
221 lines
6.1 KiB

import subprocess
from typing import List, Optional, Set
from zulint.printer import ENDC, GREEN
from .template_parser import Token, is_django_block_tag, tokenize
def requires_indent(line: str) -> bool:
line = line.lstrip()
return line.startswith("<")
def open_token(token: Token) -> bool:
if token.kind in (
return True
if token.kind in (
return is_django_block_tag(token.tag)
return False
def close_token(token: Token) -> bool:
return token.kind in (
def else_token(token: Token) -> bool:
return token.kind in (
def pop_unused_tokens(tokens: List[Token], row: int) -> bool:
while tokens and tokens[-1].line <= row:
token = tokens.pop()
if close_token(token):
return True
return False
def indent_pref(row: int, tokens: List[Token], line: str) -> str:
opens = 0
closes = 0
is_else = False
while tokens and tokens[-1].line == row:
token = tokens.pop()
if open_token(token):
opens += 1
elif close_token(token):
closes += 1
elif else_token(token):
is_else = True
if is_else:
if opens and closes:
return "neutral"
return "else"
i = opens - closes
if i == 0:
return "neutral"
elif i == 1:
return "open"
elif i == -1:
return "close"
print(i, opens, closes)
raise Exception(f"too many tokens on row {row}")
def indent_level(s: str) -> int:
return len(s) - len(s.lstrip())
def same_indent(s1: str, s2: str) -> bool:
return indent_level(s1) == indent_level(s2)
def next_non_blank_line(lines: List[str], i: int) -> str:
next_line = ""
for j in range(i + 1, len(lines)):
next_line = lines[j]
if next_line.strip() != "":
return next_line
def get_exempted_lines(tokens: List[Token]) -> Set[int]:
exempted = set()
for code_tag in ("code", "pre", "script"):
for token in tokens:
if token.kind == "html_start" and token.tag == code_tag:
start: Optional[int] = token.line
if token.kind == "html_end" and token.tag == code_tag:
# The pretty printer expects well-formed HTML, even
# if it's strangely formatted, so we expect start
# to be None.
assert start is not None
# We leave code blocks completely alone, including
# the start and end tags.
for i in range(start, token.line + 1):
start = None
return exempted
def pretty_print_html(html: str) -> str:
tokens = tokenize(html)
exempted_lines = get_exempted_lines(tokens)
lines = html.split("\n")
open_offsets: List[str] = []
formatted_lines = []
next_offset: str = ""
tag_end_row: Optional[int] = None
tag_continuation_offset = ""
def line_offset(row: int, line: str, next_line: str) -> Optional[str]:
nonlocal next_offset
nonlocal tag_end_row
nonlocal tag_continuation_offset
if tag_end_row and row < tag_end_row:
was_closed = pop_unused_tokens(tokens, row)
if was_closed:
next_offset = open_offsets.pop()
return tag_continuation_offset
offset = next_offset
if tokens:
token = tokens[-1]
if token.line == row and token.line_span > 1:
if token.kind in ("django_comment", "handlebar_comment", "html_comment"):
tag_continuation_offset = offset
tag_continuation_offset = offset + " "
tag_end_row = row + token.line_span
pref = indent_pref(row, tokens, line)
if pref == "open":
if same_indent(line, next_line) and not requires_indent(line):
next_offset = offset
next_offset = offset + " " * 4
elif pref == "else":
offset = open_offsets[-1]
if same_indent(line, next_line):
next_offset = offset
next_offset = offset + " " * 4
elif pref == "close":
offset = open_offsets.pop()
next_offset = offset
return offset
def adjusted_line(row: int, line: str, next_line: str) -> str:
if line.strip() == "":
return ""
offset = line_offset(row, line, next_line)
if row in exempted_lines:
return line.rstrip()
if offset is None:
return line.rstrip()
return offset + line.strip()
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
# We use 1-based indexing for both rows and columns.
next_line = next_non_blank_line(lines, i)
row = i + 1
formatted_lines.append(adjusted_line(row, line, next_line))
return "\n".join(formatted_lines)
def validate_indent_html(fn: str, fix: bool) -> bool:
with open(fn) as f:
html = f.read()
phtml = pretty_print_html(html)
if not html.split("\n") == phtml.split("\n"):
if fix:
print(GREEN + f"Automatically fixing indentation for {fn}" + ENDC)
with open(fn, "w") as f:
# Since we successfully fixed the issues, we return True.
return True
"Invalid indentation detected in file: "
f"{fn}\nDiff for the file against expected indented file:",
subprocess.run(["diff", fn, "-"], input=phtml, universal_newlines=True)
print("This problem can be fixed with the `--fix` option.")
return False
return True