rht 99511421d1 requirements: Rename py3_common.txt to common.txt. 2017-08-22 10:10:57 -07:00
README.md requirements: Rename py3_common.txt to common.txt. 2017-08-22 10:10:57 -07:00
common.txt requirements: Rename py3_common.txt to common.txt. 2017-08-22 10:10:57 -07:00
dev.txt requirements: Rename py3_common.txt to common.txt. 2017-08-22 10:10:57 -07:00
dev_lock.txt requirements: Replace py3_dev.txt with dev_lock.txt. 2017-08-22 10:10:57 -07:00
docs.txt requirements: Upgrade babel to 2.5.0. 2017-08-21 07:52:16 -07:00
emailmirror.txt requirements: Upgrade regex to 2017.7.28. 2017-08-21 07:52:15 -07:00
mypy.txt requirements: Include egg fragment in mypy git url. 2017-08-20 22:59:20 -07:00
pip.txt requirements: Upgrade setuptools to 36.2.7. 2017-08-21 07:52:15 -07:00
prod.txt requirements: Rename py3_common.txt to common.txt. 2017-08-22 10:10:57 -07:00
prod_lock.txt requirements: Lock prod.txt instead of its py3_common dependency. 2017-08-22 10:10:57 -07:00
py3k.txt requirements: Upgrade typing to 3.6.2. 2017-08-21 07:52:15 -07:00
socialauth.txt requirements: Rename py3_socialauth.txt to socialauth.txt. 2017-08-22 10:10:57 -07:00


The dependency graph of the requirements is as follows:

dev             prod
+ +              +
| +->common<-----+
|     |
|     v
|   emailmirror,socialauth

Of the files, only dev, prod, py3k, and mypy have been used in the install scripts directly. The rest are implicit dependencies.

common and dev are locked.

Steps to update a lock file, e.g. to update ipython from 5.3.0 to 6.0.0 in common.txt and propagate it to dev_lock.txt and prod_lock.txt: 0. Replace ipython==5.4.1 with ipython==6.0.0 in common.txt

  1. Run './tools/update-locked-requirements'

The reason the steps to remove the -e is necessary is because pip-compile doesn't support installing from vcs without -e yet. You may track the ongoing progress here https://github.com/jazzband/pip-tools/issues/355.