mirror of https://github.com/zulip/zulip.git
1630 lines
50 KiB
1630 lines
50 KiB
zrequire('Handlebars', 'handlebars');
set_global('i18n', global.stub_i18n);
const { JSDOM } = require("jsdom");
const { window } = new JSDOM();
global.$ = require('jquery')(window);
// When writing these tests, the following command might be helpful:
// ./tools/get-handlebar-vars static/templates/*.handlebars
function render(template_name, args) {
return global.render_template(template_name, args);
run_test('finding_partials', () => {
var fns = global.find_included_partials('settings_tab');
assert.deepEqual(fns, [
run_test('handlebars_bug', () => {
// There was a bug in 1.0.9 where identically structured
// blocks get confused, so when foo is false, it still
// renders the foo-is-true block.
var s = '';
s += '{{#if foo}}';
s += '{{#if bar}}';
s += 'a';
s += '{{else}}';
s += 'b';
s += '{{/if}}';
s += '{{else}}';
s += '{{#if bar}}';
s += 'c';
s += '{{else}}';
s += 'd';
s += '{{/if}}';
s += '{{/if}}';
var template = global.Handlebars.compile(s);
var output = template({});
assert.equal(output, 'd'); // the buggy version would return 'b'
run_test('actions_popover_content', () => {
var args = {
message: {
is_stream: true,
id: "99",
stream: "devel",
subject: "testing",
sender_full_name: "King Lear",
should_display_quote_and_reply: true,
can_edit_message: true,
can_mute_topic: true,
narrowed: true,
var html = '<div style="height: 250px">';
html += render('actions_popover_content', args);
html += "</div>";
var link = $(html).find("a.respond_button");
assert.equal(link.text().trim(), 'translated: Quote and reply');
var deletedArgs = {
message: {
is_stream: true,
id: "100",
stream: "devel",
subject: "testing",
sender_full_name: "King Lear",
should_display_edit_and_view_source: false,
should_display_quote_and_reply: false,
narrowed: true,
var deletedHtml = '<div style="height: 250px">';
deletedHtml += render('actions_popover_content', deletedArgs);
deletedHtml += "</div>";
var viewSourceLink = $(deletedHtml).find("a.popover_edit_message");
assert.equal(viewSourceLink.length, 0);
var quoteLink = $(deletedHtml).find("a.respond_button");
assert.equal(quoteLink.length, 0);
run_test('admin_realm_domains_list', () => {
var html = "<table>";
var args = {
realm_domain: {
domain: 'zulip.org',
allow_subdomains: true,
html += render("admin-realm-domains-list", args);
html += "</table>";
var button = $(html).find('.button');
var domain = $(html).find('.domain');
var row = button.closest('tr');
var subdomains_checkbox = row.find('.allow-subdomains');
assert.equal(button.text().trim(), "translated: Remove");
assert.equal(domain.text(), "zulip.org");
assert.equal(subdomains_checkbox.prop('checked'), true);
run_test('admin_realm_dropdown_stream_list', () => {
var html = "<ul>";
var args = {
stream: {
name: "Italy",
subscriber_count: 9,
stream_id: 18,
html += render("admin-realm-dropdown-stream-list", args);
html += "</ul>";
var link = $(html).find("a");
var list_item = $(html).find("li");
assert.equal(link.text().trim(), "Italy");
assert.equal(list_item.attr("data-stream-id"), "18");
run_test('admin_default_streams_list', () => {
var html = '<table>';
var streams = ['devel', 'trac', 'zulip'];
// When the logged in user is admin
_.each(streams, function (stream) {
var args = {
stream: {name: stream, invite_only: false},
can_modify: true,
html += render('admin_default_streams_list', args);
html += "</table>";
var span = $(html).find(".default_stream_name:first");
assert.equal(span.text(), "devel");
// When the logged in user is not admin
html = '<table>';
_.each(streams, function (stream) {
var args = {
stream: {name: stream, invite_only: false},
can_modify: false,
html += render('admin_default_streams_list', args);
html += "</table>";
span = $(html).find(".default_stream_name:first");
assert.equal(span.text(), "devel");
run_test('admin_emoji_list', () => {
var args = {
emoji: {
name: "MouseFace",
display_name: "MouseFace",
source_url: "http://emojipedia-us.s3.amazonaws.com/cache/46/7f/467fe69069c408e07517621f263ea9b5.png",
var html = '';
html += '<tbody id="admin_emoji_table">';
html += render('admin_emoji_list', args);
html += '</tbody>';
var emoji_name = $(html).find('tr.emoji_row:first span.emoji_name');
var emoji_url = $(html).find('tr.emoji_row:first span.emoji_image img');
assert.equal(emoji_name.text(), 'MouseFace');
assert.equal(emoji_url.attr('src'), 'http://emojipedia-us.s3.amazonaws.com/cache/46/7f/467fe69069c408e07517621f263ea9b5.png');
run_test('admin_profile_field_list', () => {
// When the logged in user is admin
var args = {
profile_field: {
name: "teams",
type: "Long text",
can_modify: true,
var html = '';
html += '<tbody id="admin_profile_fields_table">';
html += render('admin_profile_field_list', args);
html += '</tbody>';
var field_name = $(html).find('tr.profile-field-row:first span.profile_field_name');
var field_type = $(html).find('tr.profile-field-row:first span.profile_field_type');
var td = $(html).find('tr.profile-field-row:first td');
assert.equal(field_name.text(), 'teams');
assert.equal(field_type.text(), 'Long text');
assert.equal(td.length, 4);
// When the logged in user is not admin
args = {
profile_field: {
name: "teams",
type: "Long text",
can_modify: false,
html = '';
html += '<tbody id="admin_profile_fields_table">';
html += render('admin_profile_field_list', args);
html += '</tbody>';
field_name = $(html).find('tr.profile-field-row:first span.profile_field_name');
field_type = $(html).find('tr.profile-field-row:first span.profile_field_type');
td = $(html).find('tr.profile-field-row:first td');
assert.equal(field_name.text(), 'teams');
assert.equal(field_type.text(), 'Long text');
assert.equal(td.length, 3);
run_test('admin_filter_list', () => {
// When the logged in user is admin
var args = {
filter: {
pattern: "#(?P<id>[0-9]+)",
url_format_string: "https://trac.example.com/ticket/%(id)s",
can_modify: true,
var html = '';
html += '<tbody id="admin_filters_table">';
html += render('admin_filter_list', args);
html += '</tbody>';
var filter_pattern = $(html).find('tr.filter_row:first span.filter_pattern');
var filter_format = $(html).find('tr.filter_row:first span.filter_url_format_string');
assert.equal(filter_pattern.text(), '#(?P<id>[0-9]+)');
assert.equal(filter_format.text(), 'https://trac.example.com/ticket/%(id)s');
// When the logged in user is not admin
args = {
filter: {
pattern: "#(?P<id>[0-9]+)",
url_format_string: "https://trac.example.com/ticket/%(id)s",
can_modify: false,
html = '';
html += '<tbody id="admin_filters_table">';
html += render('admin_filter_list', args);
html += '</tbody>';
filter_pattern = $(html).find('tr.filter_row:first span.filter_pattern');
filter_format = $(html).find('tr.filter_row:first span.filter_url_format_string');
assert.equal(filter_pattern.text(), '#(?P<id>[0-9]+)');
assert.equal(filter_format.text(), 'https://trac.example.com/ticket/%(id)s');
run_test('admin_invites_list', () => {
var html = '<table>';
var invites = ['alice', 'bob', 'carl'];
var invite_id = 0;
_.each(invites, function (invite) {
var args = {
invite: {
email: invite + '@zulip.com',
ref: 'iago@zulip.com',
invited: "2017-01-01 01:01:01",
id: invite_id,
invited_as_admin: true,
html += render('admin_invites_list', args);
invite_id += 1;
html += "</table>";
var buttons = $(html).find('.button');
assert.equal($(buttons[0]).text().trim(), "translated: Revoke");
assert.equal($(buttons[0]).attr("data-invite-id"), 0);
assert.equal($(buttons[3]).text().trim(), "translated: Resend");
assert.equal($(buttons[3]).attr("data-invite-id"), 1);
var span = $(html).find(".email:first");
assert.equal(span.text(), "alice@zulip.com");
var icon = $(html).find(".fa-bolt");
assert.equal(icon.attr('title'), "translated: Invited as administrator");
run_test('admin_tab', () => {
var args = {
realm_name: 'Zulip',
var html = render('admin_tab', args);
var admin_features = ["admin_users_table", "admin_bots_table",
"admin_deactivated_users_table", "admin_invites_table"];
_.each(admin_features, function (admin_feature) {
assert.notEqual($(html).find("#" + admin_feature).length, 0);
assert.equal($(html).find("input.admin-realm-name").val(), 'Zulip');
run_test('admin_user_group_list', () => {
var args = {
user_group: {
id: "9",
name: "uranohoshi",
description: "Students at Uranohoshi Academy",
var html = '';
html += '<div id="user-groups">';
html += render('admin_user_group_list', args);
html += '</div>';
var group_id = $(html).find('.user-group:first').prop('id');
var group_pills_id = $(html).find('.user-group:first .pill-container').attr('data-group-pills');
var group_name_display = $(html).find('.user-group:first .name').text().trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
var group_description = $(html).find('.user-group:first .description').text().trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
assert.equal(group_id, '9');
assert.equal(group_pills_id, '9');
assert.equal(group_name_display, 'uranohoshi');
assert.equal(group_description, 'Students at Uranohoshi Academy');
run_test('admin_user_list', () => {
var html = '<table>';
var users = ['alice', 'bob', 'carl'];
// When the logged in user is admin
_.each(users, function (user) {
var args = {
user: {
is_active: true,
is_active_human: true,
email: user + '@zulip.com',
full_name: user,
can_modify: true,
html += render('admin_user_list', args);
html += "</table>";
var buttons = $(html).find('.button');
assert.equal($(buttons[0]).text().trim(), "translated: Deactivate");
assert.equal($(buttons[1]).attr('title').trim(), "translated: Edit user");
// When the logged in user is not admin
html = '<table>';
_.each(users, function (user) {
var args = {
user: {
is_active: true,
is_active_human: true,
email: user + '@zulip.com',
full_name: user,
can_modify: false,
html += render('admin_user_list', args);
html += "</table>";
buttons = $(html).find('.button');
// No buttons should be availabe to non-admins
assert.equal($(buttons).length, 0);
run_test('alert_word_settings_item', () => {
var html = '<ul id="alert-words">';
var words = ['lunch', 'support'];
var args;
_.each(words, function (word) {
args = {
word: word,
html += render('alert_word_settings_item', args);
args = {
word: '',
editing: true,
html += render('alert_word_settings_item', args);
html += "</ul>";
var li = $(html).find("li.alert-word-item:first");
var value = li.find('.value');
var button = li.find('button');
assert.equal(value.length, 1);
assert.equal(value.text(), 'lunch');
assert.equal(button.attr('title'), 'translated: Delete alert word');
var title = $(html).find('.new-alert-word-section-title');
var textbox = $(html).find('#create_alert_word_name');
button = $(html).find('#create_alert_word_button');
assert.equal(title.length, 1);
assert.equal(title.text().trim(), 'translated: Add a new alert word');
assert.equal(textbox.length, 1);
assert.equal(textbox.attr('maxlength'), 100);
assert.equal(textbox.attr('placeholder'), 'translated: Alert word');
assert.equal(textbox.attr('class'), 'required');
assert.equal(button.length, 1);
assert.equal(button.text().trim(), 'translated: Add alert word');
run_test('all_messages_sidebar_actions', () => {
run_test('announce_stream_docs', () => {
run_test('bankruptcy_modal', () => {
var args = {
unread_count: 99,
var html = render('bankruptcy_modal', args);
var count = $(html).find("p b");
assert.equal(count.text(), 99);
run_test('admin_auth_methods_list', () => {
var args = {
method: {
method: "Email",
enabled: false,
var html = '';
html += '<tbody id="admin_auth_methods_table">';
html += render('admin_auth_methods_list', args);
html += '</tbody>';
var method = $(html).find('tr.method_row:first span.method');
assert.equal(method.text(), 'Email');
assert.equal(method.is("checked"), false);
run_test('bookend', () => {
// Do subscribed/unsubscribed cases here.
var args = {
bookend_content: "subscribed to stream",
trailing: true,
subscribed: true,
var html;
html = render('bookend', args);
assert.equal($(html).text().trim(), "subscribed to stream\n \n \n translated: Unsubscribe");
args = {
bookend_content: "Not subscribed to stream",
trailing: true,
subscribed: false,
html = render('bookend', args);
assert.equal($(html).text().trim(), 'Not subscribed to stream\n \n \n translated: Subscribe');
run_test('bot_avatar_row', () => {
var html = '';
var args = {
email: "hamlet@zulip.com",
api_key: "123456ABCD",
name: "Hamlet",
avatar_url: "/hamlet/avatar/url",
html += render('bot_avatar_row', args);
var img = $(html).find("img");
assert.equal(img.attr('src'), '/hamlet/avatar/url');
run_test('bot_owner_select', () => {
var args = {
users_list: [
email: "hamlet@zulip.com",
api_key: "123456ABCD",
full_name: "Hamlet",
avatar_url: "/hamlet/avatar/url",
var html = render('bot_owner_select', args);
var option = $(html).find("option:last");
assert.equal(option.val(), "hamlet@zulip.com");
assert.equal(option.text(), "Hamlet");
run_test('compose_invite_users', () => {
var args = {
email: 'hamlet@zulip.com',
name: 'Hamlet',
can_subscribe_other_users: true,
var html = render('compose-invite-users', args);
var button = $(html).find("button:first");
assert.equal(button.text(), "translated: Subscribe");
args.can_subscribe_other_users = false;
html = render('compose-invite-users', args);
button = $(html).find("button:first");
assert.equal(button.length, 0);
run_test('compose_all_everyone', () => {
var args = {
count: '101',
name: 'all',
var html = render('compose_all_everyone', args);
var button = $(html).find("button:first");
assert.equal(button.text(), "translated: Yes, send");
var error_msg = $(html).find('span.compose-all-everyone-msg').text().trim();
assert.equal(error_msg, "translated: Are you sure you want to mention all 101 people in this stream?");
run_test('compose_announce', () => {
var args = {
count: '101',
var html = render('compose_announce', args);
var button = $(html).find("button:first");
assert.equal(button.text(), "translated: Yes, send");
var error_msg = $(html).find('span.compose-announce-msg').text().trim();
assert.equal(error_msg, "translated: This stream is reserved for announcements.\n \n Are you sure you want to message all 101 people in this stream?");
run_test('compose_not_subscribed', () => {
var html = render('compose_not_subscribed', {should_display_sub_button: true});
var button = $(html).find("button:first");
assert.equal(button.text(), "translated: Subscribe");
html = render('compose_not_subscribed', {should_display_sub_button: false});
button = $(html).find("button:first");
assert.equal(button.length, 0);
run_test('compose_notification', () => {
var args = {
note: "You sent a message to a muted topic.",
link_text: "Narrow to here",
link_msg_id: "99",
link_class: "compose_notification_narrow_by_topic",
var html = '<div id="out-of-view-notification" class="notification-alert">';
html += render('compose_notification', args);
html += '</div>';
var a = $(html).find("a.compose_notification_narrow_by_topic");
assert.equal(a.text(), "Narrow to here");
run_test('compose_private_stream_alert', () => {
var args = {
stream_name: 'Denmark',
var html = render('compose_private_stream_alert', args);
var actual_text = $(html).text();
var expected_text = 'translated: Warning: Denmark is a private stream.';
assert(actual_text.indexOf(expected_text) >= 1);
run_test('custom_user_profile_field', () => {
var field = {name: "GitHub user name", id: 2, hint: "Or link to profile"};
var args = {field: field, field_value: "@GitHub", field_type: "text"};
var html = render('custom-user-profile-field', args);
assert.equal($(html).attr('data-field-id'), 2);
assert.equal($(html).find('.custom_user_field_value').val(), "@GitHub");
assert.equal($(html).find('.field_hint').text(), "Or link to profile");
assert.equal($(html).find('label').text(), "GitHub user name");
run_test('deactivate_stream_modal', () => {
var args = {
stream_name: "Public stream",
var html = render('deactivation-stream-modal', args);
var modal_header = $(html).find("#deactivation_stream_modal_label");
assert.equal(modal_header.text(), "translated: Delete stream " + args.stream_name);
var button = $(html).find("#do_deactivate_stream_button");
assert.equal(button.text(), "translated: Yes, delete this stream");
run_test('dev_env_email_access', () => {
run_test('draft_table_body', () => {
var args = {
drafts: [
draft_id: '1',
is_stream: true,
stream: 'all',
stream_color: '#FF0000', // rgb(255, 0, 0)
topic: 'tests',
content: 'Public draft',
draft_id: '2',
is_stream: false,
recipients: 'Jordan, Michael',
content: 'Private draft',
var html = '';
html += '<div id="drafts_table">';
html += render('draft_table_body', args);
html += '</div>';
var row_1 = $(html).find(".draft-row[data-draft-id='1']");
assert.equal(row_1.find(".stream_label").text().trim(), "all");
assert.equal(row_1.find(".stream_label").css("background"), "rgb(255, 0, 0)");
assert.equal(row_1.find(".stream_topic").text().trim(), "tests");
"inset 2px 0px 0px 0px #FF0000, -1px 0px 0px 0px #FF0000");
assert.equal(row_1.find(".message_content").text().trim(), "Public draft");
var row_2 = $(html).find(".draft-row[data-draft-id='2']");
assert.equal(row_2.find(".stream_label").text().trim(), "translated: You and Jordan, Michael");
assert.equal(row_2.find(".message_content").text().trim(), "Private draft");
run_test('email_address_hint', () => {
var html = render('email_address_hint');
var li = $(html).find("li:first");
assert.equal(li.text(), 'translated: The email will be forwarded to this stream');
run_test('emoji_popover', () => {
var args = {
class: "emoji-info-popover",
var html = "<div>";
html += render('emoji_popover', args);
html += "</div>";
var popover = $(html).find(".popover");
run_test('emoji_popover_content', () => {
var args = {
search: 'Search',
message_id: 1,
emoji_categories: [
name: 'Test',
emojis: [
has_reacted: false,
is_realm_emoji: false,
name: '100',
emoji_code: '100',
name: 'Test1',
emojis: [
has_reacted: false,
is_realm_emoji: true,
name: 'zulip',
url: 'zulip',
var html = '<div style="height: 250px">';
html += render('emoji_popover_content', args);
html += "</div>";
// test to make sure the first emoji is present in the popover
var first_emoji = $(html).find(".emoji-100");
assert.equal(first_emoji.length, 1);
var categories = $(html).find(".emoji-popover-tab-item");
assert.equal(categories.length, 2);
var category_1 = $(html).find(".emoji-popover-tab-item[data-tab-name = 'Test']");
run_test('emoji_popover_search_results', () => {
var args = {
message_id: 1,
search_results: [
has_reacted: false,
is_realm_emoji: false,
name: 'test-1',
emoji_code: 'test-1',
has_reacted: true,
is_realm_emoji: false,
name: 'test-2',
emoji_code: 'test-2',
var html = "<div>";
html += render("emoji_popover_search_results", args);
html += "</div>";
var used_emoji = $(html).find(".emoji-test-2").parent();
run_test('emoji_showcase', () => {
var args = {
emoji_dict: {
name: "thumbs_up",
is_realm_emoji: false,
emoji_code: "1f44d",
has_reacted: false,
var html = render("emoji_showcase", args);
var emoji_div = $(html).find(".emoji");
var canonical_name = $(html).find(".emoji-canonical-name");
assert.equal(emoji_div.length, 1);
assert.equal(canonical_name.text(), "thumbs_up");
assert.equal(canonical_name.attr("title"), "thumbs_up");
run_test('group_pms', () => {
var args = {
group_pms: [
fraction_present: 0.1,
emails: "alice@zulip.com,bob@zulip.com",
short_name: "Alice and Bob",
name: "Alice and Bob",
var html = render('group_pms', args);
var a = $(html).find("a:first");
assert.equal(a.text(), 'Alice and Bob');
run_test('hotspot_overlay', () => {
var args = {
title: 'Start a new conversation',
name: 'intro_compose',
description: 'Click the "New topic" button to start a new conversation.',
var html = render('hotspot_overlay', args);
assert.equal($(html).attr('id'), 'hotspot_intro_compose_overlay');
assert.equal($(html).find('.hotspot-title').text(), 'Start a new conversation');
'Click the "New topic" button to start a new conversation.'
run_test('input_pill', () => {
var args = {
id: 22,
display_value: 'King Hamlet',
var html = render('input_pill', args);
run_test('intro_reply_hotspot', () => {
var html = render('intro_reply_hotspot', {});
run_test('invite_subscription', () => {
var args = {
streams: [
name: "devel",
name: "social",
var html = render('invite_subscription', args);
var input = $(html).find("label:first");
assert.equal(input.text().trim(), "devel");
run_test('single_message', () => {
var message = {
msg: {
include_recipient: true,
display_recipient: 'devel',
subject: 'testing',
is_stream: true,
content: 'This is message one.',
last_edit_timestr: '11:00',
starred: true,
starred_status: "Unstar",
var html = render('single_message', message);
html = '<div class="message_table focused_table" id="zfilt">' + html + '</div>';
var first_message = $(html).find("div.messagebox:first");
var first_message_text = first_message.find(".message_content").text().trim();
assert.equal(first_message_text, "This is message one.");
var starred_title = first_message.find(".star").attr("title");
assert.equal(starred_title, "translated: Unstar this message (*)");
run_test('message_edit_form', () => {
var args = {
topic: "lunch",
content: "Let's go to lunch!",
is_stream: true,
var html = render('message_edit_form', args);
var textarea = $(html).find("textarea.message_edit_content");
assert.equal(textarea.text(), "Let's go to lunch!");
run_test('message_group', () => {
var messages = [
msg: {
id: 1,
match_content: 'This is message one.',
starred: true,
is_stream: true,
content: 'This is message one.',
include_recipient: true,
display_recipient: 'devel',
last_edit_timestr: '11:00',
msg: {
content: 'This is message two.',
match_content: 'This is message <span class="highlight">two</span>.',
is_stream: true,
unread: true,
id: 2,
var groups = [
display_recipient: "support",
is_stream: true,
message_ids: [1, 2],
message_containers: messages,
show_date: '"<span class="timerender82">Jan 07</span>"',
show_date_separator: true,
subject: 'two messages',
match_subject: '<span class="highlight">two</span> messages',
var html = render('message_group', {message_groups: groups, use_match_properties: true});
var first_message_text = $(html).next('.recipient_row').find('div.messagebox:first .message_content').text().trim();
assert.equal(first_message_text, "This is message one.");
var last_message_html = $(html).next('.recipient_row').find('div.messagebox:last .message_content').html().trim();
assert.equal(last_message_html, 'This is message <span class="highlight">two</span>.');
var highlighted_subject_word = $(html).find('a.narrows_by_topic .highlight').text();
assert.equal(highlighted_subject_word, 'two');
run_test('message_edit_history', () => {
var message = {
content: "Let's go to lunch!",
edit_history: [
body_to_render: "<p>Let's go to " +
"<span class='highlight_text_deleted'>lunch</span>" +
"<span class='highlight_text_inserted'>dinner</span>" +
timestamp: 1468132659,
edited_by: 'Alice',
posted_or_edited: "Edited by",
var html = render('message_edit_history', {
edited_messages: message.edit_history,
var edited_message = $(html).find("div.messagebox-content");
"1468132659\n Let\'s go to lunchdinner!\n Edited by Alice");
run_test('message_reaction', () => {
var args = {
class: 'message_reaction',
emoji_name: 'smile',
emoji_code: '1f604',
local_id: 'unicode_emoji,smile,1f604',
message_id: '1',
var html = '';
html += '<div>';
html += render('message_reaction', args);
html += '</div>';
var reaction = $(html).find(".message_reaction");
assert.equal(reaction.data("reaction-id"), "unicode_emoji,smile,1f604");
run_test('more_topics', () => {
var html = render('more_topics');
run_test('new_stream_users', () => {
var args = {
users: [
email: 'lear@zulip.com',
full_name: 'King Lear',
email: 'othello@zulip.com',
full_name: 'Othello the Moor',
var html = render('new_stream_users', args);
var label = $(html).find("label:first");
assert.equal(label.text().trim(), 'King Lear (lear@zulip.com)');
run_test('non_editable_user_group', () => {
var args = {
user_group: {
id: "9",
name: "uranohoshi",
description: "Students at Uranohoshi Academy",
var html = '';
html += '<div id="user-groups">';
html += render('non_editable_user_group', args);
html += '</div>';
var group_id = $(html).find('.user-group:first').prop('id');
var group_pills_id = $(html).find('.user-group:first .pill-container').attr('data-group-pills');
var group_name_display = $(html).find('.user-group:first .name').text().trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
var group_description = $(html).find('.user-group:first .description').text().trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
assert.equal(group_id, '9');
assert.equal(group_pills_id, '9');
assert.equal(group_name_display, 'uranohoshi');
assert.equal(group_description, 'Students at Uranohoshi Academy');
run_test('notification', () => {
var args = {
content: "Hello",
gravatar_url: "/gravatar/url",
title: "You have a notification",
var html = render('notification', args);
var title = $(html).find(".title");
assert.equal(title.text().trim(), 'You have a notification');
run_test('propagate_notification_change', () => {
var html = render('propagate_notification_change');
var button_area = $(html).find(".propagate-notifications-controls");
assert.equal(button_area.find(".yes_propagate_notifications").text().trim(), 'translated: Yes');
assert.equal(button_area.find(".no_propagate_notifications").text().trim(), 'translated: No');
run_test('reminder_popover_content', () => {
var args = {
message: {
is_stream: true,
id: "420",
stream: "devel",
subject: "testing",
sender_full_name: "Iago",
can_edit_message: true,
can_mute_topic: true,
narrowed: true,
var html = '<div style="height: 250px">';
html += render('remind_me_popover_content', args);
html += "</div>";
var link = $(html).find("a.remind.custom");
assert.equal(link.text().trim(), 'translated: Select date and time');
run_test('settings_tab', () => {
var page_param_checkbox_options = {
enable_stream_desktop_notifications: true,
enable_stream_push_notifications: true,
enable_stream_sounds: true, enable_desktop_notifications: true,
enable_sounds: true, enable_offline_email_notifications: true,
enable_offline_push_notifications: true, enable_online_push_notifications: true,
enable_digest_emails: true,
realm_name_in_notifications: true,
realm_push_notifications_enabled: true,
var page_params = $.extend(page_param_checkbox_options, {
full_name: "Alyssa P. Hacker", password_auth_enabled: true,
avatar_url: "https://google.com",
var checkbox_ids = ["enable_stream_desktop_notifications",
"enable_stream_sounds", "enable_desktop_notifications",
"enable_sounds", "enable_offline_push_notifications",
// Render with all booleans set to true.
var html = render('settings_tab', {page_params: page_params});
// All checkboxes should be checked.
_.each(checkbox_ids, function (checkbox) {
assert.equal($(html).find("#" + checkbox).is(":checked"), true);
// Re-render with checkbox booleans set to false.
_.each(page_param_checkbox_options, function (value, option) {
page_params[option] = false;
html = render('settings_tab', {page_params: page_params});
// All checkboxes should be unchecked.
_.each(checkbox_ids, function (checkbox) {
assert.equal($(html).find("#" + checkbox).is(":checked"), false);
// Check if enable_desktop_notifications setting disables subsetting too.
var parent_elem = $('#pm_content_in_desktop_notifications_label').wrap("<div></div>");
$('#enable_desktop_notifications').prop('checked', false).triggerHandler('change');
$('#enable_desktop_notifications').change(function () {
assert.equal($('#pm_content_in_desktop_notifications').attr('disabled'), 'disabled');
$('#enable_desktop_notifications').prop('checked', true).triggerHandler('change');
$('#enable_desktop_notifications').change(function () {
assert.equal($('#pm_content_in_desktop_notifications').attr('disabled'), undefined);
run_test('sidebar_private_message_list', () => {
var args = {
want_show_more_messages_links: true,
messages: [
recipients: "alice,bob",
var html = '';
html += render('sidebar_private_message_list', args);
var conversations = $(html).find('a').text().trim().split('\n');
assert.equal(conversations[0], 'alice,bob');
assert.equal(conversations[1].trim(), '(translated: more conversations)');
run_test('stream_member_list_entry', () => {
var everyone_items = ["subscriber-name", "subscriber-email"];
var admin_items = ["remove-subscriber-button"];
// First, as non-admin.
var html = render('stream_member_list_entry',
{name: "King Hamlet", email: "hamlet@zulip.com"});
_.each(everyone_items, function (item) {
assert.equal($(html).find("." + item).length, 1);
_.each(admin_items, function (item) {
assert.equal($(html).find("." + item).length, 0);
// Now, as admin.
html = render('stream_member_list_entry',
{name: "King Hamlet", email: "hamlet@zulip.com",
displaying_for_admin: true});
_.each(everyone_items, function (item) {
assert.equal($(html).find("." + item).length, 1);
_.each(admin_items, function (item) {
assert.equal($(html).find("." + item).length, 1);
run_test('stream_sidebar_actions', () => {
var args = {
stream: {
color: 'red',
name: 'devel',
in_home_view: true,
id: 55,
var html = render('stream_sidebar_actions', args);
var li = $(html).find("li:first");
assert.equal(li.text().trim(), 'translated: Stream settings');
run_test('stream_sidebar_row', () => {
var args = {
name: "devel",
color: "red",
dark_background: "maroon",
uri: "/devel/uri",
id: 999,
var html = '<ul id="stream_filters">';
html += render('stream_sidebar_row', args);
html += '</ul>';
var swatch = $(html).find(".stream-privacy");
assert.equal(swatch.attr('id'), 'stream_sidebar_privacy_swatch_999');
// test to ensure that the hashtag element from stream_privacy exists.
assert.equal($(html).find(".stream-privacy").children("*").attr("class"), "hashtag");
run_test('subscription_invites_warning_modal', () => {
var html = render('subscription_invites_warning_modal');
var button = $(html).find(".close-invites-warning-modal").last();
assert.equal(button.text(), 'translated: Go back');
run_test('subscription_settings', () => {
var sub = {
name: 'devel',
subscribed: true,
notifications: true,
is_admin: true,
render_subscribers: true,
color: 'purple',
invite_only: true,
can_change_stream_permissions: true,
email_address: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@zulip.com',
stream_id: 888,
in_home_view: true,
var html = '';
html += render('subscription_settings', sub);
var div = $(html).find(".subscription-type");
assert(div.text().indexOf('private stream') > 0);
var anchor = $(html).find(".change-stream-privacy:first");
assert.equal(anchor.text(), "[translated: Change]");
run_test('subscription_stream_privacy_modal', () => {
var args = {
stream_id: 999,
is_private: true,
var html = render('subscription_stream_privacy_modal', args);
var other_options = $(html).find("input[name=privacy]");
assert.equal(other_options[0].value, 'public');
assert.equal(other_options[1].value, 'invite-only-public-history');
assert.equal(other_options[2].value, 'invite-only');
var is_announcement_only = $(html).find("input[name=is-announcement-only]");
assert.equal(is_announcement_only.prop('checked'), false);
var button = $(html).find("#change-stream-privacy-button");
assert.equal(button.text().trim(), "translated: Save changes");
run_test('subscription_table_body', () => {
// We are mostly deprecating template tests,
// but we try to make sure rendering does not
// crash.
render('subscription_table_body', {});
run_test('subscriptions', () => {
var args = {
subscriptions: [
name: 'devel',
subscribed: true,
notifications: true,
is_admin: true,
render_subscribers: true,
color: 'purple',
invite_only: true,
email_address: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@zulip.com',
stream_id: 888,
in_home_view: true,
name: 'social',
color: 'green',
stream_id: 999,
var html = '';
html += '<div>';
html += render('subscriptions', args);
html += '</div>';
var span = $(html).find(".stream-name:first");
assert.equal(span.text(), 'devel');
run_test('tab_bar', () => {
var args = {
tabs: [
cls: 'root',
title: 'Home',
hash: '#',
data: 'home',
cls: 'stream',
title: 'Devel',
hash: '/stream/uri',
data: 'devel',
var html = render('tab_bar', args);
var a = $(html).find("li:first");
assert.equal(a.text().trim(), 'Home');
run_test('topic_edit_form', () => {
var html = render('topic_edit_form');
var button = $(html).find("button:first");
assert.equal(button.find("i").attr("class"), 'fa fa-check');
run_test('topic_list_item', () => {
var args = {
is_muted: false,
topic_name: 'lunch',
url: '/lunch/url',
unread: 5,
var html = render('topic_list_item', args);
assert.equal($(html).attr('data-topic-name'), 'lunch');
run_test('topic_sidebar_actions', () => {
var args = {
stream_name: 'social',
topic_name: 'lunch',
can_mute_topic: true,
var html = render('topic_sidebar_actions', args);
var a = $(html).find("a.narrow_to_topic");
assert.equal(a.text().trim(), 'translated: Narrow to topic lunch');
run_test('typeahead_list_item', () => {
var args = {
primary: 'primary-text',
secondary: 'secondary-text',
img_src: 'https://zulip.org',
is_emoji: true,
has_image: true,
has_secondary: true,
var html = '<div>' + render('typeahead_list_item', args) + '</div>';
assert.equal($(html).find('.emoji').attr('src'), 'https://zulip.org');
assert.equal($(html).find('strong').text().trim(), 'primary-text');
assert.equal($(html).find('small').text().trim(), 'secondary-text');
run_test('typing_notifications', () => {
var args = {
users: [{
full_name: 'Hamlet',
email: 'hamlet@zulip.com',
var html = '';
html += '<ul>';
html += render('typing_notifications', args);
html += '</ul>';
var li = $(html).find('li:first');
assert.equal(li.text(), 'Hamlet is typing...');
run_test('user_group_info_popover', () => {
var html = render('user_group_info_popover');
$(html).hasClass('popover message-info-popover group-info-popover');
run_test('user_group_info_popover_content', () => {
var args = {
group_name: 'groupName',
group_description: 'groupDescription',
members: [
presence_status: 'active',
full_name: 'Active Alice',
user_last_seen_time_status: 'time',
is_bot: false,
presence_status: 'offline',
full_name: 'Bot Bob',
user_last_seen_time_status: 'time',
is_bot: true,
presence_status: 'offline',
full_name: 'Inactive Imogen',
user_last_seen_time_status: 'time',
is_bot: false,
var html = render('user_group_info_popover_content', args);
var allUsers = $(html).find("li");
assert.equal(allUsers[0].classList.contains("user_active"), true);
assert.equal(allUsers[2].classList.contains("user_offline"), true);
assert.equal($(allUsers[0]).text().trim(), 'Active Alice');
assert.equal($(allUsers[1]).text().trim(), 'Bot Bob');
assert.equal($(allUsers[2]).text().trim(), 'Inactive Imogen');
assert.equal($(html).find('.group-name').text().trim(), 'groupName');
assert.equal($(html).find('.group-description').text().trim(), 'groupDescription');
run_test('user_info_popover', () => {
var html = render('user_info_popover', {class: 'message-info-popover'});
$(html).hasClass('popover message-info-popover');
run_test('user_info_popover_content', () => {
var args = {
message: {
full_date_str: 'Monday',
full_time_str: '12:00',
user_full_name: 'Alice Smith',
user_email: 'alice@zulip.com',
sent_by_uri: '/sent_by/uri',
pm_with_uri: '/pm_with/uri',
private_message_class: 'compose_private_message',
var html = render('user_info_popover_content', args);
var a = $(html).find("a.narrow_to_private_messages");
assert.equal(a.text().trim(), 'translated: View private messages');
run_test('user_info_popover_title', () => {
var html = render('user_info_popover_title', {user_avatar: 'avatar/hamlet@zulip.com'});
html = '<div>' + html + '</div>';
assert.equal($(html).find('.popover-avatar').css('background-image'), "url(avatar/hamlet@zulip.com)");
run_test('uploaded_files_list_popover', () => {
var args = {
attachment: {
name: "file_name.txt",
create_time: "Apr 12 04:18 AM",
messages: [
id: "1",
id: "2",
size: 1234,
path_id: "2/65/6wITdgsd63hdskjuFqEeEy7_r/file_name.txt",
var html = render('uploaded_files_list', args);
assert.equal($(html).find('.ind-message').attr("href"), "/#narrow/id/1");
run_test('user_presence_rows', () => {
var args = {
users: [
type_desc: "Active",
type: "active",
num_unread: 0,
email: "lear@zulip.com",
name: "King Lear",
type_desc: "Away",
type: "away",
num_unread: 5,
email: "othello@zulip.com",
name: "Othello",
var html = '';
html += '<ul class="filters">';
html += render('user_presence_rows', args);
html += '</ul>';
var a = $(html).find("a:first");
assert.equal(a.text().trim(), 'King Lear');
run_test('user_profile_modal', () => {
var args = {
full_name: "Iago",
email: "iago@zulip.com",
profile_data: {
author: "Shakespeare",
book: "Othello",
var html = render('user_profile_modal', args);
var div = $(html).find("#email .value");
assert.equal(div.text().trim(), 'iago@zulip.com');
run_test('muted_topic_ui_row', () => {
var args = {
stream: 'Verona',
topic: 'Verona2',
var html = '<table id="muted-topics-table">';
html += '<tbody>';
html += render('muted_topic_ui_row', args);
html += '</tbody>';
html += '</table>';
assert.equal($(html).find("tr").data("stream"), "Verona");
assert.equal($(html).find("tr").data("topic"), "Verona2");
run_test('embedded_bot_config_item', () => {
var args = {
botname: 'giphy',
key: 'api_key',
value: '12345678',
var html = render('embedded_bot_config_item', args);
assert.equal($(html).attr('name'), args.botname);
assert.equal($(html).attr('id'), args.botname + '_' + args.key);
assert.equal($(html).find('label').text(), args.key);
assert.equal($(html).find('input').attr('placeholder'), args.value);
run_test('edit_bot', () => {
run_test('edit_outgoing_webhook_service', () => {
var args = {
service: {base_url: "http://www.foo.bar",
interface: "1"},
var html = render('edit-outgoing-webhook-service', args);
assert.equal($(html).find('#edit_service_base_url').val(), args.service.base_url);
assert.equal($(html).find('#edit_service_interface').val(), args.service.interface);
run_test('edit_embedded_bot_service', () => {
var args = {
service: {service_name: "giphy",
config_data: {key: "abcd1234"}},
var html = render('edit-embedded-bot-service', args);
assert.equal($(html).find('#embedded_bot_key_edit').attr('name'), 'key');
assert.equal($(html).find('#embedded_bot_key_edit').val(), 'abcd1234');
run_test('archive_message_group', () => {
// The messages list below doesn't represent the actual HTML which would be
// feed to these handlebar templates but since the actual one is a lot bigger
// to be included in a test case and really comes pre rendered from the backend
// we just kinda test out the template part which is rendered on frontend with
// some self made html for messages to insert into the handlebars.
var messages = [
'<p>This is message one.</p>',
'<p>This is message two.</p>',
var groups = [
display_recipient: "support",
message_containers: messages,
show_date: '"<span class="timerender82">Jan 07</span>"',
show_date_separator: true,
subject: 'two messages',
var html = render('archive_message_group', {message_groups: groups});
var first_message_text = $(html).next('.recipient_row').find('p').first().text().trim();
assert.equal(first_message_text, "This is message one.");
var last_message_text = $(html).next('.recipient_row').find('p').last().text().trim();
assert.equal(last_message_text, 'This is message two.');