import ClipboardJS from "clipboard"; import {add, formatISO, parseISO, set} from "date-fns"; import ConfirmDatePlugin from "flatpickr/dist/plugins/confirmDate/confirmDate"; import $ from "jquery"; import tippy, {hideAll} from "tippy.js"; import render_actions_popover_content from "../templates/actions_popover_content.hbs"; import render_actions_popover_template from "../templates/actions_popover_template.hbs"; import render_no_arrow_popover from "../templates/no_arrow_popover.hbs"; import render_playground_links_popover_content from "../templates/playground_links_popover_content.hbs"; import render_remind_me_popover_content from "../templates/remind_me_popover_content.hbs"; import render_user_group_info_popover from "../templates/user_group_info_popover.hbs"; import render_user_group_info_popover_content from "../templates/user_group_info_popover_content.hbs"; import render_user_info_popover_content from "../templates/user_info_popover_content.hbs"; import render_user_info_popover_manage_menu from "../templates/user_info_popover_manage_menu.hbs"; import render_user_info_popover_title from "../templates/user_info_popover_title.hbs"; import * as blueslip from "./blueslip"; import * as buddy_data from "./buddy_data"; import * as channel from "./channel"; import * as compose_actions from "./compose_actions"; import * as compose_state from "./compose_state"; import * as compose_ui from "./compose_ui"; import * as condense from "./condense"; import {media_breakpoints_num} from "./css_variables"; import * as dialog_widget from "./dialog_widget"; import * as emoji_picker from "./emoji_picker"; import * as feature_flags from "./feature_flags"; import * as giphy from "./giphy"; import * as hash_util from "./hash_util"; import {$t, $t_html} from "./i18n"; import * as message_edit from "./message_edit"; import * as message_edit_history from "./message_edit_history"; import * as message_lists from "./message_lists"; import * as message_viewport from "./message_viewport"; import * as muted_users from "./muted_users"; import * as muted_users_ui from "./muted_users_ui"; import * as narrow from "./narrow"; import * as narrow_state from "./narrow_state"; import * as overlays from "./overlays"; import {page_params} from "./page_params"; import * as people from "./people"; import * as popover_menus from "./popover_menus"; import * as read_receipts from "./read_receipts"; import * as realm_playground from "./realm_playground"; import * as reminder from "./reminder"; import * as resize from "./resize"; import * as rows from "./rows"; import * as settings_bots from "./settings_bots"; import * as settings_config from "./settings_config"; import * as settings_data from "./settings_data"; import * as settings_users from "./settings_users"; import * as stream_popover from "./stream_popover"; import * as ui_report from "./ui_report"; import * as unread_ops from "./unread_ops"; import * as user_groups from "./user_groups"; import * as user_profile from "./user_profile"; import {user_settings} from "./user_settings"; import * as user_status from "./user_status"; import * as user_status_ui from "./user_status_ui"; import * as util from "./util"; let $current_actions_popover_elem; let current_flatpickr_instance; let $current_message_info_popover_elem; let $current_user_info_popover_elem; let $current_user_info_popover_manage_menu; let $current_playground_links_popover_elem; let userlist_placement = "right"; let list_of_popovers = []; export function clear_for_testing() { $current_actions_popover_elem = undefined; current_flatpickr_instance = undefined; $current_message_info_popover_elem = undefined; $current_user_info_popover_elem = undefined; $current_user_info_popover_manage_menu = undefined; $current_playground_links_popover_elem = undefined; list_of_popovers.length = 0; userlist_placement = "right"; } export function clipboard_enable(arg) { // arg is a selector or element // We extract this function for testing purpose. return new ClipboardJS(arg); } export function elem_to_user_id($elem) { return Number.parseInt($elem.attr("data-user-id"), 10); } // this utilizes the proxy pattern to intercept all calls to $.fn.popover // and push the $$o, "popover") results to an array. // this is needed so that when we try to unload popovers, we can kill all dead // ones that no longer have valid parents in the DOM. const old_popover = $.fn.popover; $.fn.popover = Object.assign(function (...args) { // apply the jQuery object as `this`, and popover function arguments. old_popover.apply(this, args); // if there is a valid "popover" key in the jQuery data object then // push it to the array. if ("popover")) { list_of_popovers.push("popover")); } }, old_popover); function copy_email_handler(e) { const $email_el = $(e.trigger.parentElement); const $copy_icon = $email_el.find("i"); // only change the parent element's text back to email // and not overwrite the tooltip. const email_textnode = $email_el[0].childNodes[2]; $email_el.addClass("email_copied"); email_textnode.nodeValue = $t({defaultMessage: "Email copied"}); setTimeout(() => { $email_el.removeClass("email_copied"); email_textnode.nodeValue = $copy_icon.attr("data-clipboard-text"); }, 1500); e.clearSelection(); } function init_email_clipboard() { /* This shows (and enables) the copy-text icon for folks who have names that would overflow past the right edge of our user mention popup. */ $(".user_popover_email").each(function () { if (this.clientWidth < this.scrollWidth) { const $email_el = $(this); const $copy_email_icon = $email_el.find("i"); /* For deactivated users, the copy-email icon will not even be present in the HTML, so we don't do anything. We don't reveal emails for deactivated users. */ if ($copy_email_icon[0]) { $copy_email_icon.removeClass("hide_copy_icon"); const copy_email_clipboard = clipboard_enable($copy_email_icon[0]); copy_email_clipboard.on("success", copy_email_handler); } } }); } function init_email_tooltip(user) { /* This displays the email tooltip for folks who have names that would overflow past the right edge of our user mention popup. */ $(".user_popover_email").each(function () { if (this.clientWidth < this.scrollWidth) { tippy(this, { placement: "bottom", content: people.get_visible_email(user), interactive: true, }); } }); } function load_medium_avatar(user, $elt) { const user_avatar_url = people.medium_avatar_url_for_person(user); const sender_avatar_medium = new Image(); sender_avatar_medium.src = user_avatar_url; $(sender_avatar_medium).on("load", function () { $elt.css("background-image", "url(" + $(this).attr("src") + ")"); }); } function calculate_info_popover_placement(size, $elt) { const ypos = $elt.offset().top; if (!(ypos + size / 2 < message_viewport.height() && ypos > size / 2)) { if (ypos + size < message_viewport.height()) { return "bottom"; } else if (ypos > size) { return "top"; } } return undefined; } export function hide_user_info_popover_manage_menu() { if ($current_user_info_popover_manage_menu !== undefined) { $current_user_info_popover_manage_menu.popover("destroy"); $current_user_info_popover_manage_menu = undefined; } } function show_user_info_popover_manage_menu(element, user) { const $last_popover_elem = $current_user_info_popover_manage_menu; hide_user_info_popover_manage_menu(); if ($last_popover_elem !== undefined && $last_popover_elem.get()[0] === element) { return; } const is_me = people.is_my_user_id(user.user_id); const is_muted = muted_users.is_user_muted(user.user_id); const is_system_bot = user.is_system_bot; const muting_allowed = !is_me && !user.is_bot; const args = { can_mute: muting_allowed && !is_muted, can_manage_user: page_params.is_admin && !is_me && !is_system_bot, can_unmute: muting_allowed && is_muted, is_active: people.is_active_user_for_popover(user.user_id), is_bot: user.is_bot, user_id: user.user_id, }; const $popover_elt = $(element); $popover_elt.popover({ content: render_user_info_popover_manage_menu(args), placement: "bottom", html: true, trigger: "manual", }); $popover_elt.popover("show"); $current_user_info_popover_manage_menu = $popover_elt; } function render_user_info_popover( user, popover_element, is_sender_popover, has_message_context, private_msg_class, template_class, popover_placement, ) { const is_me = people.is_my_user_id(user.user_id); let invisible_mode = false; if (is_me) { invisible_mode = !user_settings.presence_enabled; } const muting_allowed = !is_me && !user.is_bot; const is_active = people.is_active_user_for_popover(user.user_id); const is_system_bot = user.is_system_bot; const status_text = user_status.get_status_text(user.user_id); const status_emoji_info = user_status.get_status_emoji(user.user_id); const spectator_view = page_params.is_spectator; // TODO: The show_manage_menu calculation can get a lot simpler // if/when we allow muting bot users. const can_manage_user = page_params.is_admin && !is_me && !is_system_bot; const show_manage_menu = !spectator_view && (muting_allowed || can_manage_user); let date_joined; if (spectator_view) { const dateFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("default", {dateStyle: "long"}); date_joined = dateFormat.format(parseISO(user.date_joined)); } // Filtering out only those profile fields that can be display in the popover and are not empty. const dateFormat = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("default", {dateStyle: "long"}); const field_types = page_params.custom_profile_field_types; const display_profile_fields = page_params.custom_profile_fields .map((f) => user_profile.get_custom_profile_field_data(user, f, field_types, dateFormat)) .filter((f) => f.display_in_profile_summary && f.value !== undefined && f.value !== null); const args = { invisible_mode, can_send_private_message: is_active && !is_me && page_params.realm_private_message_policy !== settings_config.private_message_policy_values.disabled.code, display_profile_fields, has_message_context, is_active, is_bot: user.is_bot, is_me, is_sender_popover, pm_with_url: hash_util.pm_with_url(, user_circle_class: buddy_data.get_user_circle_class(user.user_id), private_message_class: private_msg_class, sent_by_uri: hash_util.by_sender_url(, show_email: settings_data.show_email(), show_manage_menu, user_email: people.get_visible_email(user), user_full_name: user.full_name, user_id: user.user_id, user_last_seen_time_status: buddy_data.user_last_seen_time_status(user.user_id), user_time: people.get_user_time(user.user_id), user_type: people.get_user_type(user.user_id), status_content_available: Boolean(status_text || status_emoji_info), status_text, status_emoji_info, user_mention_syntax: people.get_mention_syntax(user.full_name, user.user_id), date_joined, spectator_view, }; if (user.is_bot) { const bot_owner_id = user.bot_owner_id; if (is_system_bot) { args.is_system_bot = is_system_bot; } else if (bot_owner_id) { const bot_owner = people.get_by_user_id(bot_owner_id); args.bot_owner = bot_owner; } } const $popover_content = $(render_user_info_popover_content(args)); popover_element.popover({ content: $popover_content.get(0), // TODO: Determine whether `fixed` should be applied // unconditionally. Right now, we only do it for the user // sidebar version of the popover. fixed: template_class === "user_popover", placement: popover_placement, template: render_no_arrow_popover({class: template_class}), title: render_user_info_popover_title({ // See the load_medium_avatar comment for important background. user_avatar: people.small_avatar_url_for_person(user), user_is_guest: user.is_guest, }), html: true, trigger: "manual", top_offset: $("#userlist-title").offset().top + 15, fix_positions: true, }); popover_element.popover("show"); init_email_clipboard(); init_email_tooltip(user); const $user_name_element = $popover_content.find(".user_full_name"); if ($user_name_element.prop("clientWidth") < $user_name_element.prop("scrollWidth")) { $user_name_element.addClass("tippy-zulip-tooltip"); } // Note: We pass the normal-size avatar in initial rendering, and // then query the server to replace it with the medium-size // avatar. The purpose of this double-fetch approach is to take // advantage of the fact that the browser should already have the // low-resolution image cached and thus display a low-resolution // avatar rather than a blank area during the network delay for // fetching the medium-size one. load_medium_avatar(user, $(".popover-avatar")); } // exporting for testability export const _test_calculate_info_popover_placement = calculate_info_popover_placement; // element is the target element to pop off of // user is the user whose profile to show // message is the message containing it, which should be selected function show_user_info_popover_for_message(element, user, message) { const $last_popover_elem = $current_message_info_popover_elem; hide_all(); if ($last_popover_elem !== undefined && $last_popover_elem.get()[0] === element) { // We want it to be the case that a user can dismiss a popover // by clicking on the same element that caused the popover. return; } message_lists.current.select_id(; const $elt = $(element); if ($"popover") === undefined) { if (user === undefined) { // This is never supposed to happen, not even for deactivated // users, so we'll need to debug this error if it occurs. blueslip.error("Bad sender in message" + message.sender_id); return; } const is_sender_popover = message.sender_id === user.user_id; render_user_info_popover( user, $elt, is_sender_popover, true, "respond_personal_button", "message-info-popover", "right", ); $current_message_info_popover_elem = $elt; } } export function show_user_info_popover(element, user) { const $last_popover_elem = $current_user_info_popover_elem; hide_all(); if ($last_popover_elem !== undefined && $last_popover_elem.get()[0] === element) { return; } const $elt = $(element); render_user_info_popover( user, $elt, false, false, "compose_private_message", "user-info-popover", "right", ); $current_user_info_popover_elem = $elt; } function get_user_info_popover_for_message_items() { if (!$current_message_info_popover_elem) { blueslip.error("Trying to get menu items when action popover is closed."); return undefined; } const popover_data = $"popover"); if (!popover_data) { blueslip.error("Cannot find popover data for actions menu."); return undefined; } return $("li:not(.divider):visible a", popover_data.$tip); } function get_user_info_popover_items() { const $popover_elt = $("div.user-info-popover"); if (!$current_user_info_popover_elem || !$popover_elt.length) { blueslip.error("Trying to get menu items when action popover is closed."); return undefined; } if ($popover_elt.length >= 2) { blueslip.error("More than one user info popovers cannot be opened at same time."); return undefined; } return $("li:not(.divider):visible a", $popover_elt); } function get_user_info_popover_manage_menu_items() { if (!$current_user_info_popover_manage_menu) { blueslip.error("Trying to get menu items when action popover is closed."); return undefined; } const popover_data = $"popover"); if (!popover_data) { blueslip.error("Cannot find popover data for actions menu."); return undefined; } return $(".user_info_popover_manage_menu li:not(.divider):visible a", popover_data.$tip); } function fetch_group_members(member_ids) { return member_ids .map((m) => people.get_by_user_id(m)) .filter((m) => m !== undefined) .map((p) => ({ ...p, user_circle_class: buddy_data.get_user_circle_class(p.user_id), is_active: people.is_active_user_for_popover(p.user_id), user_last_seen_time_status: buddy_data.user_last_seen_time_status(p.user_id), })); } function sort_group_members(members) { return members.sort((a, b) => util.strcmp(a.full_name, b.fullname)); } // exporting these functions for testing purposes export const _test_fetch_group_members = fetch_group_members; export const _test_sort_group_members = sort_group_members; // element is the target element to pop off of // user is the user whose profile to show // message is the message containing it, which should be selected function show_user_group_info_popover(element, group, message) { const $last_popover_elem = $current_message_info_popover_elem; // hardcoded pixel height of the popover // note that the actual size varies (in group size), but this is about as big as it gets const popover_size = 390; hide_all(); if ($last_popover_elem !== undefined && $last_popover_elem.get()[0] === element) { // We want it to be the case that a user can dismiss a popover // by clicking on the same element that caused the popover. return; } message_lists.current.select_id(; const $elt = $(element); if ($"popover") === undefined) { const args = { group_name:, group_description: group.description, members: sort_group_members(fetch_group_members(Array.from(group.members))), }; $elt.popover({ placement: calculate_info_popover_placement(popover_size, $elt), template: render_user_group_info_popover({class: "message-info-popover"}), content: render_user_group_info_popover_content(args), html: true, trigger: "manual", }); $elt.popover("show"); $current_message_info_popover_elem = $elt; } } export function toggle_actions_popover(element, id) { const $last_popover_elem = $current_actions_popover_elem; hide_all(); if ($last_popover_elem !== undefined && $last_popover_elem.get()[0] === element) { // We want it to be the case that a user can dismiss a popover // by clicking on the same element that caused the popover. return; } $(element).closest(".message_row").toggleClass("has_popover has_actions_popover"); message_lists.current.select_id(id); const not_spectator = !page_params.is_spectator; const $elt = $(element); if ($"popover") === undefined) { const message = message_lists.current.get(id); const message_container = message_lists.current.view.message_containers.get(; const should_display_hide_option = muted_users.is_user_muted(message.sender_id) && !message_container.is_hidden && not_spectator; const editability = message_edit.get_editability(message); const can_move_message = message_edit.can_move_message(message); let editability_menu_item; let move_message_menu_item; let view_source_menu_item; if (editability === message_edit.editability_types.FULL) { editability_menu_item = $t({defaultMessage: "Edit message"}); if (message.is_stream) { move_message_menu_item = $t({defaultMessage: "Move message"}); } } else if (can_move_message) { move_message_menu_item = $t({defaultMessage: "Move message"}); view_source_menu_item = $t({defaultMessage: "View message source"}); } else { view_source_menu_item = $t({defaultMessage: "View message source"}); } // Theoretically, it could be useful to offer this even for a // message that is already unread, so you can mark those below // it as unread; but that's an unlikely situation, and showing // it can be a confusing source of clutter. // // To work around #22893, we also only offer the option if the // fetch_status data structure means we'll be able to mark // everything below the current message as read correctly. const should_display_mark_as_unread = && !message.unread && not_spectator; const should_display_edit_history_option = message.edit_history && message.edit_history.some( (entry) => entry.prev_content !== undefined || entry.prev_stream !== undefined || entry.prev_topic !== undefined, ) && page_params.realm_allow_edit_history && not_spectator; // Disabling this for /me messages is a temporary workaround // for the fact that we don't have a styling for how that // should look. See also condense.js. const should_display_collapse = !message.locally_echoed && !message.is_me_message && !message.collapsed && not_spectator; const should_display_uncollapse = !message.locally_echoed && !message.is_me_message && message.collapsed; const should_display_quote_and_reply = message.content !== "
" && not_spectator; const conversation_time_uri = hash_util.by_conversation_and_time_url(message); const should_display_delete_option = message_edit.get_deletability(message) && not_spectator; const should_display_read_receipts_option = page_params.realm_enable_read_receipts && not_spectator; const args = { message_id:, historical: message.historical, stream_id: message.stream_id, editability_menu_item, move_message_menu_item, should_display_mark_as_unread, view_source_menu_item, should_display_collapse, should_display_uncollapse, should_display_add_reaction_option: message.sent_by_me, should_display_edit_history_option, should_display_hide_option, conversation_time_uri, narrowed:, should_display_delete_option, should_display_read_receipts_option, should_display_reminder_option: feature_flags.reminders_in_message_action_menu, should_display_quote_and_reply, }; const ypos = $elt.offset().top; $elt.popover({ // Popover height with 7 items in it is ~190 px placement: message_viewport.height() - ypos < 220 ? "top" : "bottom", title: "", content: render_actions_popover_content(args), template: render_actions_popover_template(), html: true, trigger: "manual", }); $elt.popover("show"); $current_actions_popover_elem = $elt; } if (window.innerWidth < media_breakpoints_num.xl) { // This ensures that the popover doesn't overflow to the right of the window. const actions_popover_left = window.innerWidth - $(".actions_popover_wrapper").outerWidth(); $(".actions_popover_wrapper").css("left", actions_popover_left); } } export function render_actions_remind_popover(element, id) { hide_all(); $(element).closest(".message_row").toggleClass("has_popover has_actions_popover"); message_lists.current.select_id(id); const $elt = $(element); if ($"popover") === undefined) { const message = message_lists.current.get(id); const args = { message, }; const ypos = $elt.offset().top; $elt.popover({ // Popover height with 7 items in it is ~190 px placement: message_viewport.height() - ypos < 220 ? "top" : "bottom", title: "", content: render_remind_me_popover_content(args), html: true, trigger: "manual", }); $elt.popover("show"); current_flatpickr_instance = $( `.remind.custom[data-message-id="${CSS.escape(}"]`, ).flatpickr({ enableTime: true, clickOpens: false, defaultDate: "today", minDate: "today", plugins: [new ConfirmDatePlugin({})], }); $current_actions_popover_elem = $elt; } } function get_action_menu_menu_items() { if (!$current_actions_popover_elem) { blueslip.error("Trying to get menu items when action popover is closed."); return undefined; } const popover_data = $"popover"); if (!popover_data) { blueslip.error("Cannot find popover data for actions menu."); return undefined; } return $("li:not(.divider):visible a", popover_data.$tip); } export function focus_first_popover_item($items, index = 0) { if (!$items) { return; } $items.eq(index).expectOne().trigger("focus"); } export function popover_items_handle_keyboard(key, $items) { if (!$items) { return; } let index = $items.index($items.filter(":focus")); if (key === "enter" && index >= 0 && index < $items.length) { $items[index].click(); if ($current_user_info_popover_manage_menu) { const $items = get_user_info_popover_manage_menu_items(); focus_first_popover_item($items); } return; } if (index === -1) { if ($(".user_info_popover_manage_menu_btn").is(":visible")) { index = 1; } else { index = 0; } } else if ((key === "down_arrow" || key === "vim_down") && index < $items.length - 1) { index += 1; } else if ((key === "up_arrow" || key === "vim_up") && index > 0) { index -= 1; } $items.eq(index).trigger("focus"); } function focus_first_action_popover_item() { // For now I recommend only calling this when the user opens the menu with a hotkey. // Our popup menus act kind of funny when you mix keyboard and mouse. const $items = get_action_menu_menu_items(); focus_first_popover_item($items); } export function open_message_menu(message) { if (message.locally_echoed) { // Don't open the popup for locally echoed messages for now. // It creates bugs with things like keyboard handlers when // we get the server response. return true; } const message_id =; toggle_actions_popover($(".selected_message .actions_hover")[0], message_id); if ($current_actions_popover_elem) { focus_first_action_popover_item(); } return true; } export function actions_menu_handle_keyboard(key) { const $items = get_action_menu_menu_items(); popover_items_handle_keyboard(key, $items); } export function actions_popped() { return $current_actions_popover_elem !== undefined; } export function hide_actions_popover() { if (actions_popped()) { $(".has_popover").removeClass("has_popover has_actions_popover"); $current_actions_popover_elem.popover("destroy"); $current_actions_popover_elem = undefined; } if (current_flatpickr_instance !== undefined) { current_flatpickr_instance.destroy(); current_flatpickr_instance = undefined; } } export function message_info_popped() { return $current_message_info_popover_elem !== undefined; } export function hide_message_info_popover() { if (message_info_popped()) { $current_message_info_popover_elem.popover("destroy"); $current_message_info_popover_elem = undefined; } } export function user_info_popped() { return $current_user_info_popover_elem !== undefined; } export function user_info_manage_menu_popped() { return $current_user_info_popover_manage_menu !== undefined; } export function hide_user_info_popover() { if (user_info_popped()) { $current_user_info_popover_elem.popover("destroy"); $current_user_info_popover_elem = undefined; } } export function hide_userlist_sidebar() { $(".app-main .column-right").removeClass("expanded"); } export function hide_pm_list_sidebar() { $(".app-main .column-left").removeClass("expanded"); } export function show_userlist_sidebar() { $(".app-main .column-right").addClass("expanded"); resize.resize_page_components(); } export function show_pm_list_sidebar() { $(".app-main .column-left").addClass("expanded"); resize.resize_page_components(); } let current_user_sidebar_user_id; let current_user_sidebar_popover; export function user_sidebar_popped() { return current_user_sidebar_popover !== undefined; } export function hide_user_sidebar_popover() { if (user_sidebar_popped()) { // this hide_* method looks different from all the others since // the presence list may be redrawn. Due to funkiness with jQuery's .data() // this would confuse $.popover("destroy"), which looks at the .data() attached // to a certain element. We thus save off the .data("popover") in the // show_user_sidebar_popover and inject it here before calling destroy. $("#user_presences").data("popover", current_user_sidebar_popover); $("#user_presences").popover("destroy"); current_user_sidebar_user_id = undefined; current_user_sidebar_popover = undefined; } } function hide_all_user_info_popovers() { hide_user_info_popover_manage_menu(); hide_message_info_popover(); hide_user_sidebar_popover(); hide_user_info_popover(); } function focus_user_info_popover_item() { // For now I recommend only calling this when the user opens the menu with a hotkey. // Our popup menus act kind of funny when you mix keyboard and mouse. const $items = get_user_info_popover_for_message_items(); if ($(".user_info_popover_manage_menu_btn").is(":visible")) { focus_first_popover_item($items, 1); } else { focus_first_popover_item($items); } } function get_user_sidebar_popover_items() { if (!current_user_sidebar_popover) { blueslip.error("Trying to get menu items when user sidebar popover is closed."); return undefined; } return $("li:not(.divider):visible a", current_user_sidebar_popover.$tip); } export function user_sidebar_popover_handle_keyboard(key) { const $items = get_user_sidebar_popover_items(); popover_items_handle_keyboard(key, $items); } export function user_info_popover_for_message_handle_keyboard(key) { const $items = get_user_info_popover_for_message_items(); popover_items_handle_keyboard(key, $items); } export function user_info_popover_handle_keyboard(key) { const $items = get_user_info_popover_items(); popover_items_handle_keyboard(key, $items); } export function user_info_popover_manage_menu_handle_keyboard(key) { const $items = get_user_info_popover_manage_menu_items(); popover_items_handle_keyboard(key, $items); } export function show_sender_info() { const $message = $(".selected_message"); const $sender = $message.find(".sender_info_hover"); const message = message_lists.current.get($message)); const user = people.get_by_user_id(message.sender_id); show_user_info_popover_for_message($sender[0], user, message); if ($current_message_info_popover_elem && !page_params.is_spectator) { focus_user_info_popover_item(); } } // On mobile web, opening the keyboard can trigger a resize event // (which in turn can trigger a scroll event). This will have the // side effect of closing popovers, which we don't want. So we // suppress the first hide from scrolling after a resize using this // variable. let suppress_scroll_hide = false; export function set_suppress_scroll_hide() { suppress_scroll_hide = true; } // Playground_info contains all the data we need to generate a popover of // playground links for each code block. The element is the target element // to pop off of. export function toggle_playground_link_popover(element, playground_info) { const $last_popover_elem = $current_playground_links_popover_elem; hide_all(); if ($last_popover_elem !== undefined && $last_popover_elem.get()[0] === element) { // We want it to be the case that a user can dismiss a popover // by clicking on the same element that caused the popover. return; } const $elt = $(element); if ($"popover") === undefined) { const ypos = $elt.offset().top; $elt.popover({ // It's unlikely we'll have more than 3-4 playground links // for one language, so it should be OK to hardcode 120 here. placement: message_viewport.height() - ypos < 120 ? "top" : "bottom", title: "", content: render_playground_links_popover_content({playground_info}), html: true, trigger: "manual", }); $elt.popover("show"); $current_playground_links_popover_elem = $elt; } } export function hide_playground_links_popover() { if ($current_playground_links_popover_elem !== undefined) { $current_playground_links_popover_elem.popover("destroy"); $current_playground_links_popover_elem = undefined; } } export function register_click_handlers() { $("#main_div").on("click", ".actions_hover", function (e) { const $row = $(this).closest(".message_row"); e.stopPropagation(); toggle_actions_popover(this,$row)); }); $("#main_div").on( "click", ".sender_name, .sender_name-in-status, .inline_profile_picture", function (e) { const $row = $(this).closest(".message_row"); e.stopPropagation(); const message = message_lists.current.get($row)); const user = people.get_by_user_id(message.sender_id); show_user_info_popover_for_message(this, user, message); }, ); $("#main_div").on("click", ".user-mention", function (e) { const id_string = $(this).attr("data-user-id"); // We fallback to email to handle legacy Markdown that was rendered // before we cut over to using data-user-id const email = $(this).attr("data-user-email"); if (id_string === "*" || email === "*") { return; } const $row = $(this).closest(".message_row"); e.stopPropagation(); const message = message_lists.current.get($row)); let user; if (id_string) { const user_id = Number.parseInt(id_string, 10); user = people.get_by_user_id(user_id); } else { user = people.get_by_email(email); } show_user_info_popover_for_message(this, user, message); }); $("#main_div").on("click", ".user-group-mention", function (e) { const user_group_id = Number.parseInt($(this).attr("data-user-group-id"), 10); const $row = $(this).closest(".message_row"); e.stopPropagation(); const message = message_lists.current.get($row)); try { const group = user_groups.get_user_group_from_id(user_group_id); show_user_group_info_popover(this, group, message); } catch { // This user group has likely been deleted."Unable to find user group in message" + message.sender_id); } }); $("#main_div, #preview_content, #message-history").on( "click", ".code_external_link", function (e) { const $view_in_playground_button = $(this); const $codehilite_div = $(this).closest(".codehilite"); e.stopPropagation(); const playground_info = realm_playground.get_playground_info_for_languages( $"code-language"), ); // We do the code extraction here and set the target href combining the url_prefix // and the extracted code. Depending on whether the language has multiple playground // links configured, a popover is show. const extracted_code = $codehilite_div.find("code").text(); if (playground_info.length === 1) { const url_prefix = playground_info[0].url_prefix; $view_in_playground_button.attr( "href", url_prefix + encodeURIComponent(extracted_code), ); } else { for (const $playground of playground_info) { $playground.playground_url = $playground.url_prefix + encodeURIComponent(extracted_code); } toggle_playground_link_popover(this, playground_info); } }, ); $("body").on("click", ".popover_playground_link", (e) => { hide_playground_links_popover(); e.stopPropagation(); }); $("body").on("click", ".info_popover_actions .narrow_to_private_messages", (e) => { const user_id = elem_to_user_id($("ul")); const email = people.get_by_user_id(user_id).email; hide_all(); if (overlays.settings_open()) { overlays.close_overlay("settings"); }"pm-with", email, {trigger: "user sidebar popover"}); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $("body").on("click", ".info_popover_actions .narrow_to_messages_sent", (e) => { const user_id = elem_to_user_id($("ul")); const email = people.get_by_user_id(user_id).email; hide_all(); if (overlays.settings_open()) { overlays.close_overlay("settings"); }"sender", email, {trigger: "user sidebar popover"}); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $("body").on("click", ".user_popover .mention_user", (e) => { if (!compose_state.composing()) { compose_actions.start("stream", {trigger: "sidebar user actions"}); } const user_id = elem_to_user_id($("ul")); const name = people.get_by_user_id(user_id).full_name; const mention = people.get_mention_syntax(name, user_id); compose_ui.insert_syntax_and_focus(mention); hide_user_sidebar_popover(); hide_userlist_sidebar(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $("body").on("click", ".message-info-popover .mention_user", (e) => { if (!compose_state.composing()) { compose_actions.respond_to_message({trigger: "user sidebar popover"}); } const user_id = elem_to_user_id($("ul")); const name = people.get_by_user_id(user_id).full_name; const mention = people.get_mention_syntax(name, user_id); compose_ui.insert_syntax_and_focus(mention); hide_message_info_popover(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $("body").on("click", ".info_popover_actions .clear_status", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const me = elem_to_user_id($("ul")); user_status.server_update_status({ user_id: me, status_text: "", emoji_name: "", emoji_code: "", success() { $(".info_popover_actions #status_message").empty(); }, }); }); $("body").on("click", ".view_user_profile", (e) => { const user_id = Number.parseInt($(e.currentTarget).attr("data-user-id"), 10); const user = people.get_by_user_id(user_id); show_user_info_popover(, user); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); /* These click handlers are implemented as just deep links to the * relevant part of the Zulip UI, so we don't want preventDefault, * but we do want to close the modal when you click them. */ $("body").on("click", ".invisible_mode_turn_on", (e) => { hide_all(); user_status.server_invisible_mode_on(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $("body").on("click", ".invisible_mode_turn_off", (e) => { hide_all(); user_status.server_invisible_mode_off(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); function open_user_status_modal(e) { hide_all(); user_status_ui.open_user_status_modal(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } $("body").on("click", ".update_status_text", open_user_status_modal); // Clicking on one's own status emoji should open the user status modal. $("#user_presences").on( "click", ".user_sidebar_entry_me .status_emoji", open_user_status_modal, ); $("body").on("click", ".sidebar-popover-mute-user", (e) => { const user_id = elem_to_user_id($("ul")); hide_all_user_info_popovers(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); muted_users_ui.confirm_mute_user(user_id); }); $("body").on("click", ".sidebar-popover-unmute-user", (e) => { const user_id = elem_to_user_id($("ul")); hide_all_user_info_popovers(); muted_users_ui.unmute_user(user_id); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $("body").on("click", ".info_popover_actions .sidebar-popover-reactivate-user", (e) => { const user_id = elem_to_user_id($("ul")); hide_all(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); function handle_confirm() { const url = "/json/users/" + encodeURIComponent(user_id) + "/reactivate";{ url, success() { dialog_widget.close_modal(); }, error(xhr) { ui_report.error($t_html({defaultMessage: "Failed"}), xhr, $("#dialog_error")); dialog_widget.hide_dialog_spinner(); }, }); } settings_users.confirm_reactivation(user_id, handle_confirm, true); }); $("#user_presences").on("click", ".user-list-sidebar-menu-icon", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); // use email of currently selected user, rather than some elem comparison, // as the presence list may be redrawn with new elements. const $target = $(this).closest("li"); const user_id = elem_to_user_id($target.find("a")); if (current_user_sidebar_user_id === user_id) { // If the popover is already shown, clicking again should toggle it. // We don't want to hide the sidebars on smaller browser windows. hide_all_except_sidebars(); return; } hide_all(); if (userlist_placement === "right") { show_userlist_sidebar(); } else { // Maintain the same behavior when displaying with the streamlist. stream_popover.show_streamlist_sidebar(); } const user = people.get_by_user_id(user_id); const popover_placement = userlist_placement === "left" ? "right" : "left"; render_user_info_popover( user, $target, false, false, "compose_private_message", "user_popover", popover_placement, ); current_user_sidebar_user_id = user.user_id; current_user_sidebar_popover = $"popover"); }); $("body").on("click", ".mark_as_unread", (e) => { hide_actions_popover(); const message_id = $(e.currentTarget).data("message-id"); unread_ops.mark_as_unread_from_here(message_id); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $("body").on("click", ".respond_button", (e) => { // Arguably, we should fetch the message ID to respond to from //, but that should always be the current selected // message in the current message list (and // compose_actions.respond_to_message doesn't take a message // argument). compose_actions.quote_and_reply({trigger: "popover respond"}); hide_actions_popover(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $("body").on("click", ".reminder_button", (e) => { const message_id = $(e.currentTarget).data("message-id"); render_actions_remind_popover($(".selected_message .actions_hover")[0], message_id); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $("body").on("click", ".remind.custom", (e) => { $(e.currentTarget)[0]._flatpickr.toggle(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); function reminder_click_handler(datestr, e) { const message_id = $(".remind.custom").data("message-id"); reminder.do_set_reminder_for_message(message_id, datestr); hide_all(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } $("body").on("click", ".remind.in_20m", (e) => { const datestr = formatISO(add(new Date(), {minutes: 20})); reminder_click_handler(datestr, e); }); $("body").on("click", ".remind.in_1h", (e) => { const datestr = formatISO(add(new Date(), {hours: 1})); reminder_click_handler(datestr, e); }); $("body").on("click", ".remind.in_3h", (e) => { const datestr = formatISO(add(new Date(), {hours: 3})); reminder_click_handler(datestr, e); }); $("body").on("click", ".remind.tomo", (e) => { const datestr = formatISO( set(add(new Date(), {days: 1}), {hours: 9, minutes: 0, seconds: 0}), ); reminder_click_handler(datestr, e); }); $("body").on("click", ".remind.nxtw", (e) => { const datestr = formatISO( set(add(new Date(), {weeks: 1}), {hours: 9, minutes: 0, seconds: 0}), ); reminder_click_handler(datestr, e); }); $("body").on("click", ".flatpickr-calendar", (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $("body").on("click", ".flatpickr-confirm", (e) => { if ($(".remind.custom")[0]) { const datestr = $(".remind.custom")[0].value; reminder_click_handler(datestr, e); } }); $("body").on("click", ".respond_personal_button, .compose_private_message", (e) => { const user_id = elem_to_user_id($("ul")); const email = people.get_by_user_id(user_id).email; compose_actions.start("private", { trigger: "popover send private", private_message_recipient: email, }); hide_all(); if (overlays.settings_open()) { overlays.close_overlay("settings"); } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $("body").on("click", ".popover_toggle_collapse", (e) => { const message_id = $(e.currentTarget).data("message-id"); const $row = message_lists.current.get_row(message_id); const message = message_lists.current.get($row)); hide_actions_popover(); if ($row) { if (message.collapsed) { condense.uncollapse($row); } else { condense.collapse($row); } } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $("body").on("click", ".popover_edit_message, .popover_view_source", (e) => { const message_id = $(e.currentTarget).data("message-id"); const $row = message_lists.current.get_row(message_id); hide_actions_popover(); message_edit.start($row); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $("body").on("click", ".popover_move_message", (e) => { const message_id = $(e.currentTarget).data("message-id"); const message = message_lists.current.get(message_id); hide_actions_popover(); stream_popover.build_move_topic_to_stream_popover( message.stream_id, message.topic, message, ); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $("body").on("click", ".rehide_muted_user_message", (e) => { const message_id = $(e.currentTarget).data("message-id"); const $row = message_lists.current.get_row(message_id); const message = message_lists.current.get($row)); const message_container = message_lists.current.view.message_containers.get(; hide_actions_popover(); if ($row && !message_container.is_hidden) { message_lists.current.view.hide_revealed_message(message_id); } e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $("body").on("click", ".view_edit_history", (e) => { const message_id = $(e.currentTarget).data("message-id"); const $row = message_lists.current.get_row(message_id); const message = message_lists.current.get($row)); hide_actions_popover(); message_edit_history.show_history(message); $("#message-history-cancel").trigger("focus"); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $("body").on("click", ".view_read_receipts", (e) => { const message_id = $(e.currentTarget).data("message-id"); hide_actions_popover(); read_receipts.show_user_list(message_id); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); $("body").on("click", ".delete_message", (e) => { const message_id = $(e.currentTarget).data("message-id"); hide_actions_popover(); message_edit.delete_message(message_id); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); clipboard_enable(".copy_link").on("success", (e) => { hide_actions_popover(); // e.trigger returns the DOM element triggering the copy action const message_id = e.trigger.dataset.messageId; const $row = $(`[zid='${CSS.escape(message_id)}']`); $row.find(".alert-msg") .text($t({defaultMessage: "Copied!"})) .css("display", "block") .delay(1000) .fadeOut(300); setTimeout(() => { // The Clipboard library works by focusing to a hidden textarea. // We unfocus this so keyboard shortcuts, etc., will work again. $(":focus").trigger("blur"); }, 0); }); clipboard_enable(".copy_mention_syntax"); $("body").on("click", ".copy_mention_syntax", (e) => { hide_all(); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); }); { let last_scroll = 0; $(".app").on("scroll", () => { if (suppress_scroll_hide) { suppress_scroll_hide = false; return; } const date =; // only run `popovers.hide_all()` if the last scroll was more // than 250ms ago. if (date - last_scroll > 250) { hide_all(); } // update the scroll time on every event to make sure it doesn't // retrigger `hide_all` while still scrolling. last_scroll = date; }); } $("body").on("click", ".sidebar-popover-manage-user", (e) => { hide_all(); const user_id = elem_to_user_id($("ul")); const user = people.get_by_user_id(user_id); if (user.is_bot) { settings_bots.show_edit_bot_info_modal(user_id, true); } else { settings_users.show_edit_user_info_modal(user_id, true); } }); $("body").on("click", ".user_info_popover_manage_menu_btn", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const user_id = elem_to_user_id($("ul")); const user = people.get_by_user_id(user_id); show_user_info_popover_manage_menu(, user); }); } export function any_active() { // True if any popover (that this module manages) is currently shown. // Expanded sidebars on mobile view count as popovers as well. return ( popover_menus.any_active() || actions_popped() || user_sidebar_popped() || stream_popover.stream_popped() || stream_popover.topic_popped() || message_info_popped() || user_info_popped() || emoji_picker.reactions_popped() || $("[class^='column-'].expanded").length ); } // This function will hide all true popovers (the streamlist and // userlist sidebars use the popover infrastructure, but doesn't work // like a popover structurally). export function hide_all_except_sidebars(opts) { $(".has_popover").removeClass("has_popover has_actions_popover has_emoji_popover"); if (!opts || !opts.not_hide_tippy_instances) { hideAll(); } else if (opts.exclude_tippy_instance) { hideAll({exclude: opts.exclude_tippy_instance}); } hide_actions_popover(); emoji_picker.hide_emoji_popover(); giphy.hide_giphy_popover(); stream_popover.hide_stream_popover(); stream_popover.hide_topic_popover(); stream_popover.hide_all_messages_popover(); stream_popover.hide_starred_messages_popover(); stream_popover.hide_drafts_popover(); hide_all_user_info_popovers(); hide_playground_links_popover(); // look through all the popovers that have been added and removed. for (const $o of list_of_popovers) { if (!document.body.contains($o.$element[0]) && $o.$tip) { $o.$tip.remove(); } } list_of_popovers = []; } // This function will hide all the popovers, including the mobile web // or narrow window sidebars. export function hide_all(not_hide_tippy_instances) { hide_userlist_sidebar(); stream_popover.hide_streamlist_sidebar(); hide_all_except_sidebars({ exclude_tippy_instance: undefined, not_hide_tippy_instances, }); } export function set_userlist_placement(placement) { userlist_placement = placement || "right"; } export function compute_placement( $elt, popover_height, popover_width, prefer_vertical_positioning, ) { const client_rect = $elt.get(0).getBoundingClientRect(); const distance_from_top =; const distance_from_bottom = message_viewport.height() - client_rect.bottom; const distance_from_left = client_rect.left; const distance_from_right = message_viewport.width() - client_rect.right; const elt_will_fit_horizontally = distance_from_left + $elt.width() / 2 > popover_width / 2 && distance_from_right + $elt.width() / 2 > popover_width / 2; const elt_will_fit_vertically = distance_from_bottom + $elt.height() / 2 > popover_height / 2 && distance_from_top + $elt.height() / 2 > popover_height / 2; // default to placing the popover in the center of the screen let placement = "viewport_center"; // prioritize left/right over top/bottom if (distance_from_top > popover_height && elt_will_fit_horizontally) { placement = "top"; } if (distance_from_bottom > popover_height && elt_will_fit_horizontally) { placement = "bottom"; } if (prefer_vertical_positioning && placement !== "viewport_center") { // If vertical positioning is preferred and the popover fits in // either top or bottom position then return. return placement; } if (distance_from_left > popover_width && elt_will_fit_vertically) { placement = "left"; } if (distance_from_right > popover_width && elt_will_fit_vertically) { placement = "right"; } return placement; }