$(function () { // NB: this file is included on multiple pages. In each context, // some of the jQuery selectors below will return empty lists. var password_field = $('#id_password, #id_new_password1'); if (password_field.length > 0) { $.validator.addMethod('password_strength', function (value) { return common.password_quality(value, undefined, password_field); }, function () { return common.password_warning(password_field.val(), password_field); }); // Reset the state of the password strength bar if the page // was just reloaded due to a validation failure on the backend. common.password_quality(password_field.val(), $('#pw_strength .bar'), password_field); password_field.on('change keyup', function () { // Update the password strength bar even if we aren't validating // the field yet. common.password_quality($(this).val(), $('#pw_strength .bar'), $(this)); }); } function highlight(class_to_add) { // Set a class on the enclosing control group. return function (element) { $(element).closest('.control-group') .removeClass('success error') .addClass(class_to_add); }; } $('#registration, #password_reset').validate({ rules: { password: 'password_strength', new_password1: 'password_strength', }, errorElement: "p", errorPlacement: function (error, element) { // NB: this is called at most once, when the error element // is created. element.next('.help-inline.alert.alert-error').remove(); if (element.next().is('label[for="' + element.attr('id') + '"]')) { error.insertAfter(element.next()).addClass('help-inline alert alert-error'); } else { error.insertAfter(element).addClass('help-inline alert alert-error'); } }, highlight: highlight('error'), unhighlight: highlight('success'), }); if ($("#registration").length > 0) { // Check if there is no input field with errors. if ($('.help-inline:not(:empty)').length === 0) { // Find the first input field present in the form that is // not hidden and disabled and store it in a variable. var firstInputElement = $("input:not(:hidden, :disabled):first"); // Focus on the first input field in the form. common.autofocus(firstInputElement); } else { // If input field with errors is present. // Find the input field having errors and stores it in a variable. var inputElementWithError = $('.help-inline:not(:empty):first').parent().find('input'); // Focus on the input field having errors. common.autofocus(inputElementWithError); } // reset error message displays $('#id_team_subdomain_error_client').css('display', 'none'); if ($('.team_subdomain_error_server').text() === '') { $('.team_subdomain_error_server').css('display', 'none'); } $("#timezone").val(moment.tz.guess()); } // Code in this block will be executed when the user visits /new // i.e. create_realm.html is rendered. if ($("[data-page-id='create-realm']").length > 0) { common.autofocus('#email'); } // Code in this block will be executed when the user visits /register // i.e. accounts_home.html is rendered. if ($("[data-page-id='accounts-home']").length > 0) { common.autofocus('#email'); if (window.location.hash.substring(0, 1) === "#") { document.email_form.action += window.location.hash; } } // Code in this block will be executed when the user is at login page // i.e. login.html is rendered. if ($("[data-page-id='login-page']").length > 0) { if (window.location.hash.substring(0, 1) === "#") { /* We append the location.hash to the formaction so that URL can be preserved after user is logged in. See this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5283395/url-hash-is-persisting-between-redirects */ var email_formaction = $("#login_form").attr('action'); $("#login_form").attr('action', email_formaction + '/' + window.location.hash); $("#google_login_form input[name='next']").attr('value', '/' + window.location.hash); $("#social_login_form input[name='next']").attr('value', '/' + window.location.hash); var sso_address = $("#sso-login").attr('href'); $("#sso-login").attr('href', sso_address + window.location.hash); } } $("#send_confirm").validate({ errorElement: "div", errorPlacement: function (error) { $('.email-frontend-error').empty(); $("#send_confirm .alert.email-backend-error").remove(); error.appendTo(".email-frontend-error").addClass("text-error"); }, success: function () { $('#errors').empty(); }, }); $(".register-page #email, .login-page-container #id_username").on('focusout keydown', function (e) { // check if it is the "focusout" or if it is a keydown, then check if // the keycode was the one for "enter" (13). if (e.type === "focusout" || e.which === 13) { $(this).val($.trim($(this).val())); } }); var show_subdomain_section = function (bool) { var action = bool ? "hide" : "show"; $("#subdomain_section")[action](); }; $("#realm_in_root_domain").change(function () { show_subdomain_section($(this).is(":checked")); }); $("#login_form").validate({ errorClass: "text-error", wrapper: "div", submitHandler: function (form) { $("#login_form").find('.loader').css('display', 'inline-block'); $("#login_form").find("button .text").hide(); form.submit(); }, invalidHandler: function () { // this removes all previous errors that were put on screen // by the server. $("#login_form .alert.alert-error").remove(); }, showErrors: function (error_map) { if (error_map.password) { $("#login_form .alert.alert-error").remove(); } this.defaultShowErrors(); }, }); function check_subdomain_avilable(subdomain) { var url = "/json/realm/subdomain/" + subdomain; $.get(url, function (response) { if (response.msg !== "available") { $("#id_team_subdomain_error_client").html(response.msg); $("#id_team_subdomain_error_client").show(); } }); } function update_full_name_section() { if ($("#source_realm_select").length && $("#source_realm_select").find(":selected").val() !== "on") { $("#full_name_input_section").hide(); $("#profile_info_section").show(); var avatar_url = $("#source_realm_select").find(":selected").attr('data-avatar'); var full_name = $("#source_realm_select").find(":selected").attr('data-full-name'); $("#profile_full_name").text(full_name); $("#id_full_name").val(full_name); $("#profile_avatar").attr("src", avatar_url); } else { $("#full_name_input_section").show(); $("#profile_info_section").hide(); } } $("#source_realm_select").change(update_full_name_section); update_full_name_section(); var timer; $('#id_team_subdomain').on("keydown", function () { $('.team_subdomain_error_server').text('').css('display', 'none'); $("#id_team_subdomain_error_client").css('display', 'none'); clearTimeout(timer); }); $('#id_team_subdomain').on("keyup", function () { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(check_subdomain_avilable, 250, $('#id_team_subdomain').val()); }); });