
595 lines
26 KiB

from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple
from zerver.lib.types import DisplayRecipientT
from confirmation.models import one_click_unsubscribe_link
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.timezone import now as timezone_now
from django.contrib.auth import get_backends
from zerver.decorator import statsd_increment
from zerver.lib.message import bulk_access_messages
from zerver.lib.queue import queue_json_publish
from zerver.lib.send_email import send_future_email, FromAddress
from zerver.lib.url_encoding import personal_narrow_url, huddle_narrow_url, \
stream_narrow_url, topic_narrow_url
from zerver.models import (
from datetime import timedelta
from email.utils import formataddr
import html2text
from lxml.cssselect import CSSSelector
import lxml.html
import re
from collections import defaultdict
import pytz
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def relative_to_full_url(base_url: str, content: str) -> str:
# Convert relative URLs to absolute URLs.
fragment = lxml.html.fromstring(content)
# We handle narrow URLs separately because of two reasons:
# 1: 'lxml' seems to be having an issue in dealing with URLs that begin
# `#` due to which it doesn't add a `/` before joining the base_url to
# the relative URL.
# 2: We also need to update the title attribute in the narrow links which
# is not possible with `make_links_absolute()`.
for link_info in fragment.iterlinks():
elem, attrib, link, pos = link_info
match = re.match("/?#narrow/", link)
if match is not None:
link = re.sub(r"^/?#narrow/", base_url + "/#narrow/", link)
elem.set(attrib, link)
# Only manually linked narrow URLs have title attribute set.
if elem.get('title') is not None:
elem.set('title', link)
# Inline images can't be displayed in the emails as the request
# from the mail server can't be authenticated because it has no
# user_profile object linked to it. So we scrub the inline image
# container.
inline_image_containers = fragment.find_class("message_inline_image")
for container in inline_image_containers:
# The previous block handles most inline images, but for messages
# where the entire markdown input was just the URL of an image
# (i.e. the entire body is a message_inline_image object), the
# entire message body will be that image element; here, we need a
# more drastic edit to the content.
if fragment.get('class') == 'message_inline_image':
content_template = '<p><a href="%s" target="_blank" title="%s">%s</a></p>'
image_link = fragment.find('a').get('href')
image_title = fragment.find('a').get('title')
new_content = (content_template % (image_link, image_title, image_link))
fragment = lxml.html.fromstring(new_content)
content = lxml.html.tostring(fragment).decode("utf-8")
return content
def fix_emojis(content: str, base_url: str, emojiset: str) -> str:
def make_emoji_img_elem(emoji_span_elem: CSSSelector) -> Dict[str, Any]:
# Convert the emoji spans to img tags.
classes = emoji_span_elem.get('class')
match = re.search(r'emoji-(?P<emoji_code>\S+)', classes)
# re.search is capable of returning None,
# but since the parent function should only be called with a valid css element
# we assert that it does not.
assert match is not None
emoji_code = match.group('emoji_code')
emoji_name = emoji_span_elem.get('title')
alt_code = emoji_span_elem.text
image_url = base_url + '/static/generated/emoji/images-%(emojiset)s-64/%(emoji_code)s.png' % {
'emojiset': emojiset,
'emoji_code': emoji_code
img_elem = lxml.html.fromstring(
'<img alt="%(alt_code)s" src="%(image_url)s" title="%(title)s">' % {
'alt_code': alt_code,
'image_url': image_url,
'title': emoji_name,
img_elem.set('style', 'height: 20px;')
img_elem.tail = emoji_span_elem.tail
return img_elem
fragment = lxml.html.fromstring(content)
for elem in fragment.cssselect('span.emoji'):
parent = elem.getparent()
img_elem = make_emoji_img_elem(elem)
parent.replace(elem, img_elem)
for realm_emoji in fragment.cssselect('.emoji'):
del realm_emoji.attrib['class']
realm_emoji.set('style', 'height: 20px;')
content = lxml.html.tostring(fragment).decode('utf-8')
return content
def build_message_list(user_profile: UserProfile, messages: List[Message]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
Builds the message list object for the missed message email template.
The messages are collapsed into per-recipient and per-sender blocks, like
our web interface
messages_to_render = [] # type: List[Dict[str, Any]]
def sender_string(message: Message) -> str:
if message.recipient.type in (Recipient.STREAM, Recipient.HUDDLE):
return message.sender.full_name
return ''
def fix_plaintext_image_urls(content: str) -> str:
# Replace image URLs in plaintext content of the form
# [image name](image url)
# with a simple hyperlink.
return re.sub(r"\[(\S*)\]\((\S*)\)", r"\2", content)
def append_sender_to_message(message_plain: str, message_html: str, sender: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
message_plain = "{}: {}".format(sender, message_plain)
message_soup = BeautifulSoup(message_html, "html.parser")
sender_name_soup = BeautifulSoup("<b>{}</b>: ".format(sender), "html.parser")
first_tag = message_soup.find()
if first_tag.name == "p":
first_tag.insert(0, sender_name_soup)
message_soup.insert(0, sender_name_soup)
return message_plain, str(message_soup)
def build_message_payload(message: Message, sender: Optional[str]=None) -> Dict[str, str]:
plain = message.content
plain = fix_plaintext_image_urls(plain)
# There's a small chance of colliding with non-Zulip URLs containing
# "/user_uploads/", but we don't have much information about the
# structure of the URL to leverage. We can't use `relative_to_full_url()`
# function here because it uses a stricter regex which will not work for
# plain text.
plain = re.sub(
user_profile.realm.uri + r"/user_uploads/\1", plain)
assert message.rendered_content is not None
html = message.rendered_content
html = relative_to_full_url(user_profile.realm.uri, html)
html = fix_emojis(html, user_profile.realm.uri, user_profile.emojiset)
if sender:
plain, html = append_sender_to_message(plain, html, sender)
return {'plain': plain, 'html': html}
def build_sender_payload(message: Message) -> Dict[str, Any]:
sender = sender_string(message)
return {'sender': sender,
'content': [build_message_payload(message, sender)]}
def message_header(user_profile: UserProfile, message: Message) -> Dict[str, Any]:
if message.recipient.type == Recipient.PERSONAL:
narrow_link = get_narrow_url(user_profile, message)
header = "You and %s" % (message.sender.full_name,)
header_html = "<a style='color: #ffffff;' href='%s'>%s</a>" % (narrow_link, header)
elif message.recipient.type == Recipient.HUDDLE:
display_recipient = get_display_recipient(message.recipient)
assert not isinstance(display_recipient, str)
narrow_link = get_narrow_url(user_profile, message,
other_recipients = [r['full_name'] for r in display_recipient
if r['id'] != user_profile.id]
header = "You and %s" % (", ".join(other_recipients),)
header_html = "<a style='color: #ffffff;' href='%s'>%s</a>" % (narrow_link, header)
stream = Stream.objects.only('id', 'name').get(id=message.recipient.type_id)
narrow_link = get_narrow_url(user_profile, message, stream=stream)
header = "%s > %s" % (stream.name, message.topic_name())
stream_link = stream_narrow_url(user_profile.realm, stream)
header_html = "<a href='%s'>%s</a> > <a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (
stream_link, stream.name, narrow_link, message.topic_name())
return {"plain": header,
"html": header_html,
"stream_message": message.recipient.type_name() == "stream"}
# # Collapse message list to
# [
# {
# "header": {
# "plain":"header",
# "html":"htmlheader"
# }
# "senders":[
# {
# "sender":"sender_name",
# "content":[
# {
# "plain":"content",
# "html":"htmlcontent"
# }
# {
# "plain":"content",
# "html":"htmlcontent"
# }
# ]
# }
# ]
# },
# ]
messages.sort(key=lambda message: message.date_sent)
for message in messages:
header = message_header(user_profile, message)
# If we want to collapse into the previous recipient block
if len(messages_to_render) > 0 and messages_to_render[-1]['header'] == header:
sender = sender_string(message)
sender_block = messages_to_render[-1]['senders']
# Same message sender, collapse again
if sender_block[-1]['sender'] == sender:
# Start a new sender block
# New recipient and sender block
recipient_block = {'header': header,
'senders': [build_sender_payload(message)]}
return messages_to_render
def get_narrow_url(user_profile: UserProfile, message: Message,
display_recipient: Optional[DisplayRecipientT]=None,
stream: Optional[Stream]=None) -> str:
"""The display_recipient and stream arguments are optional. If not
provided, we'll compute them from the message; they exist as a
performance optimization for cases where the caller needs those
data too.
if message.recipient.type == Recipient.PERSONAL:
assert stream is None
assert display_recipient is None
return personal_narrow_url(
elif message.recipient.type == Recipient.HUDDLE:
assert stream is None
if display_recipient is None:
display_recipient = get_display_recipient(message.recipient)
assert display_recipient is not None
assert not isinstance(display_recipient, str)
other_user_ids = [r['id'] for r in display_recipient
if r['id'] != user_profile.id]
return huddle_narrow_url(
assert display_recipient is None
if stream is None:
stream = Stream.objects.only('id', 'name').get(id=message.recipient.type_id)
return topic_narrow_url(user_profile.realm, stream, message.topic_name())
def message_content_allowed_in_missedmessage_emails(user_profile: UserProfile) -> bool:
return user_profile.realm.message_content_allowed_in_email_notifications and \
def do_send_missedmessage_events_reply_in_zulip(user_profile: UserProfile,
missed_messages: List[Dict[str, Any]],
message_count: int) -> None:
Send a reminder email to a user if she's missed some PMs by being offline.
The email will have its reply to address set to a limited used email
address that will send a zulip message to the correct recipient. This
allows the user to respond to missed PMs, huddles, and @-mentions directly
from the email.
`user_profile` is the user to send the reminder to
`missed_messages` is a list of dictionaries to Message objects and other data
for a group of messages that share a recipient (and topic)
from zerver.context_processors import common_context
# Disabled missedmessage emails internally
if not user_profile.enable_offline_email_notifications:
recipients = set((msg['message'].recipient_id, msg['message'].topic_name()) for msg in missed_messages)
if len(recipients) != 1:
raise ValueError(
'All missed_messages must have the same recipient and topic %r' %
# This link is no longer a part of the email, but keeping the code in case
# we find a clean way to add it back in the future
unsubscribe_link = one_click_unsubscribe_link(user_profile, "missed_messages")
context = common_context(user_profile)
'name': user_profile.full_name,
'message_count': message_count,
'unsubscribe_link': unsubscribe_link,
'realm_name_in_notifications': user_profile.realm_name_in_notifications,
'show_message_content': message_content_allowed_in_missedmessage_emails(user_profile)
triggers = list(message['trigger'] for message in missed_messages)
unique_triggers = set(triggers)
'mention': 'mentioned' in unique_triggers or 'wildcard_mentioned' in unique_triggers,
'stream_email_notify': 'stream_email_notify' in unique_triggers,
'mention_count': triggers.count('mentioned') + triggers.count("wildcard_mentioned"),
# If this setting (email mirroring integration) is enabled, only then
# can users reply to email to send message to Zulip. Thus, one must
# ensure to display warning in the template.
'reply_to_zulip': True,
'reply_to_zulip': False,
from zerver.lib.email_mirror import create_missed_message_address
reply_to_address = create_missed_message_address(user_profile, missed_messages[0]['message'])
if reply_to_address == FromAddress.NOREPLY:
reply_to_name = None
reply_to_name = "Zulip"
narrow_url = get_narrow_url(user_profile, missed_messages[0]['message'])
'narrow_url': narrow_url,
senders = list(set(m['message'].sender for m in missed_messages))
if (missed_messages[0]['message'].recipient.type == Recipient.HUDDLE):
display_recipient = get_display_recipient(missed_messages[0]['message'].recipient)
# Make sure that this is a list of strings, not a string.
assert not isinstance(display_recipient, str)
other_recipients = [r['full_name'] for r in display_recipient
if r['id'] != user_profile.id]
context.update({'group_pm': True})
if len(other_recipients) == 2:
huddle_display_name = " and ".join(other_recipients)
context.update({'huddle_display_name': huddle_display_name})
elif len(other_recipients) == 3:
huddle_display_name = "%s, %s, and %s" % (
other_recipients[0], other_recipients[1], other_recipients[2])
context.update({'huddle_display_name': huddle_display_name})
huddle_display_name = "%s, and %s others" % (
', '.join(other_recipients[:2]), len(other_recipients) - 2)
context.update({'huddle_display_name': huddle_display_name})
elif (missed_messages[0]['message'].recipient.type == Recipient.PERSONAL):
context.update({'private_message': True})
elif (context['mention'] or context['stream_email_notify']):
# Keep only the senders who actually mentioned the user
if context['mention']:
senders = list(set(m['message'].sender for m in missed_messages
if m['trigger'] == 'mentioned' or
m['trigger'] == 'wildcard_mentioned'))
message = missed_messages[0]['message']
stream = Stream.objects.only('id', 'name').get(id=message.recipient.type_id)
stream_header = "%s > %s" % (stream.name, message.topic_name())
'stream_header': stream_header,
raise AssertionError("Invalid messages!")
# If message content is disabled, then flush all information we pass to email.
if not message_content_allowed_in_missedmessage_emails(user_profile):
'reply_to_zulip': False,
'messages': [],
'sender_str': "",
'realm_str': user_profile.realm.name,
'huddle_display_name': "",
'messages': build_message_list(user_profile, list(m['message'] for m in missed_messages)),
'sender_str': ", ".join(sender.full_name for sender in senders),
'realm_str': user_profile.realm.name,
from_name = "Zulip missed messages" # type: str
from_address = FromAddress.NOREPLY
if len(senders) == 1 and settings.SEND_MISSED_MESSAGE_EMAILS_AS_USER:
# If this setting is enabled, you can reply to the Zulip
# missed message emails directly back to the original sender.
# However, one must ensure the Zulip server is in the SPF
# record for the domain, or there will be spam/deliverability
# problems.
# Also, this setting is not really compatible with
sender = senders[0]
from_name, from_address = (sender.full_name, sender.email)
'reply_to_zulip': False,
email_dict = {
'template_prefix': 'zerver/emails/missed_message',
'to_user_ids': [user_profile.id],
'from_name': from_name,
'from_address': from_address,
'reply_to_email': formataddr((reply_to_name, reply_to_address)),
'context': context}
queue_json_publish("email_senders", email_dict)
user_profile.last_reminder = timezone_now()
def handle_missedmessage_emails(user_profile_id: int,
missed_email_events: Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None:
message_ids = {event.get('message_id'): event.get('trigger') for event in missed_email_events}
user_profile = get_user_profile_by_id(user_profile_id)
if not receives_offline_email_notifications(user_profile):
# Note: This query structure automatically filters out any
# messages that were permanently deleted, since those would now be
# in the ArchivedMessage table, not the Message table.
messages = Message.objects.filter(usermessage__user_profile_id=user_profile,
# Cancel missed-message emails for deleted messages
messages = [um for um in messages if um.content != "(deleted)"]
if not messages:
# We bucket messages by tuples that identify similar messages.
# For streams it's recipient_id and topic.
# For PMs it's recipient id and sender.
messages_by_bucket = defaultdict(list) # type: Dict[Tuple[int, str], List[Message]]
for msg in messages:
if msg.recipient.type == Recipient.PERSONAL:
# For PM's group using (recipient, sender).
messages_by_bucket[(msg.recipient_id, msg.sender_id)].append(msg)
messages_by_bucket[(msg.recipient_id, msg.topic_name())].append(msg)
message_count_by_bucket = {
bucket_tup: len(msgs)
for bucket_tup, msgs in messages_by_bucket.items()
for msg_list in messages_by_bucket.values():
msg = min(msg_list, key=lambda msg: msg.date_sent)
if msg.is_stream_message():
context_messages = get_context_for_message(msg)
filtered_context_messages = bulk_access_messages(user_profile, context_messages)
# Sort emails by least recently-active discussion.
bucket_tups = [] # type: List[Tuple[Tuple[int, str], int]]
for bucket_tup, msg_list in messages_by_bucket.items():
max_message_id = max(msg_list, key=lambda msg: msg.id).id
bucket_tups.append((bucket_tup, max_message_id))
bucket_tups = sorted(bucket_tups, key=lambda x: x[1])
# Send an email per bucket.
for bucket_tup, ignored_max_id in bucket_tups:
unique_messages = {}
for m in messages_by_bucket[bucket_tup]:
unique_messages[m.id] = dict(
def log_digest_event(msg: str) -> None:
import logging
import time
logging.Formatter.converter = time.gmtime
logging.basicConfig(filename=settings.DIGEST_LOG_PATH, level=logging.INFO)
def followup_day2_email_delay(user: UserProfile) -> timedelta:
days_to_delay = 2
user_tz = user.timezone
if user_tz == '':
user_tz = 'UTC'
signup_day = user.date_joined.astimezone(pytz.timezone(user_tz)).isoweekday()
if signup_day == 5:
# If the day is Friday then delay should be till Monday
days_to_delay = 3
elif signup_day == 4:
# If the day is Thursday then delay should be till Friday
days_to_delay = 1
# The delay should be 1 hour before the above calculated delay as
# our goal is to maximize the chance that this email is near the top
# of the user's inbox when the user sits down to deal with their inbox,
# or comes in while they are dealing with their inbox.
return timedelta(days=days_to_delay, hours=-1)
def enqueue_welcome_emails(user: UserProfile, realm_creation: bool=False) -> None:
from zerver.context_processors import common_context
if settings.WELCOME_EMAIL_SENDER is not None:
# line break to avoid triggering lint rule
from_name = settings.WELCOME_EMAIL_SENDER['name']
from_address = settings.WELCOME_EMAIL_SENDER['email']
from_name = None
from_address = FromAddress.SUPPORT
other_account_count = UserProfile.objects.filter(
unsubscribe_link = one_click_unsubscribe_link(user, "welcome")
context = common_context(user)
'unsubscribe_link': unsubscribe_link,
'keyboard_shortcuts_link': user.realm.uri + '/help/keyboard-shortcuts',
'realm_name': user.realm.name,
'realm_creation': realm_creation,
'email': user.delivery_email,
'is_realm_admin': user.role == UserProfile.ROLE_REALM_ADMINISTRATOR,
if user.is_realm_admin:
context['getting_started_link'] = (user.realm.uri +
context['getting_started_link'] = "https://zulipchat.com"
# Imported here to avoid import cycles.
from zproject.backends import email_belongs_to_ldap, ZulipLDAPAuthBackend
if email_belongs_to_ldap(user.realm, user.delivery_email):
context["ldap"] = True
for backend in get_backends():
# If the user is doing authentication via LDAP, Note that
# we exclude ZulipLDAPUserPopulator here, since that
# isn't used for authentication.
if isinstance(backend, ZulipLDAPAuthBackend):
context["ldap_username"] = backend.django_to_ldap_username(user.delivery_email)
"zerver/emails/followup_day1", user.realm, to_user_ids=[user.id], from_name=from_name,
from_address=from_address, context=context)
if other_account_count == 0:
"zerver/emails/followup_day2", user.realm, to_user_ids=[user.id], from_name=from_name,
from_address=from_address, context=context, delay=followup_day2_email_delay(user))
def convert_html_to_markdown(html: str) -> str:
parser = html2text.HTML2Text()
markdown = parser.handle(html).strip()
# We want images to get linked and inline previewed, but html2text will turn
# them into links of the form `![](http://foo.com/image.png)`, which is
# ugly. Run a regex over the resulting description, turning links of the
# form `![](http://foo.com/image.png?12345)` into
# `[image.png](http://foo.com/image.png)`.
return re.sub("!\\[\\]\\((\\S*)/(\\S*)\\?(\\S*)\\)",
"[\\2](\\1/\\2)", markdown)