mirror of https://github.com/zulip/zulip.git
956 lines
38 KiB
956 lines
38 KiB
from typing import List
from zulint.custom_rules import Rule, RuleList
# Rule help:
# By default, a rule applies to all files within the extension for which it is specified (e.g. all .py files)
# There are three operators we can use to manually include or exclude files from linting for a rule:
# 'exclude': 'set([<path>, ...])' - if <path> is a filename, excludes that file.
# if <path> is a directory, excludes all files directly below the directory <path>.
# 'exclude_line': 'set([(<path>, <line>), ...])' - excludes all lines matching <line> in the file <path> from linting.
# 'include_only': 'set([<path>, ...])' - includes only those files where <path> is a substring of the filepath.
# This basically requires a big DB migration:
# This is for backward compatibility.
# Other migration-related changes require extreme care.
# These use subject in the email sense, and will
# probably always be exempt:
# This uses subject in authentication protocols sense:
# These are tied more to our API than our DB model.
# This has lots of query data embedded, so it's hard
# to fix everything until we migrate the DB to "topic".
shebang_rules: List["Rule"] = [
"pattern": r"\A#!",
"description": "zerver library code shouldn't have a shebang line.",
"include_only": {"zerver/"},
# /bin/sh and /usr/bin/env are the only two binaries
# that NixOS provides at a fixed path (outside a
# buildFHSUserEnv sandbox).
"pattern": r"\A#!(?! *(?:/usr/bin/env|/bin/sh)(?: |$))",
"description": "Use `#!/usr/bin/env foo` instead of `#!/path/foo`"
" for interpreters other than sh.",
"pattern": r"\A#!/usr/bin/env python$",
"description": "Use `#!/usr/bin/env python3` instead of `#!/usr/bin/env python`.",
base_whitespace_rules: List["Rule"] = [
"pattern": r"[\t ]+$",
"exclude": {"tools/ci/success-http-headers.template.txt"},
"description": "Fix trailing whitespace",
"pattern": r"[^\n]\Z",
"description": "Missing newline at end of file",
whitespace_rules: List["Rule"] = [
"pattern": "http://zulip.readthedocs.io",
"description": "Use HTTPS when linking to ReadTheDocs",
"pattern": "\t",
"description": "Fix tab-based whitespace",
"pattern": r"(?i:webapp)",
"description": "Web app should be two words",
comma_whitespace_rule: List["Rule"] = [
"pattern": ", {2,}[^#/ ]",
"exclude": {"zerver/tests", "web/tests", "corporate/tests"},
"description": "Remove multiple whitespaces after ','",
"good_lines": ["foo(1, 2, 3)", "foo = bar # some inline comment"],
"bad_lines": ["foo(1, 2, 3)", "foo(1, 2, 3)"],
markdown_whitespace_rules: List["Rule"] = [
*(rule for rule in whitespace_rules if rule["pattern"] != r"[\t ]+$"),
# Two spaces trailing a line with other content is okay--it's a Markdown line break.
# This rule finds one space trailing a non-space, three or more trailing spaces, and
# spaces on an empty line.
"pattern": r"((?<![\t ])[\t ]$)|([\t ][\t ][\t ]+$)|(^[\t ]+$)",
"description": "Fix trailing whitespace",
"pattern": "^#+[A-Za-z0-9]",
"description": "Missing space after # in heading",
"exclude_line": {
("docs/subsystems/hotspots.md", "#hotspot_new_hotspot_name_icon {"),
"good_lines": ["### some heading", "# another heading"],
"bad_lines": ["###some heading", "#another heading"],
js_rules = RuleList(
langs=["js", "ts"],
"pattern": "subject|SUBJECT",
"exclude": {
"exclude_pattern": "emails",
"description": "avoid subject in JS code",
"good_lines": ["topic_name"],
"bad_lines": ['subject="foo"', " MAX_SUBJECT_LEN"],
"pattern": "msgid|MSGID",
"description": 'Avoid using "msgid" as a variable name; use "message_id" instead.',
"pattern": r"\$t\(.+\).*\+",
"description": "Do not concatenate i18n strings",
{"pattern": r"\+.*\$t\(.+\)", "description": "Do not concatenate i18n strings"},
"pattern": "[.]html[(]",
"exclude_pattern": r"""\.html\(("|'|render_|\w+_html|html|message\.content|util\.clean_user_content_links|rendered_|$|\)|error_html|widget_elem|\$error|\$\("<p>"\))""",
"exclude": {
"description": "Setting HTML content with jQuery .html() can lead to XSS security bugs. Consider .text() or using rendered_foo as a variable name if content comes from Handlebars and thus is already sanitized.",
"pattern": "[\"']json/",
"description": "Relative URL for JSON route not supported by i18n",
"pattern": r"""[.]text\(["'][a-zA-Z]""",
"description": "Strings passed to $().text should be wrapped in $t() for internationalization",
"exclude": {
"exclude_line": {
'$(this).before($("<kbd>").text("Fn"), $("<span>").text(" + ").contents());',
"pattern": r"""report.success\(["']""",
"description": "Argument to ui_report.success should be a literal string translated "
"by $t_html()",
"pattern": r"""report.error\(["'][^'"]""",
"description": "Argument to ui_report.error should be a literal string translated "
"by $t_html()",
"good_lines": ['ui_report.error("")', 'ui_report.error(_("text"))'],
"bad_lines": ['ui_report.error("test")'],
"pattern": r"""report.client_error\(["'][^'"]""",
"description": "Argument to ui_report.client_error should be a literal string translated "
"by $t_html()",
"good_lines": ['ui_report.client_error("")', 'ui_report.client_error(_("text"))'],
"bad_lines": ['ui_report.client_error("test")'],
"pattern": r"\$\(document\)\.ready\(",
"description": "`Use $(f) rather than `$(document).ready(f)`",
"good_lines": ["$(function () {foo();}"],
"bad_lines": ["$(document).ready(function () {foo();}"],
"pattern": "[$][.](get|post|patch|delete|ajax)[(]",
"description": "Use channel module for AJAX calls",
"exclude": {
# Internal modules can do direct network calls
# External modules that don't include channel.js
"good_lines": ["channel.get(...)"],
"bad_lines": ["$.get()", "$.post()", "$.ajax()"],
"pattern": "style ?=",
"exclude_pattern": r"(const |\S)style ?=",
"description": "Avoid using the `style=` attribute; we prefer styling in CSS files",
"exclude": {
"good_lines": ["#my-style {color: blue;}", "const style =", 'some_style = "test"'],
"bad_lines": ['<p style="color: blue;">Foo</p>', 'style = "color: blue;"'],
"pattern": r"assert\(",
"description": "Use 'assert.ok' instead of 'assert'. We avoid the use of 'assert' as it can easily be confused with 'assert.equal'.",
"include_only": {"web/tests/"},
"good_lines": ["assert.ok(...)"],
"bad_lines": ["assert(...)"],
"pattern": r"allowHTML|(?i:data-tippy-allowHTML)",
"description": "Never use Tippy.js allowHTML; for an HTML tooltip, get a DocumentFragment with ui_util.parse_html.",
python_rules = RuleList(
"pattern": "subject|SUBJECT",
"exclude_pattern": "subject to the|email|outbox|account deactivation|is subject to",
"description": "avoid subject as a var",
"good_lines": ["topic_name"],
"bad_lines": ['subject="foo"', " MAX_SUBJECT_LEN"],
"exclude_line": {
("zerver/lib/message.py", "message__subject__iexact=message.topic_name(),"),
"include_only": {
"pattern": "msgid|MSGID",
"exclude": {"tools/check-capitalization"},
"description": 'Avoid using "msgid" as a variable name; use "message_id" instead.',
"pattern": r"^[\t ]*(?!#)@login_required",
"description": "@login_required is unsupported; use @zulip_login_required",
"good_lines": ["@zulip_login_required", "# foo @login_required"],
"bad_lines": ["@login_required", " @login_required"],
"pattern": r"^[\t ]*user_profile[.]save[(][)]",
"description": "Always pass update_fields when saving user_profile objects",
"exclude_line": {
"user_profile.save() # Can't use update_fields because of how the foreign key works.",
"user_profile.save() # Can't use update_fields because of how the foreign key works.",
"exclude": {"zerver/tests", "zerver/lib/create_user.py"},
"good_lines": ['user_profile.save(update_fields=["pointer"])'],
"bad_lines": ["user_profile.save()"],
"pattern": "self: Any",
"description": "you can omit Any annotation for self",
"good_lines": ["def foo (self):"],
"bad_lines": ["def foo(self: Any):"],
"pattern": r"assertEqual[(]len[(][^\n ]*[)],",
"description": "Use the assert_length helper instead of assertEqual(len(..), ..).",
"good_lines": ["assert_length(data, 2)"],
"bad_lines": ["assertEqual(len(data), 2)"],
"exclude_line": {
("zerver/tests/test_validators.py", "self.assertEqual(len(x), 2)"),
("zerver/tests/test_validators.py", 'self.assertEqual(len(x["b"]), 3)'),
"pattern": r"assertTrue[(]len[(][^\n ]*[)]",
"description": "Use assert_length or assertGreater helper instead of assertTrue(len(..) ..).",
"good_lines": ["assert_length(data, 2)", "assertGreater(len(data), 2)"],
"bad_lines": [
"assertTrue(len(data) == 2)",
"assertTrue(len(data) >= 2)",
"assertTrue(len(data) > 2)",
"pattern": r"#[\t ]*type:[\t ]*ignore(?!\[[^]\n[]+\] +# +\S)",
"exclude": {"tools/tests", "zerver/lib/test_runner.py", "zerver/tests"},
"description": '"type: ignore" should always end with "# type: ignore[code] # explanation for why"',
"good_lines": ["foo = bar # type: ignore[code] # explanation"],
"bad_lines": [
"foo = bar # type: ignore",
"foo = bar # type: ignore[code]",
"foo = bar # type: ignore # explanation",
"pattern": r"\bsudo\b",
"include_only": {"scripts/"},
"exclude": {"scripts/lib/setup_venv.py"},
"exclude_line": {
("scripts/lib/zulip_tools.py", 'args = ["sudo", *sudo_args, "--", *args]'),
"description": "Most scripts are intended to run on systems without sudo.",
"good_lines": ['subprocess.check_call(["ls"])'],
"bad_lines": ['subprocess.check_call(["sudo", "ls"])'],
"pattern": "django.utils.translation",
"include_only": {"test/", "zerver/views/development/"},
"exclude": {"zerver/views/development/dev_login.py"},
"description": "Test strings should not be tagged for translation",
"good_lines": [""],
"bad_lines": ["django.utils.translation"],
"pattern": "userid",
"description": "We prefer user_id over userid.",
"good_lines": ["id = alice.user_id"],
"bad_lines": ["id = alice.userid"],
# To avoid JsonableError(_variable) and JsonableError(_(variable))
"pattern": r"\WJsonableError\(_\(?\w.+\)",
"exclude": {"zerver/tests", "zerver/views/development/"},
"description": "Argument to JsonableError should be a literal string enclosed by _()",
"pattern": r"""\WJsonableError\(["'].+\)""",
"exclude": {"zerver/tests", "zerver/views/development/"},
"description": "Argument to JsonableError should be a literal string enclosed by _()",
"pattern": r"""([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)=REQ\(['"]\1['"]""",
"description": "REQ's first argument already defaults to parameter name",
"pattern": r"self\.client\.(get|post|patch|put|delete)",
"description": """Do not call self.client directly for put/patch/post/get.
See WRAPPER_COMMENT in test_helpers.py for details.
# Directly fetching Message objects in e.g. views code is often a security bug.
"pattern": "[^a-z]Message.objects.get",
"exclude": {
"description": "Please use access_message() to fetch Message objects",
"pattern": "Stream.objects.get",
"include_only": {"zerver/views/"},
"description": "Please use access_stream_by_*() to fetch Stream objects",
"pattern": "get_stream[(]",
"include_only": {"zerver/views/", "zerver/actions/"},
"exclude_line": {
# This one in check_message is kinda terrible, since it's
# how most instances are written, but better to exclude something than nothing
("zerver/actions/message_send.py", "stream = get_stream(stream_name, realm)"),
"description": "Please use access_stream_by_*() to fetch Stream objects",
"pattern": "from os.path",
"description": "Don't use from when importing from the standard library",
"pattern": "import os.path",
"description": "Use import os instead of import os.path",
"pattern": r"\.pk",
"exclude_pattern": "[.]_meta[.]pk",
"description": "Use `id` instead of `pk`.",
"good_lines": ["if my_django_model.id == 42", "self.user_profile._meta.pk"],
"bad_lines": ["if my_django_model.pk == 42"],
"pattern": r"^[\t ]*#[\t ]*type:",
"description": "Comment-style function type annotation. Use Python3 style annotations instead.",
"pattern": r"\S[\t ]*#[\t ]*type:(?![\t ]*ignore)",
"description": "Comment-style variable type annotation. Use Python 3.6 style annotations instead.",
"good_lines": ["a: List[int] = []"],
"bad_lines": ["a = [] # type: List[int]"],
"pattern": r": *(?!Optional)[^\n ].*= models[.].*null=True",
"include_only": {"zerver/models/"},
"description": "Model variable with null=true not annotated as Optional.",
"good_lines": [
"desc: Optional[Text] = models.TextField(null=True)",
"stream: Optional[Stream] = models.ForeignKey(Stream, null=True, on_delete=CASCADE)",
"desc: Text = models.TextField()",
"stream: Stream = models.ForeignKey(Stream, on_delete=CASCADE)",
"bad_lines": [
"desc: Text = models.CharField(null=True)",
"stream: Stream = models.ForeignKey(Stream, null=True, on_delete=CASCADE)",
"pattern": r": *Optional.*= models[.].*\)",
"exclude_pattern": "null=True",
"include_only": {"zerver/models/"},
"description": "Model variable annotated with Optional but variable does not have null=true.",
"good_lines": [
"desc: Optional[Text] = models.TextField(null=True)",
"stream: Optional[Stream] = models.ForeignKey(Stream, null=True, on_delete=CASCADE)",
"desc: Text = models.TextField()",
"stream: Stream = models.ForeignKey(Stream, on_delete=CASCADE)",
"bad_lines": [
"desc: Optional[Text] = models.TextField()",
"stream: Optional[Stream] = models.ForeignKey(Stream, on_delete=CASCADE)",
"pattern": r"exit[(][1-9]\d*[)]",
"include_only": {"/management/commands/"},
"description": "Raise CommandError to exit with failure in management commands",
"exclude": {"zerver/management/commands/process_queue.py"},
"pattern": r"\.is_realm_admin =",
"description": "Use do_change_user_role function rather than setting UserProfile's is_realm_admin attribute directly.",
"exclude": {
"pattern": r"\.is_guest =",
"description": "Use do_change_user_role function rather than setting UserProfile's is_guest attribute directly.",
"exclude": {
"pattern": "\\.(called(_once|_with|_once_with)?|not_called|has_calls|not_called)[(]",
"description": 'A mock function is missing a leading "assert_"',
"pattern": "@transaction.atomic\\(\\)",
"description": "Use @transaction.atomic as function decorator for consistency.",
bash_rules = RuleList(
"pattern": "#!.*sh [-xe]",
"description": "Fix shebang line with proper call to /usr/bin/env for Bash path, change -x|-e switches"
" to set -x|set -e",
"pattern": "sudo",
"description": "Most scripts are intended to work on systems without sudo",
"include_only": {"scripts/"},
"exclude": {
css_rules = RuleList(
prose_style_rules: List["Rule"] = [
"pattern": r'^[\t ]*[^\n{].*?[^\n\/\#\-"]([jJ]avascript)', # exclude usage in hrefs/divs/custom-markdown
"exclude": {"docs/documentation/api.md", "templates/corporate/policies/privacy.md"},
"description": "javascript should be spelled JavaScript",
"pattern": r"""[^\n\/\-\."'\_\=\>]([gG]ithub)[^\n\.\-\_"\<]""", # exclude usage in hrefs/divs
"description": "github should be spelled GitHub",
"pattern": "[oO]rganisation", # exclude usage in hrefs/divs
"description": "Organization is spelled with a z",
"exclude_line": {("docs/translating/french.md", "- organization - **organisation**")},
{"pattern": "!!! warning", "description": "!!! warning is invalid; it's spelled '!!! warn'"},
{"pattern": "Terms of service", "description": "The S in Terms of Service is capitalized"},
"pattern": "[^-_p]botserver(?!rc)|bot server",
"description": "Use Botserver instead of botserver or bot server.",
html_rules: List["Rule"] = [
"pattern": "subject|SUBJECT",
"exclude": {
"exclude_pattern": "email subject",
"description": "avoid subject in templates",
"good_lines": ["topic_name"],
"bad_lines": ['subject="foo"', " MAX_SUBJECT_LEN"],
"pattern": r'placeholder="[^{#](?:(?!\.com).)+$',
"description": "`placeholder` value should be translatable.",
"exclude_line": {
("templates/zerver/realm_creation_form.html", 'placeholder="acme"'),
("templates/zerver/realm_creation_form.html", 'placeholder="Acme or Ακμή"'),
"exclude": {
# We have URL template and Pygments language name as placeholders
# in the below template which we don't want to be translatable.
"good_lines": [
'<input class="stream-list-filter" type="text" placeholder="{{ _(\'Filter streams\') }}" />'
"bad_lines": ['<input placeholder="foo">'],
"pattern": "={",
"description": "Likely missing quoting in HTML attribute",
"good_lines": ['<a href="{{variable}}">'],
"bad_lines": ["<a href={{variable}}>"],
# Exclude the use of URL templates from this check.
# Exclude the use GET parameters in URLs from this check.
"exclude_pattern": "={code}|\\?[a-z]+={|\\&[a-z]+={",
"exclude": {
"pattern": " '}}",
"description": "Likely misplaced quoting in translation tags",
"good_lines": ["{{t 'translatable string' }}"],
"bad_lines": ["{{t 'translatable string '}}"],
"pattern": "placeholder='[^{]",
"description": "`placeholder` value should be translatable.",
"good_lines": [
'<input class="stream-list-filter" type="text" placeholder="{{ _(\'Filter streams\') }}" />'
"bad_lines": ["<input placeholder='foo'>"],
"exclude": {
"pattern": "aria-label='[^{]",
"description": "`aria-label` value should be translatable.",
"good_lines": [
'<button type="button" class="close close-alert-word-status" aria-label="{{t \'Close\' }}">'
"bad_lines": ["<button aria-label='foo'></button>"],
"pattern": 'aria-label="[^{]',
"description": "`aria-label` value should be translatable.",
"good_lines": [
'<button type="button" class="close close-alert-word-status" aria-label="{{t \'Close\' }}">'
"bad_lines": ['<button aria-label="foo"></button>'],
"pattern": r'<script[^<>]*\ssrc=[\'"]?(?:https?:|//)',
"description": "Don't directly load dependencies from CDNs. See docs/subsystems/html-css.md",
"bad_lines": [
'<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>',
'<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"></script>',
"pattern": "title='[^{]",
"description": "`title` value should be translatable.",
"good_lines": ['<link rel="author" title="{{ _(\'About these documents\') }}" />'],
"bad_lines": ["<p title='foo'></p>"],
"pattern": r'title="[^{\:]',
"exclude": {
"description": "`title` value should be translatable.",
"pattern": r"""\Walt=["'][^{"']""",
"description": "alt argument should be enclosed by _() or it should be an empty string.",
"exclude_line": {
# Emoji should not be tagged for translation.
'<img alt=":thumbs_up:"',
"good_lines": ['<img src="{{source_url}}" alt="{{ _(name) }}" />', '<img alg="" />'],
"bad_lines": ['<img alt="Foo Image" />'],
"pattern": r"""\Walt=["']{{ ?["']""",
"description": "alt argument should be enclosed by _().",
"good_lines": ['<img src="{{source_url}}" alt="{{ _(name) }}" />'],
"bad_lines": ['<img alt="{{ " />'],
"pattern": r"link=\"help/",
"description": "Relative links to Help Center should start with /help/",
"good_lines": ['link="/help/foo"'],
"bad_lines": ['link="help/foo"'],
"pattern": r"\bon\w+ ?=",
"description": "Don't use inline event handlers (onclick=, etc. attributes) in HTML. Instead, "
"attach a jQuery event handler ($('#foo').on('click', function () {...})) when "
"the DOM is ready (inside a $(function () {...}) block).",
"exclude": {
"good_lines": ["($('#foo').on('click', function () {}"],
"bad_lines": [
"<button id='foo' onclick='myFunction()'>Foo</button>",
"<input onchange='myFunction()'>",
"pattern": "style ?=",
"description": "Avoid using the `style=` attribute; we prefer styling in CSS files",
"exclude_pattern": r""".*style ?=["'](display: ?none|background: {{|color: {{|background-color: {{).*""",
"exclude": {
# 5xx page doesn't have external CSS
# exclude_pattern above handles color, but have other issues:
# Old-style email templates need to use inline style
# attributes; it should be possible to clean these up
# when we convert these templates to use css-inline.
# Email log templates; should clean up.
# Social backend logos are dynamically loaded
# Needs the width cleaned up; display: none is fine
# background image property is dynamically generated
# Inline styling for an svg; could be moved to CSS files?
# Miscellaneous violations to be cleaned up
"good_lines": ["#my-style {color: blue;}", 'style="display: none"', "style='display: none"],
"bad_lines": ['<p style="color: blue;">Foo</p>', 'style = "color: blue;"'],
"pattern": r"(?i:data-tippy-allowHTML)",
"description": "Never use data-tippy-allowHTML; for an HTML tooltip, set data-tooltip-template-id to the id of a <template> containing the tooltip content.",
"exclude": {
handlebars_rules = RuleList(
"pattern": "[<]script",
"description": "Do not use inline <script> tags here; put JavaScript in web/src instead.",
"pattern": "{{ t (\"|')",
"description": 'There should be no spaces before the "t" in a translation tag.',
"pattern": r"{{t '.*' }}[\.\?!]",
"description": "Period should be part of the translatable string.",
"pattern": r'{{t ".*" }}[\.\?!]',
"description": "Period should be part of the translatable string.",
"pattern": r"{{/tr}}[\.\?!]",
"description": "Period should be part of the translatable string.",
"pattern": "{{t (\"|') ",
"description": "Translatable strings should not have leading spaces.",
"pattern": "{{t '[^']+ ' }}",
"description": "Translatable strings should not have trailing spaces.",
"pattern": '{{t "[^"]+ " }}',
"description": "Translatable strings should not have trailing spaces.",
"pattern": r'"{{t "',
"description": "Invalid quoting for HTML element with translated string.",
"pattern": r'href="#"',
"description": 'Avoid href="#" for elements with a JavaScript click handler.',
"exclude": {"web/templates/navbar.hbs"},
jinja2_rules = RuleList(
"pattern": r"{% endtrans %}[\.\?!]",
"description": "Period should be part of the translatable string.",
"pattern": r"{{ _(.+) }}[\.\?!]",
"description": "Period should be part of the translatable string.",
"pattern": r'{% set entrypoint = "dev-',
"exclude": {"templates/zerver/development/"},
"description": "Development entry points (dev-) must not be imported in production.",
json_rules = RuleList(
# Here, we don't use `whitespace_rules`, because the tab-based
# whitespace rule flags a lot of third-party JSON fixtures
# under zerver/webhooks that we want preserved verbatim. So
# we just include the trailing whitespace rule and a modified
# version of the tab-based whitespace rule (we can't just use
# exclude in whitespace_rules, since we only want to ignore
# JSON files with tab-based whitespace, not webhook code).
"pattern": "\t",
"exclude": {"zerver/webhooks/"},
"description": "Fix tab-based whitespace",
"pattern": r'":["\[\{]',
"exclude": {"zerver/webhooks/", "zerver/tests/fixtures/"},
"description": "Require space after : in JSON",
markdown_rules = RuleList(
"pattern": r"\[(?P<url>[^\]]+)\]\((?P=url)\)",
"description": "Linkified Markdown URLs should use cleaner <http://example.com> syntax.",
"pattern": "https://zulip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/[a-zA-Z0-9]",
"exclude": {
"exclude_line": {
"[latest-changelog]: https://zulip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/overview/changelog.html",
"include_only": {"docs/"},
"description": "Use relative links (../foo/bar.html) to other documents in docs/",
"pattern": "su zulip -c [^']",
"include_only": {"docs/"},
"description": "Always quote arguments using `su zulip -c '` to avoid confusion about how su works.",
"pattern": r"\][(][^#h]",
"exclude_pattern": "mailto:",
"include_only": {"README.md", "CONTRIBUTING.md"},
"description": "Use absolute links from docs served by GitHub",
"pattern": r"\.(py|js)#L\d+",
"include_only": {"docs/"},
"description": "Don't link directly to line numbers",
help_markdown_rules = RuleList(
"pattern": "[a-z][.][A-Z]",
"description": "Likely missing space after end of sentence",
"include_only": {"help/"},
"exclude_pattern": "Rocket.Chat|org.zulip.Zulip",
"pattern": r"\b[rR]ealm[s]?\b",
"include_only": {"help/"},
"exclude": {"help/change-organization-url.md"},
"good_lines": ["Organization", "deactivate_realm", "realm_filter"],
"bad_lines": ["Users are in a realm", "Realm is the best model"],
"description": "Realms are referred to as Organizations in user-facing docs.",
# Keycloak uses the term realm as well.
# Additionally, we allow -realm- as that appears in /api/ doc URLs.
"exclude_pattern": "(-realm-|[kK]eycloak)",
puppet_rules = RuleList(
"pattern": r"(include[\t ]+|\$)zulip::(profile|base)\b",
"exclude": {
"description": "Abstraction layering violation; only profiles should reference profiles or zulip::base",
"pattern": r"(include[\t ]+|\$)kandra::(profile|base)\b",
"exclude": {
"description": "Abstraction layering violation; only profiles should reference profiles or kandra::base",
openapi_rules = RuleList(
"pattern": "True|TRUE|False|FALSE|Null|NULL",
"include_only": {"zerver/openapi/"},
"description": "Use lowercase for true, false and null in API documentation.",
txt_rules = RuleList(
langs=["txt", "text", "yaml", "yml"],
non_py_rules = [