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First, create the stream you'd like to use for Nagios notifications,
and subscribe all interested parties to this stream. The integration will
use the default stream <code>nagios</code> if no stream is supplied in the
configuration; you still need to create the stream even if you are using
this default.
Next, download and install our
<a href="/api">Python bindings and example scripts</a>
on your Nagios server.
Next, open <code>integrations/nagios/zuliprc.example</code>
in your favorite editor, and change the following lines to
specify the email address and API key for your Nagios bot,
saving it to <code>/etc/nagios3/zuliprc</code> on your Nagios
<div class="codehilite"><pre>[api]
{% if api_site_required %}site = {{ external_api_uri_subdomain }}{% endif %}</pre>
Copy <code>integrations/nagios/zulip_nagios.cfg</code>
to <code>/etc/nagios3/conf.d</code> on your Nagios server.
Finally, add <code>zulip</code> to the <code>members</code>
list for one or more of the contact groups in the
<code>CONTACT GROUPS</code> section
of <code>/etc/nagios3/conf.d/contacts.cfg</code>, doing
something like:
<div class="codehilite"><pre>define contactgroup {
contactgroup_name admins
alias Nagios Administrators
members monitoring<span class="na">, zulip</span>
Once you've done that, reload your Nagios configuration
using <code>/etc/init.d/nagios3 reload</code>.
<b>Congratulations! You're done!</b><br/> When your Nagios
system makes an alert, you'll see a message like the following,
to the stream <code>nagios</code> (to change this, edit the
arguments to <code>nagios-notify-zulip</code>
in <code>/etc/nagios3/conf.d/zulip_nagios.cfg</code>) with a
topic indicating the service with an issue:
<img class="screenshot" src="/static/images/integrations/nagios/001.png"/>
<b>Testing</b><br/>If you have
<a href="http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/extcommands.html">external commands enabled in Nagios</a>,
you can generate a test notice from your Nagios instance by visiting using the
<code>Send custom service notification</code> command in
the <code>Service Commands</code> section of any individual
service's page on your Nagios instance.
<b>Troubleshooting</b><br/>You can confirm whether you've
correctly configured Nagios to run the Zulip plugin by looking
for <code>SERVICE NOTIFICATION</code> lines mentioning zulip
in <code>/var/log/nagios3/nagios.log</code>. You can confirm
whether you've configured the Zulip plugin code correctly by
running <code>/usr/local/share/zulip/integrations/nagios/nagios-notify-zulip</code>