import * as channel from "./channel"; import * as upload_widget from "./upload_widget"; export function build_bot_create_widget() { // We have to do strange gyrations with the file input to clear it, // where we replace it wholesale, so we generalize the file input with // a callback function. const get_file_input = function () { return $("#bot_avatar_file_input"); }; const file_name_field = $("#bot_avatar_file"); const input_error = $("#bot_avatar_file_input_error"); const clear_button = $("#bot_avatar_clear_button"); const upload_button = $("#bot_avatar_upload_button"); return upload_widget.build_widget( get_file_input, file_name_field, input_error, clear_button, upload_button, ); } export function build_bot_edit_widget(target) { const get_file_input = function () { return target.find(".edit_bot_avatar_file_input"); }; const file_name_field = target.find(".edit_bot_avatar_file"); const input_error = target.find(".edit_bot_avatar_error"); const clear_button = target.find(".edit_bot_avatar_clear_button"); const upload_button = target.find(".edit_bot_avatar_upload_button"); return upload_widget.build_widget( get_file_input, file_name_field, input_error, clear_button, upload_button, ); } export function build_user_avatar_widget(upload_function) { const get_file_input = function () { return $("#user-avatar-upload-widget .image_file_input").expectOne(); }; if (page_params.avatar_source === "G") { $("#user-avatar-upload-widget .image-delete-button").hide(); $("#user-avatar-source").show(); } else { $("#user-avatar-source").hide(); } $("#user-avatar-upload-widget .image-delete-button").on("click keydown", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); channel.del({ url: "/json/users/me/avatar", success() { $("#user-avatar-upload-widget .image-delete-button").hide(); $("#user-avatar-source").show(); // Need to clear input because of a small edge case // where you try to upload the same image you just deleted. get_file_input().val(""); // Rest of the work is done via the user_events -> avatar_url event we will get }, }); }); if (settings_account.user_can_change_avatar()) { return upload_widget.build_direct_upload_widget( get_file_input, $("#user-avatar-upload-widget .image_file_input_error").expectOne(), $("#user-avatar-upload-widget .image_upload_button").expectOne(), upload_function, page_params.max_avatar_file_size_mib, ); } return undefined; }