{% extends "zephyr/base.html" %} {# The app itself. #} {# Includes some other templates as tabs. #} {% load compressed %} {% block page_params %} {# Insert parameters, which have been encoded with JSONEncoderForHTML. #} {% endblock %} {% block customhead %} {% compressed_css 'app' %} {% if full_handlebars %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% compressed_js 'app' %} {% if debug %} {% compressed_js 'app_debug' %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% include "zephyr/navbar.html" %}
{% include "zephyr/left-sidebar.html" %}
{% include "zephyr/home.html" %}
{% include "zephyr/subscriptions.html" %}
{% include "zephyr/settings.html" %}
{% if show_debug %}
{% include "zephyr/debug.html" %}
{% endif %}
{% include "zephyr/right-sidebar.html" %}
{% include "zephyr/keyboard_shortcuts.html" %} {% include "zephyr/markdown_help.html" %} {% include "zephyr/invite_user.html" %} {% include "zephyr/logout.html" %}
{% endblock %}