Run your favorite chatbot in Zulip! 0. [Install errbot]( and follow to instructions to setup a ``. 0. Check our our [Errbot integration package for Zulip]( Clone this repository somewhere convenient. 0. Install the requirements listed in `errbot-backend-zulip/requirements.txt`. 0. Next, on your {{ settings_html|safe }}, [create a bot](/help/add-a-bot-or-integration) for {{ integration_display_name }}. Make sure that you select **Generic bot** as the **Bot type**. 0. Download your Zulip bot's `zuliprc` config file. You will need its content for the next step. 0. Edit your ErrBot's ``. Use the following template for a minimal configuration: import logging BACKEND = 'Zulip' BOT_EXTRA_BACKEND_DIR = r'' BOT_DATA_DIR = r'' BOT_EXTRA_PLUGIN_DIR = r'' BOT_LOG_FILE = r'' BOT_LOG_LEVEL = logging.INFO BOT_IDENTITY = { # Fill this with the corresponding values in your bot's `.zuliprc` 'email': '', 'key': '', 'site': '' } BOT_ADMINS = ('`. 7. [Start ErrBot]( {!!} ![](/static/images/integrations/errbot/000.png) ### Tips * Rooms in ErrBot are streams in Zulip.