
161 lines
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var timerender = (function () {
var exports = {};
var next_timerender_id = 0;
var set_to_start_of_day = function (time) {
return time.setMilliseconds(0).setSeconds(0).setMinutes(0).setHours(0);
function now() { return new XDate(); }
// Given an XDate object 'time', return a two-element list containing
// - a string for the current human-formatted version
// - a boolean for if it will need to be updated when the day changes
exports.render_now = function (time) {
var start_of_today = set_to_start_of_day(now());
var start_of_other_day = set_to_start_of_day(time.clone());
// How many days old is 'time'? 0 = today, 1 = yesterday, 7 = a
// week ago, -1 = tomorrow, etc.
// Presumably the result of diffDays will be an integer in this
// case, but round it to be sure before comparing to integer
// constants.
var days_old = Math.round(start_of_other_day.diffDays(start_of_today));
if (days_old === 0) {
return ["Today", true];
} else if (days_old === 1) {
return ["Yesterday", true];
} else if (days_old >= 365) {
// For long running servers, searching backlog can get ambiguous
// without a year stamp. Only show year if message is over a year old.
return [time.toString("MMM\xa0dd,\xa0yyyy"), false];
// For now, if we get a message from tomorrow, we don't bother
// rewriting the timestamp when it gets to be tomorrow.
// "\xa0" is U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE.
// Can't use   as that represents the literal string " ".
return [time.toString("MMM\xa0dd"), false];
// List of the dates that need to be updated when the day changes.
// Each timestamp is represented as a list of length 2:
// [id of the span element, XDate representing the time]
var update_list = [];
// The time at the beginning of the next day, when the timestamps are updated.
// Represented as an XDate with hour, minute, second, millisecond 0.
var next_update;
$(function () {
next_update = set_to_start_of_day(now()).addDays(1);
// time_above is an optional argument, to support dates that look like:
// --- ▲ Yesterday ▲ ------ ▼ Today ▼ ---
function maybe_add_update_list_entry(needs_update, id, time, time_above) {
if (needs_update) {
if (time_above !== undefined) {
update_list.push([id, time, time_above]);
} else {
update_list.push([id, time]);
function render_date_span(elem, time_str, time_above_str) {
if (time_above_str !== undefined) {
return elem.append('<i class="date-direction icon-vector-caret-up"></i>' +
time_above_str).append($('<hr class="date-line">')).append('<i class="date-direction icon-vector-caret-down"></i>'
+ time_str);
return elem.append(time_str);
// Given an XDate object 'time', return a DOM node that initially
// displays the human-formatted date, and is updated automatically as
// necessary (e.g. changing "Today" to "Yesterday" to "Jul 1").
// If two dates are given, it renders them as:
// --- ▲ Yesterday ▲ ------ ▼ Today ▼ ---
// (What's actually spliced into the message template is the contents
// of this DOM node as HTML, so effectively a copy of the node. That's
// okay since to update the time later we look up the node by its id.)
exports.render_date = function (time, time_above) {
var id = "timerender" + next_timerender_id;
next_timerender_id += 1;
var rendered_time = exports.render_now(time);
var node = $("<span />").attr('id', id);
if (time_above !== undefined) {
var rendered_time_above = exports.render_now(time_above);
node = render_date_span(node, rendered_time[0], rendered_time_above[0]);
} else {
node = render_date_span(node, rendered_time[0]);
maybe_add_update_list_entry(rendered_time[1], id, time, time_above);
return node;
// This isn't expected to be called externally except manually for
// testing purposes.
exports.update_timestamps = function () {
var time = now();
if (time >= next_update) {
var to_process = update_list;
update_list = [];
_.each(to_process, function (elem) {
var id = elem[0];
var element = document.getElementById(id);
// The element might not exist any more (because it
// was in the zfilt table, or because we added
// messages above it and re-collapsed).
if (element !== null) {
var time = elem[1];
var time_above;
var rendered_time = exports.render_now(time);
if (elem.length === 3) {
time_above = elem[2];
var rendered_time_above = exports.render_now(time_above);
render_date_span($(element), rendered_time[0], rendered_time_above[0]);
} else {
render_date_span($(element), rendered_time[0]);
maybe_add_update_list_entry(rendered_time[1], id, time, time_above);
next_update = set_to_start_of_day(time.clone().addDays(1));
setInterval(exports.update_timestamps, 60 * 1000);
// XDate.toLocaleDateString and XDate.toLocaleTimeString are
// expensive, so we delay running the following code until we need
// the full date and time strings.
exports.set_full_datetime = function timerender_set_full_datetime(message, time_elem) {
if (message.full_date_str !== undefined) {
var time = new XDate(message.timestamp * 1000);
// Convert to number of hours ahead/behind UTC.
// The sign of getTimezoneOffset() is reversed wrt
// the conventional meaning of UTC+n / UTC-n
var tz_offset = -time.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
message.full_date_str = time.toLocaleDateString();
message.full_time_str = time.toLocaleTimeString() +
' (UTC' + ((tz_offset < 0) ? '' : '+') + tz_offset + ')';
time_elem.attr('title', message.full_date_str + ' ' + message.full_time_str);
return exports;