"use strict"; const stream_color = require("./stream_color"); const stream_data = require("./stream_data"); // Add functions to this that have no non-trivial // dependencies other than jQuery. exports.change_tab_to = function (tabname) { $(`#gear-menu a[href="${CSS.escape(tabname)}"]`).tab("show"); }; // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4233265/contenteditable-set-caret-at-the-end-of-the-text-cross-browser exports.place_caret_at_end = function (el) { el.focus(); if (typeof window.getSelection !== "undefined" && typeof document.createRange !== "undefined") { const range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(el); range.collapse(false); const sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); } else if (typeof document.body.createTextRange !== "undefined") { const textRange = document.body.createTextRange(); textRange.moveToElementText(el); textRange.collapse(false); textRange.select(); } }; exports.blur_active_element = function () { // this blurs anything that may perhaps be actively focused on. document.activeElement.blur(); }; function update_lock_icon_for_stream(stream_name) { const icon = $("#compose-lock-icon"); const streamfield = $("#stream_message_recipient_stream"); if (stream_data.get_invite_only(stream_name)) { icon.show(); streamfield.addClass("lock-padding"); } else { icon.hide(); streamfield.removeClass("lock-padding"); } } // In an attempt to decrease mixing, set stream bar // color look like the stream being used. // (In particular, if there's a color associated with it, // have that color be reflected here too.) exports.decorate_stream_bar = function (stream_name, element, is_compose) { if (stream_name === undefined) { return; } const color = stream_data.get_color(stream_name); if (is_compose) { update_lock_icon_for_stream(stream_name); } element .css("background-color", color) .removeClass(stream_color.color_classes) .addClass(stream_color.get_color_class(color)); }; window.ui_util = exports;