{{#if development}} {{#tr}} Zulip lets you configure notifications for each topic. You can also automatically follow or unmute topics you start or participate in. {{/tr}} {{else}} {{#tr}} Zulip lets you mute topics and streams to avoid receiving notifications messages you are not interested in. Muting a stream effectively mutes all topics in that stream. You can also manually mute a topic in an unmuted stream, or unmute a topic in a muted stream. Learn more. {{#*inline "z-link"}}{{> @partial-block}}{{/inline}} {{/tr}} {{/if}}

{{#if development}}

{{t "Topic settings"}} {{> ../help_link_widget link="/help/mute-a-topic" }}


{{t "Topic settings"}}

{{/if}} {{> settings_save_discard_widget section_name="user-topics-settings" show_only_indicator=true }}
{{t "Stream" }} {{t "Topic" }} {{t "Status" }} {{t "Date updated" }}