
359 lines
13 KiB

from collections import defaultdict
from functools import wraps
from types import FunctionType
import ujson
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from zerver.lib.exceptions import JsonableError, ErrorCode, \
from zerver.lib.types import Validator, ViewFuncT
from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generic, List, Optional, TypeVar, Union, cast, overload
from typing_extensions import Literal
class RequestConfusingParmsError(JsonableError):
data_fields = ['var_name1', 'var_name2']
def __init__(self, var_name1: str, var_name2: str) -> None:
self.var_name1: str = var_name1
self.var_name2: str = var_name2
def msg_format() -> str:
return _("Can't decide between '{var_name1}' and '{var_name2}' arguments")
class RequestVariableMissingError(JsonableError):
data_fields = ['var_name']
def __init__(self, var_name: str) -> None:
self.var_name: str = var_name
def msg_format() -> str:
return _("Missing '{var_name}' argument")
class RequestVariableConversionError(JsonableError):
data_fields = ['var_name', 'bad_value']
def __init__(self, var_name: str, bad_value: Any) -> None:
self.var_name: str = var_name
self.bad_value = bad_value
def msg_format() -> str:
return _("Bad value for '{var_name}': {bad_value}")
# Used in conjunction with @has_request_variables, below
ResultT = TypeVar('ResultT')
class _REQ(Generic[ResultT]):
# NotSpecified is a sentinel value for determining whether a
# default value was specified for a request variable. We can't
# use None because that could be a valid, user-specified default
class _NotSpecified:
NotSpecified = _NotSpecified()
def __init__(
whence: Optional[str] = None,
converter: Optional[Callable[[str], ResultT]] = None,
default: Union[_NotSpecified, ResultT, None] = NotSpecified,
validator: Optional[Validator] = None,
str_validator: Optional[Validator] = None,
argument_type: Optional[str] = None,
intentionally_undocumented: bool=False,
documentation_pending: bool=False,
aliases: Optional[List[str]] = None,
path_only: bool=False
) -> None:
"""whence: the name of the request variable that should be used
for this parameter. Defaults to a request variable of the
same name as the parameter.
converter: a function that takes a string and returns a new
value. If specified, this will be called on the request
variable value before passing to the function
default: a value to be used for the argument if the parameter
is missing in the request
validator: similar to converter, but takes an already parsed JSON
data structure. If specified, we will parse the JSON request
variable value before passing to the function
str_validator: Like validator, but doesn't parse JSON first.
argument_type: pass 'body' to extract the parsed JSON
corresponding to the request body
aliases: alternate names for the POST var
path_only: Used for parameters included in the URL that we still want
to validate via REQ's hooks.
self.post_var_name = whence
self.func_var_name: Optional[str] = None
self.converter = converter
self.validator = validator
self.str_validator = str_validator
self.default = default
self.argument_type = argument_type
self.aliases = aliases
self.intentionally_undocumented = intentionally_undocumented
self.documentation_pending = documentation_pending
self.path_only = path_only
if converter and (validator or str_validator):
# Not user-facing, so shouldn't be tagged for translation
raise AssertionError('converter and validator are mutually exclusive')
if validator and str_validator:
# Not user-facing, so shouldn't be tagged for translation
raise AssertionError('validator and str_validator are mutually exclusive')
# This factory function ensures that mypy can correctly analyze REQ.
# Note that REQ claims to return a type matching that of the parameter
# of which it is the default value, allowing type checking of view
# functions using has_request_variables. In reality, REQ returns an
# instance of class _REQ to enable the decorator to scan the parameter
# list for _REQ objects and patch the parameters as the true types.
# Overload 1: converter
def REQ(
whence: Optional[str] = ...,
converter: Callable[[str], ResultT],
default: ResultT = ...,
intentionally_undocumented: bool = ...,
documentation_pending: bool = ...,
aliases: Optional[List[str]] = ...,
path_only: bool = ...
) -> ResultT:
# Overload 2: validator
def REQ(
whence: Optional[str] = ...,
default: ResultT = ...,
validator: Validator,
intentionally_undocumented: bool = ...,
documentation_pending: bool = ...,
aliases: Optional[List[str]] = ...,
path_only: bool = ...
) -> ResultT:
# Overload 3: no converter/validator, default: str or unspecified, argument_type=None
def REQ(
whence: Optional[str] = ...,
default: str = ...,
str_validator: Optional[Validator] = ...,
intentionally_undocumented: bool = ...,
documentation_pending: bool = ...,
aliases: Optional[List[str]] = ...,
path_only: bool = ...
) -> str:
# Overload 4: no converter/validator, default=None, argument_type=None
def REQ(
whence: Optional[str] = ...,
default: None,
str_validator: Optional[Validator] = ...,
intentionally_undocumented: bool = ...,
documentation_pending: bool = ...,
aliases: Optional[List[str]] = ...,
path_only: bool = ...
) -> Optional[str]:
# Overload 5: argument_type="body"
def REQ(
whence: Optional[str] = ...,
default: ResultT = ...,
str_validator: Optional[Validator] = ...,
argument_type: Literal["body"],
intentionally_undocumented: bool = ...,
documentation_pending: bool = ...,
aliases: Optional[List[str]] = ...,
path_only: bool = ...
) -> ResultT:
# Implementation
def REQ(
whence: Optional[str] = None,
converter: Optional[Callable[[str], ResultT]] = None,
default: Union[_REQ._NotSpecified, ResultT] = _REQ.NotSpecified,
validator: Optional[Validator] = None,
str_validator: Optional[Validator] = None,
argument_type: Optional[str] = None,
intentionally_undocumented: bool=False,
documentation_pending: bool=False,
aliases: Optional[List[str]] = None,
path_only: bool = False
) -> ResultT:
return cast(ResultT, _REQ(
arguments_map: Dict[str, List[str]] = defaultdict(list)
# Extracts variables from the request object and passes them as
# named function arguments. The request object must be the first
# argument to the function.
# To use, assign a function parameter a default value that is an
# instance of the _REQ class. That parameter will then be automatically
# populated from the HTTP request. The request object must be the
# first argument to the decorated function.
# This should generally be the innermost (syntactically bottommost)
# decorator applied to a view, since other decorators won't preserve
# the default parameter values used by has_request_variables.
# Note that this can't be used in helper functions which are not
# expected to call json_error or json_success, as it uses json_error
# internally when it encounters an error
def has_request_variables(view_func: ViewFuncT) -> ViewFuncT:
num_params = view_func.__code__.co_argcount
default_param_values = cast(FunctionType, view_func).__defaults__
if default_param_values is None:
default_param_values = ()
num_default_params = len(default_param_values)
default_param_names = view_func.__code__.co_varnames[num_params - num_default_params:]
post_params = []
view_func_full_name = '.'.join([view_func.__module__, view_func.__name__])
for (name, value) in zip(default_param_names, default_param_values):
if isinstance(value, _REQ):
value.func_var_name = name
if value.post_var_name is None:
value.post_var_name = name
# Record arguments that should be documented so that our
# automated OpenAPI docs tests can compare these against the code.
if (not value.intentionally_undocumented
and not value.documentation_pending
and not value.path_only):
def _wrapped_view_func(request: HttpRequest, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse:
for param in post_params:
func_var_name = param.func_var_name
if param.path_only:
# For path_only parameters, they should already have
# been passed via the URL, so there's no need for REQ
# to do anything.
# TODO: Either run validators for path_only parameters
# or don't declare them using REQ.
assert func_var_name in kwargs
if func_var_name in kwargs:
assert func_var_name is not None
if param.argument_type == 'body':
val = ujson.loads(request.body)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidJSONError(_("Malformed JSON"))
kwargs[func_var_name] = val
elif param.argument_type is not None:
# This is a view bug, not a user error, and thus should throw a 500.
raise Exception(_("Invalid argument type"))
post_var_names = [param.post_var_name]
if param.aliases:
post_var_names += param.aliases
default_assigned = False
post_var_name: Optional[str] = None
for req_var in post_var_names:
if req_var in request.POST:
val = request.POST[req_var]
elif req_var in request.GET:
val = request.GET[req_var]
# This is covered by test_REQ_aliases, but coverage.py
# fails to recognize this for some reason.
continue # nocoverage
if post_var_name is not None:
assert req_var is not None
raise RequestConfusingParmsError(post_var_name, req_var)
post_var_name = req_var
if post_var_name is None:
post_var_name = param.post_var_name
assert post_var_name is not None
if param.default is _REQ.NotSpecified:
raise RequestVariableMissingError(post_var_name)
val = param.default
default_assigned = True
if param.converter is not None and not default_assigned:
val = param.converter(val)
except JsonableError:
except Exception:
raise RequestVariableConversionError(post_var_name, val)
# Validators are like converters, but they don't handle JSON parsing; we do.
if param.validator is not None and not default_assigned:
val = ujson.loads(val)
except Exception:
raise JsonableError(_('Argument "%s" is not valid JSON.') % (post_var_name,))
error = param.validator(post_var_name, val)
if error:
raise JsonableError(error)
# str_validators is like validator, but for direct strings (no JSON parsing).
if param.str_validator is not None and not default_assigned:
error = param.str_validator(post_var_name, val)
if error:
raise JsonableError(error)
kwargs[func_var_name] = val
return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
return cast(ViewFuncT, _wrapped_view_func)