var stream_data = (function () { var exports = {}; // The stream_info variable maps stream names to stream properties objects // Call clear_subscriptions() to initialize it. var stream_info; var subs_by_stream_id; var stream_ids_by_name = new Dict({fold_case: true}); exports.clear_subscriptions = function () { stream_info = new Dict({fold_case: true}); subs_by_stream_id = new Dict(); }; exports.clear_subscriptions(); exports.is_active = function (sub) { return topic_data.stream_has_topics(sub.stream_id) || sub.newly_subscribed; }; exports.rename_sub = function (sub, new_name) { var old_name =; stream_ids_by_name.set(old_name, sub.stream_id); = new_name; stream_info.del(old_name); stream_info.set(new_name, sub); }; exports.subscribe_myself = function (sub) { var user_id = people.my_current_user_id(); exports.add_subscriber(, user_id); sub.subscribed = true; sub.newly_subscribed = true; }; exports.unsubscribe_myself = function (sub) { // Remove user from subscriber's list var user_id = people.my_current_user_id(); exports.remove_subscriber(, user_id); sub.subscribed = false; sub.newly_subscribed = false; }; exports.add_sub = function (stream_name, sub) { if (!_.has(sub, 'subscribers')) { sub.subscribers = Dict.from_array([]); } stream_info.set(stream_name, sub); subs_by_stream_id.set(sub.stream_id, sub); }; exports.get_sub = function (stream_name) { return stream_info.get(stream_name); }; exports.get_sub_by_id = function (stream_id) { return subs_by_stream_id.get(stream_id); }; exports.get_stream_id = function (name) { // Note: Only use this function for situations where // you are comfortable with a user dealing with an // old name of a stream (from prior to a rename). var sub = stream_info.get(name); if (sub) { return sub.stream_id; } var stream_id = stream_ids_by_name.get(name); return stream_id; }; exports.get_sub_by_name = function (name) { // Note: Only use this function for situations where // you are comfortable with a user dealing with an // old name of a stream (from prior to a rename). var sub = stream_info.get(name); if (sub) { return sub; } var stream_id = stream_ids_by_name.get(name); if (!stream_id) { return; } return subs_by_stream_id.get(stream_id); }; exports.delete_sub = function (stream_id) { var sub = subs_by_stream_id.get(stream_id); if (!sub) { blueslip.warn('Failed to delete stream ' + stream_id); return; } subs_by_stream_id.del(stream_id); stream_info.del(; }; exports.get_non_default_stream_names = function () { var subs = stream_info.values(); subs = _.reject(subs, function (sub) { return exports.is_default_stream_id(sub.stream_id); }); subs = _.reject(subs, function (sub) { return sub.invite_only; }); var names = _.pluck(subs, 'name'); return names; }; exports.subscribed_subs = function () { return _.where(stream_info.values(), {subscribed: true}); }; exports.unsubscribed_subs = function () { return _.where(stream_info.values(), {subscribed: false}); }; exports.subscribed_streams = function () { return _.pluck(exports.subscribed_subs(), 'name'); }; exports.invite_streams = function () { var invite_list = exports.subscribed_streams(); var default_list = _.pluck(page_params.realm_default_streams, 'name'); return _.union(invite_list, default_list); }; exports.get_colors = function () { return _.pluck(exports.subscribed_subs(), 'color'); }; exports.update_subscribers_count = function (sub) { var count = sub.subscribers.num_items(); sub.subscriber_count = count; }; exports.get_subscriber_count = function (stream_name) { var sub = exports.get_sub_by_name(stream_name); if (sub === undefined) { blueslip.warn('We got a get_subscriber_count count call for a non-existent stream.'); return; } if (!sub.subscribers) { return 0; } return sub.subscribers.num_items(); }; exports.render_stream_description = function (sub) { if (sub.description) { sub.rendered_description = marked(sub.description).replace('

', '').replace('

', ''); } }; exports.update_calculated_fields = function (sub) { sub.is_admin = page_params.is_admin; sub.can_make_public = page_params.is_admin && sub.invite_only && sub.subscribed; sub.can_make_private = page_params.is_admin && !sub.invite_only; sub.preview_url = narrow.by_stream_uri(; exports.render_stream_description(sub); exports.update_subscribers_count(sub); }; exports.all_subscribed_streams_are_in_home_view = function () { return _.every(exports.subscribed_subs(), function (sub) { return sub.in_home_view; }); }; exports.home_view_stream_names = function () { var home_view_subs = _.filter(exports.subscribed_subs(), function (sub) { return sub.in_home_view; } ); return, function (sub) { return; }); }; exports.canonicalized_name = function (stream_name) { return stream_name.toString().toLowerCase(); }; exports.get_color = function (stream_name) { var sub = exports.get_sub(stream_name); if (sub === undefined) { return stream_color.default_color; } return sub.color; }; exports.in_home_view = function (stream_id) { var sub = exports.get_sub_by_id(stream_id); return sub !== undefined && sub.in_home_view; }; exports.name_in_home_view = function (stream_name) { var sub = exports.get_sub(stream_name); return sub !== undefined && sub.in_home_view; }; exports.notifications_in_home_view = function () { // TODO: add page_params.notifications_stream_id return exports.name_in_home_view(page_params.notifications_stream); }; exports.is_subscribed = function (stream_name) { var sub = exports.get_sub(stream_name); return sub !== undefined && sub.subscribed; }; exports.id_is_subscribed = function (stream_id) { var sub = subs_by_stream_id.get(stream_id); return sub !== undefined && sub.subscribed; }; exports.get_invite_only = function (stream_name) { var sub = exports.get_sub(stream_name); if (sub === undefined) { return false; } return sub.invite_only; }; var default_stream_ids = new Dict(); exports.set_realm_default_streams = function (realm_default_streams) { page_params.realm_default_streams = realm_default_streams; default_stream_ids.clear(); realm_default_streams.forEach(function (stream) { default_stream_ids.set(stream.stream_id, true); }); }; exports.get_default_status = function (stream_name) { var stream_id = exports.get_stream_id(stream_name); if (!stream_id) { return false; } return default_stream_ids.has(stream_id); }; exports.is_default_stream_id = function (stream_id) { return default_stream_ids.has(stream_id); }; exports.get_name = function (stream_name) { // This returns the actual name of a stream if we are subscribed to // it (i.e "Denmark" vs. "denmark"), while falling thru to // stream_name if we don't have a subscription. (Stream names // are case-insensitive, but we try to display the actual name // when we know it.) // // This function will also do the right thing if we have // an old stream name in memory for a recently renamed stream. var sub = exports.get_sub_by_name(stream_name); if (sub === undefined) { return stream_name; } return; }; exports.maybe_get_stream_name = function (stream_id) { if (!stream_id) { return; } var stream = exports.get_sub_by_id(stream_id); if (!stream) { return; } return; }; exports.set_subscribers = function (sub, user_ids) { sub.subscribers = Dict.from_array(user_ids || []); }; exports.add_subscriber = function (stream_name, user_id) { var sub = exports.get_sub(stream_name); if (typeof sub === 'undefined') { blueslip.warn("We got an add_subscriber call for a non-existent stream."); return false; } var person = people.get_person_from_user_id(user_id); if (person === undefined) { blueslip.error("We tried to add invalid subscriber: " + user_id); return false; } sub.subscribers.set(user_id, true); return true; }; exports.remove_subscriber = function (stream_name, user_id) { var sub = exports.get_sub(stream_name); if (typeof sub === 'undefined') { blueslip.warn("We got a remove_subscriber call for a non-existent stream " + stream_name); return false; } if (!sub.subscribers.has(user_id)) { blueslip.warn("We tried to remove invalid subscriber: " + user_id); return false; } sub.subscribers.del(user_id); return true; }; exports.user_is_subscribed = function (stream_name, user_email) { var sub = exports.get_sub(stream_name); if (typeof sub === 'undefined' || !sub.subscribed) { // If we don't know about the stream, or we ourselves are not // subscribed, we can't keep track of the subscriber list in general, // so we return undefined (treated as falsy if not explicitly handled). blueslip.warn("We got a user_is_subscribed call for a non-existent or unsubscribed stream."); return undefined; } var user_id = people.get_user_id(user_email); if (!user_id) { blueslip.warn("Bad email passed to user_is_subscribed: " + user_email); return false; } return sub.subscribers.has(user_id); }; exports.create_streams = function (streams) { _.each(streams, function (stream) { // We handle subscriber stuff in other events. var attrs = _.defaults(stream, { subscribers: [], subscribed: false, }); exports.create_sub_from_server_data(, attrs); }); }; exports.create_sub_from_server_data = function (stream_name, attrs) { var sub = exports.get_sub(stream_name); if (sub !== undefined) { // We've already created this subscription, no need to continue. return sub; } if (!attrs.stream_id) { // fail fast (blueslip.fatal will throw an error on our behalf) blueslip.fatal("We cannot create a sub without a stream_id"); return; // this line is never actually reached } // Our internal data structure for subscriptions is mostly plain dictionaries, // so we just reuse the attrs that are passed in to us, but we encapsulate how // we handle subscribers. var subscriber_user_ids = attrs.subscribers; var raw_attrs = _.omit(attrs, 'subscribers'); sub = _.defaults(raw_attrs, { name: stream_name, render_subscribers: !page_params.realm_is_zephyr_mirror_realm || attrs.invite_only === true, subscribed: true, newly_subscribed: false, in_home_view: true, invite_only: false, desktop_notifications: page_params.enable_stream_desktop_notifications, audible_notifications: page_params.enable_stream_sounds, push_notifications: page_params.enable_stream_push_notifications, description: '', }); exports.set_subscribers(sub, subscriber_user_ids); if (!sub.color) { var used_colors = exports.get_colors(); sub.color = stream_color.pick_color(used_colors); } exports.add_sub(stream_name, sub); return sub; }; exports.receives_desktop_notifications = function (stream_name) { var sub = exports.get_sub(stream_name); if (sub === undefined) { return false; } return sub.desktop_notifications; }; exports.receives_audible_notifications = function (stream_name) { var sub = exports.get_sub(stream_name); if (sub === undefined) { return false; } return sub.audible_notifications; }; exports.get_streams_for_settings_page = function () { // Build up our list of subscribed streams from the data we already have. var subscribed_rows = exports.subscribed_subs(); var unsubscribed_rows = exports.unsubscribed_subs(); // Sort and combine all our streams. function by_name(a,b) { return util.strcmp(,; } subscribed_rows.sort(by_name); unsubscribed_rows.sort(by_name); var all_subs = unsubscribed_rows.concat(subscribed_rows); // Add in admin options and stream counts. _.each(all_subs, function (sub) { exports.update_calculated_fields(sub); }); return all_subs; }; exports.get_streams_for_admin = function () { // Sort and combine all our streams. function by_name(a,b) { return util.strcmp(,; } var subs = stream_info.values(); subs.sort(by_name); return subs; }; exports.initialize_from_page_params = function () { function populate_subscriptions(subs, subscribed) { subs.forEach(function (sub) { var stream_name =; sub.subscribed = subscribed; exports.create_sub_from_server_data(stream_name, sub); }); } exports.set_realm_default_streams(page_params.realm_default_streams); populate_subscriptions(page_params.subscriptions, true); populate_subscriptions(page_params.unsubscribed, false); populate_subscriptions(page_params.never_subscribed, false); // Migrate the notifications stream from the new API structure to // what the frontend expects. if (page_params.realm_notifications_stream_id !== -1) { page_params.notifications_stream = exports.get_sub_by_id(page_params.realm_notifications_stream_id).name; } else { page_params.notifications_stream = ""; } // Garbage collect data structures that were only used for initialization. delete page_params.subscriptions; delete page_params.unsubscribed; delete page_params.never_subscribed; }; exports.get_newbie_stream = function () { // This is the stream that we narrow folks to after the tutorial. if (exports.is_subscribed("new members")) { return "new members"; } if (exports.notifications_in_home_view()) { return page_params.notifications_stream; } return undefined; }; exports.remove_default_stream = function (stream_id) { page_params.realm_default_streams = _.reject(page_params.realm_default_streams, function (stream) { return stream.stream_id === stream_id; } ); default_stream_ids.del(stream_id); }; return exports; }()); if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = stream_data; }