var poll_widget = (function () { var exports = {}; exports.poll_data_holder = function (is_my_poll, question, options) { // This object just holds data for a poll, although it // works closely with the widget's concept of how data // should be represented for rendering, plus how the // server sends us data. var self = {}; var me = people.my_current_user_id(); var poll_question = question; var key_to_option = {}; var my_idx = 1; var input_mode = is_my_poll; // for now self.set_question = function (new_question) { input_mode = false; poll_question = new_question; }; self.get_question = function () { return poll_question; }; self.set_input_mode = function () { input_mode = true; }; self.clear_input_mode = function () { input_mode = false; }; self.get_input_mode = function () { return input_mode; }; if (question) { self.set_question(question); } self.get_widget_data = function () { var options = []; _.each(key_to_option, function (obj, key) { var voters = _.keys(obj.votes); options.push({ option: obj.option, names: people.safe_full_names(voters), count: voters.length, key: key, }); }); var widget_data = { options: options, question: poll_question, }; return widget_data; }; self.handle = { new_option: { outbound: function (option) { var event = { type: 'new_option', idx: my_idx, option: option, }; my_idx += 1; return event; }, inbound: function (sender_id, data) { var idx = data.idx; var key = sender_id + ',' + idx; var option = data.option; var votes = {}; key_to_option[key] = { option: option, user_id: sender_id, votes: votes, }; if (my_idx <= idx) { my_idx = idx + 1; } }, }, question: { outbound: function (question) { var event = { type: 'question', question: question, }; if (is_my_poll) { return event; } return; }, inbound: function (sender_id, data) { self.set_question(data.question); }, }, vote: { outbound: function (key) { var vote = 1; // toggle if (key_to_option[key].votes[me]) { vote = -1; } var event = { type: 'vote', key: key, vote: vote, }; return event; }, inbound: function (sender_id, data) { var key = data.key; var vote =; var option = key_to_option[key]; if (option === undefined) { blueslip.warn('unknown key for poll: ' + key); return; } var votes = option.votes; if (vote === 1) { votes[sender_id] = 1; } else { delete votes[sender_id]; } }, }, }; self.handle_event = function (sender_id, data) { var type = data.type; if (self.handle[type]) { self.handle[type].inbound(sender_id, data); } }; // function to check whether option already exists self.is_option_present = function (data, latest_option) { return _.any(data, function (el) { return el.option === latest_option; }); }; // function to add all options added along with the /poll command _.each(options, function (option, i) { self.handle.new_option.inbound('canned', { idx: i, option: option, }); }); return self; }; exports.activate = function (opts) { var elem = opts.elem; var callback = opts.callback; var question = ''; var options = []; if (opts.extra_data) { question = opts.extra_data.question || ''; options = opts.extra_data.options || []; } var is_my_poll = people.is_my_user_id(opts.message.sender_id); var poll_data = exports.poll_data_holder(is_my_poll, question, options); function update_edit_controls() { var has_question = elem.find('input.poll-question').val().trim() !== ''; elem.find('button.poll-question-check').toggle(has_question); } function render_question() { var question = poll_data.get_question(); var input_mode = poll_data.get_input_mode(); var can_edit = is_my_poll && !input_mode; var has_question = question.trim() !== ''; var can_vote = has_question; var waiting = !is_my_poll && !has_question; var author_help = is_my_poll && !has_question; elem.find('.poll-question-header').toggle(!input_mode); elem.find('.poll-question-header').text(question); elem.find('.poll-edit-question').toggle(can_edit); update_edit_controls(); elem.find('.poll-question-bar').toggle(input_mode); elem.find('.poll-option-bar').toggle(can_vote); elem.find('.poll-please-wait').toggle(waiting); elem.find('.poll-author-help').toggle(author_help); } function start_editing() { poll_data.set_input_mode(); var question = poll_data.get_question(); elem.find('input.poll-question').val(question); render_question(); elem.find('input.poll-question').focus(); } function abort_edit() { poll_data.clear_input_mode(); render_question(); } function submit_question() { var poll_question_input = elem.find("input.poll-question"); var new_question = poll_question_input.val().trim(); var old_question = poll_data.get_question(); // We should disable the button for blank questions, // so this is just defensive code. if (new_question.trim() === '') { new_question = old_question; } // Optimistically set the question locally. poll_data.set_question(new_question); render_question(); // If there were no actual edits, we can exit now. if (new_question === old_question) { return; } // Broadcast the new question to our peers. var data = poll_data.handle.question.outbound(new_question); callback(data); } function submit_option() { var poll_option_input = elem.find("input.poll-option"); var option = poll_option_input.val().trim(); var options = poll_data.get_widget_data().options; if (poll_data.is_option_present(options, option)) { return; } if (option === '') { return; } poll_option_input.val('').focus(); var data = poll_data.handle.new_option.outbound(option); callback(data); } function submit_vote(key) { var data =; callback(data); } function build_widget() { var html = templates.render('poll-widget'); elem.html(html); elem.find('input.poll-question').on('keyup', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); update_edit_controls(); }); elem.find('input.poll-question').on('keydown', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); if (e.keyCode === 13) { submit_question(); return; } if (e.keyCode === 27) { abort_edit(); return; } }); elem.find('.poll-edit-question').on('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); start_editing(); }); elem.find("button.poll-question-check").on('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); submit_question(); }); elem.find("button.poll-question-remove").on('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); abort_edit(); }); elem.find("button.poll-option").on('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); submit_option(); }); elem.find('input.poll-option').on('keydown', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); if (e.keyCode === 13) { submit_option(); return; } if (e.keyCode === 27) { $('input.poll-option').val(''); return; } }); } function render_results() { var widget_data = poll_data.get_widget_data(); var html = templates.render('poll-widget-results', widget_data); elem.find('ul.poll-widget').html(html); elem.find("button.poll-vote").off('click').on('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); var key = $('data-key'); submit_vote(key); }); } elem.handle_events = function (events) { _.each(events, function (event) { poll_data.handle_event(event.sender_id,; }); render_question(); render_results(); }; build_widget(); render_question(); render_results(); }; return exports; }()); if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = poll_widget; } window.poll_widget = poll_widget;