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Zulip supports integration with Papertrail as a
<a href="http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/p4sag/chapter.scripting.html">Webhook</a>
that fires upon finding a certain log. To do this:
First, create the stream you'd like to use for Papertrail
notifications, and subscribe all interested parties to this stream. We
recommend the stream name be <code>papertrail</code>. After create a bot named
<code>Papertrail</code> and note the API key.
Next, log into your Papertrail Account and browse through your logs.
Search for logs you want to get alerts for and press the <code>Save Search</code>
to open up a modal window, then fill out the details and press the
<code>Save & Setup an alert button</code>.
<img class="screenshot" src="/static/images/integrations/papertrail/000.png"/>
<img class="screenshot" src="/static/images/integrations/papertrail/001.png"/>
Go to the <code>Create an alert</code> section, press the <code>Webhooks</code>
link and place the below URL into the <code>Webhook URL</code> section. Be sure to set
the frequency to either minute, hour or day.
<p><code>{{ external_api_uri_subdomain }}/v1/external/papertrail?api_key=abcdefgh&amp;stream=papertrail</code></p>
<img class="screenshot" src="/static/images/integrations/papertrail/002.png"/>
Note: <code>api_key</code> is the API key of your Zulip bot,
and <code>stream</code> is the stream name you want the
notifications sent to.
<b>Congratulations! You're done!</b><br/> Your Papertrail notifications will
appear in Zulip:
<img class="screenshot" src="/static/images/integrations/papertrail/003.png"/>