# Development environment options Zulip offers a wide range of options for how to install the development environment: * [Detailed tutorial for Vagrant development environment](dev-env-first-time-contributors.html). Recommended for first-time contributors. * [Brief installation instructions for Vagrant development environment](brief-install-vagrant-dev.html) * [Installing on Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty or 16.04 Xenial directly](install-ubuntu-without-vagrant-dev.html) (convenient but more work to maintain/uninstall). * [Installing manually on other UNIX platforms](install-generic-unix-dev.html) * [Using Docker (experimental)](install-docker-dev.html) * [Using the Development Environment](using-dev-environment.html) * [Testing](testing.html) If you have a slow network connection, you should probably avoid installing Vagrant (which is large) and either install [directly](install-ubuntu-without-vagrant-dev.html) or use [the manual install process](install-generic-unix-dev.html) instead.