#!/usr/bin/env bash # This test installs a Zulip production environment (from the release # tarball from production-build). set -e set -x usage() { cat <<'EOF' Usage: production-install production-install --test-custom-db production-install --help Options: --test-custom-db This will instruct the install test to be run with a custom database name and user. EOF } # Shell option parsing. args="$(getopt -o '' --long help,test-custom-db -n "$0" -- "$@")" eval "set -- $args" while true; do case "$1" in --help) usage exit 0 ;; --test-custom-db) TEST_CUSTOM_DB=1 shift ;; --) shift break ;; esac done ZULIP_PATH=/root/zulip-latest mkdir -p "$ZULIP_PATH" tar -xf /tmp/zulip-server-test.tar.gz -C "$ZULIP_PATH" --strip-components=1 # Do an apt upgrade to start with an up-to-date machine APT_OPTIONS=(-o 'Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef' -o 'Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold') apt-get update if ! apt-get dist-upgrade -y "${APT_OPTIONS[@]}"; then echo "\`apt-get dist-upgrade\`: Failure occurred while trying to perform distribution upgrade, Retrying..." apt-get dist-upgrade -y "${APT_OPTIONS[@]}" fi os_info="$( . /etc/os-release printf '%s\n' "$ID" "$VERSION_ID" )" { read -r os_id read -r os_version_id } <<<"$os_info" # Pin PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 22.04, so we can test upgrading it if [ "$os_id $os_version_id" = 'ubuntu 22.04' ]; then export POSTGRESQL_VERSION=14 fi # Install if [ -z "$TEST_CUSTOM_DB" ]; then echo "Testing production install with default database name and user." "$ZULIP_PATH"/scripts/setup/install --self-signed-cert --hostname --email ci@example.com else echo "Testing production install with custom database name and user." "$ZULIP_PATH"/scripts/setup/install --self-signed-cert --hostname --email ci@example.com --postgresql-database-user zulipcustomuser --postgresql-database-name zulipcustomdb fi if [ -n "${POSTGRESQL_VERSION:-}" ]; then if [ "$(crudini --get /etc/zulip/zulip.conf postgresql version)" != "$POSTGRESQL_VERSION" ]; then echo "Installer did not install the PostgreSQL $POSTGRESQL_VERSION that we asked for!" exit 1 fi if ! su - zulip -c "psql -tc 'select version()'" | grep -q "^ PostgreSQL $POSTGRESQL_VERSION\."; then echo "Installed PostgreSQL is not actually PostgreSQL $POSTGRESQL_VERSION!" exit 1 fi fi echo "Production installation complete!" exit 0