from datetime import timedelta from typing import Any from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser from django.db.models import Exists, OuterRef, QuerySet from django.utils.timezone import now as timezone_now from django.utils.translation import gettext as _ from zerver.lib.exceptions import JsonableError, RateLimitedError from zerver.lib.upload import delete_message_attachment from zerver.models import ( ArchivedAttachment, Attachment, Message, Realm, Recipient, Stream, Subscription, UserMessage, UserProfile, ) def user_attachments(user_profile: UserProfile) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: attachments = Attachment.objects.filter(owner=user_profile).prefetch_related("messages") return [a.to_dict() for a in attachments] def access_attachment_by_id( user_profile: UserProfile, attachment_id: int, needs_owner: bool = False ) -> Attachment: query = Attachment.objects.filter(id=attachment_id) if needs_owner: query = query.filter(owner=user_profile) attachment = query.first() if attachment is None: raise JsonableError(_("Invalid attachment")) return attachment def remove_attachment(user_profile: UserProfile, attachment: Attachment) -> None: try: delete_message_attachment(attachment.path_id) except Exception: raise JsonableError( _("An error occurred while deleting the attachment. Please try again later.") ) attachment.delete() def validate_attachment_request_for_spectator_access( realm: Realm, attachment: Attachment ) -> bool | None: if attachment.realm != realm: return False # Update cached is_web_public property, if necessary. if attachment.is_web_public is None: # Fill the cache in a single query. This is important to avoid # a potential race condition between checking and setting, # where the attachment could have been moved again. Attachment.objects.filter(, is_web_public__isnull=True).update( is_web_public=Exists( Message.objects.filter( # Uses index: zerver_attachment_messages_attachment_id_message_id_key, attachment=OuterRef("id"), recipient__stream__invite_only=False, recipient__stream__is_web_public=True, ), ), ) attachment.refresh_from_db() if not attachment.is_web_public: return False if settings.RATE_LIMITING: try: from zerver.lib.rate_limiter import rate_limit_spectator_attachment_access_by_file rate_limit_spectator_attachment_access_by_file(attachment.path_id) except RateLimitedError: return False return True def validate_attachment_request( maybe_user_profile: UserProfile | AnonymousUser, path_id: str, realm: Realm | None = None, ) -> bool | None: try: attachment = Attachment.objects.get(path_id=path_id) except Attachment.DoesNotExist: return None if isinstance(maybe_user_profile, AnonymousUser): assert realm is not None return validate_attachment_request_for_spectator_access(realm, attachment) user_profile = maybe_user_profile assert isinstance(user_profile, UserProfile) # Update cached is_realm_public property, if necessary. if attachment.is_realm_public is None: # Fill the cache in a single query. This is important to avoid # a potential race condition between checking and setting, # where the attachment could have been moved again. Attachment.objects.filter(, is_realm_public__isnull=True).update( is_realm_public=Exists( Message.objects.filter( # Uses index: zerver_attachment_messages_attachment_id_message_id_key realm_id=user_profile.realm_id, attachment=OuterRef("id"), recipient__stream__invite_only=False, ), ), ) attachment.refresh_from_db() if user_profile == attachment.owner: # If you own the file, you can access it. return True if ( attachment.is_realm_public and attachment.realm == user_profile.realm and user_profile.can_access_public_streams() ): # Any user in the realm can access realm-public files return True messages = attachment.messages.all() if UserMessage.objects.filter(user_profile=user_profile, message__in=messages).exists(): # If it was sent in a direct message or private stream # message, then anyone who received that message can access it. return True # The user didn't receive any of the messages that included this # attachment. But they might still have access to it, if it was # sent to a stream they are on where history is public to # subscribers. # These are subscriptions to a stream one of the messages was sent to relevant_stream_ids = Subscription.objects.filter( user_profile=user_profile, active=True, recipient__type=Recipient.STREAM, recipient__in=[m.recipient_id for m in messages], ).values_list("recipient__type_id", flat=True) if len(relevant_stream_ids) == 0: return False return Stream.objects.filter( id__in=relevant_stream_ids, history_public_to_subscribers=True ).exists() def get_old_unclaimed_attachments( weeks_ago: int, ) -> tuple[QuerySet[Attachment], QuerySet[ArchivedAttachment]]: """ The logic in this function is fairly tricky. The essence is that a file should be cleaned up if and only if it not referenced by any Message, ScheduledMessage or ArchivedMessage. The way to find that out is through the Attachment and ArchivedAttachment tables. The queries are complicated by the fact that an uploaded file may have either only an Attachment row, only an ArchivedAttachment row, or both - depending on whether some, all or none of the messages linking to it have been archived. """ delta_weeks_ago = timezone_now() - timedelta(weeks=weeks_ago) # The Attachment vs ArchivedAttachment queries are asymmetric because only # Attachment has the scheduled_messages relation. old_attachments = Attachment.objects.alias( has_other_messages=Exists( ArchivedAttachment.objects.filter(id=OuterRef("id")).exclude(messages=None) ) ).filter( messages=None, scheduled_messages=None, create_time__lt=delta_weeks_ago, has_other_messages=False, ) old_archived_attachments = ArchivedAttachment.objects.alias( has_other_messages=Exists( Attachment.objects.filter(id=OuterRef("id")).exclude( messages=None, scheduled_messages=None ) ) ).filter(messages=None, create_time__lt=delta_weeks_ago, has_other_messages=False) return old_attachments, old_archived_attachments