
40 lines
2.2 KiB

<div id="user-topic-settings" class="settings-section" data-name="topics">
{{#if development}}
Zulip lets you configure notifications for each topic. You can also automatically follow or unmute topics
you start or participate in.
Zulip lets you mute topics and streams to avoid receiving notifications messages you are not interested in.
Muting a stream effectively mutes all topics in that stream. You can also manually mute a topic in an unmuted stream,
or unmute a topic in a muted stream. <z-link>Learn more.</z-link>
{{#*inline "z-link"}}<a href="/help/mute-a-topic" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">{{> @partial-block}}</a>{{/inline}}
<div class="settings_panel_list_header">
{{#if development}}
<h3>{{t "Topic settings"}}
{{> ../help_link_widget link="/help/mute-a-topic" }}
<h3>{{t "Topic settings"}}</h3>
{{> settings_save_discard_widget section_name="user-topics-settings" show_only_indicator=true }}
<input id="user_topics_search" class="search filter_text_input" type="text" placeholder="{{t 'Filter topics' }}" aria-label="{{t 'Filter topics' }}"/>
<div class="progressive-table-wrapper" data-simplebar>
<table class="table table-condensed table-striped wrapped-table">
<thead class="table-sticky-headers">
<th data-sort="alphabetic" data-sort-prop="stream">{{t "Stream" }}</th>
<th data-sort="alphabetic" data-sort-prop="topic">{{t "Topic" }}</th>
<th data-sort="numeric" data-sort-prop="visibility_policy">{{t "Status" }}</th>
<th data-sort="numeric" data-sort-prop="date_updated" class="active topic_date_updated">{{t "Date updated" }}</th>
<tbody id="user_topics_table" class="required-text" data-empty="{{t 'You have not configured any topics yet.'}}"></tbody>