from django.db import connection from django.template import RequestContext, loader from django.utils.html import mark_safe from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django.core import urlresolvers from django.http import HttpResponseNotFound from zerver.decorator import has_request_variables, REQ, zulip_internal from zerver.models import get_realm, UserActivity, UserActivityInterval, Realm from zerver.lib.timestamp import timestamp_to_datetime from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime, timedelta import itertools import time import re import pytz eastern_tz = pytz.timezone('US/Eastern') def make_table(title, cols, rows, has_row_class=False): if not has_row_class: def fix_row(row): return dict(cells=row, row_class=None) rows = map(fix_row, rows) data = dict(title=title, cols=cols, rows=rows) content = loader.render_to_string( 'analytics/ad_hoc_query.html', dict(data=data) ) return content def dictfetchall(cursor): "Returns all rows from a cursor as a dict" desc = cursor.description return [ dict(zip([col[0] for col in desc], row)) for row in cursor.fetchall() ] def get_realm_day_counts(): query = ''' select r.domain, (now()::date - pub_date::date) age, count(*) cnt from zerver_message m join zerver_userprofile up on = m.sender_id join zerver_realm r on = up.realm_id join zerver_client c on = m.sending_client_id where (not up.is_bot) and pub_date > now()::date - interval '8 day' and not in ('zephyr_mirror', 'ZulipMonitoring') group by r.domain, age order by r.domain, age ''' cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(query) rows = dictfetchall(cursor) cursor.close() counts = defaultdict(dict) for row in rows: counts[row['domain']][row['age']] = row['cnt'] result = {} for domain in counts: cnts = [counts[domain].get(age, 0) for age in range(8)] min_cnt = min(cnts) max_cnt = max(cnts) def format_count(cnt): if cnt == min_cnt: good_bad = 'bad' elif cnt == max_cnt: good_bad = 'good' else: good_bad = 'neutral' return '
' + output + '') return content, realm_minutes def sent_messages_report(realm): title = 'Recently sent messages for ' + realm cols = [ 'Date', 'Humans', 'Bots' ] query = ''' select, humans.cnt, bots.cnt from ( select generate_series( (now()::date - interval '2 week'), now()::date, interval '1 day' ) as day ) as series left join ( select pub_date::date pub_date, count(*) cnt from zerver_message m join zerver_userprofile up on = m.sender_id join zerver_realm r on = up.realm_id where r.domain = %s and (not up.is_bot) and pub_date > now() - interval '2 week' group by pub_date::date order by pub_date::date ) humans on = humans.pub_date left join ( select pub_date::date pub_date, count(*) cnt from zerver_message m join zerver_userprofile up on = m.sender_id join zerver_realm r on = up.realm_id where r.domain = %s and up.is_bot and pub_date > now() - interval '2 week' group by pub_date::date order by pub_date::date ) bots on = bots.pub_date ''' cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(query, [realm, realm]) rows = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return make_table(title, cols, rows) def ad_hoc_queries(): def get_page(query, cols, title): cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(query) rows = cursor.fetchall() rows = map(list, rows) cursor.close() def fix_rows(i, fixup_func): for row in rows: row[i] = fixup_func(row[i]) for i, col in enumerate(cols): if col == 'Domain': fix_rows(i, realm_activity_link) elif col in ['Last time', 'Last visit']: fix_rows(i, format_date_for_activity_reports) content = make_table(title, cols, rows) return dict( content=content, title=title ) pages = [] ### for mobile_type in ['Android', 'ZulipiOS']: title = '%s usage' % (mobile_type,) query = ''' select realm.domain, user_id,, sum(count) as hits, max(last_visit) as last_time from zerver_useractivity ua join zerver_client client on = ua.client_id join zerver_userprofile up on = ua.user_profile_id join zerver_realm realm on = up.realm_id where like '%s' group by domain,, having max(last_visit) > now() - interval '2 week' order by domain,, ''' % (mobile_type,) cols = [ 'Domain', 'User id', 'Name', 'Hits', 'Last time' ] pages.append(get_page(query, cols, title)) ### title = 'Desktop users' query = ''' select realm.domain,, sum(count) as hits, max(last_visit) as last_time from zerver_useractivity ua join zerver_client client on = ua.client_id join zerver_userprofile up on = ua.user_profile_id join zerver_realm realm on = up.realm_id where like 'desktop%%' group by domain, having max(last_visit) > now() - interval '2 week' order by domain, ''' cols = [ 'Domain', 'Client', 'Hits', 'Last time' ] pages.append(get_page(query, cols, title)) ### title = 'Integrations by domain' query = ''' select realm.domain, case when query like '%%external%%' then split_part(query, '/', 5) else end client_name, sum(count) as hits, max(last_visit) as last_time from zerver_useractivity ua join zerver_client client on = ua.client_id join zerver_userprofile up on = ua.user_profile_id join zerver_realm realm on = up.realm_id where (query in ('send_message_backend', '/api/v1/send_message') and not in ('Android', 'ZulipiOS') and not like 'test: Zulip%%' ) or query like '%%external%%' group by domain, client_name having max(last_visit) > now() - interval '2 week' order by domain, client_name ''' cols = [ 'Domain', 'Client', 'Hits', 'Last time' ] pages.append(get_page(query, cols, title)) ### title = 'Integrations by client' query = ''' select case when query like '%%external%%' then split_part(query, '/', 5) else end client_name, realm.domain, sum(count) as hits, max(last_visit) as last_time from zerver_useractivity ua join zerver_client client on = ua.client_id join zerver_userprofile up on = ua.user_profile_id join zerver_realm realm on = up.realm_id where (query in ('send_message_backend', '/api/v1/send_message') and not in ('Android', 'ZulipiOS') and not like 'test: Zulip%%' ) or query like '%%external%%' group by client_name, domain having max(last_visit) > now() - interval '2 week' order by client_name, domain ''' cols = [ 'Client', 'Domain', 'Hits', 'Last time' ] pages.append(get_page(query, cols, title)) return pages @zulip_internal @has_request_variables def get_activity(request): duration_content, realm_minutes = user_activity_intervals() counts_content = realm_summary_table(realm_minutes) data = [ ('Counts', counts_content), ('Durations', duration_content), ] for page in ad_hoc_queries(): data.append((page['title'], page['content'])) title = 'Activity' return render_to_response( 'analytics/activity.html', dict(data=data, title=title, is_home=True), context_instance=RequestContext(request) ) def get_user_activity_records_for_realm(realm, is_bot): fields = [ 'user_profile__full_name', 'user_profile__email', 'query', 'client__name', 'count', 'last_visit', ] records = UserActivity.objects.filter( user_profile__realm__domain=realm, user_profile__is_active=True, user_profile__is_bot=is_bot ) records = records.order_by("user_profile__email", "-last_visit") records = records.select_related('user_profile', 'client').only(*fields) return records def get_user_activity_records_for_email(email): fields = [ 'user_profile__full_name', 'query', 'client__name', 'count', 'last_visit' ] records = UserActivity.objects.filter( user_profile__email=email ) records = records.order_by("-last_visit") records = records.select_related('user_profile', 'client').only(*fields) return records def raw_user_activity_table(records): cols = [ 'query', 'client', 'count', 'last_visit' ] def row(record): return [ record.query,, record.count, format_date_for_activity_reports(record.last_visit) ] rows = map(row, records) title = 'Raw Data' return make_table(title, cols, rows) def get_user_activity_summary(records): summary = {} def update(action, record): if action not in summary: summary[action] = dict( count=record.count, last_visit=record.last_visit ) else: summary[action]['count'] += record.count summary[action]['last_visit'] = max( summary[action]['last_visit'], record.last_visit ) if records: summary['name'] = records[0].user_profile.full_name for record in records: client = query = record.query update('use', record) if client == 'API': m = re.match('/api/.*/external/(.*)', query) if m: client = update(client, record) if client.startswith('desktop'): update('desktop', record) if client == 'website': update('website', record) if ('send_message' in query) or'/api/.*/external/.*', query): update('send', record) if query in ['/json/update_pointer', '/api/v1/update_pointer']: update('pointer', record) update(client, record) return summary def format_date_for_activity_reports(date): if date: return date.astimezone(eastern_tz).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') else: return '' def user_activity_link(email): url_name = 'analytics.views.get_user_activity' url = urlresolvers.reverse(url_name, kwargs=dict(email=email)) email_link = '%s' % (url, email) return mark_safe(email_link) def realm_activity_link(realm): url_name = 'analytics.views.get_realm_activity' url = urlresolvers.reverse(url_name, kwargs=dict(realm=realm)) realm_link = '%s' % (url, realm) return mark_safe(realm_link) def realm_client_table(user_summaries): exclude_keys = [ 'internal', 'name', 'use', 'send', 'pointer', 'website', 'desktop', ] rows = [] for email, user_summary in user_summaries.items(): email_link = user_activity_link(email) name = user_summary['name'] for k, v in user_summary.items(): if k in exclude_keys: continue client = k count = v['count'] last_visit = v['last_visit'] row = [ format_date_for_activity_reports(last_visit), client, name, email_link, count, ] rows.append(row) rows = sorted(rows, key=lambda r: r[0], reverse=True) cols = [ 'Last visit', 'Client', 'Name', 'Email', 'Count', ] title = 'Clients' return make_table(title, cols, rows) def user_activity_summary_table(user_summary): rows = [] for k, v in user_summary.items(): if k == 'name': continue client = k count = v['count'] last_visit = v['last_visit'] row = [ format_date_for_activity_reports(last_visit), client, count, ] rows.append(row) rows = sorted(rows, key=lambda r: r[0], reverse=True) cols = [ 'last_visit', 'client', 'count', ] title = 'User Activity' return make_table(title, cols, rows) def realm_user_summary_table(all_records, admin_emails): user_records = {} def by_email(record): return for email, records in itertools.groupby(all_records, by_email): user_records[email] = get_user_activity_summary(list(records)) def get_last_visit(user_summary, k): if k in user_summary: return user_summary[k]['last_visit'] else: return None def get_count(user_summary, k): if k in user_summary: return user_summary[k]['count'] else: return '' def is_recent(val): age = - val return age.total_seconds() < 5 * 60 rows = [] for email, user_summary in user_records.items(): email_link = user_activity_link(email) sent_count = get_count(user_summary, 'send') cells = [user_summary['name'], email_link, sent_count] row_class = '' for field in ['use', 'send', 'pointer', 'desktop', 'ZulipiOS', 'Android']: val = get_last_visit(user_summary, field) if field == 'use': if val and is_recent(val): row_class += ' recently_active' if email in admin_emails: row_class += ' admin' val = format_date_for_activity_reports(val) cells.append(val) row = dict(cells=cells, row_class=row_class) rows.append(row) def by_used_time(row): return row['cells'][3] rows = sorted(rows, key=by_used_time, reverse=True) cols = [ 'Name', 'Email', 'Total sent', 'Heard from', 'Message sent', 'Pointer motion', 'Desktop', 'ZulipiOS', 'Android' ] title = 'Summary' content = make_table(title, cols, rows, has_row_class=True) return user_records, content @zulip_internal def get_realm_activity(request, realm): data = [] all_records = {} all_user_records = {} try: admins = Realm.objects.get(domain=realm).get_admin_users() except Realm.DoesNotExist: return HttpResponseNotFound("Realm %s does not exist" % (realm,)) admin_emails = { for admin in admins} for is_bot, page_title in [(False, 'Humans'), (True, 'Bots')]: all_records = get_user_activity_records_for_realm(realm, is_bot) all_records = list(all_records) user_records, content = realm_user_summary_table(all_records, admin_emails) all_user_records.update(user_records) data += [(page_title, content)] page_title = 'Clients' content = realm_client_table(all_user_records) data += [(page_title, content)] page_title = 'History' content = sent_messages_report(realm) data += [(page_title, content)] fix_name = lambda realm: realm.replace('.', '_') realm_link = '' realm_link += '&' % (fix_name(realm),) title = realm return render_to_response( 'analytics/activity.html', dict(data=data, realm_link=realm_link, title=title), context_instance=RequestContext(request) ) @zulip_internal def get_user_activity(request, email): records = get_user_activity_records_for_email(email) data = [] user_summary = get_user_activity_summary(records) content = user_activity_summary_table(user_summary) data += [('Summary', content)] content = raw_user_activity_table(records) data += [('Info', content)] title = email return render_to_response( 'analytics/activity.html', dict(data=data, title=title), context_instance=RequestContext(request) )