
392 lines
15 KiB

import $ from "jquery";
import assert from "minimalistic-assert";
import {z} from "zod";
import * as fenced_code from "../shared/src/fenced_code.ts";
import * as channel from "./channel.ts";
import * as compose_actions from "./compose_actions.ts";
import * as compose_state from "./compose_state.ts";
import * as compose_ui from "./compose_ui.ts";
import * as copy_and_paste from "./copy_and_paste.ts";
import * as hash_util from "./hash_util.ts";
import {$t} from "./i18n.ts";
import * as inbox_ui from "./inbox_ui.ts";
import * as inbox_util from "./inbox_util.ts";
import * as message_lists from "./message_lists.ts";
import type {Message} from "./message_store.ts";
import * as narrow_state from "./narrow_state.ts";
import * as people from "./people.ts";
import * as recent_view_ui from "./recent_view_ui.ts";
import * as recent_view_util from "./recent_view_util.ts";
import * as stream_data from "./stream_data.ts";
import * as unread_ops from "./unread_ops.ts";
export let respond_to_message = (opts: {
keep_composebox_empty?: boolean;
message_id?: number;
reply_type?: "personal";
trigger?: string;
}): void => {
let message;
let msg_type: "private" | "stream";
if (recent_view_util.is_visible()) {
message = recent_view_ui.get_focused_row_message();
if (message === undefined) {
// Open empty compose with nothing pre-filled since
// user is not focused on any table row.
message_type: "stream",
trigger: "recent_view_nofocus",
keep_composebox_empty: opts.keep_composebox_empty,
} else if (inbox_util.is_visible()) {
const message_opts = inbox_ui.get_focused_row_message();
if (message_opts.message === undefined) {
// If the user is not focused on inbox header, msg_type
// is not defined, so we open empty compose with nothing prefilled.
message_type: message_opts.msg_type ?? "stream",
trigger: "inbox_nofocus",
keep_composebox_empty: opts.keep_composebox_empty,
message = message_opts.message;
} else {
assert(message_lists.current !== undefined);
message =
(opts.message_id === undefined
? undefined
: message_lists.current.get(opts.message_id)) ??
if (message === undefined) {
// empty narrow implementation
if (
!narrow_state.narrowed_by_pm_reply() &&
!narrow_state.narrowed_by_stream_reply() &&
) {
message_type: "stream",
trigger: "empty_narrow_compose",
keep_composebox_empty: opts.keep_composebox_empty,
const narrow_stream_id = narrow_state.stream_id();
if (narrow_stream_id && !stream_data.is_subscribed(narrow_stream_id)) {
message_type: "stream",
trigger: "empty_narrow_compose",
keep_composebox_empty: opts.keep_composebox_empty,
// Set msg_type to stream by default in the case of an empty
// home view.
msg_type = "stream";
if (narrow_state.narrowed_by_pm_reply()) {
msg_type = "private";
const new_opts = compose_actions.fill_in_opts_from_current_narrowed_view({
message_type: msg_type,
keep_composebox_empty: opts.keep_composebox_empty,
if (message_lists.current.can_mark_messages_read()) {
// Important note: A reply_type of 'personal' is for the R hotkey
// (replying to a message's sender with a direct message). All
// other replies can just copy message.type.
if (opts.reply_type === "personal" || message.type === "private") {
msg_type = "private";
} else {
msg_type = message.type;
let stream_id: number | undefined;
let topic = "";
let pm_recipient: string | undefined = "";
if (msg_type === "stream") {
assert(message.type === "stream");
stream_id = message.stream_id;
topic = message.topic;
} else if (opts.reply_type === "personal") {
// reply_to for direct messages is everyone involved, so for
// personals replies we need to set the direct message
// recipient to just the sender
pm_recipient = people.get_by_user_id(message.sender_id).email;
} else {
pm_recipient = people.pm_reply_to(message);
message_type: msg_type,
...(pm_recipient !== undefined && {private_message_recipient: pm_recipient}),
...(opts.trigger !== undefined && {trigger: opts.trigger}),
is_reply: true,
keep_composebox_empty: opts.keep_composebox_empty,
export function rewire_respond_to_message(value: typeof respond_to_message): void {
respond_to_message = value;
export function reply_with_mention(opts: {
keep_composebox_empty?: boolean;
message_id?: number;
reply_type?: "personal";
trigger?: string;
}): void {
assert(message_lists.current !== undefined);
keep_composebox_empty: true,
const message = message_lists.current.selected_message();
assert(message !== undefined);
const mention = people.get_mention_syntax(message.sender_full_name, message.sender_id);
export let selection_within_message_id = (
selection = window.getSelection(),
): number | undefined => {
// Returns the message_id if the selection is entirely within a message,
// otherwise returns undefined.
assert(selection !== null);
if (!selection.toString()) {
return undefined;
const {start_id, end_id} = copy_and_paste.analyze_selection(selection);
if (start_id === end_id) {
return start_id;
return undefined;
export function rewire_selection_within_message_id(
value: typeof selection_within_message_id,
): void {
selection_within_message_id = value;
function get_quote_target(opts: {message_id?: number; quote_content?: string}): {
message_id: number;
message: Message;
quote_content: string | undefined;
} {
assert(message_lists.current !== undefined);
let message_id;
let quote_content;
if (opts.message_id) {
// If triggered via the message actions popover
message_id = opts.message_id;
if (opts.quote_content) {
quote_content = opts.quote_content;
} else {
// If triggered via hotkey
const selection_message_id = selection_within_message_id();
if (selection_message_id) {
// If the current selection is entirely within a message, we
// quote that selection.
message_id = selection_message_id;
quote_content = get_message_selection();
} else {
// Else we pick the currently focused message.
message_id = message_lists.current.selected_id();
const message = message_lists.current.get(message_id);
assert(message !== undefined);
// If the current selection, if any, is not entirely within the target message,
// we quote that entire message.
quote_content ??= message.raw_content;
return {message_id, message, quote_content};
export function quote_and_reply(opts: {
message_id: number;
quote_content?: string;
keep_composebox_empty?: boolean;
reply_type?: "personal";
trigger?: string;
}): void {
const {message_id, message, quote_content} = get_quote_target(opts);
const quoting_placeholder = $t({defaultMessage: "[Quoting…]"});
// If the last compose type textarea focused on is still in the DOM, we add
// the quote in that textarea, else we default to the compose box.
const last_focused_compose_type_input = compose_state.get_last_focused_compose_type_input();
const $textarea = last_focused_compose_type_input?.isConnected
? $(last_focused_compose_type_input)
: $<HTMLTextAreaElement>("textarea#compose-textarea");
if ($textarea.attr("id") === "compose-textarea" && !compose_state.has_message_content()) {
// The user has not started typing a message,
// but is quoting into the compose box,
// so we will re-open the compose box.
// (If you did re-open the compose box, you
// are prone to glitches where you select the
// text, plus it's a complicated codepath that
// can have other unintended consequences.)
keep_composebox_empty: true,
compose_ui.insert_syntax_and_focus(quoting_placeholder, $textarea, "block");
function replace_content(message: Message, raw_content: string): void {
// Final message looks like:
// @_**Iago|5** [said](link to message):
// ```quote
// message content
// ```
let content = $t(
{defaultMessage: "{username} [said]({link_to_message}):"},
username: `@_**${message.sender_full_name}|${message.sender_id}**`,
link_to_message: hash_util.by_conversation_and_time_url(message),
content += "\n";
const fence = fenced_code.get_unused_fence(raw_content);
content += `${fence}quote\n${raw_content}\n${fence}`;
compose_ui.replace_syntax(quoting_placeholder, content, $textarea);
if (message && quote_content) {
replace_content(message, quote_content);
void channel.get({
url: "/json/messages/" + message_id,
success(raw_data) {
const data = z.object({raw_content: z.string()}).parse(raw_data);
replace_content(message, data.raw_content);
function extract_range_html(range: Range, preserve_ancestors = false): string {
// Returns the html of the range as a string, optionally preserving 2
// levels of ancestors.
const temp_div = document.createElement("div");
if (!preserve_ancestors) {
return temp_div.innerHTML;
const container =
range.commonAncestorContainer instanceof HTMLElement
? range.commonAncestorContainer
: range.commonAncestorContainer.parentElement;
assert(container !== null);
assert(container.parentElement !== null);
// The reason for preserving 2, not just 1, ancestors is code blocks; a
// selection completely inside a code block has a code element as its
// container element, inside a pre element, which is needed to identify
// the selection as being part of a code block as opposed to inline code.
const outer_container = container.parentElement.cloneNode();
assert(outer_container instanceof HTMLElement); // https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/283
const container_clone = container.cloneNode();
assert(container_clone instanceof HTMLElement); // https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/283
return temp_div.innerHTML;
function get_range_intersection_with_element(range: Range, element: Node): Range {
// Returns a new range that is a subset of range and is inside element.
const intersection = document.createRange();
if (intersection.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.START_TO_START, range) < 0) {
intersection.setStart(range.startContainer, range.startOffset);
if (intersection.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.END_TO_END, range) > 0) {
intersection.setEnd(range.endContainer, range.endOffset);
return intersection;
export function get_message_selection(selection = window.getSelection()): string {
assert(selection !== null);
let selected_message_content_raw = "";
// We iterate over all ranges in the selection, to find the ranges containing
// the message_content div or its descendants, if any, then convert the html
// in those ranges to markdown for quoting (firefox can have multiple ranges
// in one selection), and also compute their combined bounding rect.
for (let i = 0; i < selection.rangeCount; i = i + 1) {
let range = selection.getRangeAt(i);
const range_common_ancestor = range.commonAncestorContainer;
let html_to_convert = "";
let message_content;
// If the common ancestor is the message_content div or its child, we can quote
// this entire range at least.
if (
range_common_ancestor instanceof Element &&
) {
html_to_convert = extract_range_html(range);
} else if ($(range_common_ancestor).parents(".message_content").length) {
// We want to preserve the structure of the html with 2 levels of
// ancestors (to retain code block / list formatting) in such a range.
html_to_convert = extract_range_html(range, true);
} else if (
// If the common ancestor contains the message_content div, we can quote the part
// of this range that is in the message_content div, if any.
range_common_ancestor instanceof Element &&
(message_content = range_common_ancestor.querySelector(".message_content")) !== null &&
) {
// Narrow down the range to the part that is in the message_content div.
range = get_range_intersection_with_element(range, message_content);
html_to_convert = extract_range_html(range);
} else {
const markdown_text = copy_and_paste.paste_handler_converter(html_to_convert);
selected_message_content_raw = selected_message_content_raw + "\n" + markdown_text;
selected_message_content_raw = selected_message_content_raw.trim();
return selected_message_content_raw;
export function initialize(): void {
$("body").on("click", ".compose_reply_button", () => {
respond_to_message({trigger: "reply button"});