See your Teamcity build status in Zulip! {!!} {!!} Next, install the [tcWebHooks plugin]( onto your Teamcity server. Follow the plugin instructions in your Teamcity documentation, or refer to [the online Teamcity documentation][1]. [1]: Next, in your Teamcity project overview page, click the **Webhooks** tab, and add a new project webhook. Enter the URL you created earlier. Uncheck all **Trigger on Events** options, and check **Trigger when build is Successful** and **Trigger when build Fails**. Optionally, check **Only trigger when build changes from Failure to Success** and **Only trigger when build changes from Success to Failure**. Set the Payload Format to **JSON** and save your webhook. ![](/static/images/integrations/teamcity/001.png) {!!} ![](/static/images/integrations/teamcity/002.png) **Personal Builds** When a user runs a personal build, if Zulip can map their Teamcity username to a Zulip user, that Zulip user will receive a private message with the result of their personal build. ![](/static/images/integrations/teamcity/003.png)