#!/usr/bin/env python2 from __future__ import print_function import optparse import subprocess import signal import traceback import sys import os if False: from typing import Any # find out python version major_version = int(subprocess.check_output(['python', '-c', 'import sys; print(sys.version_info[0])'])) if major_version != 2: # use twisted from its python2 venv but use django, tornado, etc. from the python3 venv. PATH = os.environ["PATH"] activate_this = "/srv/zulip-venv/bin/activate_this.py" if not os.path.exists(activate_this): activate_this = "/srv/zulip-py2-twisted-venv/bin/activate_this.py" exec(open(activate_this).read(), {}, dict(__file__=activate_this)) # type: ignore # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/1577 os.environ["PATH"] = PATH from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.web import proxy, server, resource # Monkey-patch twisted.web.http to avoid request.finish exceptions # https://trac.zulip.net/ticket/1728 from twisted.web.http import Request orig_finish = Request.finish def patched_finish(self): # type: (Any) -> None if not self._disconnected: orig_finish(self) Request.finish = patched_finish if 'posix' in os.name and os.geteuid() == 0: raise RuntimeError("run-dev.py should not be run as root.") parser = optparse.OptionParser(r""" Starts the app listening on localhost, for local development. This script launches the Django and Tornado servers, then runs a reverse proxy which serves to both of them. After it's all up and running, browse to http://localhost:9991/ Note that, while runserver and runtornado have the usual auto-restarting behavior, the reverse proxy itself does *not* automatically restart on changes to this file. """) parser.add_option('--test', action='store_true', dest='test', help='Use the testing database and ports') parser.add_option('--interface', action='store', dest='interface', default='', help='Set the IP or hostname for the proxy to listen on') parser.add_option('--no-clear-memcached', action='store_false', dest='clear_memcached', default=True, help='Do not clear memcached') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() base_port = 9991 if options.test: base_port = 9981 settings_module = "zproject.test_settings" else: settings_module = "zproject.settings" manage_args = ['--settings=%s' % (settings_module,)] os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = settings_module sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) proxy_port = base_port django_port = base_port+1 tornado_port = base_port+2 webpack_port = base_port+3 os.chdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')) # Clean up stale .pyc files etc. subprocess.check_call('./tools/clean-repo') if options.clear_memcached: print("Clearing memcached ...") subprocess.check_call('./scripts/setup/flush-memcached') # Set up a new process group, so that we can later kill run{server,tornado} # and all of the processes they spawn. os.setpgrp() # Pass --nostatic because we configure static serving ourselves in # zulip/urls.py. cmds = [['./tools/compile-handlebars-templates', 'forever'], ['python', 'manage.py', 'rundjango'] + manage_args + ['' % (django_port,)], ['python', '-u', 'manage.py', 'runtornado'] + manage_args + ['' % (tornado_port,)], ['./tools/run-dev-queue-processors'] + manage_args, ['env', 'PGHOST=', # Force password authentication using .pgpass './puppet/zulip/files/postgresql/process_fts_updates']] if options.test: # Webpack doesn't support 2 copies running on the same system, so # in order to support running the Casper tests while a Zulip # development server is running, we use webpack in production mode # for the Casper tests. subprocess.check_call('./tools/webpack') else: cmds += [['./tools/webpack', '--watch', '--port', str(webpack_port)]] for cmd in cmds: subprocess.Popen(cmd) class Resource(resource.Resource): def getChild(self, name, request): # type: (str, server.Request) -> resource.Resource # Assume an HTTP 1.1 request proxy_host = request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders('Host') request.requestHeaders.setRawHeaders('X-Forwarded-Host', proxy_host) if (request.uri in ['/json/get_events'] or request.uri.startswith('/json/events') or request.uri.startswith('/api/v1/events') or request.uri.startswith('/sockjs')): return proxy.ReverseProxyResource('', tornado_port, '/'+name) elif (request.uri.startswith('/webpack') or request.uri.startswith('/socket.io')): return proxy.ReverseProxyResource('', webpack_port, '/'+name) return proxy.ReverseProxyResource('', django_port, '/'+name) try: reactor.listenTCP(proxy_port, server.Site(Resource()), interface=options.interface) reactor.run() except: # Print the traceback before we get SIGTERM and die. traceback.print_exc() raise finally: # Kill everything in our process group. os.killpg(0, signal.SIGTERM)