
705 lines
33 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from typing import Any, List, Dict, Optional, Text
from django.utils import translation
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login, get_backends
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponseForbidden, HttpResponse, HttpRequest
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.template import RequestContext, loader
from django.utils.timezone import now
from django.utils.cache import patch_cache_control
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.core import validators
from django.core.mail import send_mail
from zerver.models import Message, UserProfile, Stream, Subscription, Huddle, \
Recipient, Realm, UserMessage, DefaultStream, RealmEmoji, RealmAlias, \
RealmFilter, \
PreregistrationUser, get_client, UserActivity, \
get_stream, UserPresence, get_recipient, name_changes_disabled, email_to_username, \
completely_open, get_unique_open_realm, email_allowed_for_realm, \
get_realm_by_string_id, get_realm_by_email_domain, list_of_domains_for_realm
from zerver.lib.actions import do_change_password, do_change_full_name, do_change_is_admin, \
do_activate_user, do_create_user, do_create_realm, set_default_streams, \
update_user_presence, do_events_register, \
do_change_tos_version, \
user_email_is_unique, \
compute_mit_user_fullname, do_set_muted_topics, \
get_cross_realm_dicts, \
do_update_pointer, realm_user_count
from zerver.lib.push_notifications import num_push_devices_for_user
from zerver.forms import RegistrationForm, HomepageForm, RealmCreationForm, ToSForm, \
from zerver.lib.actions import is_inactive
from django_auth_ldap.backend import LDAPBackend, _LDAPUser
from zerver.lib.validator import check_string, check_list
from zerver.decorator import require_post, authenticated_json_post_view, \
has_request_variables, \
JsonableError, get_user_profile_by_email, REQ, \
from zerver.lib.avatar import avatar_url
from zerver.lib.i18n import get_language_list, get_language_name, \
from zerver.lib.response import json_success, json_error
from zerver.lib.utils import statsd, get_subdomain
from version import ZULIP_VERSION
from zproject.backends import password_auth_enabled
from confirmation.models import Confirmation, RealmCreationKey, check_key_is_valid
import requests
import ujson
import calendar
import datetime
import simplejson
import re
from six.moves import urllib, zip_longest, zip, range
import time
import logging
from zproject.jinja2 import render_to_response
def redirect_and_log_into_subdomain(realm, full_name, email_address):
# type: (Realm, Text, Text) -> HttpResponse
subdomain_login_uri = ''.join([
domain = '.' + settings.EXTERNAL_HOST.split(':')[0]
response = redirect(subdomain_login_uri)
data = {'name': full_name, 'email': email_address, 'subdomain': realm.subdomain}
# Creating a singed cookie so that it cannot be tampered with.
# Cookie and the signature expire in 15 seconds.
return response
def accounts_register(request):
# type: (HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse
key = request.POST['key']
confirmation = Confirmation.objects.get(confirmation_key=key)
prereg_user = confirmation.content_object
email = prereg_user.email
realm_creation = prereg_user.realm_creation
existing_user_profile = get_user_profile_by_email(email)
except UserProfile.DoesNotExist:
existing_user_profile = None
# If OPEN_REALM_CREATION is enabled all user sign ups should go through the
# special URL with domain name so that REALM can be identified if multiple realms exist
unique_open_realm = get_unique_open_realm()
if unique_open_realm is not None:
realm = unique_open_realm
elif prereg_user.referred_by:
# If someone invited you, you are joining their realm regardless
# of your e-mail address.
realm = prereg_user.referred_by.realm
elif prereg_user.realm:
# You have a realm set, even though nobody referred you. This
# happens if you sign up through a special URL for an open realm.
realm = prereg_user.realm
elif realm_creation:
# For creating a new realm, there is no existing realm or domain
realm = None
realm = get_realm_by_string_id(get_subdomain(request))
realm = get_realm_by_email_domain(email)
if realm and not email_allowed_for_realm(email, realm):
return render_to_response("zerver/closed_realm.html", {"closed_domain_name": realm.name})
if realm and realm.deactivated:
# The user is trying to register for a deactivated realm. Advise them to
# contact support.
return render_to_response("zerver/deactivated.html",
{"deactivated_domain_name": realm.name,
"zulip_administrator": settings.ZULIP_ADMINISTRATOR})
if existing_user_profile is not None and existing_user_profile.is_mirror_dummy:
# Mirror dummy users to be activated must be inactive
# Other users should not already exist at all.
except ValidationError:
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('django.contrib.auth.views.login') + '?email=' +
name_validated = False
full_name = None
if request.POST.get('from_confirmation'):
del request.session['authenticated_full_name']
except KeyError:
if realm is not None and realm.is_zephyr_mirror_realm:
# For MIT users, we can get an authoritative name from Hesiod.
# Technically we should check that this is actually an MIT
# realm, but we can cross that bridge if we ever get a non-MIT
# zephyr mirroring realm.
hesiod_name = compute_mit_user_fullname(email)
form = RegistrationForm(
initial={'full_name': hesiod_name if "@" not in hesiod_name else ""})
name_validated = True
for backend in get_backends():
if isinstance(backend, LDAPBackend):
ldap_attrs = _LDAPUser(backend, backend.django_to_ldap_username(email)).attrs
ldap_full_name = ldap_attrs[settings.AUTH_LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP['full_name']][0]
request.session['authenticated_full_name'] = ldap_full_name
name_validated = True
# We don't use initial= here, because if the form is
# complete (that is, no additional fields need to be
# filled out by the user) we want the form to validate,
# so they can be directly registered without having to
# go through this interstitial.
form = RegistrationForm({'full_name': ldap_full_name})
# FIXME: This will result in the user getting
# validation errors if they have to enter a password.
# Not relevant for ONLY_SSO, though.
except TypeError:
# Let the user fill out a name and/or try another backend
form = RegistrationForm()
elif 'full_name' in request.POST:
form = RegistrationForm(
initial={'full_name': request.POST.get('full_name')}
form = RegistrationForm()
postdata = request.POST.copy()
if name_changes_disabled(realm):
# If we populate profile information via LDAP and we have a
# verified name from you on file, use that. Otherwise, fall
# back to the full name in the request.
postdata.update({'full_name': request.session['authenticated_full_name']})
name_validated = True
except KeyError:
form = RegistrationForm(postdata)
if not password_auth_enabled(realm):
form['password'].field.required = False
if form.is_valid():
if password_auth_enabled(realm):
password = form.cleaned_data['password']
# SSO users don't need no passwords
password = None
if realm_creation:
string_id = form.cleaned_data['realm_subdomain']
realm_name = form.cleaned_data['realm_name']
org_type = int(form.cleaned_data['realm_org_type'])
realm = do_create_realm(string_id, realm_name, org_type=org_type)[0]
set_default_streams(realm, settings.DEFAULT_NEW_REALM_STREAMS)
full_name = form.cleaned_data['full_name']
short_name = email_to_username(email)
first_in_realm = len(UserProfile.objects.filter(realm=realm, is_bot=False)) == 0
# FIXME: sanitize email addresses and fullname
if existing_user_profile is not None and existing_user_profile.is_mirror_dummy:
user_profile = existing_user_profile
do_change_password(user_profile, password)
do_change_full_name(user_profile, full_name)
except UserProfile.DoesNotExist:
user_profile = do_create_user(email, password, realm, full_name, short_name,
newsletter_data={"IP": request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']})
user_profile = do_create_user(email, password, realm, full_name, short_name,
newsletter_data={"IP": request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']})
if first_in_realm:
do_change_is_admin(user_profile, True)
if realm_creation and settings.REALMS_HAVE_SUBDOMAINS:
# Because for realm creation, registration happens on the
# root domain, we need to log them into the subdomain for
# their new realm.
return redirect_and_log_into_subdomain(realm, full_name, email)
# This dummy_backend check below confirms the user is
# authenticating to the correct subdomain.
return_data = {} # type: Dict[str, bool]
auth_result = authenticate(username=user_profile.email,
if return_data.get('invalid_subdomain'):
# By construction, this should never happen.
logging.error("Subdomain mismatch in registration %s: %s" % (
realm.subdomain, user_profile.email,))
return redirect('/')
login(request, auth_result)
return HttpResponseRedirect(realm.uri + reverse('zerver.views.home'))
return render_to_response(
{'form': form,
'email': email,
'key': key,
'full_name': request.session.get('authenticated_full_name', None),
'lock_name': name_validated and name_changes_disabled(realm),
# password_auth_enabled is normally set via our context processor,
# but for the registration form, there is no logged in user yet, so
# we have to set it here.
'creating_new_team': realm_creation,
'realms_have_subdomains': settings.REALMS_HAVE_SUBDOMAINS,
'password_auth_enabled': password_auth_enabled(realm), }, request=request)
def accounts_accept_terms(request):
# type: (HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse
if request.method == "POST":
form = ToSForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
do_change_tos_version(request.user, settings.TOS_VERSION)
return redirect(home)
form = ToSForm()
email = request.user.email
special_message_template = None
if request.user.tos_version is None and settings.FIRST_TIME_TOS_TEMPLATE is not None:
special_message_template = 'zerver/' + settings.FIRST_TIME_TOS_TEMPLATE
return render_to_response(
{'form': form,
'email': email,
'special_message_template': special_message_template},
def create_preregistration_user(email, request, realm_creation=False):
# type: (Text, HttpRequest, bool) -> HttpResponse
realm_str = request.session.pop('realm_str', None)
if realm_str is not None:
# realm_str was set in accounts_home_with_realm_str.
# The user is trying to sign up for a completely open realm,
# so create them a PreregistrationUser for that realm
return PreregistrationUser.objects.create(email=email,
return PreregistrationUser.objects.create(email=email, realm_creation=realm_creation)
def accounts_home_with_realm_str(request, realm_str):
# type: (HttpRequest, str) -> HttpResponse
if not settings.REALMS_HAVE_SUBDOMAINS and completely_open(get_realm_by_string_id(realm_str)):
# You can sign up for a completely open realm through a
# special registration path that contains the domain in the
# URL. We store this information in the session rather than
# elsewhere because we don't have control over URL or form
# data for folks registering through OpenID.
request.session["realm_str"] = realm_str
return accounts_home(request)
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('zerver.views.accounts_home'))
def send_registration_completion_email(email, request, realm_creation=False):
# type: (str, HttpRequest, bool) -> Confirmation
Send an email with a confirmation link to the provided e-mail so the user
can complete their registration.
prereg_user = create_preregistration_user(email, request, realm_creation)
context = {'support_email': settings.ZULIP_ADMINISTRATOR,
'verbose_support_offers': settings.VERBOSE_SUPPORT_OFFERS}
return Confirmation.objects.send_confirmation(prereg_user, email,
def redirect_to_email_login_url(email):
# type: (str) -> HttpResponseRedirect
login_url = reverse('django.contrib.auth.views.login')
redirect_url = login_url + '?email=' + urllib.parse.quote_plus(email)
return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_url)
def create_realm(request, creation_key=None):
# type: (HttpRequest, Optional[Text]) -> HttpResponse
if not settings.OPEN_REALM_CREATION:
if creation_key is None:
return render_to_response("zerver/realm_creation_failed.html",
{'message': _('New organization creation disabled.')})
elif not check_key_is_valid(creation_key):
return render_to_response("zerver/realm_creation_failed.html",
{'message': _('The organization creation link has been expired'
' or is not valid.')})
# When settings.OPEN_REALM_CREATION is enabled, anyone can create a new realm,
# subject to a few restrictions on their email address.
if request.method == 'POST':
form = RealmCreationForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
email = form.cleaned_data['email']
confirmation_key = send_registration_completion_email(email, request, realm_creation=True).confirmation_key
if settings.DEVELOPMENT:
request.session['confirmation_key'] = {'confirmation_key': confirmation_key}
if (creation_key is not None and check_key_is_valid(creation_key)):
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('send_confirm', kwargs={'email': email}))
email = request.POST['email']
except ValidationError:
# Maybe the user is trying to log in
return redirect_to_email_login_url(email)
form = RealmCreationForm()
return render_to_response('zerver/create_realm.html',
{'form': form, 'current_url': request.get_full_path},
def confirmation_key(request):
# type: (HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse
return json_success(request.session.get('confirmation_key'))
def get_realm_from_request(request):
# type: (HttpRequest) -> Realm
realm_str = get_subdomain(request)
realm_str = request.session.get("realm_str")
return get_realm_by_string_id(realm_str)
def accounts_home(request):
# type: (HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse
realm = get_realm_from_request(request)
if request.method == 'POST':
form = HomepageForm(request.POST, realm=realm)
if form.is_valid():
email = form.cleaned_data['email']
send_registration_completion_email(email, request)
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('send_confirm', kwargs={'email': email}))
email = request.POST['email']
# Note: We don't check for uniqueness
except ValidationError:
return redirect_to_email_login_url(email)
form = HomepageForm(realm=realm)
return render_to_response('zerver/accounts_home.html',
{'form': form, 'current_url': request.get_full_path},
def approximate_unread_count(user_profile):
# type: (UserProfile) -> int
not_in_home_view_recipients = [sub.recipient.id for sub in
user_profile=user_profile, in_home_view=False)]
# TODO: We may want to exclude muted messages from this count.
# It was attempted in the past, but the original attempt
# was broken. When we re-architect muting, we may
# want to to revisit this (see git issue #1019).
return UserMessage.objects.filter(
user_profile=user_profile, message_id__gt=user_profile.pointer).exclude(
def sent_time_in_epoch_seconds(user_message):
# type: (UserMessage) -> float
# user_message is a UserMessage object.
if not user_message:
return None
# We have USE_TZ = True, so our datetime objects are timezone-aware.
# Return the epoch seconds in UTC.
return calendar.timegm(user_message.message.pub_date.utctimetuple())
def home(request):
# type: (HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse
if not settings.SUBDOMAINS_HOMEPAGE:
return home_real(request)
# If settings.SUBDOMAINS_HOMEPAGE, sends the user the landing
# page, not the login form, on the root domain
subdomain = get_subdomain(request)
if subdomain != "":
return home_real(request)
return render_to_response('zerver/hello.html',
def home_real(request):
# type: (HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse
# We need to modify the session object every two weeks or it will expire.
# This line makes reloading the page a sufficient action to keep the
# session alive.
request.session.modified = True
user_profile = request.user
request._email = request.user.email
request.client = get_client("website")
# If a user hasn't signed the current Terms of Service, send them there
if settings.TERMS_OF_SERVICE is not None and settings.TOS_VERSION is not None and \
int(settings.TOS_VERSION.split('.')[0]) > user_profile.major_tos_version():
return accounts_accept_terms(request)
narrow = [] # type: List[List[Text]]
narrow_stream = None
narrow_topic = request.GET.get("topic")
if request.GET.get("stream"):
narrow_stream = get_stream(request.GET.get("stream"), user_profile.realm)
assert(narrow_stream is not None)
narrow = [["stream", narrow_stream.name]]
except Exception:
logging.exception("Narrow parsing")
if narrow_topic is not None:
narrow.append(["topic", narrow_topic])
register_ret = do_events_register(user_profile, request.client,
apply_markdown=True, narrow=narrow)
user_has_messages = (register_ret['max_message_id'] != -1)
# Reset our don't-spam-users-with-email counter since the
# user has since logged in
if not user_profile.last_reminder is None:
user_profile.last_reminder = None
# Brand new users get the tutorial
needs_tutorial = settings.TUTORIAL_ENABLED and \
user_profile.tutorial_status != UserProfile.TUTORIAL_FINISHED
first_in_realm = realm_user_count(user_profile.realm) == 1
# If you are the only person in the realm and you didn't invite
# anyone, we'll continue to encourage you to do so on the frontend.
prompt_for_invites = first_in_realm and \
not PreregistrationUser.objects.filter(referred_by=user_profile).count()
if user_profile.pointer == -1 and user_has_messages:
# Put the new user's pointer at the bottom
# This improves performance, because we limit backfilling of messages
# before the pointer. It's also likely that someone joining an
# organization is interested in recent messages more than the very
# first messages on the system.
register_ret['pointer'] = register_ret['max_message_id']
user_profile.last_pointer_updater = request.session.session_key
if user_profile.pointer == -1:
latest_read = None
latest_read = UserMessage.objects.get(user_profile=user_profile,
except UserMessage.DoesNotExist:
# Don't completely fail if your saved pointer ID is invalid
logging.warning("%s has invalid pointer %s" % (user_profile.email, user_profile.pointer))
latest_read = None
desktop_notifications_enabled = user_profile.enable_desktop_notifications
if narrow_stream is not None:
desktop_notifications_enabled = False
if user_profile.realm.notifications_stream:
notifications_stream = user_profile.realm.notifications_stream.name
notifications_stream = ""
# Set default language and make it persist
default_language = register_ret['default_language']
url_lang = '/{}'.format(request.LANGUAGE_CODE)
if not request.path.startswith(url_lang):
request.session[translation.LANGUAGE_SESSION_KEY] = default_language
# Pass parameters to the client-side JavaScript code.
# These end up in a global JavaScript Object named 'page_params'.
page_params = dict(
zulip_version = ZULIP_VERSION,
share_the_love = settings.SHARE_THE_LOVE,
development_environment = settings.DEVELOPMENT,
debug_mode = settings.DEBUG,
test_suite = settings.TEST_SUITE,
poll_timeout = settings.POLL_TIMEOUT,
login_page = settings.HOME_NOT_LOGGED_IN,
server_uri = settings.SERVER_URI,
realm_uri = user_profile.realm.uri,
maxfilesize = settings.MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_SIZE,
server_generation = settings.SERVER_GENERATION,
password_auth_enabled = password_auth_enabled(user_profile.realm),
have_initial_messages = user_has_messages,
subbed_info = register_ret['subscriptions'],
unsubbed_info = register_ret['unsubscribed'],
neversubbed_info = register_ret['never_subscribed'],
people_list = register_ret['realm_users'],
bot_list = register_ret['realm_bots'],
initial_pointer = register_ret['pointer'],
initial_presences = register_ret['presences'],
initial_servertime = time.time(), # Used for calculating relative presence age
fullname = user_profile.full_name,
email = user_profile.email,
domain = user_profile.realm.domain,
domains = list_of_domains_for_realm(user_profile.realm),
realm_name = register_ret['realm_name'],
realm_invite_required = register_ret['realm_invite_required'],
realm_invite_by_admins_only = register_ret['realm_invite_by_admins_only'],
realm_authentication_methods = register_ret['realm_authentication_methods'],
realm_create_stream_by_admins_only = register_ret['realm_create_stream_by_admins_only'],
realm_add_emoji_by_admins_only = register_ret['realm_add_emoji_by_admins_only'],
realm_allow_message_editing = register_ret['realm_allow_message_editing'],
realm_message_content_edit_limit_seconds = register_ret['realm_message_content_edit_limit_seconds'],
realm_restricted_to_domain = register_ret['realm_restricted_to_domain'],
realm_default_language = register_ret['realm_default_language'],
realm_waiting_period_threshold = register_ret['realm_waiting_period_threshold'],
enter_sends = user_profile.enter_sends,
user_id = user_profile.id,
left_side_userlist = register_ret['left_side_userlist'],
default_language = register_ret['default_language'],
default_language_name = get_language_name(register_ret['default_language']),
language_list_dbl_col = get_language_list_for_templates(register_ret['default_language']),
language_list = get_language_list(),
referrals = register_ret['referrals'],
realm_emoji = register_ret['realm_emoji'],
needs_tutorial = needs_tutorial,
first_in_realm = first_in_realm,
prompt_for_invites = prompt_for_invites,
notifications_stream = notifications_stream,
cross_realm_bots = list(get_cross_realm_dicts()),
use_websockets = settings.USE_WEBSOCKETS,
# Stream message notification settings:
stream_desktop_notifications_enabled = user_profile.enable_stream_desktop_notifications,
stream_sounds_enabled = user_profile.enable_stream_sounds,
# Private message and @-mention notification settings:
desktop_notifications_enabled = desktop_notifications_enabled,
sounds_enabled = user_profile.enable_sounds,
enable_offline_email_notifications = user_profile.enable_offline_email_notifications,
pm_content_in_desktop_notifications = user_profile.pm_content_in_desktop_notifications,
enable_offline_push_notifications = user_profile.enable_offline_push_notifications,
enable_online_push_notifications = user_profile.enable_online_push_notifications,
twenty_four_hour_time = register_ret['twenty_four_hour_time'],
enable_digest_emails = user_profile.enable_digest_emails,
event_queue_id = register_ret['queue_id'],
last_event_id = register_ret['last_event_id'],
max_message_id = register_ret['max_message_id'],
unread_count = approximate_unread_count(user_profile),
furthest_read_time = sent_time_in_epoch_seconds(latest_read),
save_stacktraces = settings.SAVE_FRONTEND_STACKTRACES,
alert_words = register_ret['alert_words'],
muted_topics = register_ret['muted_topics'],
realm_filters = register_ret['realm_filters'],
realm_default_streams = register_ret['realm_default_streams'],
is_admin = user_profile.is_realm_admin,
can_create_streams = user_profile.can_create_streams(),
name_changes_disabled = name_changes_disabled(user_profile.realm),
has_mobile_devices = num_push_devices_for_user(user_profile) > 0,
autoscroll_forever = user_profile.autoscroll_forever,
default_desktop_notifications = user_profile.default_desktop_notifications,
avatar_url = avatar_url(user_profile),
avatar_url_medium = avatar_url(user_profile, medium=True),
avatar_source = user_profile.avatar_source,
mandatory_topics = user_profile.realm.mandatory_topics,
show_digest_email = user_profile.realm.show_digest_email,
presence_disabled = user_profile.realm.presence_disabled,
is_zephyr_mirror_realm = user_profile.realm.is_zephyr_mirror_realm,
if narrow_stream is not None:
# In narrow_stream context, initial pointer is just latest message
recipient = get_recipient(Recipient.STREAM, narrow_stream.id)
initial_pointer = Message.objects.filter(recipient=recipient).order_by('id').reverse()[0].id
except IndexError:
initial_pointer = -1
page_params["narrow_stream"] = narrow_stream.name
if narrow_topic is not None:
page_params["narrow_topic"] = narrow_topic
page_params["narrow"] = [dict(operator=term[0], operand=term[1]) for term in narrow]
page_params["max_message_id"] = initial_pointer
page_params["initial_pointer"] = initial_pointer
page_params["have_initial_messages"] = (initial_pointer != -1)
show_invites = True
# Some realms only allow admins to invite users
if user_profile.realm.invite_by_admins_only and not user_profile.is_realm_admin:
show_invites = False
product_name = "Zulip"
page_params['product_name'] = product_name
request._log_data['extra'] = "[%s]" % (register_ret["queue_id"],)
response = render_to_response('zerver/index.html',
{'user_profile': user_profile,
'page_params': simplejson.encoder.JSONEncoderForHTML().encode(page_params),
'nofontface': is_buggy_ua(request.META.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT", "Unspecified")),
'avatar_url': avatar_url(user_profile),
settings.DEBUG and ('show_debug' in request.GET),
'pipeline': settings.PIPELINE_ENABLED,
'show_invites': show_invites,
'is_admin': user_profile.is_realm_admin,
'show_webathena': user_profile.realm.webathena_enabled,
'enable_feedback': settings.ENABLE_FEEDBACK,
'embedded': narrow_stream is not None,
'product_name': product_name
patch_cache_control(response, no_cache=True, no_store=True, must_revalidate=True)
return response
def desktop_home(request):
# type: (HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('zerver.views.home'))
def is_buggy_ua(agent):
# type: (str) -> bool
"""Discrimiate CSS served to clients based on User Agent
Due to QTBUG-3467, @font-face is not supported in QtWebKit.
This may get fixed in the future, but for right now we can
just serve the more conservative CSS to all our desktop apps.
return ("Humbug Desktop/" in agent or "Zulip Desktop/" in agent or "ZulipDesktop/" in agent) and \
"Mac" not in agent
def json_set_muted_topics(request, user_profile,
muted_topics=REQ(validator=check_list(check_list(check_string, length=2)), default=[])):
# type: (HttpRequest, UserProfile, List[List[Text]]) -> HttpResponse
do_set_muted_topics(user_profile, muted_topics)
return json_success()
def generate_204(request):
# type: (HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse
return HttpResponse(content=None, status=204)