class kandra::profile::postgresql inherits kandra::profile::base { include zulip::profile::postgresql include kandra::teleport::db include kandra::prometheus::postgresql package { ['xfsprogs', 'nvme-cli']: ensure => installed } kandra::firewall_allow{ 'postgresql': } zulip::sysctl { 'postgresql-swappiness': key => 'vm.swappiness', value => '0', } zulip::sysctl { 'postgresql-overcommit': key => 'vm.overcommit_memory', value => '2', } file { '/root/': ensure => file, owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0744', source => 'puppet:///modules/kandra/postgresql/', } exec { 'setup_disks': command => '/root/', # We need to not have started installing the non-AWS kernel, so # the xfs module gets installed for the running kernel, and we can # mount it. before => Package['linux-image-virtual'], require => Package["postgresql-${zulip::postgresql_common::version}", 'xfsprogs', 'nvme-cli'], unless => 'test /var/lib/postgresql/ -ef /srv/data/postgresql/', } # This is the second stage, after secrets are configured $replication_primary = zulipconf('postgresql', 'replication_primary', undef) $replication_user = zulipconf('postgresql', 'replication_user', undef) if $replication_primary != undef and $replication_user != undef { file { '/root/': ensure => file, owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0744', source => 'puppet:///modules/kandra/postgresql/', } exec { 'setup_data': command => '/root/', require => [File['/usr/local/bin/env-wal-g'], Exec['setup_disks']], unless => "test -d /srv/data/postgresql/${zulip::postgresql_common::version}/main", timeout => 0, before => File["${zulip::postgresql_base::postgresql_datadir}/standby.signal"], notify => Exec[$zulip::postgresql_base::postgresql_restart], } } file { "${zulip::postgresql_base::postgresql_confdir}/pg_hba.conf": ensure => file, require => Package["postgresql-${zulip::postgresql_common::version}"], notify => Exec[$zulip::postgresql_base::postgresql_restart], owner => 'postgres', group => 'postgres', mode => '0640', source => 'puppet:///modules/kandra/postgresql/pg_hba.conf', } }