var fenced_code = (function () { var exports = {}; // Parsing routine that can be dropped in to message parsing // and formats code blocks // // This supports arbitrarily nested code blocks as well as // auto-completing code blocks missing a trailing close. // See backend for associated regexp var fencestr = "^(~{3,}|`{3,})" + // Opening Fence "[ ]*" + // Spaces "(" + "\\{?\\.?" + "([a-zA-Z0-9_+-]*)" + // Language "\\}?" + ")$"; var fence_re = new RegExp(fencestr); // Default stashing function does nothing var stash_func = function (text) { return text; }; function wrap_code(code) { // Trim trailing \n until there's just one left // This mirrors how pygments handles code input code += '\n'; while (code.length > 2 && code.substr(code.length - 2) === '\n\n') { code = code.substring(0, code.length - 1); } return '
' + code + '
\n'; } function wrap_quote(text) { var paragraphs = text.split('\n\n'); var quoted_paragraphs = []; // Prefix each quoted paragraph with > at the // beginning of each line _.each(paragraphs, function (paragraph) { var lines = paragraph.split('\n'); quoted_paragraphs.push( _.reject(lines, function (line) { return line === ''; }), function (line) { return '> ' + line; }).join('\n')); }); return quoted_paragraphs.join('\n\n'); } exports.set_stash_func = function (stash_handler) { stash_func = stash_handler; }; exports.process_fenced_code = function (content) { var input = content.split('\n'); var output = []; var handler_stack = []; var consume_line; function handler_for_fence(output_lines, fence, lang) { // lang is ignored except for 'quote', as we // don't do syntax highlighting yet return (function () { var lines = []; if (lang === 'quote') { return { handle_line: function (line) { if (line === fence) { this.done(); } else { consume_line(lines, line); } }, done: function () { var text = wrap_quote(lines.join('\n')); output_lines.push(''); output_lines.push(text); output_lines.push(''); handler_stack.pop(); } }; } else { return { handle_line: function (line) { if (line === fence) { this.done(); } else { lines.push(line); } }, done: function () { var text = wrap_code(lines.join('\n')); // insert safe HTML that is passed through the parsing var placeholder = stash_func(text, true); output_lines.push(''); output_lines.push(placeholder); output_lines.push(''); handler_stack.pop(); } }; } }()); } function default_hander() { return { handle_line: function (line) { consume_line(output, line); }, done: function () { handler_stack.pop(); } }; } consume_line = function consume_line(output_lines, line) { var match = fence_re.exec(line); if (match) { var fence = match[1]; var lang = match[3]; var handler = handler_for_fence(output_lines, fence, lang); handler_stack.push(handler); } else { output_lines.push(line); } }; var current_handler = default_hander(); handler_stack.push(current_handler); _.each(input, function (line) { var handler = handler_stack[handler_stack.length - 1]; handler.handle_line(line); }); // Clean up all trailing blocks by letting them // insert closing fences while (handler_stack.length !== 0) { var handler = handler_stack[handler_stack.length - 1]; handler.done(); } if (output.length > 2 && output[output.length - 2] !== '') { output.push(''); } return output.join('\n'); }; return exports; }()); if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = fenced_code; }