# Authentication in the development environment This page documents special notes that are useful for configuring Zulip's various authentication methods for testing in a development environment. ## Testing OAuth in development Among the many [authentication methods](../production/authentication-methods.md) we support, a server can be configured to allow users to sign in with their Google accounts or GitHub accounts, using the OAuth protocol. Because these authentication methods involve an interaction between Zulip, an external service, and the user's browser, and particularly because browsers can (rightly!) be picky about the identity of sites you interact with, the preferred way to set them up in a development environment is to set up the real Google and GitHub to process auth requests for your development environment. The steps to do this are a variation of the steps documented in `prod_settings_template.py`. The main differences here are driven by the fact that `dev_settings.py` is in Git, so it can be inconvenient to put secrets there. In development, we allow providing those values in the untracked file `zproject/dev-secrets.conf`, using the standard lower-case naming convention for that file. Here are the full procedures for dev: ### Google * Visit https://console.developers.google.com and navigate to "APIs & services" > "Credentials". Create a "Project" which will correspond to your dev environment. * Navigate to "APIs & services" > "Library", and find the "Identity Toolkit API". Choose "Enable". * Return to "Credentials", and select "Create credentials". Choose "OAuth client ID", and follow prompts to create a consent screen, etc. For "Authorized redirect URIs", fill in `http://zulipdev.com:9991/complete/google/` . * You should get a client ID and a client secret. Copy them. In `dev-secrets.conf`, set `social_auth_google_key` to the client ID and `social_auth_google_secret` to the client secret. ### GitHub * Register an OAuth2 application with GitHub at one of https://github.com/settings/developers or https://github.com/organizations/ORGNAME/settings/developers. Specify `http://zulipdev.com:9991/complete/github/` as the callback URL. * You should get a page with settings for your new application, showing a client ID and a client secret. In `dev-secrets.conf`, set `social_auth_github_key` to the client ID and `social_auth_github_secret` to the client secret. ### SAML * Register a SAML authentication with Okta at https://zulipchat-admin.okta.com/admin/apps/saml-wizard/create. Specify: * `http://localhost:9991/complete/saml/` for the "Single sign on URL"`. * `http://localhost:9991` for the "Audience URI (SP Entity ID)". * Skip "Default RelayState". * Skip "Name ID format". * Set 'Email` for "Application username format". * Provide "Attribute statements" of `email` to `user.email`, `first_name` to `user.firstName`, and `last_name` to `user.lastName`. * Assign at least one account to the in the "Assignments" tab. Uou'll be logging in using this email address in the development environment (so make sure that email has an account and can login to the target realm). * Visit the big "Setup instructions" button on the "Sign on" tab. * Edit `zproject/dev-secrets.conf` to add the two values provided: * Set `saml_url = http...` from "Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL". * Set `saml_entity_id = http://...` from "Identity Provider Issuer". * Download the certificate and put it at the path `zproject/dev_saml.cert`. * Now you should have working SAML authentication! ### When SSL is required Some OAuth providers (such as Facebook) require HTTPS on the callback URL they post back to, which isn't supported directly by the Zulip development environment. If you run a [remote Zulip development server](../development/remote.md), we have instructions for [an nginx reverse proxy with SSL](../development/remote.html#using-an-nginx-reverse-proxy) that you can use for your development efforts. ## Testing LDAP in development Before Zulip 2.0, one of the more common classes of bug reports with Zulip's authentication was users having trouble getting [LDAP authentication](../production/authentication-methods.html#ldap-including-active-directory) working. The root cause was because setting up a local LDAP server for development was difficult, which meant most developers were unable to work on fixing even simple issues with it. We solved this problem for our unit tests long ago by using the popular [fakeldap](https://github.com/zulip/fakeldap) library. And in 2018, we added convenient support for using fakeldap in the Zulip development environment as well, so that you can go through all the actual flows for LDAP configuration. - To enable fakeldap, set `FAKE_LDAP_MODE` in `zproject/dev_settings.py` to one of the following options. For more information on these modes, refer to [our production docs](../production/authentication-methods.html#ldap-including-active-directory): - `a`: If users' email addresses are in LDAP and used as username. - `b`: If LDAP only has usernames but email addresses are of the form username@example.com - `c`: If LDAP usernames are completely unrelated to email addresses. - To disable fakeldap, set `FAKE_LDAP_MODE` back to `None`. - In all fakeldap configurations, users' fake LDAP passwords are equal to their usernames (e.g. for `ldapuser1@zulip.com`, the password is `ldapuser1`). - `FAKE_LDAP_NUM_USERS` in `zproject/dev_settings.py` can be used to specify the number of LDAP users to be added. The default value for the number of LDAP users is 8. ### Testing avatar and custom profile field synchronization The fakeldap LDAP directories we use in the development environment are generated by the code in `zerver/lib/dev_ldap_directory.py`, and contain data one might want to sync, including avatars and custom profile fields. We also have configured `AUTH_LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP` in `zproject/dev_settings.py` to sync several of those fields. For example: * Modes `a` and `b` will set the user's avatar on account creation and update it when `manage.py sync_ldap_user_data` is run. * Mode `b` is configured to automatically have the `birthday` and `Phone number` custom profile fields populated/synced. * Mode `a` is configured to deactivate/reactivate users whose accounts are disabled in LDAP when `manage.py sync_ldap_user_data` is run. (Note that you'll likely need to edit `zerver/lib/dev_ldap_directory.py` to ensure there are some accounts configured to be disabled). ### Automated testing For our automated tests, we generally configure custom LDAP data for each individual test, because that generally means one can understand exactly what data is being used in the test without looking at other resources. It also gives us more freedom to edit the development environment directory without worrying about tests. ## Two Factor Authentication Zulip uses [django-two-factor-auth][0] as a beta 2FA integration. To enable 2FA, set `TWO_FACTOR_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED` in settings to `True`, then log into Zulip and add otp device from settings page. Once the device is added, password based authentication will ask for one-time-password. In the development environment., this one-time-password will be printed to the console when you try to login. Just copy-paste it into the form field to continue. Direct development logins don't prompt for 2FA one-time-passwords, so to test 2FA in development, make sure that you login using a password. You can get the passwords for the default test users using `./manage.py print_initial_password`. [0]: https://github.com/Bouke/django-two-factor-auth