var pm_list = (function () { var exports = {}; var private_messages_open = false; // You can click on "more conversations" to zoom in. There's no // way to zoom back out other than re-narrowing out and in of the // PM list. var zoomed_in = false; // This module manages the "Private Messages" section in the upper // left corner of the app. This was split out from stream_list.js. function get_filter_li() { return $("#global_filters > li[data-name='private']"); } function update_count_in_dom(count_span, value_span, count) { if (count === 0) { count_span.hide(); value_span.text(''); } else {; value_span.text(count); } } function set_count(count) { var count_span = get_filter_li().find('.count'); var value_span = count_span.find('.value'); update_count_in_dom(count_span, value_span, count); } exports.get_conversation_li = function (conversation) { // conversation is something like "," var user_ids_string = people.reply_to_to_user_ids_string(conversation); if (!user_ids_string) { return; } return exports.get_li_for_user_ids_string(user_ids_string); }; exports.get_li_for_user_ids_string = function (user_ids_string) { var pm_li = get_filter_li(); var convo_li = pm_li.find("li[data-user-ids-string='" + user_ids_string + "']"); return convo_li; }; function set_pm_conversation_count(user_ids_string, count) { var pm_li = pm_list.get_li_for_user_ids_string(user_ids_string); var count_span = pm_li.find('.private_message_count'); var value_span = count_span.find('.value'); if (count_span.length === 0 || value_span.length === 0) { return; } count_span.removeClass("zero_count"); update_count_in_dom(count_span, value_span, count); } function remove_expanded_private_messages() { stream_popover.hide_topic_popover(); $("ul.expanded_private_messages").remove(); resize.resize_stream_filters_container(); } function zoom_in() { zoomed_in = true; var list_widget = $("ul.expanded_private_messages").expectOne(); list_widget.removeClass("zoomed-out").addClass("zoomed-in"); } exports.close = function () { private_messages_open = false; zoomed_in = false; remove_expanded_private_messages(); }; exports._build_private_messages_list = function (active_conversation, max_private_messages) { var private_messages = pm_conversations.recent.get(); var display_messages = []; var hiding_messages = false; // SHIM if (active_conversation) { active_conversation = people.emails_strings_to_user_ids_string(active_conversation); } _.each(private_messages, function (private_message_obj, idx) { var user_ids_string = private_message_obj.user_ids_string; var reply_to = people.user_ids_string_to_emails_string(user_ids_string); var recipients_string = people.get_recipients(user_ids_string); var num_unread = unread.num_unread_for_person(user_ids_string); var always_visible = (idx < max_private_messages) || (num_unread > 0) || (user_ids_string === active_conversation); if (!always_visible) { if (!zoomed_in) { hiding_messages = true; } } var display_message = { recipients: recipients_string, user_ids_string: user_ids_string, unread: num_unread, is_zero: num_unread === 0, zoom_out_hide: !always_visible, url: narrow.pm_with_uri(reply_to), }; display_messages.push(display_message); }); var zoom_class; if (zoomed_in) { zoom_class = "zoomed-in"; } else { zoom_class = "zoomed-out"; } var recipients_dom = templates.render('sidebar_private_message_list', {messages: display_messages, zoom_class: zoom_class, want_show_more_messages_links: hiding_messages}); return recipients_dom; }; exports.rebuild_recent = function (active_conversation) { remove_expanded_private_messages(); if (private_messages_open) { var max_private_messages = 5; var private_li = get_filter_li(); var private_messages_dom = exports._build_private_messages_list( active_conversation, max_private_messages); private_li.append(private_messages_dom); } if (active_conversation) { var active_li = exports.get_conversation_li(active_conversation); if (active_li) { active_li.addClass('active-sub-filter'); } } resize.resize_stream_filters_container(); }; exports.update_private_messages = function () { exports._build_private_messages_list(); if (! { return; } var is_pm_filter = _.contains(narrow_state.filter().operands('is'), "private"); var conversation = narrow_state.filter().operands('pm-with'); if (conversation.length === 1) { exports.rebuild_recent(conversation[0]); } else if (conversation.length !== 0) { // TODO: This should be the reply-to of the thread. exports.rebuild_recent(""); } else if (is_pm_filter) { exports.rebuild_recent(""); $("#global_filters li[data-name='private']").addClass('active-filter'); } }; exports.set_click_handlers = function () { $('#global_filters').on('click', '.show-more-private-messages', function (e) { popovers.hide_all(); zoom_in(); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); }; exports.expand = function (op_pm) { private_messages_open = true; if (op_pm.length === 1) { exports.rebuild_recent(op_pm[0]); } else if (op_pm.length !== 0) { // TODO: Should pass the reply-to of the thread exports.rebuild_recent(""); } else { exports.rebuild_recent(""); } }; exports.update_dom_with_unread_counts = function (counts) { set_count(counts.private_message_count); counts.pm_count.each(function (count, user_ids_string) { // TODO: just use user_ids_string in our markup set_pm_conversation_count(user_ids_string, count); }); unread_ui.set_count_toggle_button($("#userlist-toggle-unreadcount"), counts.private_message_count); unread_ui.animate_private_message_changes(get_filter_li(), counts.private_message_count); }; exports.initialize = function () { pm_list.set_click_handlers(); }; return exports; }()); if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = pm_list; }