import $ from "jquery"; import render_widgets_todo_widget from "../templates/widgets/todo_widget.hbs"; import render_widgets_todo_widget_tasks from "../templates/widgets/todo_widget_tasks.hbs"; export class TaskData { task_map = new Map(); get_new_index() { let idx = 0; for (const item of this.task_map.values()) { idx = Math.max(idx, item.idx); } return idx + 1; } get_widget_data() { const all_tasks = Array.from(this.task_map.values()); all_tasks.sort((a, b) => a.task.localeCompare(b.task)); const pending_tasks = []; const completed_tasks = []; for (const item of all_tasks) { if (item.completed) { completed_tasks.push(item); } else { pending_tasks.push(item); } } const widget_data = { pending_tasks, completed_tasks, }; return widget_data; } name_in_use(name) { for (const item of this.task_map.values()) { if (item.task === name) { return true; } } return false; } handle = { new_task: { outbound: (task, desc) => { const event = { type: "new_task", key: this.get_new_index(), task, desc, completed: false, }; if (!this.name_in_use(task)) { return event; } return undefined; }, inbound: (sender_id, data) => { // for legacy reasons, the inbound idx is // called key in the event const idx = data.key; const key = idx + "," + sender_id; const task = data.task; const desc = data.desc; const completed = data.completed; const task_data = { task, desc, idx, key, completed, }; if (!this.name_in_use(task)) { this.task_map.set(key, task_data); } }, }, strike: { outbound: (key) => { const event = { type: "strike", key, }; return event; }, inbound: (sender_id, data) => { const key = data.key; const item = this.task_map.get(key); if (item === undefined) { blueslip.warn("Do we have legacy data? unknown key for tasks: " + key); return; } item.completed = !item.completed; }, }, }; handle_event(sender_id, data) { const type = data.type; if (this.handle[type]) { this.handle[type].inbound(sender_id, data); } } } export function activate(opts) { const elem = opts.elem; const callback = opts.callback; const task_data = new TaskData(); function render() { const html = render_widgets_todo_widget(); elem.html(html); elem.find("button.add-task").on("click", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); elem.find(".widget-error").text(""); const task = elem.find("input.add-task").val().trim(); const desc = elem.find("input.add-desc").val().trim(); if (task === "") { return; } elem.find(".add-task").val("").trigger("focus"); elem.find(".add-desc").val("").trigger("focus"); const task_exists = task_data.name_in_use(task); if (task_exists) { elem.find(".widget-error").text(i18n.t("Task already exists")); return; } const data = task_data.handle.new_task.outbound(task, desc); callback(data); }); } function render_results() { const widget_data = task_data.get_widget_data(); const html = render_widgets_todo_widget_tasks(widget_data); elem.find("ul.todo-widget").html(html); elem.find(".widget-error").text(""); elem.find("button.task").on("click", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); const key = $("data-key"); const data = task_data.handle.strike.outbound(key); callback(data); }); } elem.handle_events = function (events) { for (const event of events) { task_data.handle_event(event.sender_id,; } render_results(); }; render(); render_results(); }