var subs = (function () { var meta = { callbacks: {}, stream_created: undefined, is_open: false, }; var exports = {}; function settings_for_sub(sub) { var id = parseInt(sub.stream_id, 10); return $("#subscription_overlay .subscription_settings[data-stream-id='" + id + "']"); } function button_for_sub(sub) { var id = parseInt(sub.stream_id, 10); return $(".stream-row[data-stream-id='" + id + "'] .check"); } function row_for_stream_id(stream_id) { return $(".stream-row[data-stream-id='" + stream_id + "']"); } function settings_button_for_sub(sub) { var id = parseInt(sub.stream_id, 10); return $(".subscription_settings[data-stream-id='" + id + "'] .subscribe-button"); } function get_row_data(row) { var row_id = row.attr('data-stream-id'); if (row_id) { var row_object = stream_data.get_sub_by_id(row_id); return { id: row_id, object: row_object, }; } } function get_active_data() { var active_row = $(''); var valid_active_id = active_row.attr('data-stream-id'); var active_tab = $('.subscriptions-container').find('div.ind-tab.selected'); return { row: active_row, id: valid_active_id, tab: active_tab, }; } function export_hash(hash) { var hash_components = { base: hash.shift(), arguments: hash, }; exports.change_state(hash_components); } function selectText(element) { var range; var sel; if (window.getSelection) { sel = window.getSelection(); range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(element); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); } else if (document.body.createTextRange) { range = document.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(element);; } } function should_list_all_streams() { return !page_params.is_zephyr_mirror_realm; } function set_stream_property(sub, property, value) { // TODO: Fix backend so it takes a stream id. var stream_name =; var sub_data = {stream: stream_name, property: property, value: value}; return{ url: '/json/subscriptions/property', data: {subscription_data: JSON.stringify([sub_data])}, timeout: 10*1000, }); } function set_notification_setting_for_all_streams(notification_type, new_setting) { _.each(stream_data.subscribed_subs(), function (sub) { if (sub[notification_type] !== new_setting) { set_stream_property(sub, notification_type, new_setting); } }); } exports.set_all_stream_desktop_notifications_to = function (new_setting) { set_notification_setting_for_all_streams("desktop_notifications", new_setting); }; exports.set_all_stream_audible_notifications_to = function (new_setting) { set_notification_setting_for_all_streams("audible_notifications", new_setting); }; function get_stream_id(target) { if (target.constructor !== jQuery) { target = $(target); } return target.closest(".stream-row, .subscription_settings").attr("data-stream-id"); } function get_sub_for_target(target) { var stream_id = get_stream_id(target); if (!stream_id) { blueslip.error('Cannot find stream id for target'); return; } var sub = stream_data.get_sub_by_id(stream_id); if (!sub) { blueslip.error('get_sub_for_target() failed id lookup: ' + stream_id); return; } return sub; } function stream_home_view_clicked(e) { var sub = get_sub_for_target(; if (!sub) { blueslip.error('stream_home_view_clicked() fails'); return; } var sub_settings = settings_for_sub(sub); var notification_checkboxes = sub_settings.find(".sub_notification_setting"); subs.toggle_home(sub); if (sub.in_home_view) { sub_settings.find(".mute-note").addClass("hide-mute-note"); notification_checkboxes.removeClass("muted-sub"); notification_checkboxes.find("input[type='checkbox']").removeAttr("disabled"); } else { sub_settings.find(".mute-note").removeClass("hide-mute-note"); notification_checkboxes.addClass("muted-sub"); notification_checkboxes.find("input[type='checkbox']").attr("disabled", true); } } exports.toggle_home = function (sub) { stream_muting.update_in_home_view(sub, ! sub.in_home_view); set_stream_property(sub, 'in_home_view', sub.in_home_view); }; exports.toggle_pin_to_top_stream = function (sub) { set_stream_property(sub, 'pin_to_top', !sub.pin_to_top); }; exports.update_stream_name = function (sub, new_name) { // Rename the stream internally. stream_data.rename_sub(sub, new_name); var stream_id = sub.stream_id; // Update the left sidebar. stream_list.rename_stream(sub, new_name); // Update the stream settings var sub_settings = settings_for_sub(stream_data.get_sub_by_id(stream_id)); sub_settings.find(".email-address").text(sub.email_address); sub_settings.find(".stream-name-editable").text(new_name); // Update the subscriptions page var sub_row = $(".stream-row[data-stream-id='" + stream_id + "']"); sub_row.find(".stream-name").text(new_name); // Update the message feed. message_live_update.update_stream_name(stream_id, new_name); }; exports.update_stream_description = function (sub, description) { sub.description = description; // Update stream row var sub_row = $('.stream-row[data-stream-id=' + sub.stream_id + ']'); stream_data.render_stream_description(sub); sub_row.find(".description").html(sub.rendered_description); // Update stream settings var stream_settings = settings_for_sub(sub); stream_settings.find('input.description').val(sub.description); stream_settings.find('.stream-description-editable').html(sub.rendered_description); }; function stream_desktop_notifications_clicked(e) { var sub = get_sub_for_target(; sub.desktop_notifications = ! sub.desktop_notifications; set_stream_property(sub, 'desktop_notifications', sub.desktop_notifications); } function stream_audible_notifications_clicked(e) { var sub = get_sub_for_target(; sub.audible_notifications = ! sub.audible_notifications; set_stream_property(sub, 'audible_notifications', sub.audible_notifications); } function stream_pin_clicked(e) { var sub = get_sub_for_target(; if (!sub) { blueslip.error('stream_pin_clicked() fails'); return; } exports.toggle_pin_to_top_stream(sub); } exports.set_color = function (stream_id, color) { var sub = stream_data.get_sub_by_id(stream_id); set_stream_property(sub, 'color', color); }; exports.rerender_subscribers_count = function (sub) { var id = parseInt(sub.stream_id, 10); stream_data.update_subscribers_count(sub); $(".stream-row[data-stream-id='" + id + "'] .subscriber-count-text").text(sub.subscriber_count); }; function add_email_hint(row, email_address_hint_content) { // Add a popover explaining stream e-mail addresses on hover. var hint_id = "#email-address-hint-" + row.stream_id; var email_address_hint = $(hint_id); email_address_hint.popover({placement: "bottom", title: "Email integration", content: email_address_hint_content, trigger: "manual"}); $("body").on("mouseover", hint_id, function (e) { email_address_hint.popover('show'); e.stopPropagation(); }); $("body").on("mouseout", hint_id, function (e) { email_address_hint.popover('hide'); e.stopPropagation(); }); } // The `meta.stream_created` flag tells us whether the stream was just // created in this browser window; it's a hack to work around the // server_events code flow not having a good way to associate with // this request. These should be appended to the top of the list so // they are more visible. function add_sub_to_table(sub) { sub = stream_data.add_admin_options(sub); stream_data.update_subscribers_count(sub); stream_data.render_stream_description(sub); var html = templates.render('subscription', sub); var settings_html = templates.render('subscription_settings', sub); if (meta.stream_created === { $(".streams-list").prepend(html).scrollTop(0); } else { $(".streams-list").append(html); } $(".subscriptions .settings").append($(settings_html)); var email_address_hint_content = templates.render('email_address_hint', { page_params: page_params }); add_email_hint(sub, email_address_hint_content); if (meta.stream_created === { $(".stream-row[data-stream-id='" + stream_data.get_sub(meta.stream_created).stream_id + "']").click(); meta.stream_created = undefined; } } function format_member_list_elem(email) { var person = people.get_by_email(email); return templates.render('stream_member_list_entry', {name: person.full_name, email: email, displaying_for_admin: page_params.is_admin}); } function get_subscriber_list(sub_row) { var id ="stream-id"); return $('.subscription_settings[data-stream-id="' + id + '"] .subscriber-list'); } function prepend_subscriber(sub_row, email) { var list = get_subscriber_list(sub_row); list.prepend(format_member_list_elem(email)); } exports.remove_stream = function (stream_id) { // It is possible that row is empty when we deactivate a // stream, but we let jQuery silently handle that. var row = row_for_stream_id(stream_id); row.remove(); }; function show_subscription_settings(sub_row) { var stream_id ="stream-id"); var sub = stream_data.get_sub_by_id(stream_id); var sub_settings = settings_for_sub(sub); var warning_elem = sub_settings.find('.subscriber_list_container .alert-warning'); var error_elem = sub_settings.find('.subscriber_list_container .alert-error'); var indicator_elem = sub_settings.find('.subscriber_list_loading_indicator'); if (!sub.render_subscribers) { return; } var list = get_subscriber_list(sub_settings); warning_elem.addClass('hide'); error_elem.addClass('hide'); list.empty(); loading.make_indicator(indicator_elem); channel.get({ url: "/json/streams/" + stream_id + "/members", idempotent: true, success: function (data) { loading.destroy_indicator(indicator_elem); var subscribers =, function (elem) { var person = people.get_by_email(elem); if (person === undefined) { return elem; } return format_member_list_elem(elem); }); var list_html = _.reduce(subscribers.sort(), function (accumulator, item) { return accumulator + item; }, ""); list.append(list_html); }, error: function () { loading.destroy_indicator(indicator_elem); error_elem.removeClass("hide").text(i18n.t("Could not fetch subscriber list")); }, }); sub_settings.find('input[name="principal"]').typeahead({ source: people.get_realm_persons, // This is a function. items: 5, highlighter: function (item) { var item_formatted = typeahead_helper.render_person(item); return typeahead_helper.highlight_with_escaping(this.query, item_formatted); }, matcher: function (item) { var query = $.trim(this.query.toLowerCase()); if (query === '' || query === { return false; } // Case-insensitive. return ( !== -1) || (item.full_name.toLowerCase().indexOf(query) !== -1); }, sorter: function (matches) { var current_stream = compose.stream_name(); return typeahead_helper.sort_recipientbox_typeahead( this.query, matches, current_stream); }, updater: function (item) { return; }, }); var colorpicker = sub_settings.find('.colorpicker'); var color = stream_data.get_color(; stream_color.set_colorpicker_color(colorpicker, color); } exports.show_settings_for = function (stream_id) { var sub = stream_data.get_sub_by_id(stream_id); var sub_settings = settings_for_sub(sub); var sub_row = $(".subscription_settings[data-stream-id='" + stream_id + "']"); $(".subscription_settings[data-stream].show").removeClass("show"); $("#subscription_overlay").removeClass("show"); sub_settings.addClass("show"); show_subscription_settings(sub_row); }; exports.update_settings_for_subscribed = function (sub) { var stream_settings = settings_for_sub(sub); var button = button_for_sub(sub); var settings_button = settings_button_for_sub(sub).removeClass("unsubscribed"); if (button.length !== 0) { exports.rerender_subscribers_count(sub); button.toggleClass("checked"); settings_button.text(i18n.t("Unsubscribe")); // Add the user to the member list if they're currently // viewing the members of this stream if (sub.render_subscribers && stream_settings.hasClass('in')) { prepend_subscriber(stream_settings, people.my_current_email()); } } else { add_sub_to_table(sub); } // Display the swatch and subscription stream_settings var sub_row = stream_settings.closest('.stream-row'); sub_row.find(".regular_subscription_settings").addClass('in'); }; exports.update_settings_for_unsubscribed = function (sub) { var button = button_for_sub(sub); var settings_button = settings_button_for_sub(sub).addClass("unsubscribed"); button.toggleClass("checked"); settings_button.text(i18n.t("Subscribe")); var stream_settings = settings_for_sub(sub); if (stream_settings.hasClass('in')) { stream_settings.collapse('hide'); } exports.rerender_subscribers_count(sub); // Hide the swatch and subscription settings var sub_row = stream_settings.closest('.stream-row'); sub_row.find(".regular_subscription_settings").removeClass('in'); row_for_stream_id(subs.stream_id).attr("data-temp-view", true); }; // these streams are miscategorized so they don't jump off the page when being // unsubscribed from, but should be cleared and sorted when you apply an actual // filter. function remove_temporarily_miscategorized_streams() { $("[data-temp-view]").removeAttr("data-temp-view", "false"); } exports.remove_miscategorized_streams = remove_temporarily_miscategorized_streams; function stream_matches_query(query, sub, attr) { var search_terms = query.input.toLowerCase().split(",").map(function (s) { return s.trim(); }); var flag = true; flag = flag && (function () { var sub_attr = sub[attr].toLowerCase(); return _.any(search_terms, function (o) { if (sub_attr.indexOf(o) !== -1) { return true; } }); }()); flag = flag && ((sub.subscribed || !query.subscribed_only) || sub.data_temp_view === "true"); return flag; } exports.stream_name_match_stream_ids = []; exports.stream_description_match_stream_ids = []; // query is now an object rather than a string. // Query { input: String, subscribed_only: Boolean } exports.filter_table = function (query) { exports.stream_name_match_stream_ids = []; exports.stream_description_match_stream_ids = []; var others = []; var stream_id_to_stream_name = {}; var widgets = {}; function sort_by_stream_name(a, b) { var stream_a_name = stream_id_to_stream_name[a].toLocaleLowerCase(); var stream_b_name = stream_id_to_stream_name[b].toLocaleLowerCase(); return, stream_b_name); } _.each($("#subscriptions_table .stream-row"), function (row) { var sub = stream_data.get_sub_by_id($(row).attr("data-stream-id")); sub.data_temp_view = $(row).attr("data-temp-view"); if (stream_matches_query(query, sub, 'name')) { $(row).removeClass("notdisplayed"); stream_id_to_stream_name[sub.stream_id] =; exports.stream_name_match_stream_ids.push(sub.stream_id); widgets[sub.stream_id] = $(row).detach(); } else if (stream_matches_query(query, sub, 'description')) { $(row).removeClass("notdisplayed"); stream_id_to_stream_name[sub.stream_id] =; exports.stream_description_match_stream_ids.push(sub.stream_id); widgets[sub.stream_id] = $(row).detach(); } else { $(row).addClass("notdisplayed"); others.push($(row).detach()); } }); exports.stream_name_match_stream_ids.sort(sort_by_stream_name); exports.stream_description_match_stream_ids.sort(sort_by_stream_name); _.each(exports.stream_name_match_stream_ids, function (stream_id) { $('#subscriptions_table .streams-list').append(widgets[stream_id]); }); _.each(exports.stream_description_match_stream_ids, function (stream_id) { $('#subscriptions_table .streams-list').append(widgets[stream_id]); }); $('#subscriptions_table .streams-list').append(others); if ($("").hasClass("notdisplayed")) { $(".right .settings").hide(); $(".nothing-selected").show(); $("").removeClass("active"); } }; function actually_filter_streams() { var search_box = $("#add_new_subscription input[type='text']"); var query = search_box.expectOne().val().trim(); var subscribed_only; if (components.toggle.lookup("stream-filter-toggle")) { subscribed_only = components.toggle.lookup("stream-filter-toggle").value() === "Subscribed"; } else { subscribed_only = false; } exports.filter_table({ input: query, subscribed_only: subscribed_only }); } function redraw_privacy_related_stuff(sub_row, sub) { var stream_settings = settings_for_sub(sub); var html; sub = stream_data.add_admin_options(sub); html = templates.render('subscription_setting_icon', sub); sub_row.find('.icon').expectOne().replaceWith($(html)); html = templates.render('subscription_type', sub); stream_settings.find('.subscription-type-text').expectOne().html(html); if (sub.invite_only) { stream_settings.find(".large-icon") .removeClass("hash").addClass("lock") .html(""); } else { stream_settings.find(".large-icon") .addClass("hash").removeClass("lock") .html(""); } stream_list.redraw_stream_privacy(; } function change_stream_privacy(e) { e.stopPropagation(); var stream_id = $("stream-id"); var sub = stream_data.get_sub_by_id(stream_id); $("#subscriptions-status").hide(); var data = { stream_name:, // toggle the privacy setting is_private: !sub.invite_only, }; channel.patch({ url: "/json/streams/" + stream_id, data: data, success: function () { sub = stream_data.get_sub_by_id(stream_id); var sub_row = $(".stream-row[data-stream-id='" + stream_id + "']"); // save new privacy settings. sub.invite_only = !sub.invite_only; redraw_privacy_related_stuff(sub_row, sub); $("#stream_privacy_modal").remove(); }, error: function () { $("#change-stream-privacy-button").text(i18n.t("Try again")); }, }); } var filter_streams = _.throttle(actually_filter_streams, 50); exports.setup_page = function (callback) { function initialize_components() { var stream_filter_toggle = components.toggle({ name: "stream-filter-toggle", selected: 0, values: [ { label: i18n.t("Subscribed") }, { label: i18n.t("All streams") }, ], callback: function () { actually_filter_streams(); remove_temporarily_miscategorized_streams(); }, }).get(); if (should_list_all_streams()) { $("#subscriptions_table .search-container").prepend(stream_filter_toggle); } // show the "Stream settings" header by default. $(".display-type #stream_settings_title").show(); } function _populate_and_fill() { var sub_rows = stream_data.get_streams_for_settings_page(); $('#subscriptions_table').empty(); var template_data = { can_create_streams: page_params.can_create_streams, subscriptions: sub_rows, hide_all_streams: !should_list_all_streams(), }; var rendered = templates.render('subscription_table_body', template_data); $('#subscriptions_table').append(rendered); initialize_components(); actually_filter_streams(); var email_address_hint_content = templates.render('email_address_hint', { page_params: page_params }); _.each(sub_rows, function (row) { add_email_hint(row, email_address_hint_content); }); $("#add_new_subscription input[type='text']").on("input", function () { remove_temporarily_miscategorized_streams(); // Debounce filtering in case a user is typing quickly filter_streams(); }); $(document).trigger($.Event('subs_page_loaded.zulip')); if (callback) { callback(); exports.onlaunchtrigger(); } } function populate_and_fill() { i18n.ensure_i18n(function () { _populate_and_fill(); }); } populate_and_fill(); if (!should_list_all_streams()) { $('#create_stream_button').val(i18n.t("Subscribe")); } }; // add a function to run on subscription page launch by name, // and specify whether it should be kept or just run once (boolean). exports.onlaunch = function (name, callback, keep) { meta.callbacks[name] = { func: callback, keep: keep, }; }; exports.onlaunchtrigger = function () { for (var x in meta.callbacks) { if (typeof meta.callbacks[x].func === "function") { meta.callbacks[x].func(); // delete if it should not be kept. if (!meta.callbacks[x].keep) { delete meta.callbacks[x]; } } } }; exports.change_state = (function () { var prevent_next = false; var func = function (hash) { if (prevent_next) { prevent_next = false; return; } // if there are any arguments the state should be modified. if (hash.arguments.length > 0) { // if in #streams/new form. if (hash.arguments[0] === "new") { exports.new_stream_clicked(); components.toggle.lookup("stream-filter-toggle").goto("All streams"); } else if (hash.arguments[0] === "all") { components.toggle.lookup("stream-filter-toggle").goto("All streams"); } else if (hash.arguments[0] === "subscribed") { components.toggle.lookup("stream-filter-toggle").goto("Subscribed"); // if the first argument is a valid number. } else if (/\d+/.test(hash.arguments[0])) { var $stream_row = $(".stream-row[data-stream-id='" + hash.arguments[0] + "']"); var top = $[0].offsetTop; $(".streams-list").animate({ scrollTop: top }, 200); } } }; func.prevent_once = function () { prevent_next = true; }; return func; }()); exports.launch = function (hash) { meta.is_open = true; exports.setup_page(function () { $("#subscription_overlay").addClass("show"); exports.change_state(hash); }); }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "is_open", { get: function () { return meta.is_open; }, enumerable: false, }); exports.close = function () { hashchange.exit_modal(); meta.is_open = false; subs.remove_miscategorized_streams(); }; exports.switch_rows = function (event) { var active_data = get_active_data(); var switch_row; if (! || active_data.row.hasClass('notdisplayed')) { switch_row = $(''); } else if (event === 'up_arrow') { switch_row = active_data.row.prev(); } else if (event === 'down_arrow') { switch_row =; if ($('#search_stream_name').is(":focus")) { $('#search_stream_name').blur(); return; } } var row_data = get_row_data(switch_row); if (row_data && !switch_row.hasClass('notdisplayed')) { var switch_row_name =; var hash = ['#streams',, switch_row_name]; export_hash(hash); } else if (event === 'up_arrow' && !row_data) { $('#search_stream_name').focus(); } }; exports.keyboard_sub = function () { var active_data = get_active_data(); var row_data = get_row_data(active_data.row); if (row_data) { subs.sub_or_unsub(row_data.object); if (row_data.object.subscribed && === 'Subscribed') { active_data.row.addClass('notdisplayed'); active_data.row.removeClass('active'); } } }; exports.toggle_view = function (event) { var active_data = get_active_data(); var hash; if (event === 'right_arrow' && === 'Subscribed') { hash = ['#streams', 'all']; export_hash(hash); } else if (event === 'left_arrow' && === 'All streams') { hash = ['#streams', 'subscribed']; export_hash(hash); } }; exports.view_stream = function () { var active_data = get_active_data(); var row_data = get_row_data(active_data.row); if (row_data) { window.location.hash = '#narrow/stream/' +; } }; function ajaxSubscribe(stream) { // Subscribe yourself to a single stream. var true_stream_name; return{ url: "/json/users/me/subscriptions", data: {subscriptions: JSON.stringify([{name: stream}]) }, success: function (resp, statusText, xhr) { if (subs.is_open) { $("#create_stream_name").val(""); actually_filter_streams(); } var res = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); if (!$.isEmptyObject(res.already_subscribed)) { // Display the canonical stream capitalization. true_stream_name = res.already_subscribed[people.my_current_email()][0]; ui_report.success(i18n.t("Already subscribed to __stream__", {stream: true_stream_name}), $("#subscriptions-status"), 'subscriptions-status'); } // The rest of the work is done via the subscribe event we will get }, error: function (xhr) { ui_report.error(i18n.t("Error adding subscription"), xhr, $("#subscriptions-status"), 'subscriptions-status'); }, }); } function ajaxUnsubscribe(sub) { // TODO: use stream_id when backend supports it return channel.del({ url: "/json/users/me/subscriptions", data: {subscriptions: JSON.stringify([]) }, success: function () { $("#subscriptions-status").hide(); // The rest of the work is done via the unsubscribe event we will get }, error: function (xhr) { ui_report.error(i18n.t("Error removing subscription"), xhr, $("#subscriptions-status"), 'subscriptions-status'); }, }); } function ajaxSubscribeForCreation(stream, description, principals, invite_only, announce) { // Subscribe yourself and possible other people to a new stream. return{ url: "/json/users/me/subscriptions", data: {subscriptions: JSON.stringify([{name: stream, description: description}]), principals: JSON.stringify(principals), invite_only: JSON.stringify(invite_only), announce: JSON.stringify(announce), }, success: function () { $("#create_stream_name").val(""); $("#create_stream_description").val(""); $("#subscriptions-status").hide(); // The rest of the work is done via the subscribe event we will get }, error: function (xhr) { ui_report.error(i18n.t("Error creating stream"), xhr, $("#subscriptions-status"), 'subscriptions-status'); }, }); } // Within the new stream modal... function update_announce_stream_state() { // If the stream is invite only, or everyone's added, disable // the "Announce stream" option. Otherwise enable it. var announce_stream_checkbox = $('#announce-new-stream input'); var disable_it = false; var is_invite_only = $('input:radio[name=privacy]:checked').val() === 'invite-only'; if (is_invite_only) { disable_it = true; announce_stream_checkbox.prop('checked', false); } else { disable_it = $('#user-checkboxes input').length === $('#user-checkboxes input:checked').length; } announce_stream_checkbox.prop('disabled', disable_it); } function show_new_stream_modal() { $("#stream-creation").removeClass("hide"); $(".right .settings").hide(); $('#people_to_add').html(templates.render('new_stream_users', { users: people.get_rest_of_realm(), streams: stream_data.get_streams_for_settings_page(), })); // Make the options default to the same each time: // public, "announce stream" on. $('#make-invite-only input:radio[value=public]').prop('checked', true); $('#announce-new-stream input').prop('disabled', false); $('#announce-new-stream input').prop('checked', true); $("#stream_name_error").hide(); $("#stream-checkboxes label.checkbox").on('change', function (e) { var elem = $(this); var stream_id = elem.attr('data-stream-id'); var checked = elem.find('input').prop('checked'); var subscriber_ids = stream_data.get_sub_by_id(stream_id).subscribers; $('#user-checkboxes label.checkbox').each(function () { var user_elem = $(this); var user_id = user_elem.attr('data-user-id'); if (subscriber_ids.has(user_id)) { user_elem.find('input').prop('checked', checked); } }); update_announce_stream_state(); e.preventDefault(); }); } exports.invite_user_to_stream = function (user_email, sub, success, failure) { // TODO: use stream_id when backend supports it var stream_name =; return{ url: "/json/users/me/subscriptions", data: {subscriptions: JSON.stringify([{name: stream_name}]), principals: JSON.stringify([user_email])}, success: success, error: failure, }); }; exports.remove_user_from_stream = function (user_email, sub, success, failure) { // TODO: use stream_id when backend supports it var stream_name =; return channel.del({ url: "/json/users/me/subscriptions", data: {subscriptions: JSON.stringify([stream_name]), principals: JSON.stringify([user_email])}, success: success, error: failure, }); }; exports.change_stream_description = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var sub_settings = $('.subscription_settings'); var sub = get_sub_for_target(sub_settings); if (!sub) { blueslip.error('change_stream_description() fails'); return; } var stream_id = sub.stream_id; var description = sub_settings.find('.stream-description-editable').text().trim(); $('#subscriptions-status').hide(); channel.patch({ // Stream names might contain unsafe characters so we must encode it first. url: '/json/streams/' + stream_id, data: { description: JSON.stringify(description), }, success: function () { // The event from the server will update the rest of the UI ui_report.success(i18n.t("The stream description has been updated!"), $("#subscriptions-status"), 'subscriptions-status'); }, error: function (xhr) { ui_report.error(i18n.t("Error updating the stream description"), xhr, $("#subscriptions-status"), 'subscriptions-status'); }, }); }; exports.change_stream_name = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var sub_settings = $('.subscription_settings'); var stream_id = $(".subscription_settings").attr("data-stream-id"); var new_name_box = sub_settings.find('.stream-name-editable'); var new_name = $.trim(new_name_box.text()); $("#subscriptions-status").hide(); channel.patch({ // Stream names might contain unsafe characters so we must encode it first. url: "/json/streams/" + stream_id, data: {new_name: JSON.stringify(new_name)}, success: function () { new_name_box.val(''); ui_report.success(i18n.t("The stream has been renamed!"), $("#subscriptions-status "), 'subscriptions-status'); }, error: function (xhr) { ui_report.error(i18n.t("Error renaming stream"), xhr, $("#subscriptions-status"), 'subscriptions-status'); }, }); }; exports.sub_or_unsub = function (sub) { if (sub.subscribed) { ajaxUnsubscribe(sub); } else { ajaxSubscribe(; } }; exports.new_stream_clicked = function () { var stream = $.trim($("#search_stream_name").val()); if (!should_list_all_streams()) { // Realms that don't allow listing streams should simply be subscribed to. meta.stream_created = stream; ajaxSubscribe($("#search_stream_name").val()); return; } // this changes the tab switcher (settings/preview) which isn't necessary // to a add new stream title. $(".display-type #add_new_stream_title").show(); $(".display-type #stream_settings_title").hide(); $("").removeClass("active"); $("#stream_settings_title, .subscriptions-container .settings, .nothing-selected").hide(); $("#stream-creation, #add_new_stream_title").show(); if (stream !== '') { $('#create_stream_name').val(stream); } show_new_stream_modal(); // at less than 700px we have a @media query that when you tap the // #create_stream_button, the stream prompt slides in. However, when you // focus the button on that page, the entire app view jumps over to // the other tab, and the animation breaks. // it is unclear whether this is a browser bug or "feature", however what // is clear is that this shoudn't be touched unless you're also changing // the mobile @media query at 700px. if (window.innerWidth > 700) { $('#create_stream_name').focus(); } // change the hash to #streams/new to allow for linking and // easy discovery. window.location.hash = "#streams/new"; }; $(function () { stream_data.initialize_from_page_params(); stream_list.create_initial_sidebar_rows(); // We build the stream_list now. It may get re-built again very shortly // when new messages come in, but it's fairly quick. stream_list.build_stream_list(); var show_subs_pane = { nothing_selected: function () { $(".nothing-selected, #stream_settings_title").show(); $("#add_new_stream_title, .settings, #stream-creation").hide(); }, settings: function () { $(".settings, #stream_settings_title").show(); $("#add_new_stream_title, #stream-creation, .nothing-selected").hide(); }, }; $("#subscriptions_table").on("click", "#create_stream_button", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); exports.new_stream_clicked(); }); $('body').on('change', '#user-checkboxes input, #make-invite-only input', update_announce_stream_state); $(".subscriptions").on("click", "[data-dismiss]", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // we want to make sure that the click is not just a simulated // click; this fixes an issue where hitting "enter" would // trigger this code path due to bootstrap magic. if (e.clientY !== 0) { show_subs_pane.nothing_selected(); } }); // 'Check all' and 'Uncheck all' visible users $(document).on('click', '.subs_set_all_users', function (e) { $('#user-checkboxes .checkbox').each(function (idx, li) { if ( !== "none") { $(li.firstElementChild).prop('checked', true); } }); e.preventDefault(); update_announce_stream_state(); }); $(document).on('click', '.subs_unset_all_users', function (e) { $('#user-checkboxes .checkbox').each(function (idx, li) { if ( !== "none") { $(li.firstElementChild).prop('checked', false); } }); e.preventDefault(); update_announce_stream_state(); }); $(document).on('click', '#copy-from-stream-expand-collapse', function (e) { $('#stream-checkboxes').toggle(); $("#copy-from-stream-expand-collapse .toggle").toggleClass('icon-vector-caret-right icon-vector-caret-down'); e.preventDefault(); update_announce_stream_state(); }); // Search People or Streams $(document).on('input', '.add-user-list-filter', function (e) { var user_list = $(".add-user-list-filter"); if (user_list === 0) { return; } var search_term = user_list.expectOne().val().trim(); var search_terms = search_term.toLowerCase().split(","); (function filter_user_checkboxes() { var user_labels = $("#user-checkboxes label.add-user-label"); if (search_term === '') { user_labels.css({display: 'block'}); return; } var users = people.get_rest_of_realm(); var filtered_users = people.filter_people_by_search_terms(users, search_terms); // Be careful about modifying the follow code. A naive implementation // will work very poorly with a large user population (~1000 users). // // I tested using: `./ populate_db --extra-users 3500` // // This would break the previous implementation, whereas the new // implementation is merely sluggish. user_labels.each(function () { var elem = $(this); var user_id = elem.attr('data-user-id'); var user_checked = filtered_users.has(user_id); var display = user_checked ? "block" : "none"; elem.css({display: display}); }); }()); update_announce_stream_state(); e.preventDefault(); }); $("body").on("mouseover", "#announce-stream-docs", function (e) { var announce_stream_docs = $("#announce-stream-docs"); announce_stream_docs.popover({placement: "right", content: templates.render('announce_stream_docs'), trigger: "manual"}); announce_stream_docs.popover('show');'popover').tip().css('z-index', 2000); e.stopPropagation(); }); $("body").on("mouseout", "#announce-stream-docs", function (e) { $("#announce-stream-docs").popover('hide'); e.stopPropagation(); }); $(".subscriptions").on("focusout", "#create_stream_name", function () { var stream = $.trim($("#create_stream_name").val()); if (stream.length !== 0) { var stream_status = exports.check_stream_existence(stream); if (stream_status !== "does-not-exist") { $("#stream_name_error").text(i18n.t("A stream with this name already exists")); $("#stream_name_error").show(); } else { $("#stream_name_error").hide(); } } else { $("#stream_name_error").text(i18n.t("A stream needs to have a name")); $("#stream_name_error").show(); } }); $(".subscriptions").on("submit", "#stream_creation_form", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var stream = $.trim($("#create_stream_name").val()); var description = $.trim($("#create_stream_description").val()); if (!$("#stream_name_error").is(":visible")) { var principals = $("#stream_creation_form input:checkbox[name=user]:checked"), function (elem) { return $(elem).val(); } ); // You are always subscribed to streams you create. principals.push(people.my_current_email()); meta.stream_created = stream; ajaxSubscribeForCreation(stream, description, principals, $('#stream_creation_form input[name=privacy]:checked').val() === "invite-only", $('#announce-new-stream input').prop('checked') ); } }); $("body").on("mouseover", ".subscribed-button", function (e) { $("btn-danger").text(i18n.t("Unsubscribe")); }).on("mouseout", ".subscribed-button", function (e) { $("btn-danger").text(i18n.t("Subscribed")); }); $(".subscriptions").on("click", "#close-subscriptions-status", function () { $("#subscriptions-status").hide(); }); $("#subscriptions_table").on("click", ".email-address", function () { selectText(this); }); function setup_subscriptions_stream_hash(sub, stream_id) { exports.change_state.prevent_once(); window.location.hash = "#streams" + "/" + stream_id + "/" + hash_util.encodeHashComponent(; } function show_stream_row(node, show_settings) { $(".display-type #add_new_stream_title").hide(); $(".display-type #stream_settings_title, .right .settings").show(); $("").removeClass("active"); if (show_settings) { show_subs_pane.settings(); $(node).addClass("active"); exports.show_settings_for(get_stream_id(node)); } else { show_subs_pane.nothing_selected(); } } $("#subscriptions_table").on("click", ".sub_unsub_button", function (e) { var sub = get_sub_for_target(; var stream_row = $(this).parent(); var stream_id = stream_row.attr("data-stream-id"); exports.sub_or_unsub(sub); var sub_settings = settings_for_sub(sub); var regular_sub_settings = sub_settings.find(".regular_subscription_settings"); if (!sub.subscribed) { regular_sub_settings.addClass("in"); show_stream_row(stream_row, true); } else { regular_sub_settings.removeClass("in"); } setup_subscriptions_stream_hash(sub, stream_id); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); $("#zfilt").on("click", ".stream_sub_unsub_button", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var stream_name =; if (stream_name === undefined) { return; } var sub = stream_data.get_sub(stream_name); exports.sub_or_unsub(sub); }); $('.empty_feed_sub_unsub').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#subscription-status').hide(); var stream_name =; if (stream_name === undefined) { return; } var sub = stream_data.get_sub(stream_name); exports.sub_or_unsub(sub); $('.empty_feed_notice').hide(); $('#empty_narrow_message').show(); }); $("#subscriptions_table").on("click", ".stream-row, #create_stream_button", function () { $(".right").addClass("show"); $(".subscriptions-header").addClass("slide-left"); }); $("#subscriptions_table").on("click", ".icon-vector-chevron-left", function () { $(".right").removeClass("show"); $(".subscriptions-header").removeClass("slide-left"); }); $("#subscriptions_table").on("click", ".sub_setting_checkbox", function (e) { var control = $('.sub_setting_checkbox').find('.sub_setting_control'); // A hack. Don't change the state of the checkbox if we // clicked on the checkbox itself. if (control[0] !== { control.prop("checked", ! control.prop("checked")); } }); $("#subscriptions_table").on("click", "#sub_setting_not_in_home_view", stream_home_view_clicked); $("#subscriptions_table").on("click", "#sub_desktop_notifications_setting", stream_desktop_notifications_clicked); $("#subscriptions_table").on("click", "#sub_audible_notifications_setting", stream_audible_notifications_clicked); $("#subscriptions_table").on("click", "#sub_pin_setting", stream_pin_clicked); $("#subscriptions_table").on("submit", ".subscriber_list_add form", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var settings_row = $('.subscription_settings'); var sub = get_sub_for_target(settings_row); if (!sub) { blueslip.error('.subscriber_list_add form submit fails'); return; } var text_box = settings_row.find('input[name="principal"]'); var principal = $.trim(text_box.val()); // TODO: clean up this error handling var error_elem = settings_row.find('.subscriber_list_container .alert-error'); var warning_elem = settings_row.find('.subscriber_list_container .alert-warning'); function invite_success(data) { text_box.val(''); if (data.subscribed.hasOwnProperty(principal)) { error_elem.addClass("hide"); warning_elem.addClass("hide"); if (people.is_current_user(principal)) { // mark_subscribed adds the user to the member list // TODO: We should really let the event system // handle this, as mark_subscribed has // lots of side effects. stream_events.mark_subscribed(sub); } } else { error_elem.addClass("hide"); warning_elem.removeClass("hide").text(i18n.t("User already subscribed")); } } function invite_failure() { warning_elem.addClass("hide"); error_elem.removeClass("hide").text(i18n.t("Could not add user to this stream")); } exports.invite_user_to_stream(principal, sub, invite_success, invite_failure); }); $("#subscriptions_table").on("click", ".stream-row", function (e) { if ($(".check, .subscription_settings").length === 0) { show_stream_row(this, true); var stream_id = $(this).attr("data-stream-id"); var sub = stream_data.get_sub_by_id(stream_id); setup_subscriptions_stream_hash(sub, stream_id); } }); (function defocus_sub_settings() { var sel = ".search-container, .streams-list, .subscriptions-header"; $("#subscriptions_table").on("click", sel, function (e) { if ($( { show_stream_row(this, false); } }); }()); $("#subscriptions_table").on("submit", ".subscriber_list_remove form", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var list_entry = $("tr"); var principal = list_entry.children(".subscriber-email").text(); var settings_row = $('.subscription_settings'); var sub = get_sub_for_target(settings_row); if (!sub) { blueslip.error('.subscriber_list_remove form submit fails'); return; } var error_elem = settings_row.find('.subscriber_list_container .alert-error'); var warning_elem = settings_row.find('.subscriber_list_container .alert-warning'); function removal_success(data) { if (data.removed.length > 0) { error_elem.addClass("hide"); warning_elem.addClass("hide"); // Remove the user from the subscriber list. list_entry.remove(); if (people.is_current_user(principal)) { // If you're unsubscribing yourself, mark whole // stream entry as you being unsubscribed. // TODO: We should really let the event system // handle this, as mark_unsubscribed has // lots of side effects. stream_events.mark_unsubscribed(sub); } } else { error_elem.addClass("hide"); warning_elem.removeClass("hide").text(i18n.t("User is already not subscribed")); } } function removal_failure() { warning_elem.addClass("hide"); error_elem.removeClass("hide").text(i18n.t("Error removing user from this stream")); } exports.remove_user_from_stream(principal, sub, removal_success, removal_failure); }); $("#subscriptions_table").on("click", ".change-stream-privacy", function (e) { var stream_id = get_stream_id(; var stream = stream_data.get_sub_by_id(stream_id); var template_data = { is_private: stream.can_make_public, stream_id: stream_id, }; var change_privacy_modal = templates.render("subscription_stream_privacy_modal", template_data); $("#subscriptions_table").append(change_privacy_modal); $("#change-stream-privacy-button").click(function (e) { change_stream_privacy(e); }); }); $("#subscriptions_table").on("click", ".close-privacy-modal", function () { $("#stream_privacy_modal").remove(); }); $("#subscriptions_table").on("hide", ".subscription_settings", function (e) { var sub_arrow = $('.stream-row').find('.sub_arrow i'); sub_arrow.removeClass('icon-vector-chevron-up'); sub_arrow.addClass('icon-vector-chevron-down'); }); $(document).on('peer_subscribe.zulip', function (e, data) { var sub = stream_data.get_sub(data.stream_name); exports.rerender_subscribers_count(sub); var sub_row = settings_for_sub(sub); prepend_subscriber(sub_row, data.user_email); }); $(document).on('peer_unsubscribe.zulip', function (e, data) { var sub = stream_data.get_sub(data.stream_name); exports.rerender_subscribers_count(sub); var sub_row = settings_for_sub(sub); var tr = sub_row.find("tr[data-subscriber-email='" + data.user_email + "']"); tr.remove(); }); }); function focus_on_narrowed_stream() { var stream_name =; if (stream_name === undefined) { return; } var sub = stream_data.get_sub(stream_name); if (sub === undefined) { // This stream doesn't exist, so prep for creating it. $("#create_stream_name").val(stream_name); } } exports.show_and_focus_on_narrow = function () { $(document).one('subs_page_loaded.zulip', focus_on_narrowed_stream); ui_util.change_tab_to("#streams"); }; // *Synchronously* check if a stream exists. // This is deprecated and we hope to remove it. exports.check_stream_existence = function (stream_name, autosubscribe) { var result = "error"; var request = {stream: stream_name}; if (autosubscribe) { request.autosubscribe = true; }{ url: "/json/subscriptions/exists", data: request, async: false, success: function (data) { if (data.subscribed) { result = "subscribed"; } else { result = "not-subscribed"; } }, error: function (xhr) { if (xhr.status === 404) { result = "does-not-exist"; } else { result = "error"; } }, }); return result; }; return exports; }()); if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = subs; }