
431 lines
20 KiB

# See http://zulip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/events-system.html for
# high-level documentation on how this system works.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import copy
import six
import ujson
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django.conf import settings
from importlib import import_module
from six.moves import filter, map
from typing import (
Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Text, Tuple
session_engine = import_module(settings.SESSION_ENGINE)
from zerver.lib.alert_words import user_alert_words
from zerver.lib.attachments import user_attachments
from zerver.lib.avatar import get_avatar_url
from zerver.lib.narrow import check_supported_events_narrow_filter
from zerver.lib.realm_icon import realm_icon_url
from zerver.lib.request import JsonableError
from zerver.lib.actions import validate_user_access_to_subscribers_helper, \
do_get_streams, get_default_streams_for_realm, \
gather_subscriptions_helper, get_realm_aliases, \
get_status_dict, streams_to_dicts_sorted
from zerver.tornado.event_queue import request_event_queue, get_user_events
from zerver.models import Client, Message, UserProfile, \
get_user_profile_by_email, get_user_profile_by_id, \
get_active_user_dicts_in_realm, realm_filters_for_realm, \
from version import ZULIP_VERSION
def get_realm_user_dicts(user_profile):
# type: (UserProfile) -> List[Dict[str, Text]]
def avatar_url(userdict):
# type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> Text
return get_avatar_url(userdict['avatar_source'],
return [{'email': userdict['email'],
'user_id': userdict['id'],
'avatar_url': avatar_url(userdict),
'is_admin': userdict['is_realm_admin'],
'is_bot': userdict['is_bot'],
'full_name': userdict['full_name']}
for userdict in get_active_user_dicts_in_realm(user_profile.realm)]
# Fetch initial data. When event_types is not specified, clients want
# all event types. Whenever you add new code to this function, you
# should also add corresponding events for changes in the data
# structures and new code to apply_events (and add a test in EventsRegisterTest).
def fetch_initial_state_data(user_profile, event_types, queue_id,
# type: (UserProfile, Optional[Iterable[str]], str, bool) -> Dict[str, Any]
state = {'queue_id': queue_id} # type: Dict[str, Any]
if event_types is None:
want = lambda msg_type: True
want = set(event_types).__contains__
if want('alert_words'):
state['alert_words'] = user_alert_words(user_profile)
if want('attachments'):
state['attachments'] = user_attachments(user_profile)
if want('message'):
# The client should use get_old_messages() to fetch messages
# starting with the max_message_id. They will get messages
# newer than that ID via get_events()
messages = Message.objects.filter(usermessage__user_profile=user_profile).order_by('-id')[:1]
if messages:
state['max_message_id'] = messages[0].id
state['max_message_id'] = -1
if want('muted_topics'):
state['muted_topics'] = ujson.loads(user_profile.muted_topics)
if want('pointer'):
state['pointer'] = user_profile.pointer
if want('presence'):
state['presences'] = get_status_dict(user_profile)
if want('realm'):
state['realm_name'] = user_profile.realm.name
state['realm_restricted_to_domain'] = user_profile.realm.restricted_to_domain
state['realm_invite_required'] = user_profile.realm.invite_required
state['realm_invite_by_admins_only'] = user_profile.realm.invite_by_admins_only
state['realm_authentication_methods'] = user_profile.realm.authentication_methods_dict()
state['realm_create_stream_by_admins_only'] = user_profile.realm.create_stream_by_admins_only
state['realm_add_emoji_by_admins_only'] = user_profile.realm.add_emoji_by_admins_only
state['realm_allow_message_editing'] = user_profile.realm.allow_message_editing
state['realm_message_content_edit_limit_seconds'] = user_profile.realm.message_content_edit_limit_seconds
state['realm_default_language'] = user_profile.realm.default_language
state['realm_waiting_period_threshold'] = user_profile.realm.waiting_period_threshold
state['realm_icon_url'] = realm_icon_url(user_profile.realm)
state['realm_icon_source'] = user_profile.realm.icon_source
state['realm_name_changes_disabled'] = user_profile.realm.name_changes_disabled
state['realm_email_changes_disabled'] = user_profile.realm.email_changes_disabled
state['max_icon_file_size'] = settings.MAX_ICON_FILE_SIZE
state['realm_bot_domain'] = user_profile.realm.get_bot_domain()
if want('realm_domains'):
state['realm_domains'] = get_realm_aliases(user_profile.realm)
if want('realm_emoji'):
state['realm_emoji'] = user_profile.realm.get_emoji()
if want('realm_filters'):
state['realm_filters'] = realm_filters_for_realm(user_profile.realm_id)
if want('realm_user'):
state['realm_users'] = get_realm_user_dicts(user_profile)
if want('realm_bot'):
state['realm_bots'] = get_owned_bot_dicts(user_profile)
if want('referral'):
state['referrals'] = {'granted': user_profile.invites_granted,
'used': user_profile.invites_used}
if want('subscription'):
subscriptions, unsubscribed, never_subscribed = gather_subscriptions_helper(
user_profile, include_subscribers=include_subscribers)
state['subscriptions'] = subscriptions
state['unsubscribed'] = unsubscribed
state['never_subscribed'] = never_subscribed
if want('update_message_flags'):
# There's no initial data for message flag updates, client will
# get any updates during a session from get_events()
if want('stream'):
state['streams'] = do_get_streams(user_profile)
if want('default_streams'):
state['realm_default_streams'] = streams_to_dicts_sorted(get_default_streams_for_realm(user_profile.realm))
if want('update_display_settings'):
state['twenty_four_hour_time'] = user_profile.twenty_four_hour_time
state['left_side_userlist'] = user_profile.left_side_userlist
state['emoji_alt_code'] = user_profile.emoji_alt_code
default_language = user_profile.default_language
state['default_language'] = default_language
if want('update_global_notifications'):
state['enable_stream_desktop_notifications'] = user_profile.enable_stream_desktop_notifications
state['enable_stream_sounds'] = user_profile.enable_stream_sounds
state['enable_desktop_notifications'] = user_profile.enable_desktop_notifications
state['enable_sounds'] = user_profile.enable_sounds
state['enable_offline_email_notifications'] = user_profile.enable_offline_email_notifications
state['enable_offline_push_notifications'] = user_profile.enable_offline_push_notifications
state['enable_online_push_notifications'] = user_profile.enable_online_push_notifications
state['enable_digest_emails'] = user_profile.enable_digest_emails
if want('zulip_version'):
state['zulip_version'] = ZULIP_VERSION
return state
def apply_events(state, events, user_profile, include_subscribers=True):
# type: (Dict[str, Any], Iterable[Dict[str, Any]], UserProfile, bool) -> None
for event in events:
apply_event(state, event, user_profile, include_subscribers)
def apply_event(state, event, user_profile, include_subscribers):
# type: (Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any], UserProfile, bool) -> None
if event['type'] == "message":
state['max_message_id'] = max(state['max_message_id'], event['message']['id'])
elif event['type'] == "pointer":
state['pointer'] = max(state['pointer'], event['pointer'])
elif event['type'] == "realm_user":
person = event['person']
def our_person(p):
# type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> bool
return p['user_id'] == person['user_id']
if event['op'] == "add":
elif event['op'] == "remove":
state['realm_users'] = [user for user in state['realm_users'] if not our_person(user)]
elif event['op'] == 'update':
for p in state['realm_users']:
if our_person(p):
# In the unlikely event that the current user
# just changed to/from being an admin, we need
# to add/remove the data on all bots in the
# realm. This is ugly and probably better
# solved by removing the all-realm-bots data
# given to admin users from this flow.
if ('is_admin' in person and 'realm_bots' in state and
user_profile.email == person['email']):
if p['is_admin'] and not person['is_admin']:
state['realm_bots'] = []
if not p['is_admin'] and person['is_admin']:
state['realm_bots'] = get_owned_bot_dicts(user_profile)
# Now update the person
elif event['type'] == 'realm_bot':
if event['op'] == 'add':
if event['op'] == 'remove':
email = event['bot']['email']
for bot in state['realm_bots']:
if bot['email'] == email:
bot['is_active'] = False
if event['op'] == 'update':
for bot in state['realm_bots']:
if bot['email'] == event['bot']['email']:
if 'owner_id' in event['bot']:
bot['owner'] = get_user_profile_by_id(event['bot']['owner_id']).email
elif event['type'] == 'stream':
if event['op'] == 'create':
for stream in event['streams']:
if not stream['invite_only']:
stream_data = copy.deepcopy(stream)
if include_subscribers:
stream_data['subscribers'] = []
# Add stream to never_subscribed (if not invite_only)
if event['op'] == 'delete':
deleted_stream_ids = {stream['stream_id'] for stream in event['streams']}
state['streams'] = [s for s in state['streams'] if s['stream_id'] not in deleted_stream_ids]
state['never_subscribed'] = [stream for stream in state['never_subscribed'] if
stream['stream_id'] not in deleted_stream_ids]
if event['op'] == 'update':
# For legacy reasons, we call stream data 'subscriptions' in
# the state var here, for the benefit of the JS code.
for obj in state['subscriptions']:
if obj['name'].lower() == event['name'].lower():
obj[event['property']] = event['value']
# Also update the pure streams data
for stream in state['streams']:
if stream['name'].lower() == event['name'].lower():
prop = event['property']
if prop in stream:
stream[prop] = event['value']
elif event['op'] == "occupy":
state['streams'] += event['streams']
elif event['op'] == "vacate":
stream_ids = [s["stream_id"] for s in event['streams']]
state['streams'] = [s for s in state['streams'] if s["stream_id"] not in stream_ids]
elif event['type'] == 'default_streams':
state['realm_default_streams'] = event['default_streams']
elif event['type'] == 'realm':
if event['op'] == "update":
field = 'realm_' + event['property']
state[field] = event['value']
elif event['op'] == "update_dict":
for key, value in event['data'].items():
state['realm_' + key] = value
elif event['type'] == "subscription":
if not include_subscribers and event['op'] in ['peer_add', 'peer_remove']:
if event['op'] in ["add"]:
if include_subscribers:
# Convert the emails to user_profile IDs since that's what register() returns
# TODO: Clean up this situation by making the event also have IDs
for item in event["subscriptions"]:
item["subscribers"] = [get_user_profile_by_email(email).id for email in item["subscribers"]]
# Avoid letting 'subscribers' entries end up in the list
for i, sub in enumerate(event['subscriptions']):
event['subscriptions'][i] = copy.deepcopy(event['subscriptions'][i])
del event['subscriptions'][i]['subscribers']
def name(sub):
# type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> Text
return sub['name'].lower()
if event['op'] == "add":
added_names = set(map(name, event["subscriptions"]))
was_added = lambda s: name(s) in added_names
# add the new subscriptions
state['subscriptions'] += event['subscriptions']
# remove them from unsubscribed if they had been there
state['unsubscribed'] = [s for s in state['unsubscribed'] if not was_added(s)]
# remove them from never_subscribed if they had been there
state['never_subscribed'] = [s for s in state['never_subscribed'] if not was_added(s)]
elif event['op'] == "remove":
removed_names = set(map(name, event["subscriptions"]))
was_removed = lambda s: name(s) in removed_names
# Find the subs we are affecting.
removed_subs = list(filter(was_removed, state['subscriptions']))
# Remove our user from the subscribers of the removed subscriptions.
if include_subscribers:
for sub in removed_subs:
sub['subscribers'] = [id for id in sub['subscribers'] if id != user_profile.id]
# We must effectively copy the removed subscriptions from subscriptions to
# unsubscribe, since we only have the name in our data structure.
state['unsubscribed'] += removed_subs
# Now filter out the removed subscriptions from subscriptions.
state['subscriptions'] = [s for s in state['subscriptions'] if not was_removed(s)]
elif event['op'] == 'update':
for sub in state['subscriptions']:
if sub['name'].lower() == event['name'].lower():
sub[event['property']] = event['value']
elif event['op'] == 'peer_add':
user_id = event['user_id']
for sub in state['subscriptions']:
if (sub['name'] in event['subscriptions'] and
user_id not in sub['subscribers']):
for sub in state['never_subscribed']:
if (sub['name'] in event['subscriptions'] and
user_id not in sub['subscribers']):
elif event['op'] == 'peer_remove':
user_id = event['user_id']
for sub in state['subscriptions']:
if (sub['name'] in event['subscriptions'] and
user_id in sub['subscribers']):
elif event['type'] == "presence":
state['presences'][event['email']] = event['presence']
elif event['type'] == "update_message":
# The client will get the updated message directly
elif event['type'] == "reaction":
# The client will get the message with the reactions directly
elif event['type'] == "referral":
state['referrals'] = event['referrals']
elif event['type'] == "update_message_flags":
# The client will get the message with the updated flags directly
elif event['type'] == "realm_domains":
if event['op'] == 'add':
elif event['op'] == 'change':
for realm_domain in state['realm_domains']:
if realm_domain['domain'] == event['alias']['domain']:
realm_domain['allow_subdomains'] = event['alias']['allow_subdomains']
elif event['op'] == 'remove':
state['realm_domains'] = [alias for alias in state['realm_domains'] if alias['domain'] != event['domain']]
elif event['type'] == "realm_emoji":
state['realm_emoji'] = event['realm_emoji']
elif event['type'] == "alert_words":
state['alert_words'] = event['alert_words']
elif event['type'] == "muted_topics":
state['muted_topics'] = event["muted_topics"]
elif event['type'] == "realm_filters":
state['realm_filters'] = event["realm_filters"]
elif event['type'] == "update_display_settings":
if event['setting_name'] == "twenty_four_hour_time":
state['twenty_four_hour_time'] = event["setting"]
if event['setting_name'] == 'left_side_userlist':
state['left_side_userlist'] = event["setting"]
if event['setting_name'] == 'emoji_alt_code':
state['emoji_alt_code'] = event["setting"]
elif event['type'] == "update_global_notifications":
if event['notification_name'] == "enable_stream_desktop_notifications":
state['enable_stream_desktop_notifications'] = event['setting']
elif event['notification_name'] == "enable_stream_sounds":
state['enable_stream_sounds'] = event['setting']
elif event['notification_name'] == "enable_desktop_notifications":
state['enable_desktop_notifications'] = event['setting']
elif event['notification_name'] == "enable_sounds":
state['enable_sounds'] = event['setting']
elif event['notification_name'] == "enable_offline_email_notifications":
state['enable_offline_email_notifications'] = event['setting']
elif event['notification_name'] == "enable_offline_push_notifications":
state['enable_offline_push_notifications'] = event['setting']
elif event['notification_name'] == "enable_online_push_notifications":
state['enable_online_push_notifications'] = event['setting']
elif event['notification_name'] == "enable_digest_emails":
state['enable_digest_emails'] = event['setting']
raise ValueError("Unexpected event type %s" % (event['type'],))
def do_events_register(user_profile, user_client, apply_markdown=True,
event_types=None, queue_lifespan_secs=0, all_public_streams=False,
include_subscribers=True, narrow=[]):
# type: (UserProfile, Client, bool, Optional[Iterable[str]], int, bool, bool, Iterable[Sequence[Text]]) -> Dict[str, Any]
# Technically we don't need to check this here because
# build_narrow_filter will check it, but it's nicer from an error
# handling perspective to do it before contacting Tornado
queue_id = request_event_queue(user_profile, user_client, apply_markdown,
queue_lifespan_secs, event_types, all_public_streams,
if queue_id is None:
raise JsonableError(_("Could not allocate event queue"))
if event_types is not None:
event_types_set = set(event_types) # type: Optional[Set[str]]
event_types_set = None
ret = fetch_initial_state_data(user_profile, event_types_set, queue_id,
# Apply events that came in while we were fetching initial data
events = get_user_events(user_profile, queue_id, -1)
apply_events(ret, events, user_profile, include_subscribers=include_subscribers)
if len(events) > 0:
ret['last_event_id'] = events[-1]['id']
ret['last_event_id'] = -1
return ret