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214 lines
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214 lines
7.5 KiB
var initial_invite = (function () {
// invite_suffix is set by the server-side django template
// in this page
/*global invite_suffix: true */
var exports = {};
var redirect_url;
var candidates = [
[{name: "candide", email: "candide@skeptics.com"},
{name: "cunégonde", email: "cunégonde@westphalia.com"},
{name: "pangloss", email: "pangloss@allforthebest.com"},
{name: "cacambo", email: "cacambo@candide.com"},
{name: "martin", email: "martin@candide"},
{name: "baron.thunder-ten-tronckh", email: "baron@candide.com"},
{name: "jacques.the.anabaptist", email: "anabaptist@candide.com"},
{name: "the.scholar", email: "scholar@candide.com"},
{name: "paquette", email: "paquette@candide.com"},
{name: "signor.pococurante", email: "pocurante@candide.com"}],
[{name: "emma.bovary", email: "emma@normandy.com"},
{name: "charles.bovary", email: "charles@normandy.com"},
{name: "rodolphe.boulanger", email: "rodolphe@normandy.com"},
{name: "léon.dupuis", email: "dupuis@normandy.com"},
{name: "monsieur.lheureux", email: "lheureux@normandy.com"},
{name: "monsieur.homais", email: "homais@normandy.com"},
{name: "madame.homais", email: "mme_homais@normandy.com"},
{name: "justin", email: "justin@normandy.com"}],
[{name: "lena.grove", email: "lena@yoknapatawpha.gov"},
{name: "byron.bunch", email: "byron@yoknapatawpha.gov"},
{name: "joe.christmas", email: "christmas@yoknapatawpha.gov"},
{name: "lucas.birch", email: "birch@yoknapatawpha.gov"},
{name: "gail.hightower", email: "gail@yoknapatawpha.gov"},
{name: "joanna.burden", email: "burden@yoknapatawpha.gov"},
{name: "mr.mceachern", email: "mceachern@yoknapatawpha.gov"},
{name: "percy.grimm", email: "grimm@yoknapatawpha.gov"},
{name: "mr.armstid ", email: "armistid@yoknapatawpha.gov"},
{name: "bobby", email: "bobby@yoknapatawpha.gov"},
{name: "gavin.stephens", email: "stephens@yoknapatawpha.gov"}],
[{name: "stephen.dedalus", email: "stephen@odyssey.com"},
{name: "buck.mulligan", email: "mulligan@odyssey.com"},
{name: "leopold.bloom", email: "leopoldbloom@odyssey.com"},
{name: "molly.bloom", email: "molly@odyssey.com"},
{name: "blazes.boylan", email: "boylan@odyssey.com"},
{name: "paddy.dignam", email: "dignan@odyssey.com"},
{name: "milly.bloom", email: "milly@odyssey.com"},
{name: "george.william.russell", email: "russell@odyssey.com"},
{name: "father.john.conmee", email: "fatherconmee@odyssey.com"}],
[{name: "yossarian", email: "yossasrian@catch22.com"},
{name: "colonel.cathcart", email: "cathcart@catch22.com"},
{name: "milo.minderbinder", email: "minderbinder@catch22.com"},
{name: "chaplain.tappman", email: "tappman@catch22.com"},
{name: "doctor.daneeka", email: "daneeka@catch22.com"},
{name: "lieutenant.nately", email: "nately@catch22.com"},
{name: "general.scheisskopf", email: "scheisskopf@catch22.com"},
{name: "snowden", email: "snowden@catch22.com"},
{name: "captain.aardvark", email: "aardvark@catch22.com"},
{name: "captain.black", email: "black@catch22.com"}]
var literary_work;
function random_candidate() {
if (literary_work === undefined || literary_work.length === 0) {
literary_work = candidates[Math.floor(Math.random() * candidates.length)].slice(0);
return literary_work.pop();
function set_placeholder(input_row, candidate) {
var contents;
if (invite_suffix !== '') {
contents = candidate.name;
} else {
contents = candidate.email;
input_row.attr('placeholder', contents);
function add_input_row() {
var rows = $(".invite_row");
if (rows.length === 0) {
var lastrow = rows[rows.length - 1];
var input = $(lastrow).clone();
var input_text = $('input', input);
// Give it a sequentially unique name, required for jquery-validate
// to be able to target each row individually with an error
var name = input_text.attr('name');
var num = parseInt(name.split('_')[1], 10);
input_text.attr('name', 'email_' + (num + 1));
set_placeholder(input_text, random_candidate());
function handle_focus(e) {
var rowdiv = $(e.target).parent();
var prev = rowdiv.prev();
if (prev.length === 0) {
// If the user entered some content and
// tabs to the last entry field, add another one
var prevInput = $(prev[0]).children('input');
if (prevInput.val() !== "" &&
rowdiv.nextAll('.invite_row').length === 0) {
function is_local_part(value, element) {
// Match an rfc2822 local part of an email address
// Either dot notation or quoted form
// Inspired by Django's EmailValidator
var regex = /^(?:[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?\^_`{|}~\-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?\^_`{|}~\-]+)*|"(?:[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d-\x7f]|\\[\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x7f])*")$/i;
return this.optional(element) || regex.test(value);
function get_invitee_emails() {
var emails = [];
_.each($('.invite_row > input'), function (elem) {
var email = $(elem).val();
if (email === '') {
if (invite_suffix !== "") {
email = email + '@' + invite_suffix;
return emails;
$(document).ready(function () {
$('form:first *:input[type!=hidden]:first').focus();
var csrf_token = $('input[name="csrfmiddlewaretoken"]').attr('value');
$("#invite_rows").on('focus', 'input', function (e) {
function (value, element) {
if (invite_suffix !== '') {
// Validate first part of email only
return is_local_part.call(this, value, element);
} else {
// Normal email validation for open realms
return true;
"Please enter a valid email address.");
errorClass: 'text-error',
keyup: false,
errorPlacement: function (error, element) {
showErrors: function (errorMap, errorList) {
if (errorList.length > 0) {
$('#submit_invitation').attr('disabled', '');
} else {
submitHandler: function (form) {
$('#submit_invitation').attr('disabled', '');
$('#submit_invitation').text("Inviting …");
method: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
url: '/json/bulk_invite_users',
data: { invitee_emails: JSON.stringify(get_invitee_emails()),
csrfmiddlewaretoken: csrf_token },
complete: function () {
// Redirect to home
window.location.href = "/";
// Initial placeholder and extra rows
set_placeholder($("input.invite_email"), random_candidate());
return exports;