
198 lines
6.1 KiB

import subprocess
from zulint.printer import BOLDRED, CYAN, ENDC, GREEN
from .template_parser import Token
def shift_indents_to_the_next_tokens(tokens: list[Token]) -> None:
During the parsing/validation phase, it's useful to have separate
tokens for "indent" chunks, but during pretty printing, we like
to attach an `.indent` field to the substantive node, whether
it's an HTML tag or template directive or whatever.
tokens[0].indent = ""
for i, token in enumerate(tokens[:-1]):
next_token = tokens[i + 1]
if token.kind == "indent":
next_token.indent = token.s
token.new_s = ""
if token.kind == "newline" and next_token.kind != "indent":
next_token.indent = ""
def token_allows_children_to_skip_indents(token: Token) -> bool:
# To avoid excessive indentation in templates with other
# conditionals, we don't require extra indentation for template
# logic blocks don't contain further logic as direct children.
# Each blocks are excluded from this rule, since we want loops to
# stand out.
if token.tag == "each":
return False
return token.kind in ("django_start", "handlebars_start") or token.tag == "a"
def adjust_block_indentation(tokens: list[Token], fn: str) -> None:
start_token: Token | None = None
for token in tokens:
if token.kind in ("indent", "whitespace", "newline"):
if token.tag in ("code", "pre"):
# print(token.line, repr(start_token.indent) if start_token else "?", repr(token.indent), token.s, token.end_token and "start", token.start_token and "end")
if token.tag == "else":
assert token.start_token
if token.indent is not None:
token.indent = token.start_token.indent
if start_token and token.indent is not None:
if (
not start_token.indent_is_final
and token.indent == start_token.orig_indent
and token_allows_children_to_skip_indents(start_token)
start_token.child_indent = start_token.indent
start_token.indent_is_final = True
# Detect start token by its having a end token
if token.end_token:
if token.indent is not None:
token.orig_indent = token.indent
if start_token:
assert start_token.child_indent is not None
token.indent = start_token.child_indent
token.indent = ""
token.child_indent = token.indent + " "
token.parent_token = start_token
start_token = token
# Detect end token by its having a start token
if token.start_token:
if start_token != token.start_token:
raise AssertionError(
{token.kind} was unexpected in {token.s}
in row {token.line} of {fn}
if token.indent is not None:
token.indent = start_token.indent
start_token = start_token.parent_token
if token.indent is None:
if start_token is None:
token.indent = ""
if start_token.child_indent is not None:
token.indent = start_token.child_indent
def fix_indents_for_multi_line_tags(tokens: list[Token]) -> None:
def fix(frag: str) -> str:
frag = frag.strip()
return continue_indent + frag if frag else ""
for token in tokens:
if token.kind == "code":
if token.line_span == 1 or token.indent is None:
if token.kind in ("django_comment", "handlebars_comment", "html_comment", "text"):
continue_indent = token.indent
continue_indent = token.indent + " "
frags = token.new_s.split("\n")
token.new_s = frags[0] + "\n" + "\n".join(fix(frag) for frag in frags[1:])
def apply_token_indents(tokens: list[Token]) -> None:
for token in tokens:
if token.indent:
token.new_s = token.indent + token.new_s
def pretty_print_html(tokens: list[Token], fn: str) -> str:
for token in tokens:
token.new_s = token.s
adjust_block_indentation(tokens, fn)
return "".join(token.new_s for token in tokens)
def numbered_lines(s: str) -> str:
return "".join(f"{i + 1: >5} {line}\n" for i, line in enumerate(s.split("\n")))
def validate_indent_html(fn: str, tokens: list[Token], fix: bool) -> bool:
with open(fn) as f:
html = f.read()
phtml = pretty_print_html(tokens, fn)
if html.split("\n") != phtml.split("\n"):
if fix:
print(GREEN + f"Automatically fixing indentation for {fn}" + ENDC)
with open(fn, "w") as f:
# Since we successfully fixed the issues, we return True.
return True
{BOLDRED}PROBLEM{ENDC}: formatting errors in {fn}
Here is how we would like you to format
Here is the diff that you should either execute in your editor
or apply automatically with the --fix option.
({CYAN}Scroll up{ENDC} to see how we would like the file formatted.)
Proposed {BOLDRED}diff{ENDC} for {CYAN}{fn}{ENDC}:
subprocess.run(["diff", fn, "-"], input=phtml, text=True, check=False)
You have formatting errors in {CYAN}{fn}{ENDC}
(Usually these messages are related to indentation.)
This problem can be fixed with the {CYAN}`--fix`{ENDC} option.
Scroll up for more details about {BOLDRED}what you need to fix ^^^{ENDC}.
return False
return True