import logging import os import secrets import urllib from mimetypes import guess_type from typing import IO, Any, Callable, Optional import boto3 import botocore from boto3.session import Session from botocore.client import Config from django.conf import settings from mypy_boto3_s3.client import S3Client from mypy_boto3_s3.service_resource import Bucket, Object from zerver.lib.avatar_hash import user_avatar_path from zerver.lib.upload.base import ( INLINE_MIME_TYPES, MEDIUM_AVATAR_SIZE, ZulipUploadBackend, create_attachment, resize_avatar, resize_emoji, resize_logo, sanitize_name, ) from zerver.models import Realm, RealmEmoji, UserProfile # Duration that the signed upload URLs that we redirect to when # accessing uploaded files are available for clients to fetch before # they expire. SIGNED_UPLOAD_URL_DURATION = 60 # Performance note: # # For writing files to S3, the file could either be stored in RAM # (if it is less than 2.5MiB or so) or an actual temporary file on disk. # # Because we set FILE_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE to 0, only the latter case # should occur in practice. # # This is great, because passing the pseudofile object that Django gives # you to boto would be a pain. # To come up with a s3 key we randomly generate a "directory". The # "file name" is the original filename provided by the user run # through a sanitization function. # means that the IMDS # request _always_ pulls from the environment. Monkey-patch the # `should_bypass_proxies` function if we need to skip them, based # on S3_SKIP_PROXY. if settings.S3_SKIP_PROXY is True: # nocoverage botocore.utils.should_bypass_proxies = lambda url: True def get_bucket(bucket_name: str, session: Optional[Session] = None) -> Bucket: if session is None: session = Session(settings.S3_KEY, settings.S3_SECRET_KEY) bucket = session.resource( "s3", region_name=settings.S3_REGION, endpoint_url=settings.S3_ENDPOINT_URL ).Bucket(bucket_name) return bucket def upload_image_to_s3( bucket: Bucket, file_name: str, content_type: Optional[str], user_profile: UserProfile, contents: bytes, ) -> None: key = bucket.Object(file_name) metadata = { "user_profile_id": str(, "realm_id": str(user_profile.realm_id), } content_disposition = "" if content_type is None: content_type = "" if content_type not in INLINE_MIME_TYPES: content_disposition = "attachment" key.put( Body=contents, Metadata=metadata, ContentType=content_type, ContentDisposition=content_disposition, ) def get_signed_upload_url(path: str, force_download: bool = False) -> str: client = boto3.client( "s3", aws_access_key_id=settings.S3_KEY, aws_secret_access_key=settings.S3_SECRET_KEY, region_name=settings.S3_REGION, endpoint_url=settings.S3_ENDPOINT_URL, ) params = { "Bucket": settings.S3_AUTH_UPLOADS_BUCKET, "Key": path, } if force_download: params["ResponseContentDisposition"] = "attachment" return client.generate_presigned_url( ClientMethod="get_object", Params=params, ExpiresIn=SIGNED_UPLOAD_URL_DURATION, HttpMethod="GET", ) class S3UploadBackend(ZulipUploadBackend): def __init__(self) -> None: self.session = Session(settings.S3_KEY, settings.S3_SECRET_KEY) self.avatar_bucket = get_bucket(settings.S3_AVATAR_BUCKET, self.session) self.uploads_bucket = get_bucket(settings.S3_AUTH_UPLOADS_BUCKET, self.session) self._boto_client: Optional[S3Client] = None self.public_upload_url_base = self.construct_public_upload_url_base() def get_boto_client(self) -> S3Client: """ Creating the client takes a long time so we need to cache it. """ if self._boto_client is None: config = Config(signature_version=botocore.UNSIGNED) self._boto_client = self.session.client( "s3", region_name=settings.S3_REGION, endpoint_url=settings.S3_ENDPOINT_URL, config=config, ) return self._boto_client def delete_file_from_s3(self, path_id: str, bucket: Bucket) -> bool: key = bucket.Object(path_id) try: key.load() except botocore.exceptions.ClientError: file_name = path_id.split("/")[-1] logging.warning( "%s does not exist. Its entry in the database will be removed.", file_name ) return False key.delete() return True def construct_public_upload_url_base(self) -> str: # Return the pattern for public URL for a key in the S3 Avatar bucket. # For Amazon S3 itself, this will return the following: # f"https://{}.{network_location}/{key}" # # However, we need this function to properly handle S3 style # file upload backends that Zulip supports, which can have a # different URL format. Configuring no signature and providing # no access key makes `generate_presigned_url` just return the # normal public URL for a key. # # It unfortunately takes 2ms per query to call # generate_presigned_url, even with our cached boto # client. Since we need to potentially compute hundreds of # avatar URLs in single `GET /messages` request, we instead # back-compute the URL pattern here. DUMMY_KEY = "dummy_key_ignored" foo_url = self.get_boto_client().generate_presigned_url( ClientMethod="get_object", Params={ "Bucket":, "Key": DUMMY_KEY, }, ExpiresIn=0, ) split_url = urllib.parse.urlsplit(foo_url) assert split_url.path.endswith(f"/{DUMMY_KEY}") return urllib.parse.urlunsplit( (split_url.scheme, split_url.netloc, split_url.path[: -len(DUMMY_KEY)], "", "") ) def get_public_upload_root_url(self) -> str: return self.public_upload_url_base def get_public_upload_url( self, key: str, ) -> str: assert not key.startswith("/") return urllib.parse.urljoin(self.public_upload_url_base, key) def generate_message_upload_path(self, realm_id: str, uploaded_file_name: str) -> str: return "/".join( [ realm_id, secrets.token_urlsafe(18), sanitize_name(uploaded_file_name), ] ) def upload_message_attachment( self, uploaded_file_name: str, uploaded_file_size: int, content_type: Optional[str], file_data: bytes, user_profile: UserProfile, target_realm: Optional[Realm] = None, ) -> str: if target_realm is None: target_realm = user_profile.realm s3_file_name = self.generate_message_upload_path(str(, uploaded_file_name) url = f"/user_uploads/{s3_file_name}" upload_image_to_s3( self.uploads_bucket, s3_file_name, content_type, user_profile, file_data, ) create_attachment( uploaded_file_name, s3_file_name, user_profile, target_realm, uploaded_file_size ) return url def delete_message_attachment(self, path_id: str) -> bool: return self.delete_file_from_s3(path_id, self.uploads_bucket) def write_avatar_images( self, s3_file_name: str, target_user_profile: UserProfile, image_data: bytes, content_type: Optional[str], ) -> None: upload_image_to_s3( self.avatar_bucket, s3_file_name + ".original", content_type, target_user_profile, image_data, ) # custom 500px wide version resized_medium = resize_avatar(image_data, MEDIUM_AVATAR_SIZE) upload_image_to_s3( self.avatar_bucket, s3_file_name + "-medium.png", "image/png", target_user_profile, resized_medium, ) resized_data = resize_avatar(image_data) upload_image_to_s3( self.avatar_bucket, s3_file_name, "image/png", target_user_profile, resized_data, ) # See avatar_url in for URL. (That code also handles the case # that users use gravatar.) def get_avatar_key(self, file_name: str) -> Object: key = self.avatar_bucket.Object(file_name) return key def get_avatar_url(self, hash_key: str, medium: bool = False) -> str: medium_suffix = "-medium.png" if medium else "" return self.get_public_upload_url(f"{hash_key}{medium_suffix}") def upload_avatar_image( self, user_file: IO[bytes], acting_user_profile: UserProfile, target_user_profile: UserProfile, content_type: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: if content_type is None: content_type = guess_type([0] s3_file_name = user_avatar_path(target_user_profile) image_data = self.write_avatar_images(s3_file_name, target_user_profile, image_data, content_type) def copy_avatar(self, source_profile: UserProfile, target_profile: UserProfile) -> None: s3_source_file_name = user_avatar_path(source_profile) s3_target_file_name = user_avatar_path(target_profile) key = self.get_avatar_key(s3_source_file_name + ".original") image_data = key.get()["Body"].read() content_type = key.content_type self.write_avatar_images(s3_target_file_name, target_profile, image_data, content_type) def ensure_avatar_image(self, user_profile: UserProfile, is_medium: bool = False) -> None: # BUG: The else case should be user_avatar_path(user_profile) + ".png". # See #12852 for details on this bug and how to migrate it. file_extension = "-medium.png" if is_medium else "" file_path = user_avatar_path(user_profile) s3_file_name = file_path key = self.avatar_bucket.Object(file_path + ".original") image_data = key.get()["Body"].read() if is_medium: resized_avatar = resize_avatar(image_data, MEDIUM_AVATAR_SIZE) else: resized_avatar = resize_avatar(image_data) upload_image_to_s3( self.avatar_bucket, s3_file_name + file_extension, "image/png", user_profile, resized_avatar, ) def delete_avatar_image(self, user: UserProfile) -> None: path_id = user_avatar_path(user) self.delete_file_from_s3(path_id + ".original", self.avatar_bucket) self.delete_file_from_s3(path_id + "-medium.png", self.avatar_bucket) self.delete_file_from_s3(path_id, self.avatar_bucket) def get_realm_icon_url(self, realm_id: int, version: int) -> str: public_url = self.get_public_upload_url(f"{realm_id}/realm/icon.png") return public_url + f"?version={version}" def upload_realm_icon_image(self, icon_file: IO[bytes], user_profile: UserProfile) -> None: content_type = guess_type([0] s3_file_name = os.path.join(self.realm_avatar_and_logo_path(user_profile.realm), "icon") image_data = upload_image_to_s3( self.avatar_bucket, s3_file_name + ".original", content_type, user_profile, image_data, ) resized_data = resize_avatar(image_data) upload_image_to_s3( self.avatar_bucket, s3_file_name + ".png", "image/png", user_profile, resized_data, ) # See avatar_url in for URL. (That code also handles the case # that users use gravatar.) def get_realm_logo_url(self, realm_id: int, version: int, night: bool) -> str: if not night: file_name = "logo.png" else: file_name = "night_logo.png" public_url = self.get_public_upload_url(f"{realm_id}/realm/{file_name}") return public_url + f"?version={version}" def upload_realm_logo_image( self, logo_file: IO[bytes], user_profile: UserProfile, night: bool ) -> None: content_type = guess_type([0] if night: basename = "night_logo" else: basename = "logo" s3_file_name = os.path.join(self.realm_avatar_and_logo_path(user_profile.realm), basename) image_data = upload_image_to_s3( self.avatar_bucket, s3_file_name + ".original", content_type, user_profile, image_data, ) resized_data = resize_logo(image_data) upload_image_to_s3( self.avatar_bucket, s3_file_name + ".png", "image/png", user_profile, resized_data, ) # See avatar_url in for URL. (That code also handles the case # that users use gravatar.) def get_emoji_url(self, emoji_file_name: str, realm_id: int, still: bool = False) -> str: if still: emoji_path = RealmEmoji.STILL_PATH_ID_TEMPLATE.format( realm_id=realm_id, emoji_filename_without_extension=os.path.splitext(emoji_file_name)[0], ) return self.get_public_upload_url(emoji_path) else: emoji_path = RealmEmoji.PATH_ID_TEMPLATE.format( realm_id=realm_id, emoji_file_name=emoji_file_name ) return self.get_public_upload_url(emoji_path) def upload_emoji_image( self, emoji_file: IO[bytes], emoji_file_name: str, user_profile: UserProfile ) -> bool: content_type = guess_type(emoji_file_name)[0] emoji_path = RealmEmoji.PATH_ID_TEMPLATE.format( realm_id=user_profile.realm_id, emoji_file_name=emoji_file_name, ) image_data = upload_image_to_s3( self.avatar_bucket, ".".join((emoji_path, "original")), content_type, user_profile, image_data, ) resized_image_data, is_animated, still_image_data = resize_emoji(image_data) upload_image_to_s3( self.avatar_bucket, emoji_path, content_type, user_profile, resized_image_data, ) if is_animated: still_path = RealmEmoji.STILL_PATH_ID_TEMPLATE.format( realm_id=user_profile.realm_id, emoji_filename_without_extension=os.path.splitext(emoji_file_name)[0], ) assert still_image_data is not None upload_image_to_s3( self.avatar_bucket, still_path, "image/png", user_profile, still_image_data, ) return is_animated def get_export_tarball_url(self, realm: Realm, export_path: str) -> str: # export_path has a leading / return self.get_public_upload_url(export_path[1:]) def upload_export_tarball( self, realm: Optional[Realm], tarball_path: str, percent_callback: Optional[Callable[[Any], None]] = None, ) -> str: # We use the avatar bucket, because it's world-readable. key = self.avatar_bucket.Object( os.path.join("exports", secrets.token_hex(16), os.path.basename(tarball_path)) ) if percent_callback is None: key.upload_file(Filename=tarball_path) else: key.upload_file(Filename=tarball_path, Callback=percent_callback) public_url = self.get_public_upload_url(key.key) return public_url def delete_export_tarball(self, export_path: str) -> Optional[str]: assert export_path.startswith("/") path_id = export_path[1:] if self.delete_file_from_s3(path_id, self.avatar_bucket): return export_path return None