Receive notifications in Zulip whenever a new version of an app is pushed to Heroku using the Zulip Heroku plugin!

First, create the stream you'd like to use for Heroku notifications, and subscribe all interested parties to this stream. We recommend the name heroku.

Next, on your {{ settings_html|safe }}, create a Heroku bot.

Then, log into your account on, and:

  1. Visit the page for the project for which you'd like to generate Zulip notifications. Click the "Resources" tab, and add the "Deploy Hooks" addon. Choose the "HTTP Post Hook" plan, and click "Provision".

  2. Click on the "Deploy Hooks" add-on that you just added. You should be redirected to a page that looks like this:

    Enter the following webhook URI, replacing the bot API key and Zulip stream with the appropriate information.

    {{ external_uri_scheme }}{{ external_api_path_subdomain }}/v1/external/heroku?api_key=test_api_key&stream=heroku

Congratulations! You're done!
When you deploy to Heroku, the team can see these updates in real time in Zulip: