#!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import import os import sys import argparse # check for the venv from lib import sanity_check sanity_check.check_venv(__file__) from linter_lib.custom_check import python_rules, non_py_rules from zulint.command import add_default_linter_arguments, LinterConfig import random def run(): # type: () -> None parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--force', default=False, action="store_true", help='Run tests despite possible problems.') parser.add_argument('--full', action='store_true', help='Check some things we typically ignore') add_default_linter_arguments(parser) args = parser.parse_args() tools_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) root_dir = os.path.dirname(tools_dir) sys.path.insert(0, root_dir) from tools.linter_lib.exclude import EXCLUDED_FILES, PUPPET_CHECK_RULES_TO_EXCLUDE from tools.linter_lib.pyflakes import check_pyflakes from tools.linter_lib.pep8 import check_pep8 from tools.lib.test_script import ( assert_provisioning_status_ok, ) os.chdir(root_dir) assert_provisioning_status_ok(args.force) # Invoke the appropriate lint checker for each language, # and also check files for extra whitespace. linter_config = LinterConfig(args) by_lang = linter_config.list_files(groups={ 'backend': ['py', 'sh', 'pp', 'json', 'md', 'txt', 'text', 'yaml', 'rst', 'yml'], 'frontend': ['js', 'ts', 'css', 'scss', 'hbs', 'html', 'lock'], }, exclude=EXCLUDED_FILES) linter_config.external_linter('css', ['node', 'node_modules/.bin/stylelint'], ['css', 'scss'], fix_arg='--fix', description="Standard CSS style and formatting linter " "(config: .stylelintrc)") linter_config.external_linter('eslint', ['node', 'node_modules/.bin/eslint', '--quiet', '--cache', '--ext', '.js,.ts'], ['js', 'ts'], fix_arg='--fix', description="Standard JavaScript style and formatting linter" "(config: .eslintrc).") linter_config.external_linter('puppet', ['puppet', 'parser', 'validate'], ['pp'], description="Runs the puppet parser validator, " "checking for syntax errors.") linter_config.external_linter('puppet-lint', ['puppet-lint', '--fail-on-warnings'] + PUPPET_CHECK_RULES_TO_EXCLUDE, ['pp'], fix_arg='--fix', description="Standard puppet linter" "(config: tools/linter_lib/exclude.py)") linter_config.external_linter('templates', ['tools/check-templates'], ['hbs', 'html'], description="Custom linter checks whitespace formatting" "of HTML templates.", fix_arg='--fix') linter_config.external_linter('openapi', ['node', 'tools/check-openapi'], ['yaml'], description="Validates our OpenAPI/Swagger API documentation" "(zerver/openapi/zulip.yaml) ") linter_config.external_linter('shellcheck', ['shellcheck', '-x', '-P', 'SCRIPTDIR'], ['sh'], description="Standard shell script linter.") command = ['tools/run-mypy', '--quiet'] if args.force: command.append('--force') linter_config.external_linter('mypy', command, ['py'], pass_targets=False, description="Static type checker for Python (config: mypy.ini)") linter_config.external_linter('tsc', ['tools/run-tsc'], ['ts'], pass_targets=False, description="TypeScript compiler (config: tsconfig.json)") linter_config.external_linter('yarn-deduplicate', ['tools/run-yarn-deduplicate'], ['lock'], pass_targets=False, description="Shares duplicate packages in yarn.lock") linter_config.external_linter('gitlint', ['tools/commit-message-lint'], description="Checks commit messages for common formatting errors." "(config: .gitlint)") sgrep_command = ["sgrep-lint", "--config=./tools/sgrep.yml", "--error"] linter_config.external_linter('sgrep-py', [*sgrep_command, "--lang=python"], ['py'], description="Syntactic Grep (sgrep) Code Search Tool " "(config: ./tools/sgrep.yml)") @linter_config.lint def custom_py(): # type: () -> int """Runs custom checks for python files (config: tools/linter_lib/custom_check.py)""" failed = python_rules.check(by_lang, verbose=args.verbose) return 1 if failed else 0 @linter_config.lint def custom_nonpy(): # type: () -> int """Runs custom checks for non-python files (config: tools/linter_lib/custom_check.py)""" failed = False for rule in non_py_rules: failed = failed or rule.check(by_lang, verbose=args.verbose) return 1 if failed else 0 @linter_config.lint def pyflakes(): # type: () -> int """Standard Python bug and code smell linter (config: tools/linter_lib/pyflakes.py)""" failed = check_pyflakes(by_lang['py'], args) return 1 if failed else 0 python_part1 = {x for x in by_lang['py'] if random.randint(0, 1) == 0} python_part2 = {y for y in by_lang['py'] if y not in python_part1} @linter_config.lint def pep8_1of2(): # type: () -> int """Standard Python style linter on 50% of files (config: tools/linter_lib/pep8.py)""" failed = check_pep8(list(python_part1)) return 1 if failed else 0 @linter_config.lint def pep8_2of2(): # type: () -> int """Standard Python style linter on other 50% of files (config: tools/linter_lib/pep8.py)""" failed = check_pep8(list(python_part2)) return 1 if failed else 0 linter_config.do_lint() if __name__ == '__main__': run()