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from django.conf import settings
from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives
from django.template import loader
from django.utils.timezone import now as timezone_now
from zerver.models import UserProfile, ScheduledJob
import datetime
from email.utils import parseaddr
import ujson
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Text
def display_email(user):
# type: (UserProfile) -> Text
# Change to '%s <%s>' % (user.full_name, user.email) once
# https://github.com/zulip/zulip/issues/4676 is resolved
return user.email
# Intended only for test code
def build_email(template_prefix, to_email, from_email=None, reply_to_email=None, context={}):
# type: (str, Text, Optional[Text], Optional[Text], Dict[str, Any]) -> EmailMultiAlternatives
'support_email': settings.ZULIP_ADMINISTRATOR,
'verbose_support_offers': settings.VERBOSE_SUPPORT_OFFERS,
subject = loader.render_to_string(template_prefix + '.subject',
context=context, using='Jinja2_plaintext').strip()
message = loader.render_to_string(template_prefix + '.txt',
context=context, using='Jinja2_plaintext')
html_message = loader.render_to_string(template_prefix + '.html', context)
if from_email is None:
from_email = settings.NOREPLY_EMAIL_ADDRESS
reply_to = None
if reply_to_email is not None:
reply_to = [reply_to_email]
mail = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, message, from_email, [to_email], reply_to=reply_to)
if html_message is not None:
mail.attach_alternative(html_message, 'text/html')
return mail
def send_email(template_prefix, to_email, from_email=None, reply_to_email=None, context={}):
# type: (str, Text, Optional[Text], Optional[Text], Dict[str, Any]) -> bool
mail = build_email(template_prefix, to_email, from_email=from_email,
reply_to_email=reply_to_email, context=context)
return mail.send() > 0
def send_email_to_user(template_prefix, user, from_email=None, context={}):
# type: (str, UserProfile, Optional[Text], Dict[str, Text]) -> bool
return send_email(template_prefix, display_email(user), from_email=from_email, context=context)
# Returns None instead of bool so that the type signature matches the third
# argument of zerver.lib.queue.queue_json_publish
def send_email_from_dict(email_dict):
# type: (Mapping[str, Any]) -> None
def send_future_email(template_prefix, to_email, from_email=None, context={},
# type: (str, Text, Optional[Text], Dict[str, Any], datetime.timedelta) -> None
email_fields = {'template_prefix': template_prefix, 'to_email': to_email, 'from_email': from_email,
'context': context}
ScheduledJob.objects.create(type=ScheduledJob.EMAIL, filter_string=parseaddr(to_email)[1],
scheduled_timestamp=timezone_now() + delay)