
194 lines
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This module provies a single function 'update_elements' to
update any renamed users/streams/groups etc. and other
dynamic parts of our rendered messages.
Use this module wherever some markdown rendered content
is being displayed.
function get_user_id_for_mention_button(elem) {
const user_id_string = $(elem).attr('data-user-id');
// Handle legacy markdown that was rendered before we cut
// over to using data-user-id.
const email = $(elem).attr('data-user-email');
if (user_id_string === "*" || email === "*") {
return "*";
if (user_id_string) {
return parseInt(user_id_string, 10);
if (email) {
// Will return undefined if there's no match
const user = people.get_by_email(email);
if (user) {
return user.user_id;
function get_user_group_id_for_mention_button(elem) {
const user_group_id = $(elem).attr('data-user-group-id');
if (user_group_id) {
return parseInt(user_group_id, 10);
// Helper function to update a mentioned user's name.
exports.set_name_in_mention_element = function (element, name) {
if ($(element).hasClass('silent')) {
} else {
$(element).text("@" + name);
exports.update_elements = (content) => {
// Set the rtl class if the text has an rtl direction
if (rtl.get_direction(content.text()) === 'rtl') {
content.find('.user-mention').each(function () {
const user_id = get_user_id_for_mention_button(this);
// We give special highlights to the mention buttons
// that refer to the current user.
if (user_id === "*" || people.is_my_user_id(user_id)) {
// Either a wildcard mention or us, so mark it.
if (user_id && user_id !== "*" && !$(this).find(".highlight").length) {
// If it's a mention of a specific user, edit the
// mention text to show the user's current name,
// assuming that you're not searching for text
// inside the highlight.
const person = people.get_by_user_id(user_id, true);
if (person !== undefined) {
// Note that person might be undefined in some
// unpleasant corner cases involving data import.
exports.set_name_in_mention_element(this, person.full_name);
content.find('.user-group-mention').each(function () {
const user_group_id = get_user_group_id_for_mention_button(this);
const user_group = user_groups.get_user_group_from_id(user_group_id, true);
if (user_group === undefined) {
// This is a user group the current user doesn't have
// data on. This can happen when user groups are
// deleted.
blueslip.info("Rendered unexpected user group " + user_group_id);
const my_user_id = people.my_current_user_id();
// Mark user group you're a member of.
if (user_groups.is_member_of(user_group_id, my_user_id)) {
if (user_group_id && !$(this).find(".highlight").length) {
// Edit the mention to show the current name for the
// user group, if its not in search.
$(this).text("@" + user_group.name);
content.find('a.stream').each(function () {
const stream_id = parseInt($(this).attr('data-stream-id'), 10);
if (stream_id && !$(this).find(".highlight").length) {
// Display the current name for stream if it is not
// being displayed in search highlight.
const stream_name = stream_data.maybe_get_stream_name(stream_id);
if (stream_name !== undefined) {
// If the stream has been deleted,
// stream_data.maybe_get_stream_name might return
// undefined. Otherwise, display the current stream name.
$(this).text("#" + stream_name);
content.find('a.stream-topic').each(function () {
const stream_id = parseInt($(this).attr('data-stream-id'), 10);
if (stream_id && !$(this).find(".highlight").length) {
// Display the current name for stream if it is not
// being displayed in search highlight.
const text = $(this).text();
const topic = text.split('>', 2)[1];
const stream_name = stream_data.maybe_get_stream_name(stream_id);
if (stream_name !== undefined) {
// If the stream has been deleted,
// stream_data.maybe_get_stream_name might return
// undefined. Otherwise, display the current stream name.
$(this).text("#" + stream_name + ' > ' + topic);
content.find('time').each(function () {
// Populate each timestamp span with mentioned time
// in user's local timezone.
const time_str = $(this).attr('datetime');
if (time_str === undefined) {
// Moment throws a large deprecation warning when it has to
// fallback to the Date() constructor. This isn't really a
// problem for us except in local echo, as the backend always
// uses a format that ensures that is unnecessary.
moment.suppressDeprecationWarnings = true;
const timestamp = moment(time_str);
if (timestamp.isValid()) {
const text = $(this).text();
const rendered_time = timerender.render_markdown_timestamp(timestamp,
null, text);
$(this).attr('title', rendered_time.title);
} else {
// This shouldn't happen. If it does, we're very interested in debugging it.
blueslip.error(`Moment could not parse datetime supplied by backend: ${time_str}`);
content.find('span.timestamp-error').each(function () {
const time_str = $(this).text().replace('Invalid time format: ', '');
const text = i18n.t('Invalid time format: __timestamp__', { timestamp: time_str });
content.find('div.spoiler-header').each(function () {
// If a spoiler block has no header content, it should have a default header
// We do this client side to allow for i18n by the client
if ($.trim($(this).html()).length === 0) {
// Add the expand/collapse button to spoiler blocks
const toggle_button_html = '<span class="spoiler-button" aria-expanded="false"><span class="spoiler-arrow"></span></span>';
// Display emoji (including realm emoji) as text if
// page_params.emojiset is 'text'.
if (page_params.emojiset === 'text') {
content.find(".emoji").replaceWith(function () {
const text = $(this).attr("title");
return ":" + text + ":";