserver"), self.default_bot.email.upper(), api_key)
self.assertEqual(profile.id, self.default_bot.id)
def test_valid_api_key_if_user_is_on_wrong_subdomain(self) -> None:
with self.settings(RUNNING_INSIDE_TORNADO=False):
api_key = get_api_key(self.default_bot)
with mock.patch('logging.warning') as mock_warning:
with self.assertRaisesRegex(JsonableError,
"Account is not associated with this subdomain"):
self.default_bot.email, api_key)
"User {} ({}) attempted to access API on wrong "
"subdomain ({})".format(self.default_bot.email, 'zulip', ''))
with mock.patch('logging.warning') as mock_warning:
with self.assertRaisesRegex(JsonableError,
"Account is not associated with this subdomain"):
validate_api_key(HostRequestMock(host='acme.' + settings.EXTERNAL_HOST),
self.default_bot.email, api_key)
"User {} ({}) attempted to access API on wrong "
"subdomain ({})".format(self.default_bot.email, 'zulip', 'acme'))
def _change_is_active_field(self, profile: UserProfile, value: bool) -> None:
profile.is_active = value
class TestInternalNotifyView(TestCase):
BORING_RESULT = 'boring'
class Request:
def __init__(self, POST: Dict[str, Any], META: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
self.POST = POST
self.META = META
self.method = 'POST'
def internal_notify(self, is_tornado: bool, req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
boring_view = lambda req: self.BORING_RESULT
return internal_notify_view(is_tornado)(boring_view)(req)
def test_valid_internal_requests(self) -> None:
secret = 'random'
req = self.Request(
) # type: HttpRequest
with self.settings(SHARED_SECRET=secret):
self.assertEqual(self.internal_notify(False, req), self.BORING_RESULT)
self.assertEqual(req._email, 'internal')
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
self.internal_notify(True, req)
req._tornado_handler = 'set'
with self.settings(SHARED_SECRET=secret):
self.assertEqual(self.internal_notify(True, req), self.BORING_RESULT)
self.assertEqual(req._email, 'internal')
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
self.internal_notify(False, req)
def test_internal_requests_with_broken_secret(self) -> None:
secret = 'random'
req = self.Request(
with self.settings(SHARED_SECRET='broken'):
self.assertEqual(self.internal_notify(True, req).status_code, 403)
def test_external_requests(self) -> None:
secret = 'random'
req = self.Request(
with self.settings(SHARED_SECRET=secret):
self.assertEqual(self.internal_notify(True, req).status_code, 403)
def test_is_local_address(self) -> None:
class TestHumanUsersOnlyDecorator(ZulipTestCase):
def test_human_only_endpoints(self) -> None:
post_endpoints = [
for endpoint in post_endpoints:
result = self.api_post('default-bot@zulip.com', endpoint)
self.assert_json_error(result, "This endpoint does not accept bot requests.")
patch_endpoints = [
for endpoint in patch_endpoints:
result = self.api_patch('default-bot@zulip.com', endpoint)
self.assert_json_error(result, "This endpoint does not accept bot requests.")
delete_endpoints = [
for endpoint in delete_endpoints:
result = self.api_delete('default-bot@zulip.com', endpoint)
self.assert_json_error(result, "This endpoint does not accept bot requests.")
class TestAuthenticatedJsonPostViewDecorator(ZulipTestCase):
def test_authenticated_json_post_view_if_everything_is_correct(self) -> None:
user_email = self.example_email('hamlet')
user_realm = get_realm('zulip')
self._login(user_email, user_realm)
response = self._do_test(user_email)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
def test_authenticated_json_post_view_with_get_request(self) -> None:
user_email = self.example_email('hamlet')
user_realm = get_realm('zulip')
self._login(user_email, user_realm)
with mock.patch('logging.warning') as mock_warning:
result = self.client_get(r'/json/subscriptions/exists', {'stream': 'Verona'})
self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 405)
mock_warning.assert_called_once() # Check we logged the Mock Not Allowed
('Method Not Allowed (%s): %s', 'GET', '/json/subscriptions/exists'))
def test_authenticated_json_post_view_if_subdomain_is_invalid(self) -> None:
user_email = self.example_email('hamlet')
user_realm = get_realm('zulip')
self._login(user_email, user_realm)
with mock.patch('logging.warning') as mock_warning, \
mock.patch('zerver.decorator.get_subdomain', return_value=''):
"Account is not associated with this "
"User {} ({}) attempted to access API on wrong "
"subdomain ({})".format(user_email, 'zulip', ''))
with mock.patch('logging.warning') as mock_warning, \
mock.patch('zerver.decorator.get_subdomain', return_value='acme'):
"Account is not associated with this "
"User {} ({}) attempted to access API on wrong "
"subdomain ({})".format(user_email, 'zulip', 'acme'))
def test_authenticated_json_post_view_if_user_is_incoming_webhook(self) -> None:
user_email = 'webhook-bot@zulip.com'
user_realm = get_realm('zulip')
self._login(user_email, user_realm, password="test") # we set a password because user is a bot
self.assert_json_error_contains(self._do_test(user_email), "Webhook bots can only access webhooks")
def test_authenticated_json_post_view_if_user_is_not_active(self) -> None:
user_email = self.example_email('hamlet')
user_realm = get_realm('zulip')
self._login(user_email, user_realm, password="test")
# Get user_profile after _login so that we have the latest data.
user_profile = get_user(user_email, user_realm)
# we deactivate user manually because do_deactivate_user removes user session
user_profile.is_active = False
self.assert_json_error_contains(self._do_test(user_email), "Account is deactivated")
def test_authenticated_json_post_view_if_user_realm_is_deactivated(self) -> None:
user_email = self.example_email('hamlet')
user_realm = get_realm('zulip')
user_profile = get_user(user_email, user_realm)
self._login(user_email, user_realm)
# we deactivate user's realm manually because do_deactivate_user removes user session
user_profile.realm.deactivated = True
self.assert_json_error_contains(self._do_test(user_email), "This organization has been deactivated")
def _do_test(self, user_email: str) -> HttpResponse:
stream_name = "stream name"
self.common_subscribe_to_streams(user_email, [stream_name])
data = {"password": initial_password(user_email), "stream": stream_name}
return self.client_post(r'/json/subscriptions/exists', data)
def _login(self, user_email: str, user_realm: Realm, password: str=None) -> None:
if password:
user_profile = get_user(user_email, user_realm)
self.login(user_email, password)
class TestAuthenticatedJsonViewDecorator(ZulipTestCase):
def test_authenticated_json_view_if_subdomain_is_invalid(self) -> None:
user_email = self.example_email("hamlet")
with mock.patch('logging.warning') as mock_warning, \
mock.patch('zerver.decorator.get_subdomain', return_value=''):
"Account is not associated with this "
"User {} ({}) attempted to access API on wrong "
"subdomain ({})".format(user_email, 'zulip', ''))
with mock.patch('logging.warning') as mock_warning, \
mock.patch('zerver.decorator.get_subdomain', return_value='acme'):
"Account is not associated with this "
"User {} ({}) attempted to access API on wrong "
"subdomain ({})".format(user_email, 'zulip', 'acme'))
def _do_test(self, user_email: str) -> HttpResponse:
data = {"password": initial_password(user_email)}
return self.client_post(r'/accounts/webathena_kerberos_login/', data)
class TestZulipLoginRequiredDecorator(ZulipTestCase):
def test_zulip_login_required_if_subdomain_is_invalid(self) -> None:
user_email = self.example_email("hamlet")
with mock.patch('zerver.decorator.get_subdomain', return_value='zulip'):
result = self.client_get('/accounts/accept_terms/')
self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 200)
with mock.patch('zerver.decorator.get_subdomain', return_value=''):
result = self.client_get('/accounts/accept_terms/')
self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 302)
with mock.patch('zerver.decorator.get_subdomain', return_value='acme'):
result = self.client_get('/accounts/accept_terms/')
self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 302)
def test_2fa_failure(self) -> None:
def test_view(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
return HttpResponse('Success')
request = HttpRequest()
request.META['SERVER_NAME'] = 'localhost'
request.META['SERVER_PORT'] = 80
request.META['PATH_INFO'] = ''
request.user = hamlet = self.example_user('hamlet')
request.user.is_verified = lambda: False
request.session = self.client.session
request.get_host = lambda: 'zulip.testserver'
response = test_view(request)
content = getattr(response, 'content')
self.assertEqual(content.decode(), 'Success')
request = HttpRequest()
request.META['SERVER_NAME'] = 'localhost'
request.META['SERVER_PORT'] = 80
request.META['PATH_INFO'] = ''
request.user = hamlet = self.example_user('hamlet')
request.user.is_verified = lambda: False
request.session = self.client.session
request.get_host = lambda: 'zulip.testserver'
response = test_view(request)
status_code = getattr(response, 'status_code')
self.assertEqual(status_code, 302)
url = getattr(response, 'url')
response_url = url.split("?")[0]
self.assertEqual(response_url, settings.HOME_NOT_LOGGED_IN)
def test_2fa_success(self) -> None:
def test_view(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
return HttpResponse('Success')
request = HttpRequest()
request.META['SERVER_NAME'] = 'localhost'
request.META['SERVER_PORT'] = 80
request.META['PATH_INFO'] = ''
request.user = hamlet = self.example_user('hamlet')
request.user.is_verified = lambda: True
request.session = self.client.session
request.get_host = lambda: 'zulip.testserver'
response = test_view(request)
content = getattr(response, 'content')
self.assertEqual(content.decode(), 'Success')
class TestRequireDecorators(ZulipTestCase):
def test_require_server_admin_decorator(self) -> None:
user_email = self.example_email('hamlet')
user_realm = get_realm('zulip')
result = self.client_get('/activity')
self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 302)
user_profile = get_user(user_email, user_realm)
user_profile.is_staff = True
result = self.client_get('/activity')
self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 200)
def test_require_non_guest_user_decorator(self) -> None:
guest_user = self.example_user('polonius')
result = self.common_subscribe_to_streams(guest_user.email, ["Denmark"])
self.assert_json_error(result, "Not allowed for guest users")
def test_require_non_guest_human_user_decorator(self) -> None:
result = self.api_get("outgoing-webhook@zulip.com", '/api/v1/bots')
self.assert_json_error(result, "This endpoint does not accept bot requests.")
guest_user = self.example_user('polonius')
result = self.client_get('/json/bots')
self.assert_json_error(result, "Not allowed for guest users")
class ReturnSuccessOnHeadRequestDecorator(ZulipTestCase):
def test_returns_200_if_request_method_is_head(self) -> None:
class HeadRequest:
method = 'HEAD'
request = HeadRequest()
def test_function(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
return json_response(msg=u'from_test_function') # nocoverage. isn't meant to be called
response = test_function(request)
self.assertNotEqual(ujson.loads(response.content).get('msg'), u'from_test_function')
def test_returns_normal_response_if_request_method_is_not_head(self) -> None:
class HeadRequest:
method = 'POST'
request = HeadRequest()
def test_function(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
return json_response(msg=u'from_test_function')
response = test_function(request)
self.assertEqual(ujson.loads(response.content).get('msg'), u'from_test_function')
class RestAPITest(ZulipTestCase):
def test_method_not_allowed(self) -> None:
result = self.client_patch('/json/users')
self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 405)
self.assert_in_response('Method Not Allowed', result)
def test_options_method(self) -> None:
result = self.client_options('/json/users')
self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 204)
self.assertEqual(str(result['Allow']), 'GET, POST')
result = self.client_options('/json/streams/15')
self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 204)
self.assertEqual(str(result['Allow']), 'DELETE, PATCH')
def test_http_accept_redirect(self) -> None:
result = self.client_get('/json/users',
self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 302)
class CacheTestCase(ZulipTestCase):
def test_cachify_basics(self) -> None:
def add(w: Any, x: Any, y: Any, z: Any) -> Any:
return w + x + y + z
for i in range(2):
self.assertEqual(add(1, 2, 4, 8), 15)
self.assertEqual(add('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'), 'abcd')
def test_cachify_is_per_call(self) -> None:
def test_greetings(greeting: str) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
result_log = [] # type: List[str]
work_log = [] # type: List[str]
def greet(first_name: str, last_name: str) -> str:
msg = '%s %s %s' % (greeting, first_name, last_name)
return msg
result_log.append(greet('alice', 'smith'))
result_log.append(greet('bob', 'barker'))
result_log.append(greet('alice', 'smith'))
result_log.append(greet('cal', 'johnson'))
return (work_log, result_log)
work_log, result_log = test_greetings('hello')
self.assertEqual(work_log, [
'hello alice smith',
'hello bob barker',
'hello cal johnson',
self.assertEqual(result_log, [
'hello alice smith',
'hello bob barker',
'hello alice smith',
'hello cal johnson',
work_log, result_log = test_greetings('goodbye')
self.assertEqual(work_log, [
'goodbye alice smith',
'goodbye bob barker',
'goodbye cal johnson',
self.assertEqual(result_log, [
'goodbye alice smith',
'goodbye bob barker',
'goodbye alice smith',
'goodbye cal johnson',
class TestUserAgentParsing(ZulipTestCase):
def test_user_agent_parsing(self) -> None:
"""Test for our user agent parsing logic, using a large data set."""
user_agents_parsed = defaultdict(int) # type: Dict[str, int]
user_agents_path = os.path.join(settings.DEPLOY_ROOT, "zerver/tests/fixtures/user_agents_unique")
for line in open(user_agents_path).readlines():
line = line.strip()
match = re.match('^(?P<count>[0-9]+) "(?P<user_agent>.*)"$', line)
groupdict = match.groupdict()
count = groupdict["count"]
user_agent = groupdict["user_agent"]
ret = parse_user_agent(user_agent)
user_agents_parsed[ret["name"]] += int(count)
class TestIgnoreUnhashableLRUCache(ZulipTestCase):
def test_cache_hit(self) -> None:
def f(arg: Any) -> Any:
return arg
def get_cache_info() -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
info = getattr(f, 'cache_info')()
hits = getattr(info, 'hits')
misses = getattr(info, 'misses')
currsize = getattr(info, 'currsize')
return hits, misses, currsize
def clear_cache() -> None:
getattr(f, 'cache_clear')()
# Check hashable argument.
result = f(1)
hits, misses, currsize = get_cache_info()
# First one should be a miss.
self.assertEqual(hits, 0)
self.assertEqual(misses, 1)
self.assertEqual(currsize, 1)
self.assertEqual(result, 1)
result = f(1)
hits, misses, currsize = get_cache_info()
# Second one should be a hit.
self.assertEqual(hits, 1)
self.assertEqual(misses, 1)
self.assertEqual(currsize, 1)
self.assertEqual(result, 1)
# Check unhashable argument.
result = f({1: 2})
hits, misses, currsize = get_cache_info()
# Cache should not be used.
self.assertEqual(hits, 1)
self.assertEqual(misses, 1)
self.assertEqual(currsize, 1)
self.assertEqual(result, {1: 2})
# Clear cache.
hits, misses, currsize = get_cache_info()
self.assertEqual(hits, 0)
self.assertEqual(misses, 0)
self.assertEqual(currsize, 0)
def test_cache_hit_dict_args(self) -> None:
def g(arg: Any) -> Any:
return arg
def get_cache_info() -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
info = getattr(g, 'cache_info')()
hits = getattr(info, 'hits')
misses = getattr(info, 'misses')
currsize = getattr(info, 'currsize')
return hits, misses, currsize
def clear_cache() -> None:
getattr(g, 'cache_clear')()
# Not used as a decorator on the definition to allow defining
# get_cache_info and clear_cache
f = dict_to_items_tuple(g)
# Check hashable argument.
result = f(1)
hits, misses, currsize = get_cache_info()
# First one should be a miss.
self.assertEqual(hits, 0)
self.assertEqual(misses, 1)
self.assertEqual(currsize, 1)
self.assertEqual(result, 1)
result = f(1)
hits, misses, currsize = get_cache_info()
# Second one should be a hit.
self.assertEqual(hits, 1)
self.assertEqual(misses, 1)
self.assertEqual(currsize, 1)
self.assertEqual(result, 1)
# Check dict argument.
result = f({1: 2})
hits, misses, currsize = get_cache_info()
# First one is a miss
self.assertEqual(hits, 1)
self.assertEqual(misses, 2)
self.assertEqual(currsize, 2)
self.assertEqual(result, {1: 2})
result = f({1: 2})
hits, misses, currsize = get_cache_info()
# Second one should be a hit.
self.assertEqual(hits, 2)
self.assertEqual(misses, 2)
self.assertEqual(currsize, 2)
self.assertEqual(result, {1: 2})
# Clear cache.
hits, misses, currsize = get_cache_info()
self.assertEqual(hits, 0)
self.assertEqual(misses, 0)
self.assertEqual(currsize, 0)