
190 lines
5.5 KiB

import itertools
import ujson
import random
from typing import List, Dict, Any, Text, Optional
def load_config():
# type: () -> Dict [str, Any]
with open("zerver/fixtures/config.generate_data.json", "r") as infile:
config = ujson.load(infile)
return config
def get_stream_title(gens):
# type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> str
return next(gens["adjectives"]) + " " + next(gens["nouns"]) + " " + \
next(gens["connectors"]) + " " + next(gens["verbs"]) + " " + \
def load_generators(config):
# type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]
results = {}
cfg = config["gen_fodder"]
results["nouns"] = itertools.cycle(cfg["nouns"])
results["adjectives"] = itertools.cycle(cfg["adjectives"])
results["connectors"] = itertools.cycle(cfg["connectors"])
results["verbs"] = itertools.cycle(cfg["verbs"])
results["adverbs"] = itertools.cycle(cfg["adverbs"])
results["emojis"] = itertools.cycle(cfg["emoji"])
results["links"] = itertools.cycle(cfg["links"])
results["maths"] = itertools.cycle(cfg["maths"])
results["inline-code"] = itertools.cycle(cfg["inline-code"])
results["code-blocks"] = itertools.cycle(cfg["code-blocks"])
results["quote-blocks"] = itertools.cycle(cfg["quote-blocks"])
results["lists"] = itertools.cycle(cfg["lists"])
return results
def parse_file(config, gens, corpus_file):
# type: (Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any], str) -> List[str]
# First, load the entire file into a dictionary,
# then apply our custom filters to it as needed.
paragraphs = [] # type: List[str]
with open(corpus_file, "r") as infile:
# OUR DATA: we need to separate the person talking and what they say
paragraphs = remove_line_breaks(infile)
paragraphs = add_flair(paragraphs, gens)
return paragraphs
def get_flair_gen(length):
# type: (int) -> List[str]
# Grab the percentages from the config file
# create a list that we can consume that will guarantee the distribution
result = []
for k, v in config["dist_percentages"].items():
result.extend([k] * int(v * length / 100))
result.extend(["None"] * (length - len(result)))
return result
def add_flair(paragraphs, gens):
# type: (List[str], Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]
# roll the dice and see what kind of flair we should add, if any
results = []
flair = get_flair_gen(len(paragraphs))
for i in range(len(paragraphs)):
key = flair[i]
if key == "None":
txt = paragraphs[i]
elif key == "italic":
txt = add_md("*", paragraphs[i])
elif key == "bold":
txt = add_md("**", paragraphs[i])
elif key == "strike-thru":
txt = add_md("~~", paragraphs[i])
elif key == "quoted":
txt = ">" + paragraphs[i]
elif key == "quote-block":
txt = paragraphs[i] + "\n" + next(gens["quote-blocks"])
elif key == "inline-code":
txt = paragraphs[i] + "\n" + next(gens["inline-code"])
elif key == "code-block":
txt = paragraphs[i] + "\n" + next(gens["code-blocks"])
elif key == "math":
txt = paragraphs[i] + "\n" + next(gens["maths"])
elif key == "list":
txt = paragraphs[i] + "\n" + next(gens["lists"])
elif key == "emoji":
txt = add_emoji(paragraphs[i], next(gens["emojis"]))
elif key == "link":
txt = add_link(paragraphs[i], next(gens["links"]))
elif key == "picture":
txt = txt # TODO: implement pictures
return results
def add_md(mode, text):
# type: (str, str) -> str
# mode means: bold, italic, etc.
# to add a list at the end of a paragraph, * iterm one\n * item two
# find out how long the line is, then insert the mode before the end
vals = text.split()
start = random.randrange(len(vals))
end = random.randrange(len(vals) - start) + start
vals[start] = mode + vals[start]
vals[end] = vals[end] + mode
return " ".join(vals).strip()
def add_emoji(text, emoji):
# type: (str, str) -> str
vals = text.split()
start = random.randrange(len(vals))
vals[start] = vals[start] + " " + emoji + " "
return " ".join(vals)
def add_link(text, link):
# type: (str, str) -> str
vals = text.split()
start = random.randrange(len(vals))
vals[start] = vals[start] + " " + link + " "
return " ".join(vals)
def remove_line_breaks(fh):
# type: (Any) -> List[str]
# We're going to remove line breaks from paragraphs
results = [] # save the dialogs as tuples with (author, dialog)
para = [] # we'll store the lines here to form a paragraph
for line in fh:
text = line.strip()
if text != "":
if para:
results.append(" ".join(para))
# reset the paragraph
para = []
if para:
results.append(" ".join(para))
return results
def write_file(paragraphs, filename):
# type: (List[str], str) -> None
with open(filename, "w") as outfile:
def create_test_data():
# type: () -> None
gens = load_generators(config) # returns a dictionary of generators
paragraphs = parse_file(config, gens, config["corpus"]["filename"])
write_file(paragraphs, "var/test_messages.json")
config = load_config() # type: Dict[str, Any]
if __name__ == "__main__":
create_test_data() # type: () -> ()