
264 lines
12 KiB

from typing import Any, AnyStr, Iterable, Dict, Tuple, Callable, Text, Mapping, Optional
import requests
import json
import sys
import inspect
import logging
import re
from six.moves import urllib
from functools import reduce
from requests import Response
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from zerver.models import Realm, UserProfile, get_user_profile_by_id, get_client, \
GENERIC_INTERFACE, Service, SLACK_INTERFACE, email_to_domain, get_service_profile
from zerver.lib.actions import check_send_message
from zerver.lib.queue import retry_event
from zerver.lib.validator import check_dict, check_string
from zerver.decorator import JsonableError
class OutgoingWebhookServiceInterface:
def __init__(self, base_url, token, user_profile, service_name):
# type: (Text, Text, UserProfile, Text) -> None
self.base_url = base_url # type: Text
self.token = token # type: Text
self.user_profile = user_profile # type: Text
self.service_name = service_name # type: Text
# Given an event that triggers an outgoing webhook operation, returns:
# - The REST operation that should be performed
# - The body of the request
# The REST operation is a dictionary with the following keys:
# - method
# - base_url
# - relative_url_path
# - request_kwargs
def process_event(self, event):
# type: (Dict[Text, Any]) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Any]
raise NotImplementedError()
# Given a successful outgoing webhook REST operation, returns the message
# to sent back to the user (or None if no message should be sent).
def process_success(self, response, event):
# type: (Response, Dict[Text, Any]) -> Optional[str]
raise NotImplementedError()
class GenericOutgoingWebhookService(OutgoingWebhookServiceInterface):
def process_event(self, event):
# type: (Dict[Text, Any]) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Any]
rest_operation = {'method': 'POST',
'relative_url_path': '',
'base_url': self.base_url,
'request_kwargs': {}}
request_data = {"data": event['command'],
"message": event['message'],
"token": self.token}
return rest_operation, json.dumps(request_data)
def process_success(self, response, event):
# type: (Response, Dict[Text, Any]) -> Optional[str]
response_json = json.loads(response.text)
if "response_not_required" in response_json and response_json['response_not_required']:
return None
if "response_string" in response_json:
return str(response_json['response_string'])
return None
class SlackOutgoingWebhookService(OutgoingWebhookServiceInterface):
def process_event(self, event):
# type: (Dict[Text, Any]) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Any]
rest_operation = {'method': 'POST',
'relative_url_path': '',
'base_url': self.base_url,
'request_kwargs': {}}
if event['message']['type'] == 'private':
raise NotImplementedError("Private messaging service not supported.")
service = get_service_profile(event['user_profile_id'], str(self.service_name))
request_data = [("token", self.token),
("team_id", event['message']['sender_realm_str']),
("team_domain", email_to_domain(event['message']['sender_email'])),
("channel_id", event['message']['stream_id']),
("channel_name", event['message']['display_recipient']),
("timestamp", event['message']['timestamp']),
("user_id", event['message']['sender_id']),
("user_name", event['message']['sender_full_name']),
("text", event['command']),
("trigger_word", event['trigger']),
("service_id", service.id),
return rest_operation, request_data
def process_success(self, response, event):
# type: (Response, Dict[Text, Any]) -> Optional[str]
response_json = json.loads(response.text)
if "text" in response_json:
return response_json["text"]
return None
GENERIC_INTERFACE: GenericOutgoingWebhookService,
SLACK_INTERFACE: SlackOutgoingWebhookService,
} # type: Dict[Text, Any]
def get_service_interface_class(interface):
# type: (Text) -> Any
if interface is None or interface not in AVAILABLE_OUTGOING_WEBHOOK_INTERFACES:
def get_outgoing_webhook_service_handler(service):
# type: (Service) -> Any
service_interface_class = get_service_interface_class(service.interface_name())
service_interface = service_interface_class(base_url=service.base_url,
return service_interface
def send_response_message(bot_id, message, response_message_content):
# type: (str, Dict[str, Any], Text) -> None
recipient_type_name = message['type']
bot_user = get_user_profile_by_id(bot_id)
realm = bot_user.realm
if recipient_type_name == 'stream':
recipients = [message['display_recipient']]
check_send_message(bot_user, get_client("OutgoingWebhookResponse"), recipient_type_name, recipients,
message['subject'], response_message_content, realm)
elif recipient_type_name == 'private':
recipients = [recipient['email'] for recipient in message['display_recipient']]
check_send_message(bot_user, get_client("OutgoingWebhookResponse"), recipient_type_name, recipients,
None, response_message_content, realm)
raise JsonableError(_("Invalid message type"))
def succeed_with_message(event, success_message):
# type: (Dict[str, Any], Text) -> None
success_message = "Success! " + success_message
send_response_message(event['user_profile_id'], event['message'], success_message)
def fail_with_message(event, failure_message):
# type: (Dict[str, Any], Text) -> None
failure_message = "Failure! " + failure_message
send_response_message(event['user_profile_id'], event['message'], failure_message)
def get_message_url(event, request_data):
# type: (Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]) -> Text
bot_user = get_user_profile_by_id(event['user_profile_id'])
message = event['message']
if message['type'] == 'stream':
message_url = ("%(server)s/#narrow/stream/%(stream)s/subject/%(subject)s/near/%(id)s"
% {'server': bot_user.realm.uri,
'stream': message['display_recipient'],
'subject': message['subject'],
'id': str(message['id'])})
recipient_emails = ','.join([recipient['email'] for recipient in message['display_recipient']])
recipient_email_encoded = urllib.parse.quote(recipient_emails).replace('.', '%2E').replace('%', '.')
message_url = ("%(server)s/#narrow/pm-with/%(recipient_emails)s/near/%(id)s"
% {'server': bot_user.realm.uri,
'recipient_emails': recipient_email_encoded,
'id': str(message['id'])})
return message_url
def notify_bot_owner(event, request_data, status_code=None, response_content=None, exception=None):
# type: (Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any], Optional[int], Optional[AnyStr], Optional[Exception]) -> None
message_url = get_message_url(event, request_data)
bot_id = event['user_profile_id']
bot_owner = get_user_profile_by_id(bot_id).bot_owner
message_info = {'display_recipient': [{'email': bot_owner.email}],
'type': 'private'}
notification_message = "[A message](%s) triggered an outgoing webhook." % (message_url,)
if status_code:
notification_message += "\nThe webhook got a response with status code *%s*." % (status_code,)
if response_content:
notification_message += "\nThe response contains the following payload:\n" \
"```\n%s\n```" % (response_content,)
if exception:
notification_message += "\nWhen trying to send a request to the webhook service, an exception " \
"of type %s occured:\n```\n%s\n```" % (type(exception).__name__, str(exception))
send_response_message(bot_id, message_info, notification_message)
def request_retry(event, request_data, failure_message, exception=None):
# type: (Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any], Text, Optional[Exception]) -> None
def failure_processor(event):
# type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> None
The name of the argument is 'event' on purpose. This argument will hide
the 'event' argument of the request_retry function. Keeping the same name
results in a smaller diff.
bot_user = get_user_profile_by_id(event['user_profile_id'])
fail_with_message(event, "Maximum retries exceeded! " + failure_message)
notify_bot_owner(event, request_data, exception=exception)
logging.warning("Maximum retries exceeded for trigger:%s event:%s" % (bot_user.email, event['command']))
retry_event('outgoing_webhooks', event, failure_processor)
def do_rest_call(rest_operation, request_data, event, service_handler, timeout=None):
# type: (Dict[str, Any], Optional[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any], Any, Any) -> None
rest_operation_validator = check_dict([
('method', check_string),
('relative_url_path', check_string),
('request_kwargs', check_dict([])),
('base_url', check_string),
error = rest_operation_validator('rest_operation', rest_operation)
if error:
raise JsonableError(error)
http_method = rest_operation['method']
final_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(rest_operation['base_url'], rest_operation['relative_url_path'])
request_kwargs = rest_operation['request_kwargs']
request_kwargs['timeout'] = timeout
response = requests.request(http_method, final_url, data=request_data, **request_kwargs)
if str(response.status_code).startswith('2'):
response_message = service_handler.process_success(response, event)
if response_message is not None:
succeed_with_message(event, response_message)
logging.warning("Message %(message_url)s triggered an outgoing webhook, returning status "
"code %(status_code)s.\n Content of response (in quotes): \""
% {'message_url': get_message_url(event, request_data),
'status_code': response.status_code,
'response': response.content})
failure_message = "Third party responded with %d" % (response.status_code)
fail_with_message(event, failure_message)
notify_bot_owner(event, request_data, response.status_code, response.content)
except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
logging.info("Trigger event %s on %s timed out. Retrying" % (event["command"], event['service_name']))
request_retry(event, request_data, 'Unable to connect with the third party.', exception=e)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
response_message = "The message `%s` resulted in a connection error when sending a request to an outgoing " \
"webhook! See the Zulip server logs for more information." % (event["command"],)
logging.info("Trigger event %s on %s resulted in a connection error. Retrying"
% (event["command"], event['service_name']))
request_retry(event, request_data, response_message, exception=e)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
response_message = "An exception of type *%s* occured for message `%s`! " \
"See the Zulip server logs for more information." % (type(e).__name__, event["command"],)
logging.exception("Outhook trigger failed:\n %s" % (e,))
fail_with_message(event, response_message)
notify_bot_owner(event, request_data, exception=e)