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368 lines
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# Webhooks for external integrations.
import time
from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple
from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse
from zerver.decorator import webhook_view
from zerver.lib.exceptions import UnsupportedWebhookEventTypeError
from zerver.lib.response import json_success
from zerver.lib.timestamp import timestamp_to_datetime
from zerver.lib.typed_endpoint import JsonBodyPayload, typed_endpoint
from zerver.lib.validator import WildValue, check_bool, check_int, check_none_or, check_string
from zerver.lib.webhooks.common import check_send_webhook_message
from zerver.models import UserProfile
class SuppressedEventError(Exception):
class NotImplementedEventTypeError(SuppressedEventError):
@webhook_view("Stripe", all_event_types=ALL_EVENT_TYPES)
def api_stripe_webhook(
request: HttpRequest,
user_profile: UserProfile,
payload: JsonBodyPayload[WildValue],
stream: str = "test",
) -> HttpResponse:
topic_name, body = topic_and_body(payload)
except SuppressedEventError: # nocoverage
return json_success(request)
request, user_profile, topic_name, body, payload["type"].tame(check_string)
return json_success(request)
def topic_and_body(payload: WildValue) -> Tuple[str, str]:
event_type = payload["type"].tame(
) # invoice.created, customer.subscription.created, etc
if len(event_type.split(".")) == 3:
category, resource, event = event_type.split(".")
resource, event = event_type.split(".")
category = resource
object_ = payload["data"]["object"] # The full, updated Stripe object
# Set the topic to the customer_id when we can
topic_name = ""
customer_id = object_.get("customer").tame(check_none_or(check_string))
if customer_id is not None:
# Running into the 60 character topic limit.
# topic = '[{}](https://dashboard.stripe.com/customers/{})' % (customer_id, customer_id)
topic_name = customer_id
body = None
def update_string(blacklist: Sequence[str] = []) -> str:
assert "previous_attributes" in payload["data"]
previous_attributes = set(payload["data"]["previous_attributes"].keys()).difference(
if not previous_attributes: # nocoverage
raise SuppressedEventError
return "".join(
"\n* "
+ attribute.replace("_", " ").capitalize()
+ " is now "
+ stringify(object_[attribute].value)
for attribute in sorted(previous_attributes)
def default_body(update_blacklist: Sequence[str] = []) -> str:
body = "{resource} {verbed}".format(
resource=linkified_id(object_["id"].tame(check_string)), verbed=event.replace("_", " ")
if event == "updated":
return body + update_string(blacklist=update_blacklist)
return body
if category == "account": # nocoverage
if resource == "account":
if event == "updated":
if "previous_attributes" not in payload["data"]:
raise SuppressedEventError
topic_name = "account updates"
body = update_string()
# Part of Stripe Connect
raise NotImplementedEventTypeError
if category == "application_fee": # nocoverage
# Part of Stripe Connect
raise NotImplementedEventTypeError
if category == "balance": # nocoverage
# Not that interesting to most businesses, I think
raise NotImplementedEventTypeError
if category == "charge":
if resource == "charge":
if not topic_name: # only in legacy fixtures
topic_name = "charges"
body = "{resource} for {amount} {verbed}".format(
object_["amount"].tame(check_int), object_["currency"].tame(check_string)
if object_["failure_code"]: # nocoverage
body += ". Failure code: {}".format(object_["failure_code"].tame(check_string))
if resource == "dispute":
topic_name = "disputes"
body = default_body() + ". Current status: {status}.".format(
status=object_["status"].tame(check_string).replace("_", " ")
if resource == "refund":
topic_name = "refunds"
body = "A {resource} for a {charge} of {amount} was updated.".format(
resource=linkified_id(object_["id"].tame(check_string), lower=True),
charge=linkified_id(object_["charge"].tame(check_string), lower=True),
object_["amount"].tame(check_int), object_["currency"].tame(check_string)
if category == "checkout_beta": # nocoverage
# Not sure what this is
raise NotImplementedEventTypeError
if category == "coupon": # nocoverage
# Not something that likely happens programmatically
raise NotImplementedEventTypeError
if category == "customer":
if resource == "customer":
# Running into the 60 character topic limit.
# topic = '[{}](https://dashboard.stripe.com/customers/{})' % (object_['id'], object_['id'])
topic_name = object_["id"].tame(check_string)
body = default_body(update_blacklist=["delinquent", "currency", "default_source"])
if event == "created":
if object_["email"]:
body += "\nEmail: {}".format(object_["email"].tame(check_string))
if object_["metadata"]: # nocoverage
for key, value in object_["metadata"].items():
body += f"\n{key}: {value.tame(check_string)}"
if resource == "discount":
body = "Discount {verbed} ([{coupon_name}]({coupon_url})).".format(
verbed=event.replace("_", " "),
"coupons", object_["coupon"]["id"].tame(check_string)
if resource == "source": # nocoverage
body = default_body()
if resource == "subscription":
body = default_body()
if event == "trial_will_end":
DAY = 60 * 60 * 24 # seconds in a day
# Basically always three: https://stripe.com/docs/api/python#event_types
body += " in {days} days".format(
days=int((object_["trial_end"].tame(check_int) - time.time() + DAY // 2) // DAY)
if event == "created":
if object_["plan"]:
nickname = object_["plan"]["nickname"].tame(check_none_or(check_string))
if nickname is not None:
body += "\nPlan: [{plan_nickname}](https://dashboard.stripe.com/plans/{plan_id})".format(
body += "\nPlan: https://dashboard.stripe.com/plans/{plan_id}".format(
if object_["quantity"]:
body += "\nQuantity: {}".format(object_["quantity"].tame(check_int))
if "billing" in object_: # nocoverage
body += "\nBilling method: {}".format(
object_["billing"].tame(check_string).replace("_", " ")
if category == "file": # nocoverage
topic_name = "files"
body = default_body() + " ({purpose}). \nTitle: {title}".format(
purpose=object_["purpose"].tame(check_string).replace("_", " "),
if category == "invoice":
if event == "upcoming": # nocoverage
body = "Upcoming invoice created"
elif (
event == "updated"
and payload["data"]["previous_attributes"].get("paid").tame(check_none_or(check_bool))
is False
and object_["paid"].tame(check_bool) is True
and object_["amount_paid"].tame(check_int) != 0
and object_["amount_remaining"].tame(check_int) == 0
# We are taking advantage of logical AND short circuiting here since we need the else
# statement below.
object_id = object_["id"].tame(check_string)
invoice_link = f"https://dashboard.stripe.com/invoices/{object_id}"
body = f"[Invoice]({invoice_link}) is now paid"
body = default_body(
if event == "created":
# Could potentially add link to invoice PDF here
body += " ({reason})\nTotal: {total}\nAmount due: {due}".format(
reason=object_["billing_reason"].tame(check_string).replace("_", " "),
object_["total"].tame(check_int), object_["currency"].tame(check_string)
object_["amount_due"].tame(check_int), object_["currency"].tame(check_string)
if category == "invoiceitem":
body = default_body(update_blacklist=["description", "invoice"])
if event == "created":
body += " for {amount}".format(
object_["amount"].tame(check_int), object_["currency"].tame(check_string)
if category.startswith("issuing"): # nocoverage
# Not implemented
raise NotImplementedEventTypeError
if category.startswith("order"): # nocoverage
# Not implemented
raise NotImplementedEventTypeError
if category in [
]: # nocoverage
# Not implemented. In theory doing something like
# body = default_body()
# may not be hard for some of these
raise NotImplementedEventTypeError
if body is None:
raise UnsupportedWebhookEventTypeError(event_type)
return (topic_name, body)
def amount_string(amount: int, currency: str) -> str:
zero_decimal_currencies = [
if currency in zero_decimal_currencies:
decimal_amount = str(amount) # nocoverage
decimal_amount = f"{float(amount) * 0.01:.02f}"
if currency == "usd": # nocoverage
return "$" + decimal_amount
return decimal_amount + f" {currency.upper()}"
def linkified_id(object_id: str, lower: bool = False) -> str:
names_and_urls: Dict[str, Tuple[str, Optional[str]]] = {
# Core resources
"ch": ("Charge", "charges"),
"cus": ("Customer", "customers"),
"dp": ("Dispute", "disputes"),
"du": ("Dispute", "disputes"),
"file": ("File", "files"),
"link": ("File link", "file_links"),
"pi": ("Payment intent", "payment_intents"),
"po": ("Payout", "payouts"),
"prod": ("Product", "products"),
"re": ("Refund", "refunds"),
"tok": ("Token", "tokens"),
# Payment methods
# payment methods have URL prefixes like /customers/cus_id/sources
"ba": ("Bank account", None),
"card": ("Card", None),
"src": ("Source", None),
# Billing
# coupons have a configurable id, but the URL prefix is /coupons
# discounts don't have a URL, I think
"in": ("Invoice", "invoices"),
"ii": ("Invoice item", "invoiceitems"),
# products are covered in core resources
# plans have a configurable id, though by default they are created with this pattern
# 'plan': ('Plan', 'plans'),
"sub": ("Subscription", "subscriptions"),
"si": ("Subscription item", "subscription_items"),
# I think usage records have URL prefixes like /subscription_items/si_id/usage_record_summaries
"mbur": ("Usage record", None),
# Undocumented :|
"py": ("Payment", "payments"),
"pyr": ("Refund", "refunds"), # Pseudo refunds. Not fully tested.
# Connect, Fraud, Orders, etc not implemented
name, url_prefix = names_and_urls[object_id.split("_")[0]]
if lower: # nocoverage
name = name.lower()
if url_prefix is None: # nocoverage
return name
return f"[{name}](https://dashboard.stripe.com/{url_prefix}/{object_id})"
def stringify(value: object) -> str:
if isinstance(value, int) and value > 1500000000 and value < 2000000000:
return timestamp_to_datetime(value).strftime("%b %d, %Y, %H:%M:%S %Z")
return str(value)