
333 lines
13 KiB

import mock
from mock import call
import time
from typing import Any, Union, SupportsInt
import gcmclient
from django.test import TestCase
from django.conf import settings
from zerver.models import PushDeviceToken, UserProfile, Message
from zerver.models import get_user_profile_by_email
from zerver.lib import push_notifications as apn
class MockRedis(object):
data = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
def hgetall(self, key):
# type: (str) -> Any
return self.data.get(key)
def exists(self, key):
# type: (str) -> bool
return key in self.data
def hmset(self, key, data):
# type: (str, Dict[Any, Any]) -> None
self.data[key] = data
def delete(self, key):
# type: (str) -> None
if self.exists(key):
del self.data[key]
def expire(self, *args, **kwargs):
# type: (Any, Any) -> None
class PushNotificationTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# type: () -> None
email = 'hamlet@zulip.com'
apn.connection = apn.get_connection('fake-cert', 'fake-key')
self.redis_client = apn.redis_client = MockRedis() # type: ignore
apn.dbx_connection = apn.get_connection('fake-cert', 'fake-key')
self.user_profile = get_user_profile_by_email(email)
self.tokens = [u'aaaa', u'bbbb']
for token in self.tokens:
def tearDown(self):
# type: () -> None
for i in [100, 200]:
class APNsMessageTest(PushNotificationTest):
@mock.patch('random.getrandbits', side_effect=[100, 200])
def test_apns_message(self, mock_getrandbits):
# type: (mock.MagicMock) -> None
apn.APNsMessage(self.user_profile, self.tokens, alert="test")
data = self.redis_client.hgetall(apn.get_apns_key(100))
self.assertEqual(data['token'], 'aaaa')
self.assertEqual(int(data['user_id']), self.user_profile.id)
data = self.redis_client.hgetall(apn.get_apns_key(200))
self.assertEqual(data['token'], 'bbbb')
self.assertEqual(int(data['user_id']), self.user_profile.id)
class ResponseListenerTest(PushNotificationTest):
def get_error_response(self, **kwargs):
# type: (Any) -> Dict[str, SupportsInt]
er = {'identifier': 0, 'status': 0} # type: Dict[str, SupportsInt]
er.update({k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in er})
return er
def get_cache_value(self):
# type: () -> Dict[str, Union[str, int]]
return {'token': 'aaaa', 'user_id': self.user_profile.id}
def test_cache_does_not_exist(self, mock_warn):
# type: (mock.MagicMock) -> None
err_rsp = self.get_error_response(identifier=100, status=1)
msg = "APNs key, apns:100, doesn't not exist."
def test_cache_exists(self, mock_warn):
# type: (mock.MagicMock) -> None
self.redis_client.hmset(apn.get_apns_key(100), self.get_cache_value())
err_rsp = self.get_error_response(identifier=100, status=1)
b64_token = apn.hex_to_b64('aaaa')
errmsg = apn.ERROR_CODES[int(err_rsp['status'])]
msg = ("APNS: Failed to deliver APNS notification to %s, "
"reason: %s" % (b64_token, errmsg))
def test_error_code_eight(self, mock_warn):
# type: (mock.MagicMock) -> None
self.redis_client.hmset(apn.get_apns_key(100), self.get_cache_value())
err_rsp = self.get_error_response(identifier=100, status=8)
b64_token = apn.hex_to_b64('aaaa')
user=self.user_profile, token=b64_token).count(), 1)
self.assertEqual(mock_warn.call_count, 2)
user=self.user_profile, token=b64_token).count(), 0)
class SendNotificationTest(PushNotificationTest):
def test_send_apple_push_notifiction(self, mock_send, mock_info, mock_warn):
# type: (mock.MagicMock, mock.MagicMock, mock.MagicMock) -> None
def test_send(user, message, alert):
# type: (UserProfile, Message, str) -> None
self.assertEqual(user.id, self.user_profile.id)
self.assertEqual(set(message.tokens), set(self.tokens))
mock_send.side_effect = test_send
apn.send_apple_push_notification(self.user_profile, "test alert")
self.assertEqual(mock_send.call_count, 1)
def test_do_push_to_apns_service(self, mock_push):
# type: (mock.MagicMock) -> None
msg = apn.APNsMessage(self.user_profile, self.tokens, alert="test")
def test_push(message):
# type: (Message) -> None
self.assertIs(message, msg.get_frame())
mock_push.side_effect = test_push
apn._do_push_to_apns_service(self.user_profile, msg, apn.connection)
def test_connection_single_none(self, mock_push, mock_info, mock_warn):
# type: (mock.MagicMock, mock.MagicMock, mock.MagicMock) -> None
apn.connection = None
apn.send_apple_push_notification(self.user_profile, "test alert")
def test_connection_both_none(self, mock_push, mock_error):
# type: (mock.MagicMock, mock.MagicMock) -> None
apn.connection = None
apn.dbx_connection = None
apn.send_apple_push_notification(self.user_profile, "test alert")
class APNsFeedbackTest(PushNotificationTest):
def test_feedback(self, mock_items, mock_info):
# type: (mock.MagicMock, mock.MagicMock) -> None
update_time = apn.timestamp_to_datetime(int(time.time()) - 10000)
mock_items.return_value = [
('aaaa', int(time.time())),
self.assertEqual(PushDeviceToken.objects.all().count(), 2)
self.assertEqual(PushDeviceToken.objects.all().count(), 1)
class GCMTest(PushNotificationTest):
def setUp(self):
# type: () -> None
super(GCMTest, self).setUp()
apn.gcm = gcmclient.GCM('fake key')
self.gcm_tokens = [u'1111', u'2222']
for token in self.gcm_tokens:
def get_gcm_data(self, **kwargs):
# type: (**Any) -> Dict[str, Any]
data = {
'key 1': 'Data 1',
'key 2': 'Data 2',
return data
class GCMNotSetTest(GCMTest):
def test_gcm_is_none(self, mock_error):
# type: (mock.MagicMock) -> None
apn.gcm = None
apn.send_android_push_notification(self.user_profile, {})
mock_error.assert_called_with("Attempting to send a GCM push "
"notification, but no API key was "
class GCMSuccessTest(GCMTest):
def test_success(self, mock_send, mock_info, mock_warning):
# type: (mock.MagicMock, mock.MagicMock, mock.MagicMock) -> None
res = mock.MagicMock()
res.success = {token: ind for ind, token in enumerate(self.gcm_tokens)}
res.needs_retry.return_value = False
mock_send.return_value = res
data = self.get_gcm_data()
apn.send_android_push_notification(self.user_profile, data)
self.assertEqual(mock_info.call_count, 2)
c1 = call("GCM: Sent 1111 as 0")
c2 = call("GCM: Sent 2222 as 1")
mock_info.assert_has_calls([c1, c2], any_order=True)
class GCMCanonicalTest(GCMTest):
def test_equal(self, mock_send, mock_warning):
# type: (mock.MagicMock, mock.MagicMock) -> None
res = mock.MagicMock()
res.canonical = {1: 1}
res.needs_retry.return_value = False
mock_send.return_value = res
data = self.get_gcm_data()
apn.send_android_push_notification(self.user_profile, data)
mock_warning.assert_called_once_with("GCM: Got canonical ref but it "
"already matches our ID 1!")
def test_pushdevice_not_present(self, mock_send, mock_warning):
# type: (mock.MagicMock, mock.MagicMock) -> None
res = mock.MagicMock()
t1 = apn.hex_to_b64(u'1111')
t2 = apn.hex_to_b64(u'3333')
res.canonical = {t1: t2}
res.needs_retry.return_value = False
mock_send.return_value = res
def get_count(token):
token = apn.hex_to_b64(token)
return PushDeviceToken.objects.filter(
token=token, kind=PushDeviceToken.GCM).count()
self.assertEqual(get_count(u'1111'), 1)
self.assertEqual(get_count(u'3333'), 0)
data = self.get_gcm_data()
apn.send_android_push_notification(self.user_profile, data)
msg = ("GCM: Got canonical ref %s "
"replacing %s but new ID not "
"registered! Updating.")
mock_warning.assert_called_once_with(msg % (t2, t1))
self.assertEqual(get_count(u'1111'), 0)
self.assertEqual(get_count(u'3333'), 1)
def test_pushdevice_different(self, mock_send, mock_info):
# type: (mock.MagicMock, mock.MagicMock) -> None
res = mock.MagicMock()
old_token = apn.hex_to_b64(u'1111')
new_token = apn.hex_to_b64(u'2222')
res.canonical = {old_token: new_token}
res.needs_retry.return_value = False
mock_send.return_value = res
def get_count(token):
token = apn.hex_to_b64(token)
return PushDeviceToken.objects.filter(
token=token, kind=PushDeviceToken.GCM).count()
self.assertEqual(get_count(u'1111'), 1)
self.assertEqual(get_count(u'2222'), 1)
data = self.get_gcm_data()
apn.send_android_push_notification(self.user_profile, data)
"GCM: Got canonical ref %s, dropping %s" % (new_token, old_token))
self.assertEqual(get_count(u'1111'), 0)
self.assertEqual(get_count(u'2222'), 1)
class GCMNotRegisteredTest(GCMTest):
def test_not_registered(self, mock_send, mock_info):
# type: (mock.MagicMock, mock.MagicMock) -> None
res = mock.MagicMock()
token = apn.hex_to_b64(u'1111')
res.not_registered = [token]
res.needs_retry.return_value = False
mock_send.return_value = res
def get_count(token):
token = apn.hex_to_b64(token)
return PushDeviceToken.objects.filter(
token=token, kind=PushDeviceToken.GCM).count()
self.assertEqual(get_count(u'1111'), 1)
data = self.get_gcm_data()
apn.send_android_push_notification(self.user_profile, data)
mock_info.assert_called_once_with("GCM: Removing %s" % (token,))
self.assertEqual(get_count(u'1111'), 0)
class GCMFailureTest(GCMTest):
def test_failure(self, mock_send, mock_warn):
# type: (mock.MagicMock, mock.MagicMock) -> None
res = mock.MagicMock()
token = apn.hex_to_b64(u'1111')
res.failed = {token: 1}
res.needs_retry.return_value = True
mock_send.return_value = res
data = self.get_gcm_data()
apn.send_android_push_notification(self.user_profile, data)
c1 = call("GCM: Delivery to %s failed: 1" % (token,))
c2 = call("GCM: delivery needs a retry but ignoring")
mock_warn.assert_has_calls([c1, c2], any_order=True)